ISIS inside Baghdad, will Obama ramp it up?

Let them fight it out an solve their own problems. We don't belong meddling over there. We've done enough damage. We made ISIS possible. But our time is up over there. Time to come home.
Let the fucking Iraqis 'ramp it up'.
Obama broke it. Let Democrats fight ISIS.

Obama didn't break anything. We spent billions on the Iraqi army, now they won't fight.
Obama has been Commander in Chief for almost 6 years. He wanted the job. Obama broke Iraq. Time to grow up and accept responsibility.

I don't take advice from retards. Iraq is no longer any of our business, and really, never was.
You don't accept responsibility for your vote.
Isn't it ironic that the Iraqi army that now can't face down a few thousand ISIS soldiers is in effect the same army that Bush and co. tried to convince us was going to make Saddam Hussein the next Hitler?
Obama wanted the job. It consists of more than golf and fund raising.
Isn't it ironic that the Iraqi army that now can't face down a few thousand ISIS soldiers is in effect the same army that Bush and co. tried to convince us was going to make Saddam Hussein the next Hitler?

Let the fucking Iraqis 'ramp it up'.
Obama broke it. Let Democrats fight ISIS.

Obama didn't break anything. We spent billions on the Iraqi army, now they won't fight.
Obama has been Commander in Chief for almost 6 years. He wanted the job. Obama broke Iraq. Time to grow up and accept responsibility.

I don't take advice from retards. Iraq is no longer any of our business, and really, never was.
If the Iraq Military can't handle a small ragtag gang of Terrorist nutters, than so be it. They will have to fall. They have the most advanced weapons money can buy. We've poured $Billions in Tax Dollars into their Military. So it's up to them now. We need to get the hell out of there.
Are the Iraqis ever going to do anything?
According to Obama we have a couple years to get the locals ready for the fight.

I think his calculations were off by a couple years.
Throughout this entire campaign, ISIS has behaved as a terrorist group with little interest in consolidating their gains. In Mosul with a population of over 600,000, there's only a handful of ISIS fighters. There has been no change in the local government. Although life is hard due to the lack of electricity and being cutoff from the rest of the nation, ISIS has not established itself as a governing body.

The number of ISIS fighters has grown little since their campaign began although the number of sympathizers has increase by tens of thousands. It seems to me that ISIS has little chance of controlling the country and even less chance of actually forming a government.

If the fighting around Baghdad, can't be handled by the army, Obama will certainly send in troops to protect Americans.
^ where do you get your news?
Let the fucking Iraqis 'ramp it up'.
Obama broke it. Let Democrats fight ISIS.

Obama didn't break anything. We spent billions on the Iraqi army, now they won't fight.
14 BILLIONS to be exact. The hacktard Ibentoken has apparently taken the Heritage Action brown acid & refuses to acknowledge that fact.
LOL. I love it when a Looney lefty let's me know I'm in their head.
If the Iraq Military can't handle a small ragtag gang of Terrorist nutters, than so be it. They will have to fall. They have the most advanced weapons money can buy. We've poured $Billions in Tax Dollars into their Military. So it's up to them now. We need to get the hell out of there.

"Ragtag gang of terrorist"....Jesus Christ. :cuckoo:
It is can hide intelligence, but you can't hide stupidity.
a rw hacktard whose posts usually consist of two sentences, at most, in my head lol. You HAVE taken the Heritage Action/Fox brown acid :rofl:

whatever happened to the Repub battle cry "Stop spending!!!"?
One thing you have to give the Libertarian element. They are not afraid to unequivocally state what they want Obama or the US to do or not do.

Alleged right wingers, on the other hand, would rather rip off their own jawbone than state what they would like Obama or the US to do about ISIS or the Middle East or Iran or any other foreign policy matter. They will do flips and twists to avoid doing so.

Any jackass can criticize what the other guy is doing. It takes balls to offer up a plan, and these pessimistic whiny bitches are sorely lacking.
Fuck you. I have firmly stated on MANY occasions on this forum what we should be/should have done.

Bombing Toyotas & vacant buildings was not part of my idea.

I gave my support to Obama from day one when he announced his decision. If he wants to keep that support he needs to make good on his plan. You know, decimate & destroy ISIS. FOURTEEN bombs a day is a god damn joke.
Actually the strategy is degrade and destroy. It is how we fight wars today, especially Iraq. Bush 41 and 43 both used the strategy until 43 veered off the page and decided to create an occupation force. Degrade comes before destroy. Destroying will take ground troops. At the present time the composition and abilities of those ground troops are unknown and various groups are being trained and equipped. The first part of the strategy, the degrade part is going slow because an abundance of caution to prevent losses and collateral damage are being taken. It's a good thing unless you prefer dead and beheaded airmen and civilian casualties. Whatever ground forces are used will be grateful for the degradation part of the strategy.
It should be a massacre. ISIS doesn't have advanced weapon capabilities. They don't have an Airforce. The Iraq Military should have no problem wiping ISIS out. It's their show now. We need to withdraw from Iraq and the entire Middle East. Our time of constant meddling over there needs to pass.
a rw hacktard whose posts usually consist of two sentences, at most, in my head lol. You HAVE taken the Heritage Action/Fox brown acid :rofl:

whatever happened to the Repub battle cry "Stop spending!!!"?
You're the poster who keeps mentioning me in your posts. Yeah, I'm in your head. Carry on.
ISIS has the manpower & money to be a HUGE problem for the entire world.

Plan A. Sit idly by as that power grows exponentially and requires hundreds of thousands of troops from multiple nations to deal with.

Plan B. Pretend Hitler never existed & that lesson was never learned.

Plan C. Piss them off even more by droping bombs on trucks which essentially does nothing but make the next truck in line have a slight detour.

Plan D. If you're gonna bomb them, FUCKING BOMB THEM. Decimate them. Level the fucking desert every time they try to traverse it. Weaken them so badly that the cowardly locals can finish them off.

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