Is Trump Right?

  • The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
    • Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
    • Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
    • Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
    • Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

  • DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails. Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies
The numbers of illegal alien crime are grossly underestimated. Many illegals' crimes are not known, as many illegals have false documentation, that makes them appear to be legal. Many are grown anchor babies of illegal alien parents, and still other thousands of illegals' crimes are not reported, due to the reluctance of illegals to talk to authorities. Then there is also the fact that crossing the border without authorizaiton, is itself a crime (US Code 8, Section 1325)

A lot of illegal immigrants dont report crimes for fear of being deported themselves.
So yes a large portion of illegals criminal activity goes unreported.
The word 'some' does not imply a minority nor a majority of them. One out of a million is some as is 99 out of a hundred. Both are 'some'.

In the context of first saying they are "rapists" and "drug pushers," then assuming that "some are good people" implies that most are hardened criminals and not good people. That's why so many Hispanics are outraged by this.

Among Anglo Americans there are criminals, there are rapists, there are murderers, but some are good people. <- a totally accurate statement. These bitches have their panties all in a wad because a white man expressed forbidden opinions about a minority ethnic group. Fuck the PC Nazis right up their glory holes.

It is a remarkably stupid thing to say.

It is an entirely accurate thing to say.

One can say they can oppose illegal immigration without coming across as a brain-dead bigot while offending the fastest growing voter demographic in the country.

Wow, good thing Trump didn't come across as brain dead, while JEb Bush, Marco Rubio and 'Mit the Bitch' Romney came across like corporate owned thralls in desperate search to kiss more PC Nazi ass.

Republicans can't win Presidential elections winning 20% of the Hispanic vote. Trump onstage at the debates could be a disaster. Fortunately, he won't be because he'll duck out soon.

Lol, according to you goons, Trump was NEVER GOING TO RUN!

Working to maintain consistency with your 100% error rate I see.
All the facts I have seen show that brown people commit crime at much higher rates then White people.

That's probably why the media ignores the facts on this issue

Why are most of your threads racist?

Ah yes,the standard response of liberals when confronted with the truth....RACISM!!

offending the fastest growing voter demographic in the country.
No shit, you are right about that one with the rate they cross the border illegally and your leftist, lying party fights against positive voter identification calling it "disenfranchising" illegal immigrants? It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Sadly enough, it is true.
offending the fastest growing voter demographic in the country.
No shit, you are right about that one with the rate they cross the border illegally and your leftist, lying party fights against positive voter identification calling it "disenfranchising" illegal immigrants? It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Sadly enough, it is true.

WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND that we use Mexican standards.... they are so JUSTIFIABLE!!!

offending the fastest growing voter demographic in the country.
No shit, you are right about that one with the rate they cross the border illegally and your leftist, lying party fights against positive voter identification calling it "disenfranchising" illegal immigrants? It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Sadly enough, it is true.

It really just another example of how brain dead libtards and RINOs really are.

They leave the fucking border wide open, so wide open that even the hampered Obama regime efforts to make it look like they are securing the border sets record arrests out of the past three decades.

This produces a huge growth in a criminal Hispanic underclass that the libtards then just generalize as 'hispanic' even including legal and loyal Hispanic Americans that want the border secure as much as any other patriot.

Then the libtards and RINOs squeal, 'Don't do anything about the border that might alienate the growing Hispanic population!'

Lol, we need to a lot more that will piss off the criminal Hispanic population than just talk about it.

We need to triple the border guards and give them shoot on sight to kill orders.

We need to take the arrested criminal aliens and put them in forced labor camps for 6 months to pay off the processing costs. Doing what? Who cares? Bust rocks for gravel, work quarries, pick up trash along the roads and on ranches and farms they have trespassed on, and then let them out early if they agree to testify against the people that have employed them.

Then take the list of people they narced on and observe and verify if said employers are using illegal labor, and if so seize the entire business and all personal property of the business owners under RICO statutes.

I am so sick of these bastards, while I would have been horrified at these suggestions twenty years ago, I would applaud these ideas today.
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The word 'some' does not imply a minority nor a majority of them. One out of a million is some as is 99 out of a hundred. Both are 'some'.

In the context of first saying they are "rapists" and "drug pushers," then assuming that "some are good people" implies that most are hardened criminals and not good people. That's why so many Hispanics are outraged by this.

Among Anglo Americans there are criminals, there are rapists, there are murderers, but some are good people. <- a totally accurate statement. These bitches have their panties all in a wad because a white man expressed forbidden opinions about a minority ethnic group. Fuck the PC Nazis right up their glory holes.

It is a remarkably stupid thing to say.

It is an entirely accurate thing to say.

One can say they can oppose illegal immigration without coming across as a brain-dead bigot while offending the fastest growing voter demographic in the country.

Wow, good thing Trump didn't come across as brain dead, while JEb Bush, Marco Rubio and 'Mit the Bitch' Romney came across like corporate owned thralls in desperate search to kiss more PC Nazi ass.

Republicans can't win Presidential elections winning 20% of the Hispanic vote. Trump onstage at the debates could be a disaster. Fortunately, he won't be because he'll duck out soon.

Lol, according to you goons, Trump was NEVER GOING TO RUN!

Working to maintain consistency with your 100% error rate I see.

Feel free to link where I said Trump wasn't going to run.

Latino Leaders To GOP: Dump Trump

This crazy shit just gets funnier and funnier.

They are scared shitless about what support he's gaining! Next segment is the BLiGhT crowd to put down!

Yes, but where is that support coming from? It's only coming from the NaziCon crazies. It sure as hell isn't the kind of support that could win the General Election. That why credible GOP candidates are scared shitless.

Without a doubt.
That's why Trump being in second place says far more about the state of Repub politics than it does about Trump.

I would have to say it's the state our country is in.
The midterms showed that.

The midterms mean nothing to a Presidential election. Winning a Repub district with Repub voters is not the same as winning entire states with the majority of all voters. That's where Trump screwed the pooch. No candidate can win by alienating Hispanics, independendts, or any sizeable demographic.
pick up the trash along the road and in the ranches and farms they have trespassed on.
The word 'some' does not imply a minority nor a majority of them. One out of a million is some as is 99 out of a hundred. Both are 'some'.

In the context of first saying they are "rapists" and "drug pushers," then assuming that "some are good people" implies that most are hardened criminals and not good people. That's why so many Hispanics are outraged by this.

Among Anglo Americans there are criminals, there are rapists, there are murderers, but some are good people. <- a totally accurate statement. These bitches have their panties all in a wad because a white man expressed forbidden opinions about a minority ethnic group. Fuck the PC Nazis right up their glory holes.

It is a remarkably stupid thing to say.

It is an entirely accurate thing to say.

One can say they can oppose illegal immigration without coming across as a brain-dead bigot while offending the fastest growing voter demographic in the country.

Wow, good thing Trump didn't come across as brain dead, while JEb Bush, Marco Rubio and 'Mit the Bitch' Romney came across like corporate owned thralls in desperate search to kiss more PC Nazi ass.

Republicans can't win Presidential elections winning 20% of the Hispanic vote. Trump onstage at the debates could be a disaster. Fortunately, he won't be because he'll duck out soon.

Lol, according to you goons, Trump was NEVER GOING TO RUN!

Working to maintain consistency with your 100% error rate I see.

Feel free to link where I said Trump wasn't going to run.


Feel free to actually respond to what the fuck I stated, 'YOU GOONS', not you specifically, but the people you get your talking points and reflexive knee jerk reactions.

Latino Leaders To GOP: Dump Trump

This crazy shit just gets funnier and funnier.

They are scared shitless about what support he's gaining! Next segment is the BLiGhT crowd to put down!

Yes, but where is that support coming from? It's only coming from the NaziCon crazies. It sure as hell isn't the kind of support that could win the General Election. That why credible GOP candidates are scared shitless.

Without a doubt.
That's why Trump being in second place says far more about the state of Repub politics than it does about Trump.

I would have to say it's the state our country is in.
The midterms showed that.

The midterms mean nothing to a Presidential election. Winning a Repub district with Repub voters is not the same as winning entire states with the majority of all voters. That's where Trump screwed the pooch. No candidate can win by alienating Hispanics, independendts, or any sizeable demographic.

The Left, the mind dead RINO'S and the Socialist lap dog media know ONLY how to spread propaganda and NOT the truth. No matter how many times we mention ILLEGAL Mexican's these scumbags will continue to make it sound like ALL MEXICANS, instead of just illegals. The Hispanic AMERICANS who waited patiently, and paid the thousands of dollars in fees to come her CORRECTLY and spent almost another decade and more money to become TRUE AMERICANS of Mexican descent HATE the illegals for what they have done, and the stigma THOSE ILLEGALS place on truly good people, the DemocRAT liberals believe WE THE PEOPLE are stupid and don't understand this! That is why liberals.....

They are scared shitless about what support he's gaining! Next segment is the BLiGhT crowd to put down!

Yes, but where is that support coming from? It's only coming from the NaziCon crazies. It sure as hell isn't the kind of support that could win the General Election. That why credible GOP candidates are scared shitless.

Without a doubt.
That's why Trump being in second place says far more about the state of Repub politics than it does about Trump.

I would have to say it's the state our country is in.
The midterms showed that.

The midterms mean nothing to a Presidential election. Winning a Repub district with Repub voters is not the same as winning entire states with the majority of all voters. That's where Trump screwed the pooch. No candidate can win by alienating Hispanics, independendts, or any sizeable demographic.

The Left, the mind dead RINO'S and the Socialist lap dog media know ONLY how to spread propaganda and NOT the truth. No matter how many times we mention ILLEGAL Mexican's these scumbags will continue to make it sound like ALL MEXICANS, instead of just illegals. The Hispanic AMERICANS who waited patiently, and paid the thousands of dollars in fees to come her CORRECTLY and spent almost another decade and more money to become TRUE AMERICANS of Mexican descent HATE the illegals for what they have done, and the stigma THOSE ILLEGALS place on truly good people, the DemocRAT liberals believe WE THE PEOPLE are stupid and don't understand this! That is why liberals.....


Yes Univision dumped Trump because they secretly agree with him. It's exactly that thinking that will allow Dems to win yet again.
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So you're just fine with dems flooding our country illegally so you can win elections?
Thats good info for future actions.....

I think that statement requires some evidence to be credible.

From the same link.

" That deficit could again prove significant in 2016, when the pollsters estimate that the Hispanic vote will approach 12.5 million. In 2012, exit polls suggested 71 percent of Hispanic voters broke for President Obama."

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