Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Women and underaged children ? That's the way the U.S. media has been reporting it today. They'll have to prove it to me that Israel is holding underaged children, and women for that matter.
Well, there are both women and juveniles in American prisons because they committed crimes. Why do you think it would be different in Israel?
He’s a MORON Keeps yelling and screaming about how Israel 🇮🇱 is “ occupying “ Gaza. I gave him the timeline but it doesn’t register Israel started to withdraw in 2004 and the Rockets kept coming. After their total withdrawal in 2005not only did the Rockets not cease but actually increased . Hamas came into power in 2007 with increased violence and that’s when the blockade was built
Ask him why Abbas rejected Olmert’s Peace Plan or why Arafat outright Rejected Bill Clinton’s Camp David Accords which gave him almost everything he wanted and there will be no response 🇮🇱

Don't you know by now why Olmert rejected the peace plan?
WRONG !!!! Try to educate yourself. In your case, it’s difficult Israel started to evacGaza in 2004. In spite of that Rockets kept coming After Israel left Rockets increased When Hamas took over it increased even

Thank you again for your ignorance and stupidity Rockets continued throughout 2004-2005 and increased immediately after Those are the facts; ASSHOLE ! Ismail Haniyeh : Head of Hamas stated he would accept a Palestinian State with 67 Botders; does NOT recognize Israel and would enter into a 10 year TRUCE and the Violence escalated Don’t like the fact that Israel built the Blockade aftet over two years of Rockets and no chance for a peaceful Resolution? FUCK YOU !
There was a ceasefire in 2008 and the rocket attacks went down to virtually zero four almost 4 months until Israel launched a commando raid into Gaza to kill a Hamas representative.

If Israel wanted peace, why did they break the ceasefire? Do you want to answer that question, fuckhead?
There was a ceasefire in 2008 and the rocket attacks went down to virtually zero four almost 4 months until Israel launched a commando raid into Gaza to kill a Hamas representative.

If Israel wanted peace, why did they break the ceasefire? Do you want to answer that question, fuckhead?
On Feb 27 2008 Israel launched Operation Hot lWintet to stop the INCREASE of Gaza Rocket Fire . In spite of the “ truce” Israel learned they were building Underground Tunnels at Dei al Balah so they destroyed them If the Pals wanted “ peace” why were they fighting underground tunnels?? Do you want to answer that question; FUCK FACEu
Who thinks they are subhuman ? Not Israel, but Hamas dam sure figured their own citizens to be subhumans, because they sure set them up to die for what their idiocy caused, and for what they done.
What do you mean, "not Israel"?

Gazans cannot even fish or farm without getting shot at! WTF are you talking about?
Disgusting are people who support Palestinian animals who put babies in ovens and rape women, then the cowards go hide in tunnels like rats, and call this savagery “resistance”.
Do you want to watch your mouth? The Bazis called the Jews animals. Do you want to be associated with them?

As for "resistance", they have every legal right in the book to resist. Unfortunately, some of the ways they are resisting, are war crimes.
Well it looks like Israel was absolutely right to be concerned about who the GAZAN's chose to represent them, and Hamas made it Israel's business big time on October the 7th and before.
Whatever Hamas did on Oct 7th, Israel is doing far worse now. Israel is the aggressor. Israel needs to stop making Palestinian life a daily hell!
On Feb 27 2008 Israel launched Operation Hot lWintet to stop the INCREASE of Gaza Rocket Fire . In spite of the “ truce” Israel learned they were building Underground Tunnels at Dei al Balah so they destroyed them If the Pals wanted “ peace” why were they fighting underground tunnels?? Do you want to answer that question; FUCK FACEu
You have your dates mixed up. The ceasefire lasted from June 2008 to December 2008. With virtually no rocket fir from Gaza. On December 4th, the IDF launched a commando raid into Gaza which effectively ended the ceasefire.
You have your dates mixed up. The ceasefire lasted from June 2008 to December 2008. With virtually no rocket fir from Gaza. On December 4th, the IDF launched a commando raid into Gaza which effectively ended the ceasefire.
ANOTHER LIE ! My info above is accurate
The use of human shields is a war crime. That is true for Hamas and it is true for the IDF. I am pretty sure you and I see eye to eye on this point?
We do. But the consequence of that legal and ethical principle is that the responsibility for the deaths of non-combatants used as human shields falls on Hamas, not Israel.
What do you mean, "not Israel"?

Gazans cannot even fish or farm without getting shot at! WTF are you talking about?
They can both fish and farm. (You know Gaza used to export surplus fruits and vegetables, yes?) They do need to stay away from the land border fence, due to their own belligerence/resistance activities. And they do need to stay away from certain areas of their territorial waters, due to their own belligerence/resistance activities.

They may have the "right" to "resist" but if you try to harm Israeli citizens, there will be consequences. Those consequences are the responsibility of Gaza.
Regardless of the date (I think it was actually 4 November 2008) of the broken ceasefire, it is rather disingenuous to claim it was Israel who broke it when Hamas was building tunnels intended to for an attack on Israel.

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