Islam----not just a religion

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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.
The USA was founded on folks who knew "The Bible" was a bunch of bullshit. BUT...the "Christian" element was tolerated in its various forms.

Judaism is always a lingering parasitic force...but Islam is an immediate danger.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

The leftists here would not recognize a liberal principle if it smacked them along side their little regressive heads. All they know is that they are required to defend Islam.

No amount of rational discussion will ever penetrate the fortresses they have erected around the vacuum between their two ears.
The USA was founded on folks who knew "The Bible" was a bunch of bullshit. BUT...the "Christian" element was tolerated in its various forms.

Judaism is always a lingering parasitic force...but Islam is an immediate danger.

Neither Christianity or Judaism brings a different system of government and body of law with it. Your attempt at analogy fails. Islam IS the government in muslim countries. Sharia IS the system of law in muslim countries. Islam is a state religion, the religious leaders are the government leaders. There is no separation of church and state.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

The leftists here would not recognize a liberal principle if it smacked them along side their little regressive heads. All they know is that they are required to defend Islam.

No amount of rational discussion will ever penetrate the fortresses they have erected around the vacuum between their two ears.

sadly, it seems that you are correct. The crazy ass Hollywood people who beg for islam would be the first ones put under black sheets and beheaded if they were gay.
The USA was founded on folks who knew "The Bible" was a bunch of bullshit. BUT...the "Christian" element was tolerated in its various forms.

Judaism is always a lingering parasitic force...but Islam is an immediate danger.

Neither Christianity or Judaism brings a different system of government and body of law with it. Your attempt at analogy fails. Islam IS the government in muslim countries. Sharia IS the system of law in muslim countries. Islam is a state religion, the religious leaders are the government leaders. There is no separation of church and state.

What I have found in this forum is that there is an inverse relationship between a poster's level of knowledge and their propensity for defending Islam.
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.
America needs Islam.

As the U.S. sinks deeper into moral depravity and economic perversion.

Islam will be there to salvage the wreckage and build a just society based on logic and morality. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
sadly, it seems that you are correct. The crazy ass Hollywood people who beg for islam would be the first ones put under black sheets and beheaded if they were gay.

It's really just all about appearances and their own ego rather than the product of a mind that examines principles. They feel superior when they defend Islam, as they receive props from their peeps for their "tolerance" when doing so. It's nothing but social conditioning.

Honestly, Pavlov's pooch was harder to train.
The USA was founded on folks who knew "The Bible" was a bunch of bullshit. BUT...the "Christian" element was tolerated in its various forms.

Judaism is always a lingering parasitic force...but Islam is an immediate danger.

Neither Christianity or Judaism brings a different system of government and body of law with it. Your attempt at analogy fails. Islam IS the government in muslim countries. Sharia IS the system of law in muslim countries. Islam is a state religion, the religious leaders are the government leaders. There is no separation of church and state.

What I have found in this forum is that there is an inverse relationship between a poster's level of knowledge and their propensity for defending Islam.

What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.
America needs Islam.

As the U.S. sinks deeper into moral depravity and economic perversion.

Islam will be there to salvage the wreckage and build a just society based on logic and morality. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

Yeah....all I need is some radical blowing me up
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.
sadly, it seems that you are correct. The crazy ass Hollywood people who beg for islam would be the first ones put under black sheets and beheaded if they were gay.

It's really just all about appearances and their own ego rather than the product of a mind that examines principles. They feel superior when they defend Islam, as they receive props from their peeps for their "tolerance" when doing so. It's nothing but social conditioning.

Honestly, Pavlov's pooch was harder to train.

ding ding, salivate. might work on liberals. :2up:
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.
What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.

You started off badly and then descended into all the typical regressive platitudes from there.

Would you like to display some knowledge of the subject matter, instead?

Islam is a totalitarian ideology that was invented by a murderous warlord in order to bind his warriors to him. It comes complete with it's own set of laws, a tradition that includes treating this warlord as the world's most perfect being despite the fact he was a murderer, rapist, thief and had sex with children. The doctrine he created orders eternal warfare against all who had any different notions as to how the world should be. It allows no quarter for pluralism, it is archly misogynistic by design, allows for no separation of religion and politics and is the very antithesis of secular humanism.

You are simply a know-nothing idiot who has learned to parrot all the pablum you have been fed by other know-nothings, and so offer these canned responses as you have been rained to offer.

We are living in Dar al Harb. Muslims want to turn it into Dar al Islam. They are well under way in Europe.
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

and if you don't like oil, park your car and ride a bike, I don't give a shit how you feel about the natural product that keeps the world running and billions fed.
What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.

You started off badly and then descended into all the typical regressive platitudes from there.

Would you like to display some knowledge of the subject matter, instead?

Islam is a totalitarian ideology that was invented by a murderous warlord in order to bind his warriors to him. It comes complete with it's own set of laws, a tradition that includes treating this warlord as the world's most perfect being despite the fact he was a murderer, rapist, thief and had sex with children. The doctrine he created orders eternal warfare against all who had any different notions as to how the world should be. It allows no quarter for pluralism, it is archly misogynistic by design, allows for no separation of religion and politics and is the very antithesis of secular humanism.

You are simply a know-nothing idiot who has learned to parrot all the pablum you have been fed by other know-nothings, and so offer these canned responses as you have been rained to offer.

We are living in Dar al Harb. Muslims want to turn it into Dar al Islam. They are well under way in Europe.

Well said and 100% accurate.
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