Is Trump Right?

Money talks. Capitalism will end Trump's presidential ambitions.

Do you have any idea how much money was spent in the 2012 Presidential election on BOTH sides?

All candidates spent about $3 billion, and the Super PACs spent another almost $2 billion.

7 billion spent on 2012 campaign FEC says - Tarini Parti -

Trump could spend all that by himself and still have more money left over than any of use could blow on coke, whores and booze the rest of our lives.

Again, you show that you don't know what you are talking about dude.
The Trump brand has turned to shit.

The Squaws lunch!:ahole-1:
Trump is fucking up the GOP so badly that he should be on the DNC payroll.
I'm half Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently. I know dozens of Hispanics, and I can't think of a single one who is OK with illegal aliens streaming into the country. The Hispanics I know are probably typical, and they are probably among Trump's biggest supporters.
Merely your anecdotal opinion.

Which is merely your unsupported ignoramus opinion, like always.

The word 'some' does not imply a minority nor a majority of them. One out of a million is some as is 99 out of a hundred. Both are 'some'.

In the context of first saying they are "rapists" and "drug pushers," then assuming that "some are good people" implies that most are hardened criminals and not good people. That's why so many Hispanics are outraged by this.

It is a remarkably stupid thing to say. One can say they can oppose illegal immigration without coming across as a brain-dead bigot while offending the fastest growing voter demographic in the country.

Republicans can't win Presidential elections winning 20% of the Hispanic vote. Trump onstage at the debates could be a disaster. Fortunately, he won't be because he'll duck out soon.
Trump made the mistake of thinking it was ok to alienate nearly one fifth of our population and in doing so made himself look like an idiot.

But in doing so shined a spotlight on a heinous crime committed by a previously deported illegal alien in a sanctuary city.
One man speaks the truth and the roaches run screaming. Trump may as well have had a can of Raid in his hands.
All the facts I have seen show that brown people commit crime at much higher rates then White people.

That's probably why the media ignores the facts on this issue

Why are most of your threads racist?

Ah yes,the standard response of liberals when confronted with the truth....RACISM!!

Well, when whites commit rape 100% more than other groups, your motives are suspect when you continually point to rapes committed by brown folks.
All the facts I have seen show that brown people commit crime at much higher rates then White people.

That's probably why the media ignores the facts on this issue

Why are most of your threads racist?

Ah yes,the standard response of liberals when confronted with the truth....RACISM!!

Well, when whites commit rape 100% more than other groups, your motives are suspect when you continually point to rapes committed by brown folks.

Here ya go...and from your favorite source.
So who exactly is raping these women? Are the gringos lining up at the border for a little taco action? I dont think so...
80 Of Central American Women Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.
All the facts I have seen show that brown people commit crime at much higher rates then White people.

That's probably why the media ignores the facts on this issue

Why are most of your threads racist?

Ah yes,the standard response of liberals when confronted with the truth....RACISM!!

Well, when whites commit rape 100% more than other groups, your motives are suspect when you continually point to rapes committed by brown folks.

Here ya go...and from your favorite source.
So who exactly is raping these women? Are the gringos lining up at the border for a little taco action? I dont think so...
80 Of Central American Women Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

Raped on their journey. Before they get here, right? No doubt they are exploited but it's not the same thing as Trump pointed to.
Latino Leaders To GOP: Dump Trump

This crazy shit just gets funnier and funnier.

They are scared shitless about what support he's gaining! Next segment is the BLiGhT crowd to put down!

Yes, but where is that support coming from? It's only coming from the NaziCon crazies. It sure as hell isn't the kind of support that could win the General Election. That why credible GOP candidates are scared shitless.

Without a doubt.
That's why Trump being in second place says far more about the state of Repub politics than it does about Trump.

I would have to say it's the state our country is in.
The midterms showed that.
All the facts I have seen show that brown people commit crime at much higher rates then White people.

That's probably why the media ignores the facts on this issue

Why are most of your threads racist?

Ah yes,the standard response of liberals when confronted with the truth....RACISM!!

Well, when whites commit rape 100% more than other groups, your motives are suspect when you continually point to rapes committed by brown folks.

Here ya go...and from your favorite source.
So who exactly is raping these women? Are the gringos lining up at the border for a little taco action? I dont think so...
80 Of Central American Women Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

Raped on their journey. Before they get here, right? No doubt they are exploited but it's not the same thing as Trump pointed to.

Raped by who?

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