Islam is misunderstood.

Not only were they allies of Hitler, they helped Hitler design his Genocidal Machinery and methods he used to kill over 7 Million Jews.

They killed 2 Million Jews in The Armenian Gemocide so they were well versed in how to conduct genocide.

Islam is the most murderous cult on the planet.

Life comes from God & Death comes from Hell.

Islam is a Death Cult and the reward for it’s followers is not 72 Virgins in Paradise, it’s 72 Demons in Hell!

In the past century there have been more acts of aggression by Christian nations against Muslim nations, than the other way around.
Considering they were on the wrong side of two world wars just might have something to do with that, wouldn't you think?
Facts :
Muslims fought mostly on the allies side. I know they didn't teach you that in school...Muslims of East Asia (Indians), north Africa and others did help the allies to defeat the Nazis. One of thrm was my grandfather.
And which history book was that mentioned in? Because it is a fact that Muslims were allies of Hitler.

Muslims harbored Jews on two occasions one when they were prosecuted by the Christians of Iberian peninsula (Google it), and during the world wars. I know that they didn't teach you that in school here in the US....but you can overseas and not only ask the jews there but you can see documentaries about the subject if you can't afford buying books.

It pisses me off that I have to sit here talk to ********** ***** like you....anywhere Europe or the rest of the world they studied this stuff in elementary.
Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Senegal, Mali, etc....that are majority Muslims they fought alongside the allies, and they did protect the Jews. Take for example Morocco that was occupied back then by France, the king refused to hand the Jews to the French that were gonna hand them to the Germans. The Muslims of France protected the Jews....example when they hid them in the grand mosque.
Guys please read fucking books and history.....Those who fought with the germany because of common interest, they were fighting the Brits not because they hate the Jews. The Jews lived under islamic rule for thousands of years....they could've been easily wiped out if what you say is true. But Islam orders muslims to respect all human beings and especially the people of the book The Christians and The Jews.

Read, read, read .....damn it. it's frustrating.
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Oh, look everyone... Mac is trying to rationalize his Islamophobia again.

Reality check. We have a problem in that region of the world because of our own policies. The more we get involved, the more we foul it up.

Nothing more, nothing less.

We stick our hand in a hornet's nest and complain about getting stung.
Only fools believe muslim countries wouldn't be a problem if the West hadn't "interfered." Britain ruled India for hundreds of years, and we don't have a problem with it. The same goes for about a dozen African countries. The problem exists only in countries that have a majority Muslim population.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Hmmm so the west can around fucking up countries, and everyone should be happy?
Didn't the Brit think of Americans as terrorists when they were pushing them out?

Our biggest issue is backing the occupation of Palestine we paying a heavy price and we will for a long time to come. Instead of playing the peace keeper we are making enemies left and right.
Even if we had stayed on our side of the pond, Muslims would still hate us. It's not something we did. It's what they are that's the problem.

Sweet heart.....There's a saying don't poke the bear, it won't bite you. For the last century, the US has been wrecking havoc in the world and the Islamic world. You tell me what you want them to do? send us flowers and a thank you note? Muslims were the first ones to recognize the independence of the US from the British empire and were guaranteed a safe passage in the Mideastern sea. And most Muslims are considered allies to the US. Also in case you didn't know it. And Muslims on daily basis protect your ass and mine from another suicide bomber. In case you didn't know it.
The people of the "book." :p

Muslims hate Whites and Semi-Whites (Jews).
And which history book was that mentioned in? Because it is a fact that Muslims were allies of Hitler.


Let's look at the countries that were in the Axis
Germany- Christian
Italy- CHristian
Japan - Buddhist and Shinto
Bulgaria - Christian
Finland - Christian
Romania - Christian
Thailand - Hindu and Buddhist.
Hungary - Christian
Slovakia - Christian and run by a Catholic Priest.

On the other hand, the Muslim nations that weren't European colonies at the time were on the allied side. Millions of Muslims from the colonies fought for the British.
Only fools believe muslim countries wouldn't be a problem if the West hadn't "interfered." Britain ruled India for hundreds of years, and we don't have a problem with it. The same goes for about a dozen African countries. The problem exists only in countries that have a majority Muslim population.

Here's the thing. We aren't STILL fucking with those African countries or India, probably because they aren't standing on a shit-ton of oil.

When did we stop having a "problem" with Vietnam? When we stopped interfering with them. Amazing how that works.
They killed 2 Million Jews in The Armenian Gemocide so they were well versed in how to conduct genocide.

Um, dude, the Armenians weren't Jews, they were Christians, and they openly rebelled against the Ottomans during a war.

Satan is a Liar and The Father of Lies and a Murderer.

He is the Adversary of God, of Truth of all that is Holy and Righteous.

allah is Called The Great Liar, The Great Deceiver, The Trickster In The Koran therefore he is Lucifer and is the enemy of This Country and all persons who do not practice Islam, and even many who do not practice the right Islam.

You see, the thing is, I read the bible, and Satan only kills 10 people - the Children of Job - on a bet with God.

Meanwhile, God drowns everyone in the world, kills everyone in Sodom with fire, makes his people wander around the desert for 40 years until they all die from that generation, kills David's son to teach him adultery is bad, kills 70,000 people because David did a census he or Satan ordered, kills 42 children because they made fun of a bald prophet.

i'm having a hard time seeing how Satan is the bad guy here.
Islam is based upon the conquest and suppression of Unbelievers.

It is the last of the world's large-scale Warrior Cults.

As such, it is a cancer upon the face of Mankind.

Well, then they kind of suck at it, given they haven't really expanded their sphere of influence all that much in the last few hundred years.

Great slaughter has been perpetrated upon Mankind by the adherents of Christianity; during some eras, even more than Islam.

However, Christian slaughter is perpetrated in direct disobedience fo the tenants and core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

Ah, the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy. That one never gets old.

Islamic slaughter, on the other hand, is perpetrated in direct obedience to the tenants and core teachings of Muhammed.

I could find more violent passages in the Bible than I can in the Koran, that's the thing.
wait is Joe an isolationist?
Wow, I thought he was MR Globalist and hated borders and walls and the idea that we should focus on our own country.

How are we focused on our own country is we are saying "How High" when the Zionists yell "Jump"?

I think we should focus on our own country. It's just the priorities of building useless walls when our bridges are crumbling is kind of stupid.
wait is Joe an isolationist?
Wow, I thought he was MR Globalist and hated borders and walls and the idea that we should focus on our own country.

How are we focused on our own country is we are saying "How High" when the Zionists yell "Jump"?

I think we should focus on our own country. It's just the priorities of building useless walls when our bridges are crumbling is kind of stupid.
...Well, then they kind of suck at it, given they haven't really expanded their sphere of influence all that much in the last few hundred years...
They have been largely under the heel of European imperialism for the past century or two or three, depending upon the region.

Given that Europe has bled itself white through two world wars and can no longer hold onto its empires, the Muzzies are finally free to resume their ancient hobby.

That re-enabling has all materialized within Living Memory, and after a mere 60-70 years, they're already phukking things up again wherever you turn.

With much more to come in the not-too-distant future.
...However, Christian slaughter is perpetrated in direct disobedience fo the tenants and core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
Ah, the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy. That one never gets old.
That is not an answer, nor does it alter the irrefutable truth of the observation.
Islamic slaughter, on the other hand, is perpetrated in direct obedience to the tenants and core teachings of Muhammed.
I could find more violent passages in the Bible than I can in the Koran, that's the thing.
New Testament supercedes Old.

The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are the trump card which overrides the historical narrative and backstop guidelines found in the Old Testament.

Show me where Jesus of Nazareth commands his followers to conquer and kill Unbelievers.
Islam isn't a religion. Its a death cult.

A cult where idiots worship a pedophile named Mohammad.

A cult where woman are less than nothing. Women who are stoned, abused and treated like slaves. That's the cult of Islam.

They don't assimilate into any country they land in. Their Sharia Law is bullshit and they do nothing but cause problems in those countries.

Just ask the folks in Paris and San Bernardino how great the cult is.
The people of the "book." :p

Muslims hate Whites and Semi-Whites (Jews).
Muslims don't hate Whites.

Islam is not a race - it is a political and cultural philosophy and warrior cult and mechanism of conquest, thinly disguised as a religion.

Muslims hate Unbelievers, as they are commanded to do by their phony-baloney Prophet.

( Peanut-butter-and-jelly Be Upon Him )
They have been largely under the heel of European imperialism for the past century or two or three, depending upon the region.

Given that Europe has bled itself white through two world wars and can no longer hold onto its empires, the Muzzies are finally free to resume their ancient hobby.

That re-enabling has all materialized within Living Memory, and after a mere 60-70 years, they're already phukking things up again wherever you turn.

With much more to come in the not-too-distant future.

Okay, guy, I realize you are terrified of that Muslim hiding under your bed, but the reality is, if we have a problem with that part of the world, it's because of our own stupid policies, not because their belief in an Invisible Sky Pixie is any worse than your belief in an Invisible Sky Pixie.

Our policy is to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung and what a bunch of bastards the hornets are. That's when we aren't nurturing bigger and nastier hornets that eventually turn on us.

That is not an answer, nor does it alter the irrefutable truth of the observation.

Um, yeah, it kind of is. the thing is, Popes and Kings and Politicians have been able to quote the bible to justify all manner of horrors- War, Imperialism, Genocide, Slavery. So to selectively take a few verses out of context from the Koran but ignore the way the bible has been used in the same way is disingenous.

No True Scotsman Fallacy.

New Testament supercedes Old.

The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are the trump card which overrides the historical narrative and backstop guidelines found in the Old Testament.

That's not what Jesus said.

Jesus said the Law of Moses is still binding.

Jesus didn't change, we did when we decided slavery and slaughtering unbelievers was a bit harsh.

Oh, look everyone... Mac is trying to rationalize his Islamophobia again.

Reality check. We have a problem in that region of the world because of our own policies. The more we get involved, the more we foul it up.

Nothing more, nothing less.

We stick our hand in a hornet's nest and complain about getting stung.
Only fools believe muslim countries wouldn't be a problem if the West hadn't "interfered." Britain ruled India for hundreds of years, and we don't have a problem with it. The same goes for about a dozen African countries. The problem exists only in countries that have a majority Muslim population.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Hmmm so the west can around fucking up countries, and everyone should be happy?
Didn't the Brit think of Americans as terrorists when they were pushing them out?

Our biggest issue is backing the occupation of Palestine we paying a heavy price and we will for a long time to come. Instead of playing the peace keeper we are making enemies left and right.
Even if we had stayed on our side of the pond, Muslims would still hate us. It's not something we did. It's what they are that's the problem.

Sweet heart.....There's a saying don't poke the bear, it won't bite you. For the last century, the US has been wrecking havoc in the world and the Islamic world. You tell me what you want them to do? send us flowers and a thank you note? Muslims were the first ones to recognize the independence of the US from the British empire and were guaranteed a safe passage in the Mideastern sea. And most Muslims are considered allies to the US. Also in case you didn't know it. And Muslims on daily basis protect your ass and mine from another suicide bomber. In case you didn't know it.
And yet muslims are blowing up each other and killing more other muslims than westerners. So I'm led to believe that the people who misunderstand the religion are in fact the muslims themselves. For some reason they seem to be interpreting it wrong, quite often. Strange huh?
Islam isn't a religion. Its a death cult.

A cult where idiots worship a pedophile named Mohammad.

A cult where woman are less than nothing. Women who are stoned, abused and treated like slaves. That's the cult of Islam.

They don't assimilate into any country they land in. Their Sharia Law is bullshit and they do nothing but cause problems in those countries.

Just ask the folks in Paris and San Bernardino how great the cult is.

Right. I'm more likely to be shot by a white guy who didn't like a movie than a muslim... but never mind.

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