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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

Sherri, you're supposed to be a Christian so I know you are tracking all the Christians killed in the Gaza "attacks". Are you tallying the number of Christians also killed in Syria? Or Egypt? BTW, I noticed you edited your OP to add some posed Pallywood propaganda pictures. Great job!

And what about all these innocent Syrian refugees? Ever think of their plight?

Some 11,000 flee Syria in a single day, says UN - SYRIA - TURKEY - FRANCE 24
One can always tell just how bad Israel has done something, by the speed at which you try to change the subject of the thread OP.
Really? no completely unprovoked baby brain smashing rockets for a WHOLE 4 months??? what SAINTS are those Gazans------could you give me the four months involved I am just eager to check your assertion that the Gazans engaged in NO TERRORIST ACTIVITIES during those four months AT ALL. right? that is what you are claiming? right??????
The religion or culture of the people has nothing to do with the FACT that Israel is within its INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RIGHTS to return fire upon the coordinates from which rockets are fired into Israeli territory.

Whether any Israelis are harmed by those rockets is irrelevent. Whether there are civilians clustered around those coordinates is likewise irrelevent.
An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense.
Where is sherri-----her quotations from the nazi literature which I read as a child----which BTW----was written by nazi war criminals who had fled to muslim countries FASCINATE ME especially now that she claims she married a SHIITE
-------the shiite who quoted the stuff to me was from India----perhaps Kvetch can tell me------do MUSLIMS AND HINDUS---regularly attend different schools in cities like New Dehli? -----the hindus from New Dehli did not seem at all EDUCATED in nazi shit----as was the shiite from New Dehli

I hope sherri tells us where her husband was educated----other than in mosques
rosie pyari:

the elite schools in india are all christian and date from the wicked british raj!

the poor folx go to government schools where the teachers dont even show up!

even poor folx save up tp try and get their kids educated in engish speaking schools

dont think religion is taught much at all; they get that in their communities, temples and mosques.

there may be muslim schools in delhi but never heard of them....not for kids anyway

pakistan is different; full on brain-dirtying from day one
tho there are elite christian schools there too even now.

they need their brains washed clean...........

stoopid word brainwashing; means the opposite of what it says dont it??
Might launch missiles? There are hundreds of missiles being fired every month you blind terrorist EDIT . What the hell is firing missiles into populated Israeli cities going to accomplish?
To let them know they still got missles and Israel is still fucking with them.
Leave sherri alone-----she is a focused scholar and is FOCUSED on the ZIONIST PLOT TO MURDER GENTILES

when nazi war criminals fled to syria and egypt----they SWITCHED their poetry from JEWS KILL CHRISTIANS----to ZIONISTS KILL GENTILES In fact---it was from that time that suddenly MUSLIMS STARTED "RESPECTING" jesus. It is true that the islamic POV is that ALL the "prophets" of the bible were MUSLIMS-----but that focus on "respecting jesus" came about during the time that muslims sought to ALLY with christians against --- THE JOOOOOOOOOS

there was a time in history when there were short lived little military alliances between muslims and jews-----but I do not recall the issue being "THEOLOGY"

anyone out there want to know what muslims think of christians------find one eager to inform you on the BEAUTY OF ISLAM-----and say you are a jew
"occupied Gaza"? No such thing exists. Israelis have every right to go after those missile shooting suicide bombing animals. You don't like it? Go fuck yourself.
The "occupation" is not a debatable issue. Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) Gaza, which satisfies the definition of an area under occupation when a foreign force as "effective control" over said area.
Believe it or not---kvetch------I am aware of the christian schools where even poor indians manage to GET IN-----uhm----for a few months my kid has a HINDU GRANDMA babysitter-------here in the USA-----she was all excited to get her grandkids into the ----yeshiva school my kid was attending at that time---------it was a REALLY old fashioned place-------the poor kids were exposed to the talmud in aramaic-----not that any of them knew what was going on -------such an awkward situation------I said "they will be praying in hebrew all day" -----she said "good good"

a college friend of mine----hindu from a clearly poor family----got his excellent schooling that got him to a Ph-d program in the USA from a catholic school
lipushi this is part of why you are subjected to terror:

the history of what is now ashkelon and used to be wholly arab majdal in wikipedia...just an exerpt

(p. 345) Morris an honest israeli historian, now very right wing

concludes: "Majdal officially became Ashkelon in 1956, after passing through some nominal stations—Migdal-Gad and Migdal-Ashkelon. The three-sided (Israel, Egypt and UN) debate over whether the Arab departure had been "voluntary" or "coerced" by then was something of an irrelevance. The UN calls for a return 1950 was never heeded and the Majdal transferees were fated to linger on, for decades, indefinitely, in Gaza's grim, grimy refugee camps. What is clear is that after a year and a half of bureaucratic foot-dragging, the IDF in 1950 wanted this last concentration of Arabs in the southern coastal plain to leave, and engineered their departure.. The Majdal Arabs' own uneasiness at life as a ghettoized minority, under military rule, hemmed in by barbed wire and a pass system, dependent on Israeli handouts, largely unemployed and destitute, cut of from their relatives in Gaza and from the Arab world in general, served as a preparatory background. [...] When these [methods] proved insufficient with the remaining hard-core Histadrut-protected inhabitants, the army availed itself, in September and early October, of cruder methods—shooting in the night, threatening behaviour by the soldiery, unpleasant early-hour-of-the-morning visitations, frequent summons, and occasional arrests. The use of these methods was hidden from the Israeli public and, probably, lacked Cabinet authorization. To sweeten the pill, the military government offered some fulsome carrots in the form of financial incentives [...] Until Israel's Defence Ministry and Cabinet records are opened, the exact decision-making processes behind the Majdal transfer will remain unclear."

link: 1948 and After - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are you having such joy over southerner Israelis suffering?
LIPUSHI sweetie i aint, really enjoying your fully justified suffering and have said so direct to you very many times and do so again

i dont want you or anyone to suffer

but you will suffer even more if you fail to understand the reasons

what would you do or feel like if you had been an arab living in majdal /ashkelon in 1948 to 56 AND NOW LIVING IN THE GAZA GHETTO PRISON??

have you no feeling towards them?

zionists and many jews too are blind to the suffering of everyone but themselves.....narcissistic prima donna victims they are.

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Why don't you go educate yourself? People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets, who use their civilians as human shields and fire rockets from populated areas endangering their civilian population and their children all the while knowing full well that retaliation will obviously be incurred against those co-ordinates, have already violated the conventions themselves on numerous counts and are therefore no longer entitled to its protection - that means the terrorist rocket launching scum regularly cut their own noses off to spite their own faces - but they don't mind because there are so many dhimwits like you around to buy and peddle their propaganda. Duhhhhhhh.
All the rocket attacks are in response to an Israeli air strike, invasion or because of the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land.

Israel is not retaliating, they are the aggressors doing this deliberately to maintain tensions between the to groups.
Kvetch- and anjel------I agree-----I came into contact with Iranians----before ---KHOMEINI--- a few jews and LATER mostly muslims. All were NORMALS and---all liked "OUR SHAH" -----elegant people ALL----nice cuisine. I was so
impressed that I was CERTAIN----in 1979 that Khomeini would DISAPPEAR and the whole islamization thing would drop dead. I am never wrong ----is that what happened?
A boy playing soccer-----in the VICINITY of an arena of war ----if killed ------has been MURDERED by those people who made the arena of war. A weapons tunnel designed to be used IN THE COURSE OF A TERRORIST ATTACK ---IS AN ARENA OF WAR The people who did not remove civilians from the area are GUILTY OF MURDER Sadaam's 14 year old grandson died for the same reason------MUSLIMS MURDERED THE KID -----using him as a GUARD

Sherri's hero----ADOLF ABU ALI----kept a bunch of kids with him in the Berlin Bunker------if the allies knew where the bunker was they would have bombed it and the kids would not have had to wait for MAMA MAGDA SHERRI to shove cyanide down their throats WHO KILLED THE KIDS-----magda did it because THE RUSSIANS WERE COMING-----you want to say the RUSSIANS MURDERED MAGDA's little heroic kids?
i agree totally

dont know enough about hollie; i have only seen a few posts and the one i quoted could have been an irritated aberration

but i think a lot of zionist sympathy for muslims and christians too is as hollow as sherri's

yes it infuriates me 10000 times as much, just like you, when it is couched in holier than thou piffle

something quakers too, also do far too much imho !!

even our un-beloved PM Dave caMORON called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, didn't he??

CaMoron has said a great many silly things in his relatively short career.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to them if I were you :eusa_angel:

i hope that means you aint no Tory (English slang for Conservative for non Brit readers)

not all tories are lava - tories of course

but camOron is an opportunist power junkie chamelion like romney

sooner we elect our jewish labour leader in waiting ed milliband the better; i like him better than his brother

i heard his dad ralph lecture at uni...jewish refugee like his mum, too....very good it was ...excellent
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Why don't you go educate yourself? People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets, who use their civilians as human shields and fire rockets from populated areas endangering their civilian population and their children all the while knowing full well that retaliation will obviously be incurred against those co-ordinates, have already violated the conventions themselves on numerous counts and are therefore no longer entitled to its protection - that means the terrorist rocket launching scum regularly cut their own noses off to spite their own faces - but they don't mind because there are so many dhimwits like you around to buy and peddle their propaganda. Duhhhhhhh.
All the rocket attacks are in response to an Israeli air strike, invasion or because of the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land.

Israel is not retaliating, they are the aggressors doing this deliberately to maintain tensions between the to groups.

What nonsense.

This is about islamist ideology and its built-in Jew hatred and the islamist concept of waqf.
"An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense."
from crotch boy

crotch boy----can you cite your sources for this "LAW"
are you sure that in the period of time that the USA
OCCUPIED JAPAN----it was legal for japanese people
to slit the throats of american infants?
Really? no completely unprovoked baby brain smashing rockets for a WHOLE 4 months??? what SAINTS are those Gazans------could you give me the four months involved I am just eager to check your assertion that the Gazans engaged in NO TERRORIST ACTIVITIES during those four months AT ALL. right? that is what you are claiming? right??????
Here you go, bee-otch!

a ceasefire was declared in June 2008. Israel did not adhere to it: it maintained the harsh siege, which is an act of war, even preventing the UN humanitarian mission UNRWA from replenishing its stores, “so when the ceasefire broke down, we ran out of food for the 750,000 who depend on us,” UNRWA Director John Ging reported. Nevertheless, Hamas scrupulously observed the ceasefire. Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev conceded that Hamas had not fired a single rocket until after Israel invaded the Gaza Strip on 4 November, under the cover of the US elections, and killed six Palestinians. Israel rejected additional ceasefire proposals from Hamas virtually until the day of the attack.
BTW, we both know you have no intentions of checking facts, you've already written your response in your head and are just waiting for the proper moment to lay it down.
hollie-----your logic falls apart because it is not consistent with reality you really made a mistake when you comment "ALL THE ROCKET ATTACKS ....."----the rocket attacks are simply a form of terrorism-----islamic terrorism against jews did not START 45 years ago. You are missing LOTS OF DATA upon which to base a conclusion

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