Islam forbids

as usual mr. Fitnuts, you are try to make this verse into something that it is not.

qur'an 3:54: They plotted and schemed, but so did god, and god is the best schemer.

it is a part of some verses talking about the people who were hatching a plot to kill jesus.

The verse is saying that bad people will plot and scheme evil things,

but god will always out smart them with a better scheme to foil their plans.
The verse reveals the mendacious nature of mohammad and allah.
IsLAME forbids any kind of logic or reasoning.

Reflected by the education system in MusLAME countries.........all they read is the korn-ham.
as usual mr. Fitnuts, you are try to make this verse into something that it is not.

qur'an 3:54: They plotted and schemed, but so did god, and god is the best schemer.

it is a part of some verses talking about the people who were hatching a plot to kill jesus.

The verse is saying that bad people will plot and scheme evil things,

but god will always out smart them with a better scheme to foil their plans.
The verse reveals the mendacious nature of mohammad and allah.

Just because you learned a new word Mr. Fitnuts.

Is still no excuse for taking verses out of context and putting a false spin on their meaning.
Glossary of Islamic Terms: M

Makr Makr signifies a secret strategy of which the victim has no inkling until the decisive blow is struck. Until then, the victim is under the illusion that everything is in good order. See Holy Qur'an, Aali-Imran (3:54).
Glossary of Islamic Terms: M

Makr Makr signifies a secret strategy of which the victim has no inkling until the decisive blow is struck. Until then, the victim is under the illusion that everything is in good order. See Holy Qur'an, Aali-Imran (3:54).

Sounds an awful lot like lying to me.

Hey.........didn't the God of Abraham state "thou shalt not bear false witness"?
Glossary of Islamic Terms: M

Makr Makr signifies a secret strategy of which the victim has no inkling until the decisive blow is struck. Until then, the victim is under the illusion that everything is in good order. See Holy Qur'an, Aali-Imran (3:54).
The evil men were hatching a plot and scheme (makr) to capture and kill Jesus.

But the Qur'an says that God came up with a better idea and foiled their makr. (plot)

It's basically saying that no one can out smart God.
Glossary of Islamic Terms: M

Makr Makr signifies a secret strategy of which the victim has no inkling until the decisive blow is struck. Until then, the victim is under the illusion that everything is in good order. See Holy Qur'an, Aali-Imran (3:54).
The evil men were hatching a plot and scheme (makr) to capture and kill Jesus.

But the Qur'an says that God came up with a better idea and foiled their makr. (plot)

It's basically saying that no one can out smart God.
Not even Mohammad,as the future will prove.
Glossary of Islamic Terms: M

Makr Makr signifies a secret strategy of which the victim has no inkling until the decisive blow is struck. Until then, the victim is under the illusion that everything is in good order. See Holy Qur'an, Aali-Imran (3:54).
The evil men were hatching a plot and scheme (makr) to capture and kill Jesus.

But the Qur'an says that God came up with a better idea and foiled their makr. (plot)

It's basically saying that no one can out smart God.
Not even Mohammad,as the future will prove.
Muhammad was just a man.

He never claimed to be as smart or smarter than God
Mohammed's Islamic scheme to have Islam as the only legal religion would remove the salvation in Christ from the world as God has planned . He will not succeed .
Islam is growing at a rapid rate all over the world.

As Christianity continues to embrace secularism it becomes void of true spirituality.

Islam fills the gap for moderm people with it's timeless revelations from God.
Thanks for providing more opportunity to reveal the facts .
As typical you fail to produce any scholarly judgment to back up your assertions , You fail to use the available knowledge the ulema uses to judge and make legal decisions .
A much fuller application of Islamic text is required to render authoritative opinion.
Here is a short example of your failure to grasp what is used and how legal decisions are found with in Islam scripture.

You're right - I don't find it necessary to turn to legal opinions written centuries after the revelation of the Qur'an when I can read the book itself and see that dishonesty clearly isn't permitted.

Let's remind ourselves of what was said in a passage that you cited in one of your strokes of brilliance:

"...surely Allah does not guide him who is extravagant, a liar." - 40:28

Dumbass. :lol:
Islam is growing at a rapid rate all over the world.

As Christianity continues to embrace secularism it becomes void of true spirituality.

Islam fills the gap for moderm people with it's timeless revelations from God.

Ya, Allah made us out of clay. :cuckoo:
So then gumby and pokey were the first 2 people on earth? :rofl:
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent. your fucked up IsLAME theology, it's either "convert or die".

Nice to see such a black and white view of the world. Are we all going to be 3rd world, or just the "holy" sites of IsLAME?

You MusLAMES do realize that the start of your line was Hagar and her son Ishmael, right? You also realize that she was an Egyptian princess as well who was given to Sarah and Abraham as a handmaiden as well?

My guess is, that when she was kicked out of the tribe of Abraham for being exceedingly disrespectful to Sarah, the reason she hid Ishmael in the bushes wasn't so much that she didn't want to watch him die (remember, by this time he was a teenager), but rather because she didn't want her son (who only knew HaShem, the God of Abraham) to see her revert back to her pagan Egyptian ways and start praying to an Egyptian god, as her son would have probably stopped her.

No wonder IsLAME is so fucked up. Allah (may his name forever be a curse.......ptooie), isn't so much a demon as he is an Egyptian deity, and therefore not the One True God.
Islam is ok.

Just don't take it too seriously, it is like one of those 1970s Sid and Marty Kroft shows. (Sid and Marty Kroft were the Mozart of the 1970s)

Indeed Sid and Marty Kroft could have invented Islam.

H. R. Allahstuff H.R.Allahstuf,
Who's your friend when things get rough?
H.R. Allahstuf,
Can't do a little cause he kill enough.

Once upon a summertime
Just a dream from yesterday
A man and his magic Arc Angel
Heard a voice from off his head
"Come and play with me, Mohammed
Come and play with me.
And I will take you on a trip
Far across insanity."

But the voice belonged to a kooky old God
Who had in mind our reason to flog
From Allah's terror in the sky
Mohammed watched Allah's plans materialize
Allah waved his wand
And all thought was gone
The skies grew dark
The sea grew rough
And the martyrs cried death on and on and on and on and on and on.

Ready to set off another suicide bomb!!!!!

H.R. Allahstuff,
Who's your friend when things get rough?
H.R. Allahstuff
Can't do a little cause he can't kill enough.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent. your fucked up IsLAME theology, it's either "convert or die".

Nice to see such a black and white view of the world. Are we all going to be 3rd world, or just the "holy" sites of IsLAME?

You MusLAMES do realize that the

Mr Fitnah is not a muslim

as for the rest of what you posted, well its a mish mash of fabrication and ignorance

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