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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

jerk LOTS OF BUILDINGS GET ILLEGALLY BUILT not in the little town in which I grew up-------over there nothing happened that EVERYONE DID NOT KNOW IT ------in my present town and in ISRAEL ---west bank etc LOTS OF THINGS "happen" which are very very illegal-----In my PRESENT USA town---------especially extra buildings in the backyard----on the roof ----additions-----even encroachments onto other people's property. gee-----for someone in the business-----you are dim
There are no passages disallowing self defense in the present conflict between Israel and the islamo nazi pig terrorists in the Geneva conference agreements or in Humanitarian law nor are their passages allowing the sneak up throat slitting of infants that you so enjoy
Partially true. If someone is shooting at you, you have a right to shoot back. No one expects you to just take a bullet, whether you're the occupier or the occupied. With that being said, there are rules of engagement codified in IHL and GC.

Israel's obligations in responding to rocket and mortar fire.

Under international humanitarian law, a breach by one side does not allow the adversary to relate to the entire area from which the rocket and mortar fire is launched as a legitimate military target. Although Israel has the right, and even the obligation, to protect its citizens from rocket and mortar attacks, it must do so by using means that comport with the requirements of international humanitarian law. The laws of war require the sides to direct their attacks only against specific military objects, to use means of warfare that cause harm proportionate to the purpose, location, and nature of the object, to take cautionary measures to prevent injury to civilians, and to refrain from acts that are likely to cause incidental loss of civilian lives, when the loss is excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated.
So bulldozing down peoples farms and olive trees are not military targets.
I was referring to the cowards who associate people who are anti Israel as Jew haters, this way they can go off and claim the whole reason is because of Jewish hatred. It's utterly false, and is a blind attempt to dehumanize Pro Palestinian supporters.

Unfortuantely much of that which passes for the pro-"Palestinian" narrative is simply thinly veiled Jew-hate. The anti-Semites who engage in that are not interested in peace or justice and do a disservice to the "Palestinians" who serve as willing pawns in the war against the Jews.
Angelica, what's wrong with it if someone says they don't like Jews?

Are you trying to say Jews deserve higher rights and you demand people shut up about Israel and Zionists?

In America you're allowed to "hate" Jews.

Jews aren't any more special, you keep trying to indicate its a terrible thing and crime to hate Jews, yet all your other Pro Israel friends on this board despise Muslims and are Muslim haters, with vile and filthy islamophobia. Hypocrite
Of course here in America you can hate the Jews if it pleases you. Maybe that's why the largest hate crimes in America are against the Jews. Meanwhile, even though basically no one here is bothering the Muslims, they seem to have very strange ideas while living here in America.
Answering Muslims: Poll: Nearly Half of U.S. Muslims Believe That Critics of Muhammad Should Be Criminally Prosecuted

"Largest hate crimes in America are against jews"

I should have said 'religious hate crimes'. That's what I meant.

FBI — Victims
Of course here in America you can hate the Jews if it pleases you. Maybe that's why the largest hate crimes in America are against the Jews. Meanwhile, even though basically no one here is bothering the Muslims, they seem to have very strange ideas while living here in America.
Answering Muslims: Poll: Nearly Half of U.S. Muslims Believe That Critics of Muhammad Should Be Criminally Prosecuted

"Largest hate crimes in America are against jews"

I should have said 'religious hate crimes'. That's what I meant.

FBI — Victims

Wow...so much for the Christian Israel loving America.
jerk LOTS OF BUILDINGS GET ILLEGALLY BUILT not in the little town in which I grew up-------over there nothing happened that EVERYONE DID NOT KNOW IT ------in my present town and in ISRAEL ---west bank etc LOTS OF THINGS "happen" which are very very illegal-----In my PRESENT USA town---------especially extra buildings in the backyard----on the roof ----additions-----even encroachments onto other people's property. gee-----for someone in the business-----you are dim
With the exception of building on someone else's property or over a utility easement, those structures do not automatically get torn down. They are "red-tagged". Which means the owner has lost his occupancy permit and no one can go in the structure until the owner satisifies the conditions stated on the "tag".

In Israel, they'll bulldoze your house down if your pussy smells like gafilda fish.
I was referring to the cowards who associate people who are anti Israel as Jew haters, this way they can go off and claim the whole reason is because of Jewish hatred. It's utterly false, and is a blind attempt to dehumanize Pro Palestinian supporters.

Unfortuantely much of that which passes for the pro-"Palestinian" narrative is simply thinly veiled Jew-hate. The anti-Semites who engage in that are not interested in peace or justice and do a disservice to the "Palestinians" who serve as willing pawns in the war against the Jews.

It depends, maybe ill agree some few people who are anti Israel dislike Jewish people, but the second part I didn't bother. :cool:

You could say the same thing for Pro Israel supporters. Some people just support Israel because they hate Muslims.
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Kvetch, you appear to be forgetting in your 'analysis' of Second Temple Occupied Judaism, that the *priesthood* were Roman appointees, quislings.

You also haven't touched on the ongoing tensions between Pharisees and Sadducees theologically - not disagreeing with your analysis but suggesting it is somewhat skeletal.

Incidentally, Kvetchie - are you familiar with 'British Israelism'? Here in the US it's known as 'Christian Identity'.
no huinter, I agree with you

I only know the christian script; not the jewish one

i would love to read you explain that

and the "israelism"..i know nothing of that either

please enlighten us all..............
jerk LOTS OF BUILDINGS GET ILLEGALLY BUILT not in the little town in which I grew up-------over there nothing happened that EVERYONE DID NOT KNOW IT ------in my present town and in ISRAEL ---west bank etc LOTS OF THINGS "happen" which are very very illegal-----In my PRESENT USA town---------especially extra buildings in the backyard----on the roof ----additions-----even encroachments onto other people's property. gee-----for someone in the business-----you are dim
With the exception of building on someone else's property or over a utility easement, those structures do not automatically get torn down. They are "red-tagged". Which means the owner has lost his occupancy permit and no one can go in the structure until the owner satisifies the conditions stated on the "tag".

In Israel, they'll bulldoze your house down if your pussy smells like gafilda fish.
will you keep pussies out of this pelvic chops

you are a sexaholic...go on a 12 step program at once!

and its gefilte fish with a t not d
I was referring to the cowards who associate people who are anti Israel as Jew haters, this way they can go off and claim the whole reason is because of Jewish hatred. It's utterly false, and is a blind attempt to dehumanize Pro Palestinian supporters.

Unfortuantely much of that which passes for the pro-"Palestinian" narrative is simply thinly veiled Jew-hate. The anti-Semites who engage in that are not interested in peace or justice and do a disservice to the "Palestinians" who serve as willing pawns in the war against the Jews.

It depends, maybe ill agree some few people who are anti Israel dislike Jewish people, but the second part I didn't bother. :cool:

You could say the same thing for Pro Israel supporters. Some people just support Israel because they hate Muslims.

Until 9/11 I didn't know anyone who hated Muslims but you're probably right proving only that even a blind squirrel stumbles across the occasional acorn. :D
Unfortuantely much of that which passes for the pro-"Palestinian" narrative is simply thinly veiled Jew-hate. The anti-Semites who engage in that are not interested in peace or justice and do a disservice to the "Palestinians" who serve as willing pawns in the war against the Jews.

It depends, maybe ill agree some few people who are anti Israel dislike Jewish people, but the second part I didn't bother. :cool:

You could say the same thing for Pro Israel supporters. Some people just support Israel because they hate Muslims.

Until 9/11 I didn't know anyone who hated Muslims but you're probably right proving only that even a blind squirrel stumbles across the occasional acorn. :D

Have you ever asked yourself why 67% of religious hate crimes in America are against Jews? It's a serious question.
wrong Kvetch----the jewish priesthood at the time of jesus were ROMAN APPOINTEES-----the most hated was CAIAPHAS the people who hated him MOST were the PHARISEES Jesus was a pharisee I came to know about Caiaphas---in a circuitous way ------my kid ----before high school----went to a yeshiva type school and one day I ran into the name CAIAPHAS the only caiaphas I knew about was from christmas stories--------an evil rabbi that hated jesus I asked my kid "who was he"-------"OH A REALLY BAD GUY---- A SADDUCEE THAT THE ROMANS MADE INTO A "HIGH PRIEST" I delved a bit and sure enough---CAIAPHAS is a universally (among ortho jews) despised person ------heavliy in league with the romans---heavy into corruption in the temple-------and as it turns out-----he is same nasty mamzer mentioned in the New Testament ---more delving----Caiaphas hated the pharisees for the constant OUTING of his corruption and objection to the MONEY CHANGERS in the temple courtyard (a concept which elludes sherri) who made the corruption possible and even cashed in on it For all those whoever sees an easter drama -----that bad guy CAIAPHAS is an historic person of sadducean pursuasion--------now someone even found his tomb----or---vault thing where he is at eternal rot
thankyou sweetie

it all sounds right to me and i knew nothing about it because i was educated as a christian and only in the last 10 years decided to get to know more about the jewish tradition

any true prophet or even an eloquent wise man is bound to upset the establishment and vested interests and get themselves killed......... it happens all the time includin Martin Luther King and Gandhi who was killed by Hindus for being soft on Muslims . Even Sadat and Rabin for peace efforts!..........................that's universal
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CaMoron has said a great many silly things in his relatively short career.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to them if I were you :eusa_angel:

i hope that means you aint no Tory (English slang for Conservative for non Brit readers)

not all tories are lava - tories of course

but camOron is an opportunist power junkie chamelion like romney

sooner we elect our jewish labour leader in waiting ed milliband the better; i like him better than his brother

i heard his dad ralph lecture at uni...jewish refugee like his mum, too....very good it was ...excellent

I did vote for the Tories last time round. I was quite sick of voting for people who turned out to be warmongering tossers, and decided to vote for the more refined type of tosser for a change. What difference does it really make? They are all essentially liars at the end of the day. Cynical, huh?
BTW, I wouldn't vote for a Milliband - if you attended his fathers lectures you would know they've got commie stamped through them like sticks of Brighton rock. Are you for real, Kvetch? :doubt:
It depends, maybe ill agree some few people who are anti Israel dislike Jewish people, but the second part I didn't bother. :cool:

You could say the same thing for Pro Israel supporters. Some people just support Israel because they hate Muslims.

Until 9/11 I didn't know anyone who hated Muslims but you're probably right proving only that even a blind squirrel stumbles across the occasional acorn. :D

Have you ever asked yourself why 67% of religious hate crimes in America are against Jews? It's a serious question.

No I haven't. Have you?
Lawyer???? did you say SHERRI IS A LAWYER???? how can she be a lawyer? she evinces no knowlege at all of the HISTORY OF LAW english or usa she never heard of the justinian code and its overt oppression of NON CHRISTIANS? (read that "jews" in palestine and rome) The Justinian code-----as a codified form of the LAWS enacted by CONSTANTINE---cofified this his grandson JUSTIN------Constantine is -the man who brought christianity to the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE (first reich) he is also the father of the Inquisition and the father of nazism
sweetie I just went off the board to watch a BBC series about Hitler

plenty of original early Hitler speeches which as a german speaker i fully understand without translation.

by co-incidence it included a procession of protestant christian priests and laity marching with nazi salutes and with nazi banners with crosses inside instead of swastikas

this in 1934 before hitler really started killing jews in any large numbers

still shuddering................
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Angelica, what's wrong with it if someone says they don't like Jews?

Are you trying to say Jews deserve higher rights and you demand people shut up about Israel and Zionists?

In America you're allowed to "hate" Jews.

Jews aren't any more special, you keep trying to indicate its a terrible thing and crime to hate Jews, yet all your other Pro Israel friends on this board despise Muslims and are Muslim haters, with vile and filthy islamophobia. Hypocrite

The fact that you are so dumb as to admit you think its AOK to 'hate Jews' shows you for the ignorant stupid racist you are. The fact that Sherri applauds you for that shows her for the ignorant stupid racist she is. Normally, anti-semitic scum are a little cleverer than either of you and say they hate zionists or Israeli's.
I despise islam, I hate radical, extremist and terrorist muslims. Are you capable of discerning the difference between our views yet?
Angelica, what's wrong with it if someone says they don't like Jews?

Are you trying to say Jews deserve higher rights and you demand people shut up about Israel and Zionists?

In America you're allowed to "hate" Jews.

Jews aren't any more special, you keep trying to indicate its a terrible thing and crime to hate Jews, yet all your other Pro Israel friends on this board despise Muslims and are Muslim haters, with vile and filthy islamophobia. Hypocrite

The fact that you are so dumb as to admit you think its AOK to 'hate Jews' shows you for the ignorant stupid racist you are. The fact that Sherri applauds you for that shows her for the ignorant stupid racist she is. Normally, anti-semitic scum are a little cleverer than either of you and say they hate zionists or Israeli's.
I despise islam, I hate radical, extremist and terrorist muslims. Are you capable of discerning the difference between our views yet?

Bwahahahhahaahahahaha :lol::lol::lol:

Meltdown of the year :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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