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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza


This is a discussion board about Israel and Palestine, how many times do you have to be reminded of that? It would not be appropriate to discuss what is happening in Syria here, Syria is not a part of Israel and Palestine.

Palestinians are human beings, how many times do you have to be reminded of that?

When they are attacked and injured and killed, and civilian objects like houses are attacked, and civilians injured and killed inside those deliberately targeted structures, photos are taken documenting these Zionist crimes against humanity.

Truth about Israel's deliverate targeting and killing of Gentiles in Palestine is being brought into the Light, and that will keep happening as long as the civilian killing massacres of the IDF continue.

Why do you keep defending Zionist Gentile killing operations?

What don't you understand about making comparisons? And when people talk about Palistinians, they are talking about Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians,which is what Palis actually are. What floors me are the blatant lies you spout about the murder and mayhem going on in Gaza. Your hysterical accusations are not reported or even hinted about in the Palestine media, so where are you coming up with these ridiculous charges? You need to commit yourself to the booby hatch.


I provided links to articles reporting the Israeli attacks on civilians and civilian objects, that resulted in Israel killing 7 in Gaza, that included 5 civilians and three children, and injuring 52. The attacks have been reported by Maan, and human rights organizations in Gaza, and others. The fact the Zionist perpetrators of these war crimes are not reporting their very own war crimes is not particlarly surprising to me.

Palestinians have lived in Palestine since the time of Herodotus, who did not even report about Jews there. And they are the indigenous peoples of Palestine, they are not Syrians or Egyptians or Jordanians. Now, I know these close to 6 million indigenous peoples of Palestine, that Israel, would prefer they were not there, but the fact is they are still there trying to resist the Israeli Occupation of their lands. And I do not see them going anywhere anytime soon.

You still here, Sherri? I thought by now you would be on your way to Syria to help more Christians escape. Surely out of the 12,000 who fled the other day, some must be Christians. I would think that a good Christian woman such as you would worry about how the Christians are treated in the Muslim world. I know you don't give a thought to the Hindus and Buddhists who are killed even though they are human beings too, but at least you should think about the Christians. And, Sherri, just as your partner is not indigenous to the U.S. (and you might not be either for all we know), how do we know that a lot of the Gazans and other Palestinians did not actually come from Egypt, Jordan or some other Middle East country?
Here let me correct that for you:

In the coming war against the Muslim entity, (currently occupying Al Quds),
Such things should be remembered,
Ignores Geneva convention,
ignores International rules on the High seas,
ignores white flag,
Assassinates political enemies abroad
Uses illegal weapons on civilians

Treat them to their own medicine
Now, now, Kvetchy. Don't go assuming you know what posters are doing. We all have lives outside of this board.
well yes to most of what you say

but i have challenged both tinnie and because I know about supporting hamas, several times

hollie and sherri are similar

hollie weeps the same crocodile tears for the poor muslim oppressed just like sherri does for gazans

but i dont believe either has a microgram of true human sympathy for their proteges

thay are just using and abusin them as sticks to beat up the other side

i on the other hand have lots of true sympathy for both jews, israelis zionuts pals and muslims

even robots

that old quaker tenet; seek that of god in every man....and woman. of course

pigs and dogs too

Here's how I see it, Kvetchy. I have seen countless threads STARTED BY SHERRI, which are invariably full of half truths, propaganda, libel spreading muck, and very thinly disguised hatered for Israel and Jews. There are probably way more lurkers reading this board than posting on it, and how many bother to check the veracity of her mendacious offerings, I have no idea. I've seen a couple of posts by Hollie responding to threads in which she/he comes accross as articulate and honest in his/her opinion - ie with no agenda. I didn't actually see the post in which s/he allegedly says what you said was said, I'm just taking your word for it. Anyway, they are in no way similar imho. Sherri seems to be very keen to exacerbate hatred with her determination to get people to believe their is a Jew v Genitle thing going on here whilst Hollie seems to be simply providing her honest POV in response to these threads. I know which I prefer. Even Bcoz and Tinny deserve more respect than does Sherri, if only because they are at least candid regarding their alliegances and views and aren't attempting to present themselves as holier than though lovers of all humanity. Mendacious hypocrites operating under q cloak of concern for the Pals and the love of Jesus in an attempt to hide their gross anti-semitism don't impress me one bit. And they don't do much for Christians either, imho.
lipushi this is part of why you are subjected to terror:

the history of what is now ashkelon and used to be wholly arab majdal in wikipedia...just an exerpt

(p. 345) Morris an honest israeli historian, now very right wing

concludes: "Majdal officially became Ashkelon in 1956, after passing through some nominal stations—Migdal-Gad and Migdal-Ashkelon. The three-sided (Israel, Egypt and UN) debate over whether the Arab departure had been "voluntary" or "coerced" by then was something of an irrelevance. The UN calls for a return 1950 was never heeded and the Majdal transferees were fated to linger on, for decades, indefinitely, in Gaza's grim, grimy refugee camps. What is clear is that after a year and a half of bureaucratic foot-dragging, the IDF in 1950 wanted this last concentration of Arabs in the southern coastal plain to leave, and engineered their departure.. The Majdal Arabs' own uneasiness at life as a ghettoized minority, under military rule, hemmed in by barbed wire and a pass system, dependent on Israeli handouts, largely unemployed and destitute, cut of from their relatives in Gaza and from the Arab world in general, served as a preparatory background. [...] When these [methods] proved insufficient with the remaining hard-core Histadrut-protected inhabitants, the army availed itself, in September and early October, of cruder methods—shooting in the night, threatening behaviour by the soldiery, unpleasant early-hour-of-the-morning visitations, frequent summons, and occasional arrests. The use of these methods was hidden from the Israeli public and, probably, lacked Cabinet authorization. To sweeten the pill, the military government offered some fulsome carrots in the form of financial incentives [...] Until Israel's Defence Ministry and Cabinet records are opened, the exact decision-making processes behind the Majdal transfer will remain unclear."

link: 1948 and After - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Why do you keep defending Zionist Gentile killing operations?


There is no zionist gentile killing operation Sherri and never was There has been FOR THE PAST 1700 years a CHRISTIAN NAZI KILLING OPERATION of jews (and others) in which christian nazis like you have murdered in excess of 100 million jews (and hundreds of millions of other non christians) For the past 1400 years there has been a copy cat NAZI MUSLIM killing operation ---of jews ---and others----also in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS Genocide came to us thru christianity------in fact the legalization of genocide in islamic law is a copy cat right out of the JUSTINIAN CODE you are filth
well yes to most of what you say

but i have challenged both tinnie and because I know about supporting hamas, several times

hollie and sherri are similar

hollie weeps the same crocodile tears for the poor muslim oppressed just like sherri does for gazans

but i dont believe either has a microgram of true human sympathy for their proteges

thay are just using and abusin them as sticks to beat up the other side

i on the other hand have lots of true sympathy for both jews, israelis zionuts pals and muslims

even robots

that old quaker tenet; seek that of god in every man....and woman. of course

pigs and dogs too

Here's how I see it, Kvetchy. I have seen countless threads STARTED BY SHERRI, which are invariably full of half truths, propaganda, libel spreading muck, and very thinly disguised hatered for Israel and Jews. There are probably way more lurkers reading this board than posting on it, and how many bother to check the veracity of her mendacious offerings, I have no idea. I've seen a couple of posts by Hollie responding to threads in which she/he comes accross as articulate and honest in his/her opinion - ie with no agenda. I didn't actually see the post in which s/he allegedly says what you said was said, I'm just taking your word for it. Anyway, they are in no way similar imho. Sherri seems to be very keen to exacerbate hatred with her determination to get people to believe their is a Jew v Genitle thing going on here whilst Hollie seems to be simply providing her honest POV in response to these threads. I know which I prefer. Even Bcoz and Tinny deserve more respect than does Sherri, if only because they are at least candid regarding their alliegances and views and aren't attempting to present themselves as holier than though lovers of all humanity. Mendacious hypocrites operating under q cloak of concern for the Pals and the love of Jesus in an attempt to hide their gross anti-semitism don't impress me one bit. And they don't do much for Christians either, imho.
i agree totally

dont know enough about hollie; i have only seen a few posts and the one i quoted could have been an irritated aberration

but i think a lot of zionist sympathy for muslims and christians too is as hollow as sherri's

yes it infuriates me 10000 times as much, just like you, when it is couched in holier than thou piffle

something quakers too, also do far too much imho !!

even our un-beloved PM Dave caMORON called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, didn't he??
What don't you understand about making comparisons? And when people talk about Palistinians, they are talking about Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians,which is what Palis actually are. What floors me are the blatant lies you spout about the murder and mayhem going on in Gaza. Your hysterical accusations are not reported or even hinted about in the Palestine media, so where are you coming up with these ridiculous charges? You need to commit yourself to the booby hatch.


I provided links to articles reporting the Israeli attacks on civilians and civilian objects, that resulted in Israel killing 7 in Gaza, that included 5 civilians and three children, and injuring 52. The attacks have been reported by Maan, and human rights organizations in Gaza, and others. The fact the Zionist perpetrators of these war crimes are not reporting their very own war crimes is not particlarly surprising to me.

Palestinians have lived in Palestine since the time of Herodotus, who did not even report about Jews there. And they are the indigenous peoples of Palestine, they are not Syrians or Egyptians or Jordanians. Now, I know these close to 6 million indigenous peoples of Palestine, that Israel, would prefer they were not there, but the fact is they are still there trying to resist the Israeli Occupation of their lands. And I do not see them going anywhere anytime soon.

You still here, Sherri? I thought by now you would be on your way to Syria to help more Christians escape. Surely out of the 12,000 who fled the other day, some must be Christians. I would think that a good Christian woman such as you would worry about how the Christians are treated in the Muslim world. I know you don't give a thought to the Hindus and Buddhists who are killed even though they are human beings too, but at least you should think about the Christians. And, Sherri, just as your partner is not indigenous to the U.S. (and you might not be either for all we know), how do we know that a lot of the Gazans and other Palestinians did not actually come from Egypt, Jordan or some other Middle East country?

Its one thing having to worry about the propaganda spread in some of our mosques, but if Sherri is anything to go by, we will have to watch Sunday school classes too :eusa_shifty: I wonder if she thinks its cool that Iran is such a generous funder of terrorism against Israel? How would one weave that into the Sunday school lesson?
Here's how I see it, Kvetchy. I have seen countless threads STARTED BY SHERRI, which are invariably full of half truths, propaganda, libel spreading muck, and very thinly disguised hatered for Israel and Jews. There are probably way more lurkers reading this board than posting on it, and how many bother to check the veracity of her mendacious offerings, I have no idea. I've seen a couple of posts by Hollie responding to threads in which she/he comes accross as articulate and honest in his/her opinion - ie with no agenda. I didn't actually see the post in which s/he allegedly says what you said was said, I'm just taking your word for it. Anyway, they are in no way similar imho. Sherri seems to be very keen to exacerbate hatred with her determination to get people to believe their is a Jew v Genitle thing going on here whilst Hollie seems to be simply providing her honest POV in response to these threads. I know which I prefer. Even Bcoz and Tinny deserve more respect than does Sherri, if only because they are at least candid regarding their alliegances and views and aren't attempting to present themselves as holier than though lovers of all humanity. Mendacious hypocrites operating under q cloak of concern for the Pals and the love of Jesus in an attempt to hide their gross anti-semitism don't impress me one bit. And they don't do much for Christians either, imho.
i agree totally

dont know enough about hollie; i have only seen a few posts and the one i quoted could have been an irritated aberration

but i think a lot of zionist sympathy for muslims and christians too is as hollow as sherri's

yes it infuriates me 10000 times as much, just like you, when it is couched in holier than thou piffle

something quakers too, also do far too much imho !!

even our un-beloved PM Dave caMORON called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, didn't he??

CaMoron has said a great many silly things in his relatively short career.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to them if I were you :eusa_angel:
Anjel----I have often stated that I was exposed to the nazi propaganda as a kid-----and then later on heard it repeated chapter and verse from the mouths of young muslim med school graduates----BOTH from India and Pakistan I am seeing it again in Sherri's posts When I read it in little seedy pamphlets lying around in seedy places---but sometimes scattered around the town library------of course I had no idea what maniacs were writing about a ZIONIST PLOT TO KILL GENTILES ------(sherri gave herself away with that line) At age ten ----I was a true optimist-----I assumed no one would believe that crap------then years later I ran into a muslim surgeon from New Dehli In fact sherri claims she is married to a SHIITE -----how interesting----the very same nazi crap quoting maniac I ran into-----proudly showed me the SCAR on his scalp----------a shiite from New Dehli---spitting out the most abssurd nazi propaganda as if he had STUDIED IT
Anjel----I have often stated that I was exposed to the nazi propaganda as a kid-----and then later on heard it repeated chapter and verse from the mouths of young muslim med school graduates----BOTH from India and Pakistan I am seeing it again in Sherri's posts When I read it in little seedy pamphlets lying around in seedy places---but sometimes scattered around the town library------of course I had no idea what maniacs were writing about a ZIONIST PLOT TO KILL GENTILES ------(sherri gave herself away with that line) At age ten ----I was a true optimist-----I assumed no one would believe that crap------then years later I ran into a muslim surgeon from New Dehli In fact sherri claims she is married to a SHIITE -----how interesting----the very same nazi crap quoting maniac I ran into-----proudly showed me the SCAR on his scalp----------a shiite from New Dehli---spitting out the most abssurd nazi propaganda as if he had STUDIED IT

Hi Irose, I used to know a lovely family, the father was an erudite and charming Iranian engineer who'd had to flee Iran. He told me about the absurd and hateful diet of antisemitism that Iranians were fed on and he was dismayed that the majority of his colleagues, learned men, and acquantances, believed them! I guess its important to keep them fed on this diet of hate in order to justify their antisemitic terrorist funding activities. Its something else when we have our Sunday school teachers instilling propaganda and hate in the minds of innocent young children. Looks like Sherri's agenda might be multifaceted then!
Anjel----I have often stated that I was exposed to the nazi propaganda as a kid-----and then later on heard it repeated chapter and verse from the mouths of young muslim med school graduates----BOTH from India and Pakistan I am seeing it again in Sherri's posts When I read it in little seedy pamphlets lying around in seedy places---but sometimes scattered around the town library------of course I had no idea what maniacs were writing about a ZIONIST PLOT TO KILL GENTILES ------(sherri gave herself away with that line) At age ten ----I was a true optimist-----I assumed no one would believe that crap------then years later I ran into a muslim surgeon from New Dehli In fact sherri claims she is married to a SHIITE -----how interesting----the very same nazi crap quoting maniac I ran into-----proudly showed me the SCAR on his scalp----------a shiite from New Dehli---spitting out the most abssurd nazi propaganda as if he had STUDIED IT
those aryan indo-pak med student friends of yours have a lot to answer for, Rosie, dont they???
no dravidians from south india such as tamils among them?

not so many shias in india but i was out shoppin one day with pyari....motek in hindi...and ran into shias doin a ghastly procession on that day they "celebrate" the martyrdom of hussein son of caliph ali

all whipping themselves with whips and chains and their backs all covered with blood

shi-ing on themselves, big time

glad you castigate the christian nazis equally with the muslim kind; you dont always do that
Where is sherri-----her quotations from the nazi literature which I read as a child----which BTW----was written by nazi war criminals who had fled to muslim countries FASCINATE ME especially now that she claims she married a SHIITE
-------the shiite who quoted the stuff to me was from India----perhaps Kvetch can tell me------do MUSLIMS AND HINDUS---regularly attend different schools in cities like New Dehli? -----the hindus from New Dehli did not seem at all EDUCATED in nazi shit----as was the shiite from New Dehli

I hope sherri tells us where her husband was educated----other than in mosques
Anjel----I have often stated that I was exposed to the nazi propaganda as a kid-----and then later on heard it repeated chapter and verse from the mouths of young muslim med school graduates----BOTH from India and Pakistan I am seeing it again in Sherri's posts When I read it in little seedy pamphlets lying around in seedy places---but sometimes scattered around the town library------of course I had no idea what maniacs were writing about a ZIONIST PLOT TO KILL GENTILES ------(sherri gave herself away with that line) At age ten ----I was a true optimist-----I assumed no one would believe that crap------then years later I ran into a muslim surgeon from New Dehli In fact sherri claims she is married to a SHIITE -----how interesting----the very same nazi crap quoting maniac I ran into-----proudly showed me the SCAR on his scalp----------a shiite from New Dehli---spitting out the most abssurd nazi propaganda as if he had STUDIED IT
those aryan indo-pak med student friends of yours have a lot to answer for, Rosie, dont they???
no dravidians from south india such as tamils among them?

not so many shias in india but i was out shoppin one day with pyari....motek in hindi...and ran into shias doin a ghastly procession on that day they "celebrate" the martyrdom of hussein son of caliph ali

all whipping themselves with whips and chains and their backs all covered with blood

shi-ing on themselves, big time

glad you castigate the christian nazis equally with the muslim kind; you dont always do that

Its bad enough witnessing what the shia's do to themselves - its a bloody disgusting spectacle - literally, but it is truly abominable the way they also cut the heads of their babies, toddlers and children during these 'religious ceremonies'.
And Rosie regularly references Christian anti-semitism, the Justinian code, whatsisname Constantine, and so on, Kvetchy.
Anjel----I have often stated that I was exposed to the nazi propaganda as a kid-----and then later on heard it repeated chapter and verse from the mouths of young muslim med school graduates----BOTH from India and Pakistan I am seeing it again in Sherri's posts When I read it in little seedy pamphlets lying around in seedy places---but sometimes scattered around the town library------of course I had no idea what maniacs were writing about a ZIONIST PLOT TO KILL GENTILES ------(sherri gave herself away with that line) At age ten ----I was a true optimist-----I assumed no one would believe that crap------then years later I ran into a muslim surgeon from New Dehli In fact sherri claims she is married to a SHIITE -----how interesting----the very same nazi crap quoting maniac I ran into-----proudly showed me the SCAR on his scalp----------a shiite from New Dehli---spitting out the most abssurd nazi propaganda as if he had STUDIED IT

Hi Irose, I used to know a lovely family, the father was an erudite and charming Iranian engineer who'd had to flee Iran. He told me about the absurd and hateful diet of antisemitism that Iranians were fed on and he was dismayed that the majority of his colleagues, learned men, and acquantances, believed them! I guess its important to keep them fed on this diet of hate in order to justify their antisemitic terrorist funding activities. Its something else when we have our Sunday school teachers instilling propaganda and hate in the minds of innocent young children. Looks like Sherri's agenda might be multifaceted then!
angel and rosita:

i take a very different view towards the prospects for a future iran than i do towards the arab world and its new spring

iran i am optimitsic about. i really think that, one way or another iran will soon shake off what for them has been an aberration and return to their finest traditions of poetry, true mystical sufi islam and embrace the best of the west.

if only the wicked brits: churchill and BP Oil Co had not destroyed iranian democracy in the 1950s with the wicked CIA; iran could and should have been a decent place.

i live in mini iran here; 6 iranian restaurants within 200 yards and lovely people all of them and a few close iranian friends; women of course

the arab world, on the other hand seems to have very deep seated fascist tendencies that will not go away for a very long time....i hope i am wrong
Where is sherri-----her quotations from the nazi literature which I read as a child----which BTW----was written by nazi war criminals who had fled to muslim countries FASCINATE ME especially now that she claims she married a SHIITE
-------the shiite who quoted the stuff to me was from India----perhaps Kvetch can tell me------do MUSLIMS AND HINDUS---regularly attend different schools in cities like New Dehli? -----the hindus from New Dehli did not seem at all EDUCATED in nazi shit----as was the shiite from New Dehli

I hope sherri tells us where her husband was educated----other than in mosques

Maybe she is satisfied that she has delivered her parcel of poisnous drivel for the day and has retired in search of new material? I'm sure trawling the hate sites for new videos and sundtry anti-semitic tidbits keeps her fairly busy.
Anyway, I'm off to cook up something hot for supper ;-)
Maybe see you later.
Anjel----I have often stated that I was exposed to the nazi propaganda as a kid-----and then later on heard it repeated chapter and verse from the mouths of young muslim med school graduates----BOTH from India and Pakistan I am seeing it again in Sherri's posts When I read it in little seedy pamphlets lying around in seedy places---but sometimes scattered around the town library------of course I had no idea what maniacs were writing about a ZIONIST PLOT TO KILL GENTILES ------(sherri gave herself away with that line) At age ten ----I was a true optimist-----I assumed no one would believe that crap------then years later I ran into a muslim surgeon from New Dehli In fact sherri claims she is married to a SHIITE -----how interesting----the very same nazi crap quoting maniac I ran into-----proudly showed me the SCAR on his scalp----------a shiite from New Dehli---spitting out the most abssurd nazi propaganda as if he had STUDIED IT

Hi Irose, I used to know a lovely family, the father was an erudite and charming Iranian engineer who'd had to flee Iran. He told me about the absurd and hateful diet of antisemitism that Iranians were fed on and he was dismayed that the majority of his colleagues, learned men, and acquantances, believed them! I guess its important to keep them fed on this diet of hate in order to justify their antisemitic terrorist funding activities. Its something else when we have our Sunday school teachers instilling propaganda and hate in the minds of innocent young children. Looks like Sherri's agenda might be multifaceted then!
angel and rosita:

i take a very different view towards the prospects for a future iran than i do towards the arab world and its new spring

iran i am optimitsic about. i really think that, one way or another iran will soon shake off what for them has been an aberration and return to their finest traditions of poetry, true mystical sufi islam and embrace the best of the west.

if only the wicked brits: churchill and BP Oil Co had not destroyed iranian democracy in the 1950s with the wicked CIA; iran could and should have been a decent place.

i live in mini iran here; 6 iranian restaurants within 200 yards and lovely people all of them and a few close iranian friends; women of course

the arab world, on the other hand seems to have very deep seated fascist tendencies that will not go away for a very long time....i hope i am wrong

I used to share your optimism, Kvetch.
lipushi this is part of why you are subjected to terror:

the history of what is now ashkelon and used to be wholly arab majdal in wikipedia...just an exerpt

(p. 345) Morris an honest israeli historian, now very right wing

concludes: "Majdal officially became Ashkelon in 1956, after passing through some nominal stations—Migdal-Gad and Migdal-Ashkelon. The three-sided (Israel, Egypt and UN) debate over whether the Arab departure had been "voluntary" or "coerced" by then was something of an irrelevance. The UN calls for a return 1950 was never heeded and the Majdal transferees were fated to linger on, for decades, indefinitely, in Gaza's grim, grimy refugee camps. What is clear is that after a year and a half of bureaucratic foot-dragging, the IDF in 1950 wanted this last concentration of Arabs in the southern coastal plain to leave, and engineered their departure.. The Majdal Arabs' own uneasiness at life as a ghettoized minority, under military rule, hemmed in by barbed wire and a pass system, dependent on Israeli handouts, largely unemployed and destitute, cut of from their relatives in Gaza and from the Arab world in general, served as a preparatory background. [...] When these [methods] proved insufficient with the remaining hard-core Histadrut-protected inhabitants, the army availed itself, in September and early October, of cruder methods—shooting in the night, threatening behaviour by the soldiery, unpleasant early-hour-of-the-morning visitations, frequent summons, and occasional arrests. The use of these methods was hidden from the Israeli public and, probably, lacked Cabinet authorization. To sweeten the pill, the military government offered some fulsome carrots in the form of financial incentives [...] Until Israel's Defence Ministry and Cabinet records are opened, the exact decision-making processes behind the Majdal transfer will remain unclear."

link: 1948 and After - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are you having such joy over southerner Israelis suffering?
Blah blah. Stop firing rockets and stop trying to kill Israelis and there wont be attacks.

Pretty simple, no?

Oh wait sorry. I forgot hamas is resisting :lol:
That's not true! They stopped firing rockets in 2008 for 4 months and Israel still went in and shot up the place.

So you're full of shit on that one!

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