Is this an "official duty"?

Hmmmm! A typical raunchy mouthed New Yorker is what I hear. If anything on the yacht was improper where were the parents and who else was on the guest list was there an investigation? Lets find those girls interview them and their parents .
I am all for some arrest happening if wrong doing happened to those girls.

We're getting the receipts, just a little late.

This is your candidate.

Are you ashamed yet?

I doubt it.

Well, what I saw and heard is a bunch of twisted ideas of what Trump was talking about and what he meant. Tons of hearsay and attempts at reading between the lines. Nothing said or done incriminates him of any crimes against minors. I would think YouTube would make them take this down because it is slander.
Look, no one is saying he was living most of his life as a moral person. Neither was King David for that matter. Heck, he wrote the Book of Psalms after he committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had her husband murdered. The thing is, he has not been charged with any crime with minors or women nor convicted either. Just a bunch of this and that with this narrator trying to link things together. He's got to have a lot more to do that. Even so, in this day, Biden has to go as well as all the Democrats because their morals are in the cesspool. Biden and all the Democrat politicians think it's okay for drag queens to go and talk dirty to 5 year olds. Or, commit mayhem on little girls and boys by chopping off their sex organs. So, stop trying to take the high road until you can get your head out of the gutter.
Hmmmm! A typical raunchy mouthed New Yorker is what I hear. If anything on the yacht was improper where were the parents and who else was on the guest list was there an investigation? Lets find those girls interview them and their parents .
I am all for some arrest happening if wrong doing happened to those girls.
Won't happen unless one of the girls is paid big bucks to lie like what's her name at the Kavanaugh hearings. Typical TDS...
And heeeeeere we go again!

Hmmmm! A typical raunchy mouthed New Yorker is what I hear. If anything on the yacht was improper where were the parents and who else was on the guest list was there an investigation? Lets find those girls interview them and their parents .
I am all for some arrest happening if wrong doing happened to those girls.

Any wrong doing would have been committed by Democrats.
Democrats are not currently subject to penalties from breaking US law.

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