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Isis' Theology of Rape

and IROSIE makes a good point , islam had a caliphate and were warriors , had an empire and all gone in about 1913 or thereabouts . Don't know about the women but the men / males want that caliphate back . The yearning for greatness is normal , these jihadis want to be what their ancestors were and want what hey had . Same YEARNING in the future for the USA as younger people , males mostly yearn for the old greatness that the USA 'WAS' . Just my opinion .

well----more like that which muslim children are TOLD was the
GLORY OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRES-------if you imagine that pictures of happy Indians dancing with joy as the MAYFLOWER landed are a bit much-------)))YOU AIN'T HEARD NUTHIN' till you hear the
Islamic version of the glorious spread of the glorious Islamic empire and the GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST((((*
I hear it from mrobama and just recently read praise of 'islamic' civilization from ' carly fiorinas ' own hand . I already posted her speech on a different thread . Anyway , for 'islamic' warriors , fighters , murderers , rapist the 'caliphate' sounds like a good time party except for the lack of beer IRosie .
I hear it from mrobama and just recently read praise of 'islamic' civilization from ' carly fiorinas ' own hand . I already posted her speech on a different thread . Anyway , for 'islamic' warriors , fighters , murderers , rapist the 'caliphate' sounds like a good time party except for the lack of beer IRosie .

fret not------in the old days of ISLAMIC GLORY------shariah was
meticulously observed. In old Baghdad----in accordance with shariah law-------the only people who could legally ferment-------
uhm ------do rotten grapes---------uhm.....were the already defiled----
Christians and Joooos. It works fine-------da joooos can make it----
a few bottles could slip from their possession during some market place interaction----------and da mooooslems could drink it------whilst no one is looking. My hubby who was born in shariah shit hole said----"we didn't tell them what to do with it after they bought it"
can oh sure , do what you get away with . Or just make a 'fatwa' . Latest I heard is that there is a 'FATWAH' allowing use of 'halucinogenic ' drugs if you got an ugly wife .
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rome invaded Britain. Rome was a REICH ----specifically ---the
"HOLY ROMAN" The holy roman reich----spread Christianity in the same manner that the muslims spread islam

The only problem is that when Rome invaded and held Britain, they were a pagan nation. By the time Rome adopted Christianity, the Romans had been long driven from power. The thing is, that people who had contact with Rome wanted to keep ties,, Rome was civilized and brought much good to trading partners.

Ethelbert, King of the Saxons converted in 597 IN ROME, where he had gone to work out trade agreements.

Christianity in fact did NOT spread by the Sword in Europe. In fact the peaceful conversion of Europe is viewed as the reason that Catholicism became a pagan religion. Germans worshiped Woden and Jesus at the same time.

It was the invasion by the Muzzie Beasts and the repulsion of them by Charles Martel at Tours that brought about a militancy to European Christendom. Yes, Charlemagne used force conversion, but this was an outgrowth of a land under siege by Muzzie Beasts. Had the Muslims not invaded, Christianity likely would have been a very different religion.
How did France, Italy, and Spain become Christian or do you believe that no one lived their prior to Christians? Perhaps you should pick up a history book.

Gee, how DID Italy, the FUCKING ROMAN EMPIRE, get converted by those dirty ROMANS??

What a fucking mystery.

Let me guess, they were good Muslims before Constantine - the ROMAN EMPEROR - invaded Rome and subjugated the peaceful Muslim Romans, right?

Sorry, you have zero credibility.
rome invaded Britain. Rome was a REICH ----specifically ---the
"HOLY ROMAN" The holy roman reich----spread Christianity in the same manner that the muslims spread islam

The only problem is that when Rome invaded and held Britain, they were a pagan nation. By the time Rome adopted Christianity, the Romans had been long driven from power. The thing is, that people who had contact with Rome wanted to keep ties,, Rome was civilized and brought much good to trading partners.

Ethelbert, King of the Saxons converted in 597 IN ROME, where he had gone to work out trade agreements.

Christianity in fact did NOT spread by the Sword in Europe. In fact the peaceful conversion of Europe is viewed as the reason that Catholicism became a pagan religion. Germans worshiped Woden and Jesus at the same time.

It was the invasion by the Muzzie Beasts and the repulsion of them by Charles Martel at Tours that brought about a militancy to European Christendom. Yes, Charlemagne used force conversion, but this was an outgrowth of a land under siege by Muzzie Beasts. Had the Muslims not invaded, Christianity likely would have been a very different religion.

reasonable----but not quite------conversion for CONVENIENCE ----ie because it confers an ADVANTAGE is not exactly conversion by
DIVINE INSPIRATION -----it is on the border of coerced conversion

PS----there was also plenty of coercion. Talk to my Turkish relatives-------Spanish speaking turks----they left lots of their lives and families to Christianity in 1492------in order to survive the Inquisition there. ------ok -----they are no longer in Turkey----they migrated to Israel in the 1930s---but they still speak spanish
reasonable----but not quite------conversion for CONVENIENCE ----ie because it confers an ADVANTAGE is not exactly conversion by
DIVINE INSPIRATION -----it is on the border of coerced conversion

Utter nonsense. History teaches that the Celts drove the Romans from the British Isles around 150 AD - though in reality the Celts simply assumed power, and were addicted to Roman technology, so didn't want them going anywhere.

Still, it was over 400 years later that the Brits converted, so claims of coercion are total crap.

PS----there was also plenty of coercion. Talk to my Turkish relatives-------Spanish speaking turks----they left lots of their lives and families to Christianity in 1492------in order to survive the Inquisition there. ------ok -----they are no longer in Turkey----they migrated to Israel in the 1930s---but they still speak spanish

Again, the equation changed in the 8th century with the resistance to the Muzzie Beasts. Christianity militarized in response to the invading Turks, Moores, and other Muslim raiders.
reasonable----but not quite------conversion for CONVENIENCE ----ie because it confers an ADVANTAGE is not exactly conversion by
DIVINE INSPIRATION -----it is on the border of coerced conversion

Utter nonsense. History teaches that the Celts drove the Romans from the British Isles around 150 AD - though in reality the Celts simply assumed power, and were addicted to Roman technology, so didn't want them going anywhere.

Still, it was over 400 years later that the Brits converted, so claims of coercion are total crap.

PS----there was also plenty of coercion. Talk to my Turkish relatives-------Spanish speaking turks----they left lots of their lives and families to Christianity in 1492------in order to survive the Inquisition there. ------ok -----they are no longer in Turkey----they migrated to Israel in the 1930s---but they still speak spanish

Again, the equation changed in the 8th century with the resistance to the Muzzie Beasts. Christianity militarized in response to the invading Turks, Moores, and other Muslim raiders.

OH!!! Constantine did not exert coercion? I got news for you----try reading the JUSTINIAN CODE (which is---simply the laws elaborated by your man CONSTANTINE-----emperor of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE circa 300 AD) Being a Christian in the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----was the only way to go -------to escape
extreme oppression
PS-------the emperor of the third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ------to wit
ADOLF HITLER ------used the laws of CONSTANTINE----(aka Justinian code aka canon law) as his model for the NUREMBURG LAWS----but before that muhummad modeled the laws of DHIMMIA on the genius of the first emperor of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE--CONSTANTINE---too ----- try to cope with reality
OH!!! Constantine did not exert coercion? I got news for you----try reading the JUSTINIAN CODE (which is---simply the laws elaborated by your man CONSTANTINE-----emperor of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE circa 300 AD) Being a Christian in the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----was the only way to go -------to escape
extreme oppression

Constantine was a dictator. He changed the religion of Rome. His subjects were required to follow his lead.

BUT, can you show the pagans thrown to the lions? Of course not. You may hate Christians, but history is not dictated by your likes or dislikes.
OH!!! Constantine did not exert coercion? I got news for you----try reading the JUSTINIAN CODE (which is---simply the laws elaborated by your man CONSTANTINE-----emperor of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE circa 300 AD) Being a Christian in the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----was the only way to go -------to escape
extreme oppression

Constantine was a dictator. He changed the religion of Rome. His subjects were required to follow his lead.

BUT, can you show the pagans thrown to the lions? Of course not. You may hate Christians, but history is not dictated by your likes or dislikes.

I do not hate Christians------I grew up with Christians----I just happen to know the history of Nazism---it was invented by the first emperor of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ----Constantine------who---btw elaborated CANON LAW-----the law of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-----
I do have a problem------as a child and young adult I READ lots. ----quite randomly. I never had any formal "religious education"---other than a few sundays in Lutheran sunday school. I learned nothing in Sunday school-----I colored pictures of cartoons of jesus holding a lamb. My arguement with Constantine is not Christianity of today-----it is his descendants ideological heirs------- ADOLF HITLER and -----MUHUMMAD. Do you know who invented the idea that jews must be MARKED by yellow insignia? --------well---you guessed---
your man CONSTANTINE ------did you know that jews living under the filth of
Islamic oppression are ALSO marked with yellow insignia? Do you know
what the ONLY way to escape this sort of filth was for more than 1000 years---
well----CONVERT. ------all non Christians were oppressed in Constantine
mediated societies -------and all non muslims oppressed in the lands mediated by SON OF CONSTANTINE------muhummad. Long ago when I was a kid in a very Christian town---CONSTANTINE was presented as a SAINT in my history class--------I bought into that idiotic idea
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PS----I do appreciate that the current pope had the decency to apologize to south America for the filth wrecked upon the continent by the catholic church
OH!!! Constantine did not exert coercion? I got news for you----try reading the JUSTINIAN CODE (which is---simply the laws elaborated by your man CONSTANTINE-----emperor of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE circa 300 AD) Being a Christian in the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----was the only way to go -------to escape
extreme oppression

Constantine was a dictator. He changed the religion of Rome. His subjects were required to follow his lead.

BUT, can you show the pagans thrown to the lions? Of course not. You may hate Christians, but history is not dictated by your likes or dislikes.

what does "pagans thrown to lions" have to do with anything?------the laws of Constantine are the basis for the INQUISITION-----people were not thrown to lions-----they were thrown into giant bon fires-----it's cheaper-------remember the AUTO DE FE?-----same carnage and same set of sluts moaning in orgiastic pleasure.
PS-------the emperor of the third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ------to wit
ADOLF HITLER ------used the laws of CONSTANTINE----(aka Justinian code aka canon law) as his model for the NUREMBURG LAWS----but before that muhummad modeled the laws of DHIMMIA on the genius of the first emperor of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE--CONSTANTINE---too ----- try to cope with reality

So, you just make this stuff up then?

The Corpus Juris Civilis came about hundreds of years after the death of Constantine.

Muhammad was illiterate and relied on Jewish scholars to create the Koran. The Muslims and Jews of Medina had little to no contact with the Byzantines, thus the idea that aspects of Sharia are based on Justinian are absurd. The Byzantines didn't adopt the codes of Justinian until the 7th century, well after Muhammad started his empire.
How did France, Italy, and Spain become Christian or do you believe that no one lived their prior to Christians? Perhaps you should pick up a history book.

Gee, how DID Italy, the FUCKING ROMAN EMPIRE, get converted by those dirty ROMANS??

What a fucking mystery.

Let me guess, they were good Muslims before Constantine - the ROMAN EMPEROR - invaded Rome and subjugated the peaceful Muslim Romans, right?

Sorry, you have zero credibility.

If you can not answer a simple question, just say so - no need for all this blather which makes you sound ignorant.

Who was there before the Christians?
If you can not answer a simple question, just say so - no need for all this blather which makes you sound ignorant.

Who was there before the Christians?

Your "question" is mentally retarded.

Look, the enemy of America is the leftists friend, i get it. But the level of stupidity you are stooping to in order to promote your Islamist allies is worthy only of contempt.

If you want to engage in something rational, then do so. If you want to play mentally retarded Jihadist, then mocking is all you deserve.
Druids , pagans , yada , yada . Then the Romans invaded Britain but they didn't invade for religious reason although the brought their own religion with them . Maybe the people that know can comment . ------------ Anyway , muslims invade to spread islam as far as I know and they been doing that since islam was invented in around 700 ad Coyote .
If you can not answer a simple question, just say so - no need for all this blather which makes you sound ignorant.

Who was there before the Christians?

Your "question" is mentally retarded.

Look, the enemy of America is the leftists friend, i get it. But the level of stupidity you are stooping to in order to promote your Islamist allies is worthy only of contempt.

If you want to engage in something rational, then do so. If you want to play mentally retarded Jihadist, then mocking is all you deserve.

You are not making any sense.

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