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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

What nonsense.

This is about islamist ideology and its built-in Jew hatred and the islamist concept of waqf.

You don't bulldoze down peoples homes and olive trees in self-defense.

You do that to start a war!
Believe it or not---kvetch------I am aware of the christian schools where even poor indians manage to GET IN-----uhm----for a few months my kid has a HINDU GRANDMA babysitter-------here in the USA-----she was all excited to get her grandkids into the ----yeshiva school my kid was attending at that time---------it was a REALLY old fashioned place-------the poor kids were exposed to the talmud in aramaic-----not that any of them knew what was going on -------such an awkward situation------I said "they will be praying in hebrew all day" -----she said "good good"

a college friend of mine----hindu from a clearly poor family----got his excellent schooling that got him to a Ph-d program in the USA from a catholic school
well sweetie it WAS true that poor kids could get into the elite christian schools and several of my dirt poor christian and hindu family did just that 20 years ago

sadly now its gettin more and more difficult

my lovely favourite niece who did that and now works in a call centre owned by a new york jew. of course has had to pay big bucks to get her son into such a place

it would not be possible now to do what she did as a slum kid doing her homework by candle light while her beautiful widowed mum lost her eyesight slaving over a sewing machine to feed her 6 kids and 5 daughters

there may be a few special government or private philanthropy places but they are rare now
a question crotch-pimp in your response appears the following "HAMAS DID NOT FIRE A SINGLE SHOT (to break the ceasefire) " that was not my question----as YOU WELL KNOW-----the question is "DURING THE CEASE FIRE DID ANY TERRORISM ARISE OUT OF GAZA AT ALL?" I am fully aware----crotch-pimp-----of the assertion made by your fellow islamo nazis-----that unless Isrrael can PROVE HAMAS DID IT----the cease fire holds I know that logic----it was explained to me way back circa 1970 when happy muslims explained to me the islamic method for LEGALLY HIJACKING PLANES AND KILLING PEOPLE-----simply do not wear a uniform so NO COUNTRY CAN BE BLAMED
Why don't you go educate yourself? People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets, who use their civilians as human shields and fire rockets from populated areas endangering their civilian population and their children all the while knowing full well that retaliation will obviously be incurred against those co-ordinates, have already violated the conventions themselves on numerous counts and are therefore no longer entitled to its protection - that means the terrorist rocket launching scum regularly cut their own noses off to spite their own faces - but they don't mind because there are so many dhimwits like you around to buy and peddle their propaganda. Duhhhhhhh.
All the rocket attacks are in response to an Israeli air strike, invasion or because of the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land.

Israel is not retaliating, they are the aggressors doing this deliberately to maintain tensions between the to groups.

What nonsense.

This is about islamist ideology and its built-in Jew hatred and the islamist concept of waqf.
hollie I will not take anything seriously from someone who calls muslims oxygen wasters and wishes them all dead in a sectarian war...your hollie-caust

kindly apologise if that was an irritated aberration which we can all get here

if not expect to be attacked as a totally heartless zionut robot; albeit a highly literate one!
What nonsense.

This is about islamist ideology and its built-in Jew hatred and the islamist concept of waqf.

You don't bulldoze down peoples homes and olive trees in self-defense.

You do that to start a war!

in fact----in the USA illegal buildings or buildings used for CRIME are destroyed regularly

As to vandalizing agricultural lands----Hollie ---are you claming that arab
muslims have been trying to start wars with jews over there for more than
100 years? The only time the government goes after trees is when
they are used to assist your baby throat slitting heros in acts of
terrorism As to private vandalizing-----who is doing it THE MOST?
Sherri, you're supposed to be a Christian so I know you are tracking all the Christians killed in the Gaza "attacks". Are you tallying the number of Christians also killed in Syria? Or Egypt? BTW, I noticed you edited your OP to add some posed Pallywood propaganda pictures. Great job!

And what about all these innocent Syrian refugees? Ever think of their plight?

Some 11,000 flee Syria in a single day, says UN - SYRIA - TURKEY - FRANCE 24
One can always tell just how bad Israel has done something, by the speed at which you try to change the subject of the thread OP.
It's all relevant and is stacked up in the same pile. Get used to it.
islamo nazi pigs FOCUS ---both in time and place ---on that one tiny speck of reality that supports their filth and ignore all else. The only time there is "relevance" to any possibly related issues is when islamo nazis are EXPLAINING---that we must seek REASONS why it is LOGICAL AND RIGHT-----for their fellows to slit the throats of infants------ie THE RELATED ISSUES
"An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense."
from crotch boy

crotch boy----can you cite your sources for this "LAW"
are you sure that in the period of time that the USA
OCCUPIED JAPAN----it was legal for japanese people
to slit the throats of american infants?
Look, if you don't know the applicable and relevent sections of GC and IHL regarding an area under occupation, then don't enter discussions referring to them until you have properly educated yourself on the subject matter.

But I will put it to you this way, if an occupational force could claim self-defense, nobody would be wasting all this time and energy trying to say there is "no occupation", after 45 years of saying there was.
There are no passages disallowing self defense in the present conflict between Israel and the islamo nazi pig terrorists in the Geneva conference agreements or in Humanitarian law nor are their passages allowing the sneak up throat slitting of infants that you so enjoy
Angelica, what's wrong with it if someone says they don't like Jews?

Are you trying to say Jews deserve higher rights and you demand people shut up about Israel and Zionists?

In America you're allowed to "hate" Jews.

Jews aren't any more special, you keep trying to indicate its a terrible thing and crime to hate Jews, yet all your other Pro Israel friends on this board despise Muslims and are Muslim haters, with vile and filthy islamophobia. Hypocrite
sherri: you said

How long is this particular Israeli Gentile killing operation in Occupied Palestine going to continue?

How much blood of innocent civilian Gentiles in Palestine, (the indigenous peoples of Palestine), is enough for Israel?

using the word Gentile in this context puts a different anti semitic spin on what you say

why do you so often do this, please??

looks like the shadow of the christ killing anti jew libel always gets the worst of you, still

despite your "salvation" by jeremiah!!

it seems jesus has failed to save you from anti jewish hatred

you pose as a friend of the poor wretched gazans who need help from the IDF murderers, for sure

but for you its just your excuse ti have a go at jews for killing christ

gaza is a terrible place to be a christian

as is much and more and more of the arab and muslim world

not a squeak out of you about that, or real christian concerns


The targets of this recent escalation of violence in Gaza are Gentiles, nonJews in Palestine, now that is a fact, that is a truth. Speaking the truth is not something I believe I should shy away from doing, no matter who desires that truth to be silenced or however politically incorrect speaking of certain truths becomes. And I do not think speaking Truth makes me Antisemitic or makes me a hating person. In fact, Jesus tells me I will be hated for speaking truth, so I wear criticisms like this as a badge of honor.

I see an Occupation that dehumanizes and hurts and kills as a proper christian concern, the fact that there are other christian concerns does not change that.

Life is hard for Christians in Palestine, but Christians were never promised an easy life. And, if I were a Christian there, I would seek to see each and every single day as a special opportunity to live out the teachings of Jesus in my life. The Christians there face similar challenges to those faced by the earliest of Christians, they face challenges so much like those faced by Jesus Himself, and I can't help but think most Christians who remain are those committed to Jesus the most, who see the truth of all of this. I think about particular Christians in Palestine, Mazin Qumsiyeh, the CPT members. They do not have to stay, they are citizens elsewhere, they have resources to leave, but their love and passion for the people there keeps them there and the callings of Jesus keep them there. Love/God meets all their needs, all they have to do is place their trust completely in Him. And the Blessings that flow from living out the teachings of Christ in a life in Palestine make the sufferings Joy!

you could have said palestinians or arabs or gazans

instead you said gentiles

that means a different agenda altogether

one you have often slipped into

i agree totally with you about israel's treatment of gaza

you would serve the gazan cause far better by avoiding anti jewish buzzwords

esoecially one that links directly with 2000 years of christain oppression of jews

are you trying to advocate for gaza??

or the other thing???


This is my second time to try to submit this post, after spending the morning thinking about your post. We do make choices about words we use, after all.

It hit me, it was so simple, after returning from taking my son to his doctor's appointment, whether I should use the word Gentiles depends on whether Jesus did.

And I start reading in Matthew, and as I finish reading The Sermon On The Mount, I have already found three separate instances of Jesus using the word Gentiles.

Matthew 5:43-48 ESV

Love Your Enemies

43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your eenemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Matthew 6:7-15 ESV

7 And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors, 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6: 32-33 ESV

32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "

Jesus was not an oppressor of Jews, I find your accusation that Christians are historical oppressors of Jews to be offensive. I am not bound to believe a version of History that has painted Jesus and Christianity as Evil.

And as Jesus used the word Gentiles boldly and without fear, so shall I do as He did, and do the same.

Of course you can hate jews, 'because' its your religion. Many of us,, SIMPLY,, make note of that fact Saying that muslims HATE jews, and christians and hindus is a TRUE STATEMENT and you have a right to hate anyone you wish. Saying that jews and christians and hindus HATE muslims----is a far less true statement The hatred of muslims is not an aspect of either Judaism or christianity or hinduism In fact----I have been in MANY MANY MANY synagogues and Many churches and attended a few hindu festivals -----and NEVER HEARD THE WORD "MUSLIM" or "islam" or "koran" in any of those places or events. --as to mosques-----well I have been there too------and probably because this is a christian country I did hear about the crap which is christianity "ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM" and the bible is the work of "perverse liars" ameeen. It was legal-----disgusting but legal

The targets of this recent escalation of violence in Gaza are Gentiles, nonJews in Palestine, now that is a fact, that is a truth. Speaking the truth is not something I believe I should shy away from doing, no matter who desires that truth to be silenced or however politically incorrect speaking of certain truths becomes. And I do not think speaking Truth makes me Antisemitic or makes me a hating person. In fact, Jesus tells me I will be hated for speaking truth, so I wear criticisms like this as a badge of honor.

I see an Occupation that dehumanizes and hurts and kills as a proper christian concern, the fact that there are other christian concerns does not change that.

Life is hard for Christians in Palestine, but Christians were never promised an easy life. And, if I were a Christian there, I would seek to see each and every single day as a special opportunity to live out the teachings of Jesus in my life. The Christians there face similar challenges to those faced by the earliest of Christians, they face challenges so much like those faced by Jesus Himself, and I can't help but think most Christians who remain are those committed to Jesus the most, who see the truth of all of this. I think about particular Christians in Palestine, Mazin Qumsiyeh, the CPT members. They do not have to stay, they are citizens elsewhere, they have resources to leave, but their love and passion for the people there keeps them there and the callings of Jesus keep them there. Love/God meets all their needs, all they have to do is place their trust completely in Him. And the Blessings that flow from living out the teachings of Christ in a life in Palestine make the sufferings Joy!

you could have said palestinians or arabs or gazans

instead you said gentiles

that means a different agenda altogether

one you have often slipped into

i agree totally with you about israel's treatment of gaza

you would serve the gazan cause far better by avoiding anti jewish buzzwords

esoecially one that links directly with 2000 years of christain oppression of jews

are you trying to advocate for gaza??

or the other thing???


This is my second time to try to submit this post, after spending the morning thinking about your post. We do make choices about words we use, after all.

It hit me, it was so simple, after returning from taking my son to his doctor's appointment, whether I should use the word Gentiles depends on whether Jesus did.

And I start reading in Matthew, and as I finish reading The Sermon On The Mount, I have already found three separate instances of Jesus using the word Gentiles.

Matthew 5:43-48 ESV

Love Your Enemies

43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your eenemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Matthew 6:7-15 ESV

7 And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors, 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6: 32-33 ESV

32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "

Jesus was not an oppressor of Jews, I find your accusation that Christians are historical oppressors of Jews to be offensive. I am not bound to believe a version of History that has painted Jesus and Christianity as Evil.

And as Jesus used the word Gentiles boldly and without fear, so shall I do as He did, and do the same.

Use whatever hate words you can think of. It's the proper thing to do.
gee Not only has sherri claimed that HERODOTUS (who wrote his stuff about during the time of the babylonian captivity) does not make note of JEWS in his history so therefore they did not exist--------but since he does mention PHILISTINES -----those literate aegean people who had a colony near Ashkelon for a period of time about 2500 years ago -------they magically turned into PALESTINIANS who speak arabic but until only the past few years were entirely illiterate--------

she even denies that Jesus existed but goes on QUOTING HIM----or quoting some guy who said he said something---somewhere-----but not in judea because that did not exist.

SOMEONE HELP SHERRI she just denied that the Inquistion happened and that muslims were persecuted
in spain------does her shiite husband know?
in the sermon on the mount myth-----jesus speaks in aramaic ----I think. It was the language of the street
in those days I wonder how one says "GENTILES" in aramaic. Long ago----when I first began learning a bit
of hebrew----I realized that reading the bible in hebrew is--a bit different from the KJV although I have to admit GEORGE (error---fix ---JAMES) did a good job----still there are important shades of meaning lost in the translation. Some of the stuff that comes out really AWKWARD in english-----is simply very poetic and fluid and NOT SO WEIRD AND CIRCUITOUS as it seems in translation I also wonder at the word "HATE" -----the hebrew word that comes out as "HATE"-----is not precisely translated in some cases I believe the word OBJECTIONABLE or REJECTED would be a lot closer in shade of meaning. I do not know the aramaic for any of this stuff-----but it is more than likely that neither did Jesus---the aramaic spoken by jews was not precisely the same as the aramaic spoken ------in mesopotamia------it was a bit HEBRAIZED----some key words were simply regularly expressed in hebrew.

then ---of course---there was the problem of translating the whole thing into GREEK. Word are important-----intricate
analysis of a translation ----or even a SECOND HAND AND THIRD HAND TRANSLATION ----is really idiotic
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in the sermon on the mount myth-----jesus speaks in aramaic ----I think. It was the language of the street
in those days I wonder how one says "GENTILES" in aramaic. Long ago----when I first began learning a bit
of hebrew----I realized that reading the bible in hebrew is--a bit different from the KGV although I have to admit GEORGE did a good job----still there are important shades of meaning lost in the translation. Some of the stuff that comes out really AWKWARD in english-----is simply very poetic and fluid and NOT SO WEIRD AND CIRCUITOUS as it seems in translation I also wonder at the word "HATE" -----the hebrew word that comes out as "HATE"-----is not precisely translated in some cases I believe the word OBJECTIONABLE or REJECTED would be a lot closer in shade of meaning. I do not know the aramaic for any of this stuff-----but it is more than likely that neither did Jesus---the aramaic spoken by jews was not precisely the same as the aramaic spoken ------in mesopotamia------it was a bit HEBRAIZED----some key words were simply regularly expressed in hebrew.

then ---of course---there was the problem of translating the whole thing into GREEK. Word are important-----intricate
analysis of a translation ----or even a SECOND HAND AND THIRD HAND TRANSLATION ----is really idiotic

the bible is king james 1st; 1601 to 23 or so, not George
a celtic king of scotland invited to take over england as well as scotland after the virgin queen elizabeth 1 died...
virginia is named after her hymen; intact or not....unlikely but unproven either way!!

translatin the bible from greek and latin (not hebrew or aramaic) to beautiful english was the only good thing he presided over in his entire reign;
he was the worst kind of MAMZER apart from that
tortured thousands of innocent catholics;
believed to be gay...nothin wrong with that but hypocrisy
as you know james is a hebrew name meaning usurper or supplanter and that's exactly what he was!

the 3 king georges, 1715 to 85 or so were saxon germans also imported. the 1st 2 didn't bother to learn english
the 3rd went mad because you yanx overthrew his tyrannical fascist dictatorship in USA with your boston tea party...the good one!

our current queen is descended from those georges and married a greek, phillip
we aint had an english king since 1066 when we were zapped by the french!

but we do have a good george; our english patron saint who was a genuine palestinian from Lydda in Roman times and a good egg;
killed by the then pagan romans for being a true christian!
he slayed dragons etc but that aint history
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I has no idea that saint george was palestinian. I though he got to be a saint by killing a dragon that had come to eat england The romans were allowed to kill christians according to roman law------which was later switched up a bit to the justinian code which allowed romans to kill jews----thence the inquisition thence tne nuremburg laws before the nuremburg laws----the genocide stuff got stuffed into shariah Nazism traces right back to rome-----before that ----greece-----to, alas-----such jackbooted tunic wearers----PLATO
From Sherri

Jesus was not an oppressor of Jews, I find your accusation that Christians are historical oppressors of Jews to be offensive. I am not bound to believe a version of History that has painted Jesus and Christianity as Evil.

of course jesus was not an oppressor of jews----jesus was a jew-----his oppressors were ROMANS ------Constantine---emperor of the first reich aka HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----was an oppressor of jews -------he originated the legal code which later ---came to be the basis for the legalization of the Inquisition----and christian genocide of non christians ----you should review the JUSTINIAN CODE The details of the Justinian code which were most troublesome to jews-----were later incorporated into the shariah code and thence became the NUREMBURG LAWS the THIRD REICH aka holy roman empire. Constantine's notions were far reaching------He created a legal code that came to be the basis for the genocide of 100 million hindus under the muslim MOGHUL EMPIRE. In fact his legal code formed the "legal" basis for the enslavement of tens of thousands of christian sudanese children under the rule of muslim KHARTOUM. jesus did not do JUSTINIAN CODE-----but he quoted talmud ----lots. (for the record----we try to leave SAINT HELEN mother of constantine-----out of the dirt of her great grandson's work-----THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE JUSTINIAN CODE)
Angelica, what's wrong with it if someone says they don't like Jews?

Are you trying to say Jews deserve higher rights and you demand people shut up about Israel and Zionists?

In America you're allowed to "hate" Jews.

In fact you are allowed to hate Jews anywhere, Princess, but it's far more honest to just admit it than hide behind one's hate for Zionists or Israel or any of the surrogates Jew-haters use for cover. :D

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