Islam forbids

Mohammad brought shame on the people who have given him charity by becoming a criminal a pirate of the desert all bets are off once you cross the line of civility.
My opinions meet all of these criteria. Nothing else matters.

Concerning "known history," do explain this and how it would be permissible under your particularly violent interpretation of Islam:

"Constitution" of Medina (Dustur al-Madinah)

If you have an actual response, post it here.
The post reveals the facts , I had addressed that document before the post.
Mohammad brought shame on the people who have given him charity by becoming a criminal a pirate of the desert all bets are off once you cross the line of civility.

By raiding the caravans of the very people who had forced his followers out of their homes and into abject poverty? Yeah, how horrible and aggressive. :lol:
Mohammad brought shame on the people who have given him charity by becoming a criminal a pirate of the desert all bets are off once you cross the line of civility.

By raiding the caravans of the very people who had forced his followers out of their homes and into abject poverty? Yeah, how horrible and aggressive. :lol:
You can try to justify the banditry anyway you wish.He left because he revealed he was a fraud who had harangued the people of mecca for a decade, then reversed himself with the "satanic verses."
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Mohammad brought shame on the people who have given him charity by becoming a criminal a pirate of the desert all bets are off once you cross the line of civility.

By raiding the caravans of the very people who had forced his followers out of their homes and into abject poverty? Yeah, how horrible and aggressive. :lol:
You can try to justify the banditry anyway you wish.

You can express your faux outrage over it as much as you'd like. :lol:

No rationally minded person would blame someone for doing what Muhammad did. After the Quraysh had taken the homes and possessions of Muslims simply for being Islamic, Muhammad and his followers responded properly by attacking their oppressors in order to make a living.
By raiding the caravans of the very people who had forced his followers out of their homes and into abject poverty? Yeah, how horrible and aggressive. :lol:
You can try to justify the banditry anyway you wish.

You can express your faux outrage over it as much as you'd like. :lol:

No rationally minded person would blame someone for doing what Muhammad did. After the Quraysh had taken the homes and possessions of Muslims simply for being Islamic, Muhammad and his followers responded properly by attacking their oppressors in order to make a living.
5:33. The recompense of those who wage war against Allâh and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.

8:12. (Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."

Tabari IX:69 "Killing disbelievers is a small matter to us."
Ishaq:489 "Do the bastards think that we are not their equal in fighting? We are men who think that there is no shame in killing."
Ishaq:369 ‘By Allah, had Muhammad ordered me to murder you, my brother, I would have cut off your head.'

Tabari VII:81 "‘What do you think Khattab?' Muhammad asked. ‘I say you should hand them over to me so that I can cut off their heads. Thus Allah will know that there is no leniency in our hearts toward the unbelievers.'

Bukhari:V1B1N6 "Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country." Innocent blood still dripping from his hands, Mas'ud proclaimed for all the world to hear: "Muhammad ordered me to murder."

Tabari VII:101 "They asked the Prophet for permission to kill Sallam. He granted it."

Tabari VII:99 "When they got to Khaybar they went to Sallam's house by night, having locked every door in the settlement on the inhabitants. He was in an upper chamber. His wife came out and asked who we were. We told her that we were Arabs in search of supplies. She told us that her husband was in bed. We entered and bolted his door. His wife shrieked and warned him of us, so we ran at him with our swords as he lay on his bed. When we had smitten him Abdallah bore down his sword into his belly until it went right through him. ‘By the God of the Jews, he is dead!' Never have I heard sweeter words than those. We returned to Allah's Apostle and told him that we had killed his enemy. We disputed before him as to who had killed him, each of us laying claim to the deed. Muhammad demanded to see our swords and when he looked at them he said, ‘It is the sword of Abdallah that killed him; I can see traces of food on it.'"

Yeah real rational that Islam, thanks for the justification on killing innocent people.
He left because he revealed he was a fraud who had harangued the people of mecca for a decade, then reversed himself with the "satanic verses."

Not even your scholars are on board with that nonsense. :lol:

From M. M. Ali's commentary:

Verses 19 –21 are made the basis of the false story of what is called the “Lapse of Muhammad” or “Compromise with idolatry” by Christian writers. Certain reports narrated by Wåqidi and Tabari are the sole authority for this charge against that incessant preacher against idolatry, every incident of whose life condemns it as a bare falsehood. Muir asserts that “Pious Muhammadans of after-days, scandalized at the lapse of their Prophet into so flagrant a concession, would reject the whole story,” as if the earlier Muslims were not as pious as the latter. The fact is that the story was quite unknown to the earlier Muslims. There is not a single trustworthy hadith that lends support to this story. Muhammad ibn Ishåq, who died as early as 151 A.H., does not mention the incident, while Muir’s earliest authority, Wåqidi, was born more than forty years later. It is stated in the Bahrain that when questioned about it, Ibn Ishåq called it a fabrication of the zindeeqs. And the famous Bukhåri, the most trustworthy authority on the sayings of the Holy Prophet, was Wåqidi’s contemporary, and his collection of sayings contains no mention of the story. As regards Wåqidi, all competent authorities entertain a very low opinion of his trustworthiness. The Mizån al-I‘tidål, a critical work on the lives and characters of the reporters of Hadith, speaks of Wåqidi as unreliable and even as a fabricator of reports. As regards Tabari, Muir himself represents him as guilty of “indiscriminate reception”. As against these two unreliable authorities, “those who reject this story are highly learned men” (Ruh al-Ma‘åni). The six collections of reports known as the Sihåh Sittah (or the Six Reliable Works) do not mention it at all, and contain instead a report which essentially contradicts the story of the so-called compromise. Internal evidence, too, is wholly against the story. We are told that instead of v. 21 the Prophet read the words: Tilk al-gharåniq al-‘ulå wa inna shafå‘ata-hunna la-turtajå, i.e., “These are exalted females whose intercession is to be sought”. But the insertion of these few words in a chapter which is wholly directed against idolatry is quite out of place: v. 23 condemns idols; v. 26 denies their intercession; v. 28 condemns the giving of names of female deities to angels, and so on. It is further asserted that 22:52 was revealed in connection with this change, but it should be noted that a period of at least eight years must have elapsed between the revelation of this verse and that of 22:52. Moreover, if the Prophet had made any such compromise, it could not have been a sudden event, and traces of it would have been met with in other chapters revealed about the same time. But a perusal of these shows clearly that the Qur’ån’s condemnation of idolatry was never marked by the slightest change.
5:33. The recompense of those who wage war against Allâh and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.
Such are the consequences of aggressive warfare waged against Islam.

8:12. (Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."
The 8th Sura applies to the Battle of Badr and the Quraysh rather than disbelievers in general.
Mohammad brought shame on the people who have given him charity by becoming a criminal a pirate of the desert all bets are off once you cross the line of civility.

By raiding the caravans of the very people who had forced his followers out of their homes and into abject poverty? Yeah, how horrible and aggressive. :lol:
Have we Found any ME Muslim Leaders who Denounce the Targeting of Israeli Children yet?...



I'm opposed to any targeting of civilians, regardless of religion or allegiance.
The traders driving the caravans were innocent traders.
Mohammad brought shame on the people who have given him charity by becoming a criminal a pirate of the desert all bets are off once you cross the line of civility.

By raiding the caravans of the very people who had forced his followers out of their homes and into abject poverty? Yeah, how horrible and aggressive. :lol:
Have we Found any ME Muslim Leaders who Denounce the Targeting of Israeli Children yet?...



I'm opposed to any targeting of civilians, regardless of religion or allegiance.
The traders driving the caravans were innocent traders.
Imam Cut & Paste

How do you know they were innocent traders?

Did they tell you??
The traders driving the caravans were innocent traders.

They were part of the Makkan power structure. After Makkah seized the property of the Muslims, I doubt any delusions were harbored about the Muslims not retaliating.

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