Israel attacks civilians

Oslo expired without final agreement. I means nothing.

Jewish sovereignty over Israel was established by King David 3000 years ago.

Rule of property law: First in time, first in right

I think lands change hands and sometimes things aren't always fair. I agree that the Jewish homeland of ancient Israel was rightfully that of the Jews..that said Muslims and Christians also have claim to the land. I think there is a shared right...the thing is Palestinians do not want to accept that the Jews or Christians have any right to the land..and that is where I step outside from their viewpoints. I just wish that they could all get along for once...It would be nice if they could all live on the same block without having schoolyard fights but that seems impossible so we go the segregation route.

The Palestinians wanted a democratic state where Muslims, Christians, and Jews have equal rights.

Palestine constitution

Article 9

Palestinians shall be equal before the law and the judiciary, without distinction based upon race, sex, color, religion, political views or disability.

Israel wanted an exclusive Jewish state. That is the conflict.
Oslo expired without final agreement. I means nothing.

Jewish sovereignty over Israel was established by King David 3000 years ago.

Rule of property law: First in time, first in right

I think lands change hands and sometimes things aren't always fair. I agree that the Jewish homeland of ancient Israel was rightfully that of the Jews..that said Muslims and Christians also have claim to the land.

Muslims and Arabs have no historical or legal claim to Israel. Last time I checked, Israel was a Hebrew name, not Arabic.

Jews established sovereignty over Israel 2000 years before Mahomet and Islam were even invented. There is no archaeological evidence of an Arab civilization anywhere prior to Islam.

King David established Jerusalem as the Jewish capital and Mahomet never set foot in Jerusalem. Muslims pray to Mecca, not Jerusalam. Jerusalem is mentioned 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, not once in the Quran.

Jews have prior possession to Israel. Arabs have their own country in Arabia.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Winston Churchill, 1921
It is manifestly right that the Jews should have a national centre and a National Home...And where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?
Martin Gilbert, Atlas Israeli Arab Conflict
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[ame=]Picard song & dance - YouTube[/ame]
Muslims and Arabs have no historical or legal claim to Israel. Last time I checked, Israel was a Hebrew name, not Arabic.

Jews established sovereignty over Israel 2000 years before Mahomet and Islam were even invented. There is no archaeological evidence of an Arab civilization anywhere prior to Islam.

Jews and Arabs are the same race. They are both semite. Muslim and Jew are religious terms...and yes Arab and Christian beliefs were born long after Judaism...but just as whites do not have any more right over the US than anyone else...the same is said there...they are all the same..why? Because they were all born from the same father..Abraham.
Muslims and Arabs have no historical or legal claim to Israel. Last time I checked, Israel was a Hebrew name, not Arabic.

Jews established sovereignty over Israel 2000 years before Mahomet and Islam were even invented. There is no archaeological evidence of an Arab civilization anywhere prior to Islam.

Jews and Arabs are the same race. They are both semite. Muslim and Jew are religious terms...and yes Arab and Christian beliefs were born long after Judaism...but just as whites do not have any more right over the US than anyone else...the same is said there...they are all the same..why? Because they were all born from the same father..Abraham.

Medina was half Jewish when Mahomet arrived 1400 years ago. When might we expect Saudi Arabia to hand Medina over the the Jews?

Jews have sovereignty over Israel and have the right to determine who can and cannot live in their country. Arabs and Muslims have 60 countries and Jews have a right to their one country.

You don't like that? Tough.
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Muslims and Arabs have no historical or legal claim to Israel. Last time I checked, Israel was a Hebrew name, not Arabic.

Jews established sovereignty over Israel 2000 years before Mahomet and Islam were even invented. There is no archaeological evidence of an Arab civilization anywhere prior to Islam.

Jews and Arabs are the same race. They are both semite. Muslim and Jew are religious terms...and yes Arab and Christian beliefs were born long after Judaism...but just as whites do not have any more right over the US than anyone else...the same is said there...they are all the same..why? Because they were all born from the same father..Abraham.

Medina was half Jewish when Mahomet arrived. When might we expect Saudi Arabia to hand Medina over the the Jews?

I don't expect them to do that..I expect both Israelis and Palestinians to behave themselves and act like grown ups...yet they seemingly can't do that. I agree that the Palestinians have acted like turds...but Israel hasn't been exactly gracious all of the time either...that said...the things like the flotillas and the poor me crap from Palestinians and Hamas when they are carrying illegal cargo has to stop as well..nonsense the whole lot of it.
Jews and Arabs are the same race. They are both semite. Muslim and Jew are religious terms...and yes Arab and Christian beliefs were born long after Judaism...but just as whites do not have any more right over the US than anyone else...the same is said there...they are all the same..why? Because they were all born from the same father..Abraham.

Medina was half Jewish when Mahomet arrived. When might we expect Saudi Arabia to hand Medina over the the Jews?

I don't expect them to do that..I expect both Israelis and Palestinians to behave themselves and act like grown ups...yet they seemingly can't do that. I agree that the Palestinians have acted like turds...but Israel hasn't been exactly gracious all of the time either...that said...the things like the flotillas and the poor me crap from Palestinians and Hamas when they are carrying illegal cargo has to stop as well..nonsense the whole lot of it.

Oh, grow up and read the Quran.
Medina was half Jewish when Mahomet arrived. When might we expect Saudi Arabia to hand Medina over the the Jews?

I don't expect them to do that..I expect both Israelis and Palestinians to behave themselves and act like grown ups...yet they seemingly can't do that. I agree that the Palestinians have acted like turds...but Israel hasn't been exactly gracious all of the time either...that said...the things like the flotillas and the poor me crap from Palestinians and Hamas when they are carrying illegal cargo has to stop as well..nonsense the whole lot of it.

Oh, grow up and read the Quran.

I have read the Koran and the Bible and I am not Muslim. Just because I disagree with your all Israel and push Arabs and Christians into the sea view does not make me Islamic. I simply think that it is time to grow up and get over it and live together and stop fighting like animals over land in the desert.
I don't expect them to do that..I expect both Israelis and Palestinians to behave themselves and act like grown ups...yet they seemingly can't do that. I agree that the Palestinians have acted like turds...but Israel hasn't been exactly gracious all of the time either...that said...the things like the flotillas and the poor me crap from Palestinians and Hamas when they are carrying illegal cargo has to stop as well..nonsense the whole lot of it.

Oh, grow up and read the Quran.

I have read the Koran and the Bible and I am not Muslim. Just because I disagree with your all Israel and push Arabs and Christians into the sea view does not make me Islamic. I simply think that it is time to grow up and get over it and live together and stop fighting like animals over land in the desert.

no one thinks arabs and christians should be pushed to the sea. why are you making that up?

you can feel free to tell the pals to stop lobbing missiles into israel. people tend to get cranky when that kind of thing happens.

israel lives in peace with every country that has ever signed a peace treaty with it. you can't expect it not to defend itself against terrorists.
I don't expect them to do that..I expect both Israelis and Palestinians to behave themselves and act like grown ups...yet they seemingly can't do that. I agree that the Palestinians have acted like turds...but Israel hasn't been exactly gracious all of the time either...that said...the things like the flotillas and the poor me crap from Palestinians and Hamas when they are carrying illegal cargo has to stop as well..nonsense the whole lot of it.

Oh, grow up and read the Quran.

I have read the Koran and the Bible and I am not Muslim. Just because I disagree with your all Israel and push Arabs and Christians into the sea view does not make me Islamic. I simply think that it is time to grow up and get over it and live together and stop fighting like animals over land in the desert.

You missed these parts of the Quran and hadith, hun...

Quran 2:65...
And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday). We said to them: "Be you monkeys, despised and rejected.

Quran 5:60...
Say O Muhammad to the people of the Scripture: "Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allâh: those Jews who incurred the Curse of Allâh and His Wrath, those of whom He transformed into monkeys and swines,

Quran 5:51
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends. They are but friends to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of them.

Sahih Muslim...
It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim

Sahih Bukhari The day of Judgment will not have come until you fight with the Jews, and the stones and the trees behind which a Jew will be hiding will say: 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him
Oh, grow up and read the Quran.

I have read the Koran and the Bible and I am not Muslim. Just because I disagree with your all Israel and push Arabs and Christians into the sea view does not make me Islamic. I simply think that it is time to grow up and get over it and live together and stop fighting like animals over land in the desert.

no one thinks arabs and christians should be pushed to the sea. why are you making that up?

you can feel free to tell the pals to stop lobbing missiles into israel. people tend to get cranky when that kind of thing happens.

israel lives in peace with every country that has ever signed a peace treaty with it. you can't expect it not to defend itself against terrorists.

The Romans fed Christians to the lions, so, what's wrong with Palis to the sharks.
I don't expect them to do that..I expect both Israelis and Palestinians to behave themselves and act like grown ups...yet they seemingly can't do that. I agree that the Palestinians have acted like turds...but Israel hasn't been exactly gracious all of the time either...that said...the things like the flotillas and the poor me crap from Palestinians and Hamas when they are carrying illegal cargo has to stop as well..nonsense the whole lot of it.

Oh, grow up and read the Quran.

I have read the Koran and the Bible and I am not Muslim. Just because I disagree with your all Israel and push Arabs and Christians into the sea view does not make me Islamic. I simply think that it is time to grow up and get over it and live together and stop fighting like animals over land in the desert.

The fucking Arabs went to war with the Jews in a war of independence. The Arabs lost. Instead of leaving and going somewhere else like every other people defeated in war, these fuckers just whine for 60 years about losing to the Jews. Had the Jews been defeated, you think the Arabs would have returned any land to them? LOL. Lesson learned: Don't go to war if you are unable to win it. Fucking Arab losers will whine until their mahdi arrives.
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Israel wanted an exclusive Jewish state. That is the conflict.
Aren't we quietly forgetting that the area, designated for jews, was over 75% desert and had a population of 498.000 jews and 325.000 arabs, and the arab area had 807.000 arabs and 10.000 jews, and the international trusteeship in Jerusalem would've had a population of 100.000 Jews and 105.000 arabs? So, we're left with the same old 1937 Peel Commission observation: "The only solution of tile problem put forward by the Arab Higher Committee was the immediate establishment of all independent Arab Government, which would deal with the 400.000 Jews now in Palestine as it thought fit."
Ie, diktat, redistribution of jewish holdings and property, and murder.
What do you expect? Israel is the little America of the Middle East. They are just following suit with how we opperate. Its kinda flattering in a way. Glenn Beck probably even showed them a few pressure points under the fingernails to use on civilians.

Definition of a Sociopath--(Sociopaths) Psychopathy ( ) was until 1980 the term used for a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct but masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal.

hmm abnormal lack of empathy? Sounds like a typical republican yelling for more death, more war, and more executions.

In the end, better to be a socialist then a sociopath.

Jewish sovereignty over Israel was established by King David 3000 years ago.

Rule of property law: First in time, first in right

I think lands change hands and sometimes things aren't always fair. I agree that the Jewish homeland of ancient Israel was rightfully that of the Jews..that said Muslims and Christians also have claim to the land. I think there is a shared right...the thing is Palestinians do not want to accept that the Jews or Christians have any right to the land..and that is where I step outside from their viewpoints. I just wish that they could all get along for once...It would be nice if they could all live on the same block without having schoolyard fights but that seems impossible so we go the segregation route.

The Palestinians wanted a democratic state where Muslims, Christians, and Jews have equal rights.

Palestine constitution

Article 9

Palestinians shall be equal before the law and the judiciary, without distinction based upon race, sex, color, religion, political views or disability.

Israel wanted an exclusive Jewish state. That is the conflict.

That is a lie, the Palestinians in their charter said they wanted to push the Israelis into the sea. Sorry, but you can't deny that...they or you can claim all you want...there is no need to have one individual country. Two countries perhaps, but one no.
What do you expect? Israel is the little America of the Middle East.
Indeed, and since concepts of diversity and multiculturalism are absolutely alien to dar-al-islam, the latter want to destroy that little America, of course. But, and that's most funny, of course, they don't want to destroy the amenities! Which means all that "dar-al-islam" crap is all about plunder, and murder as the icing. That damn Al Rawandi was right, indeed.
Oh, grow up and read the Quran.

I have read the Koran and the Bible and I am not Muslim. Just because I disagree with your all Israel and push Arabs and Christians into the sea view does not make me Islamic. I simply think that it is time to grow up and get over it and live together and stop fighting like animals over land in the desert.

no one thinks arabs and christians should be pushed to the sea. why are you making that up?

you can feel free to tell the pals to stop lobbing missiles into israel. people tend to get cranky when that kind of thing happens.

israel lives in peace with every country that has ever signed a peace treaty with it. you can't expect it not to defend itself against terrorists.

His argument that no one has any claim to the land except Jews is why I think that he is saying that...there is no making it up. I already said that both of them have some culpability. I am not saying they cannot defend themselves and think that the vast majority of time they do defend themselves instead of being aggressors but they have violated rights.

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