Islam forbids

Tell ya what........prove me wrong, I've got several rabbis that will verify.

Ever hear of the Universal Torah Network? How's about Hidden in the Hebrew on GLC?

Might wanna study up before engaging bullshit mode.
Tell ya what........prove me wrong, I've got several rabbis that will verify.

Ever hear of the Universal Torah Network? How's about Hidden in the Hebrew on GLC?

Might wanna study up before engaging bullshit mode.

i care not from what source your lunacy is derived.
Tell ya what........prove me wrong, I've got several rabbis that will verify.

Ever hear of the Universal Torah Network? How's about Hidden in the Hebrew on GLC?

Might wanna study up before engaging bullshit mode.

i care not from what source your lunacy is derived.

So, in other words, you don't have anything to refute it, so you won't try.

Nice variation of sour grapes ya fucking pussy Fertility.
Tell ya what........prove me wrong, I've got several rabbis that will verify.

Ever hear of the Universal Torah Network? How's about Hidden in the Hebrew on GLC?

Might wanna study up before engaging bullshit mode.

i care not from what source your lunacy is derived.

So, in other words, you don't have anything to refute it, so you won't try.

Nice variation of sour grapes ya fucking pussy Fertility.

seriously your post was like the ramblings of a Gallup drunk
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent. your fucked up IsLAME theology, it's either "convert or die".

Nice to see such a black and white view of the world. Are we all going to be 3rd world, or just the "holy" sites of IsLAME?

You MusLAMES do realize that the start of your line was Hagar and her son Ishmael, right? You also realize that she was an Egyptian princess as well who was given to Sarah and Abraham as a handmaiden as well?

My guess is, that when she was kicked out of the tribe of Abraham for being exceedingly disrespectful to Sarah, the reason she hid Ishmael in the bushes wasn't so much that she didn't want to watch him die (remember, by this time he was a teenager), but rather because she didn't want her son (who only knew HaShem, the God of Abraham) to see her revert back to her pagan Egyptian ways and start praying to an Egyptian god, as her son would have probably stopped her.

No wonder IsLAME is so fucked up. Allah (may his name forever be a curse.......ptooie), isn't so much a demon as he is an Egyptian deity, and therefore not the One True God.
1.Im not a muslim.
2 Mohmmad cannot trace line line back to Abraham.
The Qur'an doesn't list the genealogy of Muhammad.

But it does imply that the Arabs are descended through Ishmael from Abraham.

Either way, it really makes no difference.

Then the Quran's implication is factually wrong.
That is a very idiotic statement Mr. Fitnuts :cuckoo:

How can an implication of something be factually wrong??? :lol:
Let me be plain.

"A. L. R. These are the Ayats of Revelation,- of a Qur'an that makes things clear (qur-anin mubeenin). " [15:1]

"We have not instructed the (Prophet) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this is no less than a Message and a Qur'an making things clear: (qur-anun mubeenun)" [36:69]

The Quran is factually wrong.
Then the Quran's implication is factually wrong.
That is a very idiotic statement Mr. Fitnuts :cuckoo:

How can an implication of something be factually wrong??? :lol:
Let me be plain.

"A. L. R. These are the Ayats of Revelation,- of a Qur'an that makes things clear (qur-anin mubeenin). " [15:1]

"We have not instructed the (Prophet) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this is no less than a Message and a Qur'an making things clear: (qur-anun mubeenun)" [36:69]

The Quran is factually wrong.

It is crystal clear to anyone using honesty and reason that the Qur'an is muddled and makes nothing clear.

Since it claims to make things clear, it is also not just factually wrong, but dishonest.

It is clear that the Qur'an is unclear.
Islam forbids using video at the festivals of recruiting

[ame=]YouTube - Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the US[/ame]
Mr. Fitnah

The reason no one is responding to your posts.

Is because it is not clear as to what you are saying or what exactly your point is?
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

I remember the first time I read a post like that from you, and misinterpreted your intent. :)

You have of course nailed it.

For All Muslims out there that have not come to this bridge yet, consider two things.

1). Putting God First in All things means exactly that. That includes Our Own Understandings, our own perspective, even teachings and learned behavior.

2). Accepting this may very well target You and put Your life at risk.

We All are born with original Sin. That does not paint a target on our backs, like some teach, there are no innocents, all is fair game. This is a False Premise. Thou Shall not Kill.
Just discussing the facts, Xotoxi, I believe imams are supposed to be obeyed, and in a little more compelling terms than say a Christian to a priest. What I wrote prior to this post had nothing to do wtih my opinion, did it?


Then let's just strip it down to the bare bones so I can make my point.

I find it ironic that you comment on the supposed violent tendencies of Islam and how Islam encourages violence, death, destruction, and murder of "infidels".....

Yet you also believe, based on your religion, that everyone who does not believe in Jesus, will burn in hell for all of eternity...a fate worse than death.

So, which fate would you find more horrific: being murdered as an infidel, or spending eternity at the right hand of Satan?

If you choose the latter, then that is the fate to which your religion, to which your holy book, is condemning the majority of humans on this Earth.

God is giving you the hand up, he offers you eternal life, why do you refuse to live? why are you like adam and eve, why is it your pathological choice to eat the fruit of death? why do you hate the very one who could bring you to life?

the after life, eternal life or eternal death its your choice, no one can force it on you, you can remain in death or you can accept Gods free gift of life.

oh, and the whole eternaly consciouss burning in hell thing, thats one of..oh, i dunno, four possible views.

the end result of all though is that you will recieve an eternal punishment, in other words one that will never be reveresed or end. that may very well be eternal non-existance. you will be dead, and dead forever, no consciousness, nothing, you will cease to exist. I am going to live, I will continue forever.

but what it comes down to is that you dont give a rats ass about what happens after you die regardless of what the bible says. you have your mind made up, and youre only pointing fingers because you think you have a superior position...but you dont.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Romans 10:9-10
That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

dont believe? thats your choice, what happens after this life? you dont care. so throw the book into the trash and go dance along to happyfuntimecupcakeland, or turn to God and accept eternal life.
Just discussing the facts, Xotoxi, I believe imams are supposed to be obeyed, and in a little more compelling terms than say a Christian to a priest. What I wrote prior to this post had nothing to do wtih my opinion, did it?


Then let's just strip it down to the bare bones so I can make my point.

I find it ironic that you comment on the supposed violent tendencies of Islam and how Islam encourages violence, death, destruction, and murder of "infidels".....

Yet you also believe, based on your religion, that everyone who does not believe in Jesus, will burn in hell for all of eternity...a fate worse than death.

So, which fate would you find more horrific: being murdered as an infidel, or spending eternity at the right hand of Satan?

If you choose the latter, then that is the fate to which your religion, to which your holy book, is condemning the majority of humans on this Earth.

Not to intrude unduly (since I am not particularly religious) but, if one is violently and savagely and brutally and excruciatingly put to death by the Muslims and then, according to the Qur'an, the person so executed is destined to spend eternity being viciously and savagely tormented in hell, then your question kinda answers itself. At least if one goes the Christian route, the whole excruciating being put to death thing on Earth while we yet live is avoided.

And besides, if one believes in Christiantity, one can avoid that whole damnation thing simply by accepting the "gift" offered by Jesus.
Mr. Fitnah

The reason no one is responding to your posts.

Is because it is not clear as to what you are saying or what exactly your point is?
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

I remember the first time I read a post like that from you, and misinterpreted your intent. :)

You have of course nailed it.

For All Muslims out there that have not come to this bridge yet, consider two things.

1). Putting God First in All things means exactly that. That includes Our Own Understandings, our own perspective, even teachings and learned behavior.

2). Accepting this may very well target You and put Your life at risk.

We All are born with original Sin. That does not paint a target on our backs, like some teach, there are no innocents, all is fair game. This is a False Premise. Thou Shall not Kill.

Not to dispute you or anything as such, but that Commandment has been Mis-Intrerpreted. Actually it reads more like "Thou shalt not Murder".

Murder is in Cold blood of innocents. To kilk say for the sake of defending one's self, or Family is entirely permitted for the sake of perserving the lives of innocents.

Murder speaks of intent to intentionally do harm with malice of forethought.

There is a line here in my view. What the Muslim thuggery does is done with extreme malice of forethought to innocents.
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Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

I remember the first time I read a post like that from you, and misinterpreted your intent. :)

You have of course nailed it.

For All Muslims out there that have not come to this bridge yet, consider two things.

1). Putting God First in All things means exactly that. That includes Our Own Understandings, our own perspective, even teachings and learned behavior.

2). Accepting this may very well target You and put Your life at risk.

We All are born with original Sin. That does not paint a target on our backs, like some teach, there are no innocents, all is fair game. This is a False Premise. Thou Shall not Kill.

Not to dispute you or anything as such, but that Commandment has been Mis-Intrerpreted. Actually it reads more like "Thou shalt not Murder".

Murder is in Cold blood of innocents. To kilk say for the sake of defending one's self, or Family is entirely permitted for the sake of perserving the lives of innocents.

Murder speaks of intent to intentionally do harm with malice of forethought.

There is a line here in my view. What the Muslim thuggery does is done with extreme malice of forethought to innocents.

Self Defense and Service are Givens. I Totally Agree provided they are Justified by Circumstance.
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

I remember the first time I read a post like that from you, and misinterpreted your intent. :)

You have of course nailed it.

For All Muslims out there that have not come to this bridge yet, consider two things.

1). Putting God First in All things means exactly that. That includes Our Own Understandings, our own perspective, even teachings and learned behavior.

2). Accepting this may very well target You and put Your life at risk.

We All are born with original Sin. That does not paint a target on our backs, like some teach, there are no innocents, all is fair game. This is a False Premise. Thou Shall not Kill.

Not to dispute you or anything as such, but that Commandment has been Mis-Intrerpreted. Actually it reads more like "Thou shalt not Murder".

Murder is in Cold blood of innocents. To kilk say for the sake of defending one's self, or Family is entirely permitted for the sake of perserving the lives of innocents.

Murder speaks of intent to intentionally do harm with malice of forethought.

There is a line here in my view. What the Muslim thuggery does is done with extreme malice of forethought to innocents.

Interestingly enough, the rest of the Commandments are there to keep you from getting murdered.......

Thou shalt not steal - if you steal, someone is gonna wanna kill you.

Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) - if you lie, someone may want to kill you.

Thou shalt not covet - if you get jealous enough of someone, you may end up wanting to kill them.

Thou shalt not commit adultery - if you cheat with someone's significant other, they'll want to kill you.

Honor thy father and mother - they brought you into this world, they can take you out.

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy - take a break once in a while to keep from killing yourself with stress.

Basically, the 10 Commandments are there to keep us all from being killed. Same with the first 3, because a false idol can't help you at, and, if you don't remember who HaShem is, then it's kinda hard to ask Him for help.
I remember the first time I read a post like that from you, and misinterpreted your intent. :)

You have of course nailed it.

For All Muslims out there that have not come to this bridge yet, consider two things.

1). Putting God First in All things means exactly that. That includes Our Own Understandings, our own perspective, even teachings and learned behavior.

2). Accepting this may very well target You and put Your life at risk.

We All are born with original Sin. That does not paint a target on our backs, like some teach, there are no innocents, all is fair game. This is a False Premise. Thou Shall not Kill.

Not to dispute you or anything as such, but that Commandment has been Mis-Intrerpreted. Actually it reads more like "Thou shalt not Murder".

Murder is in Cold blood of innocents. To kilk say for the sake of defending one's self, or Family is entirely permitted for the sake of perserving the lives of innocents.

Murder speaks of intent to intentionally do harm with malice of forethought.

There is a line here in my view. What the Muslim thuggery does is done with extreme malice of forethought to innocents.

Interestingly enough, the rest of the Commandments are there to keep you from getting murdered.......

Thou shalt not steal - if you steal, someone is gonna wanna kill you.

Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) - if you lie, someone may want to kill you.

Thou shalt not covet - if you get jealous enough of someone, you may end up wanting to kill them.

Thou shalt not commit adultery - if you cheat with someone's significant other, they'll want to kill you.

Honor thy father and mother - they brought you into this world, they can take you out.

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy - take a break once in a while to keep from killing yourself with stress.

Basically, the 10 Commandments are there to keep us all from being killed. Same with the first 3, because a false idol can't help you at, and, if you don't remember who HaShem is, then it's kinda hard to ask Him for help.

More than that, but it does fit. Positive Direction is a Power in Itself.
Mt 22:36 “[Jesus], which is the great commandment in the law?” And he said to him, ’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”

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