Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

A perfect example is how they’re reacting to the migrants DeSantis sent to the Vineyard. They’re clamoring for “investigations” into the governor’s transporting migrants! How in the world can they think that doesn’t make them look like hypocrites, given how they accept Biden’s encouraging illegals to come here and then transporting them throughout the country - and under cover of night.

It REALLY makes the Democrat Party look bad, everyone sees that total hypocrisy. It shows how irrational and lost in hatred that Democrats are that they whine incessantly about a problem they caused
Do you realize that scientists do not know if you have covid or any other type of flu? All of this was a scam. It is not the virus that is the killer. It's the vaxx.
I don't know if you remember, but I must have asked a hundred of the leftist vermin on this board, who just KNEW that covid was a slate wiper, to simply show me an image of the SARSCov2 virus. Nobody could do it and 99% of them just got violently angry at me for not believing in their covid religion.

You asked them what proof they had that it existed and they'd say, "Just look around you ! Of course you can see it everywhere! Look at the masks, the overflowing hospitals, the millions of dead bodies and all the refrigerator trucks parked outside of the morgues.

All of the images that the media drummed into their heads, NONE OF WHICH WERE FACTUAL, was all the proof they needed. My GOD, it was phenomenal to watch these idiots so completely brainwashed!

BTW, did you hear JoeBob Shitstain just said "The pandemic is over", so I guess we no longer need to mail in our votes, eh?
I don't know if you remember, but I must have asked a hundred of the leftist vermin on this board, who just KNEW that covid was a slate wiper, to simply show me an image of the SARSCov2 virus. Nobody could do it and 99% of them just got violently angry at me for not believing in their covid religion.

You asked them what proof they had that it existed and they'd say, "Just look around you ! Of course you can see it everywhere! Look at the masks, the overflowing hospitals, the millions of dead bodies and all the refrigerator trucks parked outside of the morgues.

All of the images that the media drummed into their heads, NONE OF WHICH WERE FACTUAL, was all the proof they needed. My GOD, it was phenomenal to watch these idiots so completely brainwashed!

BTW, did you hear JoeBob Shitstain just said "The pandemic is over", so I guess we no longer need to mail in our votes, eh?
He said the scamdemic is over but not the vaxx mandates. they aren't done attempting to kill us. Of course many will walk to the DRUGstore and line up to get the killer clotshot.
It REALLY makes the Democrat Party look bad, everyone sees that total hypocrisy. It shows how irrational and lost in hatred that Democrats are that they whine incessantly about a problem they caused
DeSantis was brilliant in exposing their hypocrisy. It makes it difficult for Dems to screech “you’re afraid of the brown people!” when the elitist liberals couldn’t get rid of them fast enough when they show up in their neighborhoods.
I don't know if you remember, but I must have asked a hundred of the leftist vermin on this board, who just KNEW that covid was a slate wiper, to simply show me an image of the SARSCov2 virus. Nobody could do it and 99% of them just got violently angry at me for not believing in their covid religion.

You asked them what proof they had that it existed and they'd say, "Just look around you ! Of course you can see it everywhere! Look at the masks, the overflowing hospitals, the millions of dead bodies and all the refrigerator trucks parked outside of the morgues.

All of the images that the media drummed into their heads, NONE OF WHICH WERE FACTUAL, was all the proof they needed. My GOD, it was phenomenal to watch these idiots so completely brainwashed!

BTW, did you hear JoeBob Shitstain just said "The pandemic is over", so I guess we no longer need to mail in our votes, eh?
That’s another catch-22 the Dems have created for themselves. They said the pandemic is over so they could wave in as many illegals as possible, but I bet they’re cry “COVID!!!!” in order to push through the mail-in ballot harvesting.
DeSantis was brilliant in exposing their hypocrisy. It makes it difficult for Dems to screech “you’re afraid of the brown people!” when the elitist liberals couldn’t get rid of them fast enough when they show up in their neighborhoods.

Democrats have been the party of racism for hundreds of years and they still are. That anyone believes they give a shit about "brown and black" people and they are a Democrat is deluded
Katie Hobbs, running for governor of Arizona against Kari Lake, Caused Arizona to have to pay the largest settlement in the history of the state when she paid an employee 'OF COLOR' 3o,000 less than a male counterpart in her office and when the lady complained, Hobbs fired her. The woman sued and won. That payout could have paid every state trooper in AZ 5000 extra in pay but instead it had to pay for HObb's racism. THIS is why Hobbs refuses to debate Lake. Because Lake is not afraid to hit her in the chops with it.
Democrats have been the party of racism for hundreds of years and they still are. That anyone believes they give a shit about "brown and black" people and they are a Democrat is deluded
Especially those brown and blacks that are Democrat voters and office holders.
Especially those brown and blacks that are Democrat voters and office holders.

and you love that don't you. Drag 'em around by the nose every fourth year and in between you tell them how bad the repunks are and you do nothing for them EVER. Now President Trump Did good things for blacks. Jobs, increased standard of living, hiring black women in his administration, in his business.
and you love that don't you. Drag 'em around by the nose every fourth year and in between you tell them how bad the repunks are and you do nothing for them EVER. Now President Trump Did good things for blacks. Jobs, increased standard of living, hiring black women in his administration, in his business.
Frankly I could care less what a jackass like Trump does or you, nor do I care about someone's color or sexual orientation, it doesn't matter to me what you do in your life because I am busy living my life.
DeSantis was brilliant in exposing their hypocrisy. It makes it difficult for Dems to screech “you’re afraid of the brown people!” when the elitist liberals couldn’t get rid of them fast enough when they show up in their neighborhoods.
Interesting how you are still too much of a coward to interact with us "leftists" on this board

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