Islam forbids

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

can you provide a proof that innocent people must be a target in islam?

you havn't provide one proof

This is a thread about how many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people" as a defense of Islam from charges of Islam being the source of jihad terrorism and how Islam defines innocent.
Your question is out side of the purpose of this thread, start your own thread.
In other words Freeman:

Mr Fitnah can't answer your question, because he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.
can you provide a proof that innocent people must be a target in islam?

you havn't provide one proof

This is a thread about how many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people" as a defense of Islam from charges of Islam being the source of jihad terrorism and how Islam defines innocent.
Your question is out side of the purpose of this thread, start your own thread.
In other words Freeman:

Mr Fitnah can't answer your question, because he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.

Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.
Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.

:lol: :lol: First, I have to finish paying my kid's way thru college.

After that, I plan to pay off my mortgage.

And my wife wants to take a long vacation on a cruise ship.

Maybe then, I'll have the time to plan for world domination. :cool:
Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.

:lol: :lol: First, I have to finish paying my kid's way thru college.

After that, I plan to pay off my mortgage.

And my wife wants to take a long vacation on a cruise ship.

Maybe then, I'll have the time to plan for world domination. :cool:
Dont forget the kakat
Islam Question and Answer - Can zakaah be used for da’wah purposes?
9:60. As-Sadaqât (here it means Zakât) are only for the Fuqarâ'[] (poor), and Al-Masâkin[] (the poor) and those employed to collect (the funds); and for to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islâm); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allâh's Cause (i.e. for Mujâhidûn - those fighting in the holy wars), and for the wayfarer (a traveller who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allâh. And Allâh is All-Knower, All-Wise.
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No problem

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job
Fitnuts has done an excellent job of copying and pasting Wahhabi propaganda. Outside of that, his accomplishments have been limited.

in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.
Now you're simply being ridiculous. I suppose I shouldn't expect much from a so-called Christian who conveniently ignores the racist hatred and calls for genocide that form the backbone of his religion.
This is a thread about how many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people" as a defense of Islam from charges of Islam being the source of jihad terrorism and how Islam defines innocent.
Your question is out side of the purpose of this thread, start your own thread.
In other words Freeman:

Mr Fitnah can't answer your question, because he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.

Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.

Mr Fitnah definately knows Islam. He started out to prove that Islam was a religion of peace and to his dismay found the opposite. He is very thourough in his research.

He is one of the best posters I have ever known, and he is also very respectful, of other people.
In other words Freeman:

Mr Fitnah can't answer your question, because he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.

Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.

Mr Fitnah definately knows Islam............... He is very thourough in his research...............

He is one of the best posters I have ever known,
You are making a sarcasm post?
You are just joking???
Please say you don't believe what you just posted!!! :eek:
Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.

Mr Fitnah definately knows Islam............... He is very thourough in his research...............

He is one of the best posters I have ever known,
You are making a sarcasm post?
You are just joking???
Please say you don't believe what you just posted!!! :eek:

I don't know Mr Fitnah, but I do know Islam. And, you are on the wrong side of history. You are wasting your life.

Islam will be destroyed. That is what the end looks like.

It's past time Muslims reject their religion.
Mr Fitnah definately knows Islam.
That's rich. Any third grader with a modem could produce arguments as incisive as his. Each of Fitnuts' posts consists of presenting a radical position and asserting that it's representative of "true" Islam. Rational thought is avoided at all costs, especially if it leads to conclusions that contradict his naive preconceptions about Islam being an "evil" religion that devotes itself to spilling the blood of "infidels." God only knows what you hypocritical pseudo-Christians would do if Islam wasn't around to serve as your dartboard.

He started out to prove that Islam was a religion of peace and to his dismay found the opposite.
Yes, he's truly a gentle soul, a reluctant crusader who has only devoted himself to eradicating the "Mahometan scourge" out of necessity. You've got to be shitting me. :lol:

He is very thourough in his research.
Reading articles on the internet and skimming books in search of provocative-sounding quotes does not constitute research. Similarly, responding to a rebuttal with the very argument it refutes does not constitute debate.

He is one of the best posters I have ever known,
You have my sympathy.

and he is also very respectful, of other people.
Provided they follow a religion he approves of.
I don't know Mr Fitnah, but I do know Islam.
I highly doubt that. :lol:

And, you are on the wrong side of history. You are wasting your life.

Islam will be destroyed. That is what the end looks like.
Oh, wow. You're welcome to try. If you were to conservatively estimate that only a tenth of the world's Muslims would fight back against your persecution, you'd still be looking at an army of about 150 million irregulars spread out across the globe. Good luck with that.

It's past time Muslims reject their religion.
No thanks.
I don't know Mr Fitnah, but I do know Islam.
I highly doubt that. :lol:

And, you are on the wrong side of history. You are wasting your life.

Islam will be destroyed. That is what the end looks like.
Oh, wow. You're welcome to try. If you were to conservatively estimate that only a tenth of the world's Muslims would fight back against your persecution, you'd still be looking at an army of about 150 million irregulars spread out across the globe. Good luck with that.

It's past time Muslims reject their religion.
No thanks.

I studied Islam for quite a bit of time. It's not that hard to figure out... even a cave man can do it, and they do.

It becomes hard when you try to deceive. Then Islam is like a mystery... can't quite figure it out.

Of course Muslims would fight back. They are fighting now. So, that would not change.

How a person can be a Muslim, I do not understand. It's a system of supremacy above all others. It's founder, Muhammad is a pedophile and murderer. How do you defend such a monster? How do you follow such a monster?

We need to disregard all respect for Islam and those who follow Muhammad. We need to tell the brutal truth.

Lets start with Jihad. The path to paradise that the 9/11 hijackers followed. The one way trip to paradise for those who die waging Jihad for Allah.

It's a sick ideology.
Mr Fitnah definately knows Islam.
That's rich. Any third grader with a modem could produce arguments as incisive as his. Each of Fitnuts' posts consists of presenting a radical position and asserting that it's representative of "true" Islam. Rational thought is avoided at all costs, especially if it leads to conclusions that contradict his naive preconceptions about Islam being an "evil" religion that devotes itself to spilling the blood of "infidels." God only knows what you hypocritical pseudo-Christians would do if Islam wasn't around to serve as your dartboard.

He started out to prove that Islam was a religion of peace and to his dismay found the opposite.
Yes, he's truly a gentle soul, a reluctant crusader who has only devoted himself to eradicating the "Mahometan scourge" out of necessity. You've got to be shitting me. :lol:

Reading articles on the internet and skimming books in search of provocative-sounding quotes does not constitute research. Similarly, responding to a rebuttal with the very argument it refutes does not constitute debate.

He is one of the best posters I have ever known,
You have my sympathy.

and he is also very respectful, of other people.
Provided they follow a religion he approves of.
Please post a link to where I have be disrespectful of you.
I studied Islam for quite a bit of time.
How pleasantly vague. I'm sure you have at least a few hours of reading online articles or flipping through the Qur'an under your belt... maybe even an introductory-level college course. Come on, what am I dealing with here?

It's not that hard to figure out... even a cave man can do it, and they do.
If you "know Islam" as well as you seem to think you do, I suppose this is true...

It becomes hard when you try to deceive. Then Islam is like a mystery... can't quite figure it out.
Rest assured, you wouldn't be the first pseudo-scholar to dismiss all of your Muslim opponents' arguments with laughably empty accusations of dishonesty.

How a person can be a Muslim, I do not understand.
Congratulations; you've identified the cause of Islamophobia. If only fate was kind enough to deliver that revelation to people like Fitnuts and Swizzle Sticks...

It's a system of supremacy above all others. It's founder, Muhammad is a pedophile and murderer.
It may shock you to hear that Muhammad (SAWS) is dead. Regardless, Aishah's true age at the time her marriage to the Messenger was consummated (19) has been confirmed using multiple historical sources. Regarding "murders," no person's death was ordered who didn't persecute Muslims, betray Muslims, or represent a legitimate threat to the existence and security of the Muslim community.

How do you defend such a monster? How do you follow such a monster?
I don't follow a monster. How do you live with your hypocrisy and selective outrage? Where are your scathing condemnations of Biblical genocide, Joseph's alleged pedophilia (Mary was 12), and the Talmudic law permitting sexual intercourse with 3-year-old girls?

We need to disregard all respect for Islam and those who follow Muhammad. We need to tell the brutal truth.
It's quite evident that "truth" is a foreign concept to you. But this is a free message board and we're in America, so you don't need me to tell you that you may spread your nonsense freely, unimpeded by facts.

Lets start with Jihad. The path to paradise that the 9/11 hijackers followed.
They violated no less than 13 specific Qur'anic directives in doing so. A military operation isn't religiously legitimate jihad unless it's carried out without violating the commandments of the Qur'an.
Looks to me that Mr.Fitnah has done a great job
Fitnuts has done an excellent job of copying and pasting Wahhabi propaganda. Outside of that, his accomplishments have been limited.

in exposing your totalitarian plan of world domination.
Now you're simply being ridiculous. I suppose I shouldn't expect much from a so-called Christian who conveniently ignores the racist hatred and calls for genocide that form the backbone of his religion.

Wow... Islam attacking Islam... Again.... Heads will Roll.... again!!!

Why is it so against Your Faith for Anyone to Have a Real Relationship with God, without the Threat of a Sword looming over the back of One's neck? Hint, Hint, Hint, lose the Violence! God's Purpose in Creating You Out weighs, All of the Bullshit Tangents, You or Anyone Else gets caught up in. Repent and Devote Yourself to Serving God Truly. Through Conscience You can Reach Him. He Is Always there. :)
I studied Islam for quite a bit of time.
How pleasantly vague. I'm sure you have at least a few hours of reading online articles or flipping through the Qur'an under your belt... maybe even an introductory-level college course. Come on, what am I dealing with here?

It's not that hard to figure out... even a cave man can do it, and they do.
If you "know Islam" as well as you seem to think you do, I suppose this is true...

Rest assured, you wouldn't be the first pseudo-scholar to dismiss all of your Muslim opponents' arguments with laughably empty accusations of dishonesty.

Congratulations; you've identified the cause of Islamophobia. If only fate was kind enough to deliver that revelation to people like Fitnuts and Swizzle Sticks...

It may shock you to hear that Muhammad (SAWS) is dead. Regardless, Aishah's true age at the time her marriage to the Messenger was consummated (19) has been confirmed using multiple historical sources. Regarding "murders," no person's death was ordered who didn't persecute Muslims, betray Muslims, or represent a legitimate threat to the existence and security of the Muslim community.

I don't follow a monster. How do you live with your hypocrisy and selective outrage? Where are your scathing condemnations of Biblical genocide, Joseph's alleged pedophilia (Mary was 12), and the Talmudic law permitting sexual intercourse with 3-year-old girls?

We need to disregard all respect for Islam and those who follow Muhammad. We need to tell the brutal truth.
It's quite evident that "truth" is a foreign concept to you. But this is a free message board and we're in America, so you don't need me to tell you that you may spread your nonsense freely, unimpeded by facts.

Lets start with Jihad. The path to paradise that the 9/11 hijackers followed.
They violated no less than 13 specific Qur'anic directives in doing so. A military operation isn't religiously legitimate jihad unless it's carried out without violating the commandments of the Qur'an.

How did 9/11 violate the Koran? The link to the paste was appreciated but can you be more specific?

As far as Muhammad being a pedophile, I see how you deal with it... denial. Good Luck with that.

Muhammad the Murderer... you make his murders sound justified. I'm surprised Saddam Hussein is not worshiped. He murdered for the same reasons Muhammad did.

I don't have to criticize all religions because I do so with Islam. Other religions are not slamming planes into buildings and waging Jihad the world over.

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