Islam forbids

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
From the Catholic, on Original Sin.

Original sin may be taken to mean: (1) the sin that Adam committed; (2) a consequence of this first sin, the hereditary stain with which we are born on account of our origin or descent from Adam.

From the earliest times the latter sense of the word was more common, as may be seen by St. Augustine's statement: "the deliberate sin of the first man is the cause of original sin" (De nupt. et concup., II, xxvi, 43). It is the hereditary stain that is dealt with here. As to the sin of Adam we have not to examine the circumstances in which it was committed nor make the exegesis of the third chapter of Genesis.

Islam/"kalam" justifies theft.

Wrong, liar. The property and lives of oppressors are forfeit; all others are protected.

As for the thief, whether man or woman, cut his hand as punishment from God for what he had done; and God is all mighty and all wise. But those who repent after a crime and reform shall be forgiven by God, for God is forgiving and kind. - 5:39-40​

Is there an Arabic word for these oppressors ?


Seems there is little doubt as to the use of the word oppressor in

this verse.
In the Arabic the word is Zâlimûn
Polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust.

The Noble

Quran's Search Results:

Apparently the same arabic word is used to describe oppersors in

2:193 and 2:254

Quraan Transliteration

That means disbelief is oppresion
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We can conclude that disbelief is oppression and according to "kalam" oppressors lives and property are forfeit
Things dont look good for the disbelievers .

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allāh) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allāh (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zālimûn (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.) (Al-Baqarah 2:193)

O you who believe! Spend of that with which We have provided for you, before a Day comes when there will be no bargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession. And it is the disbelievers who are the Zālimûn (wrong-doers, etc.). (Al-Baqarah 2:254)

Quraan Transliteration
So how is Islams Quest for World Domination Faring Today? How far along is the Conquest of Europe? England is allowing Sharia Law, in some areas?
Why you insist on pasting duplicate arguments all around the forum is beyond me. I responded to your nonsense on the other thread; continue the discussion there.
Why you insist on pasting duplicate arguments all around the forum is beyond me. I responded to your nonsense on the other thread; continue the discussion there.
That discussion has fulfilled it purpose to the extent you reveal disbelievers are oppressors,
I provided valid reasons to ignore MM Alis fallacious arguments .
You may not promote heretical views of Islam as mainstream Islam unchallenged .
I will post what I wish where and when I wish to suit my purpose ,Your purpose is a tool to help reveal Islam true nature.
Why you insist on pasting duplicate arguments all around the forum is beyond me. I responded to your nonsense on the other thread; continue the discussion there.
That discussion has fulfilled it purpose to the extent you reveal disbelievers are oppressors,
I provided valid reasons to ignore MM Alis fallacious arguments .
You may not promote heretical views of Islam as mainstream Islam unchallenged .
I will post what I wish where and when I wish to suit my purpose ,Your purpose is a tool to help reveal Islam true nature.

It's amusing that you think your significance here transcends your role as a punching bag for people who actually know what they're talking about. :eusa_eh:

You don't bring anything to the table; you cut and paste opinions from extremists, insist that they're the only correct interpretation of a religion you know nothing about, and respond to any criticism by cutting and pasting the same arguments. God forbid you actually respond to my posts... or learn how to spell properly.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

can you provide a proof that innocent people must be a target in islam?

you havn't provide one proof
Bangladesh: Christian convert from Islam and his family get death threats from Misunderstanders of Islam
As everyone knows, the idea that "Islam orders a violent end for those who leave the faith" is just "bigoted nonsense." Unfortunately, somehow these Muslims in Bangladesh, like so many other Muslims all over the world, have fallen prey to this bigoted nonsense, misunderstood their tolerant faith, and actually threatened to kill this Muslim who converted to Christianity. I expect that Michael Kruse and Meredith Heagney will be on the next plane to Dhaka, ready to explain to these Muslims how they are getting Islam all wrong, wrong, wrong.

"Christian convert from Islam and family threatened with death," from AsiaNews, September 30 (thanks to C. Cantoni):

Dhaka (AsiaNews) - William Gomes, a Catholic convert from Islam, is in mortal danger. For the past several days he has been the target of Muslim extremists who want to kill him because of his new faith. On 25 September he had to flee his home to escape from a group of Islamic militants who wanted to kill him and his family (wife and child), setting fire to their house. After Friday prayers at a mosque nearby, a group of fanatics had asked the leaders of their mosque to decide on the fate of the young man and the penalty to be inflicted on him.

A freelance journalist and human rights activist, married to a Catholic and father of a child, Gomes had recently received threats, but on September 25, his accusers passed from words to deeds. Led by Nazmi Mohammed Uddin Titu, a local leader of the Chatra League movement of young Muslims, a group marched on the house of the young man accused of apostasy.

The human rights activist sought police protection, but officers of the Police Commission in Jatrabri limited themselves to filing his complaint. Gomes said that the officer on duty guaranteed police intervention only after the fact happened saying he was not surprised at the anger of Muslims over his conversion....

Jihad Watch
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

can you provide a proof that innocent people must be a target in islam?

you havn't provide one proof

This is a thread about how many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people" as a defense of Islam from charges of Islam being the source of jihad terrorism and how Islam defines innocent.
Your question is out side of the purpose of this thread, start your own thread.

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

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