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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

you could have said palestinians or arabs or gazans

instead you said gentiles

that means a different agenda altogether

one you have often slipped into

i agree totally with you about israel's treatment of gaza

you would serve the gazan cause far better by avoiding anti jewish buzzwords

esoecially one that links directly with 2000 years of christain oppression of jews

are you trying to advocate for gaza??

or the other thing???


This is my second time to try to submit this post, after spending the morning thinking about your post. We do make choices about words we use, after all.

It hit me, it was so simple, after returning from taking my son to his doctor's appointment, whether I should use the word Gentiles depends on whether Jesus did.

And I start reading in Matthew, and as I finish reading The Sermon On The Mount, I have already found three separate instances of Jesus using the word Gentiles.

Matthew 5:43-48 ESV

Love Your Enemies

43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your eenemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Matthew 6:7-15 ESV

7 And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors, 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6: 32-33 ESV

32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "

Jesus was not an oppressor of Jews, I find your accusation that Christians are historical oppressors of Jews to be offensive. I am not bound to believe a version of History that has painted Jesus and Christianity as Evil.

And as Jesus used the word Gentiles boldly and without fear, so shall I do as He did, and do the same.


Attagirl! Hide your hate behind Jesus. That's the "Christian" thing to do!

Amazing! She has such little courage in her convictions she has to use JC in such a shameful way!

i hope that means you aint no Tory (English slang for Conservative for non Brit readers)

not all tories are lava - tories of course

but camOron is an opportunist power junkie chamelion like romney

sooner we elect our jewish labour leader in waiting ed milliband the better; i like him better than his brother

i heard his dad ralph lecture at uni...jewish refugee like his mum, too....very good it was ...excellent

I did vote for the Tories last time round. I was quite sick of voting for people who turned out to be warmongering tossers, and decided to vote for the more refined type of tosser for a change. What difference does it really make? They are all essentially liars at the end of the day. Cynical, huh?
BTW, I wouldn't vote for a Milliband - if you attended his fathers lectures you would know they've got commie stamped through them like sticks of Brighton rock. Are you for real, Kvetch? :doubt:
well angel i was a commie then in my uni days!

this was 1968 and the student revolution....commies were almost a majority then in unis !!

i absolutely hated new soulless labour and especially that devil phoney b.lair and the jewish mandelson

i voted liberal right throughout new labour's ghastly reign

gordon brown i disliked a whole lot less; he did good things

i was , like milibands brought up in a socialist family reading the guardian and have not changed much in essence and doubt I ever will.

they sure aint commies now and nor am I.

ed miliband has had some good new ideas like "predistribution"...the living wage....etc etc

your refined tossers are reverting fast to being the nasty party...........how could you not have known they would do that???

smack smack naughty angel xx
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Anjelica, she doesn't need your Jewish opinion on how to use JC. You don't believe in a JC like she does. Neither do I. But your stance is not a reality.
Lawyer???? did you say SHERRI IS A LAWYER???? how can she be a lawyer? she evinces no knowlege at all of the HISTORY OF LAW english or usa she never heard of the justinian code and its overt oppression of NON CHRISTIANS? (read that "jews" in palestine and rome) The Justinian code-----as a codified form of the LAWS enacted by CONSTANTINE---cofified this his grandson JUSTIN------Constantine is -the man who brought christianity to the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE (first reich) he is also the father of the Inquisition and the father of nazism

She claims to be an attoineee :doubt:
I was referring to the cowards who associate people who are anti Israel as Jew haters, this way they can go off and claim the whole reason is because of Jewish hatred. It's utterly false, and is a blind attempt to dehumanize Pro Palestinian supporters.

I think you are getting confused with ISLAMOPHOBIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :eusa_boohoo:
Israel continues its attacks on Gaza, injuring and killing civilians, committing war crimes in its unlawful attacks on the civilian population of Gaza, in clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. So, far, 7 have been murdered by the IDF terrorists, which includes 3 Palestinian children and 52 Gazans have been injured.

The Gaza terrorists have launched over 100 rockets into Israel and was only by cheer luck that women and children were not killed, which is obviously the aim of the terrorists.

I suppose you expect that Israel should just sit back and enjoy the experience!

The old mantra about Israel killing children in Gaza is by large pure propaganda, if innocent civilians were wounded in Gaza it certainly was not intentional and was only as a result of terrorists hiding in civilian homes and areas.
Israel continues its attacks on Gaza, injuring and killing civilians, committing war crimes in its unlawful attacks on the civilian population of Gaza, in clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. So, far, 7 have been murdered by the IDF terrorists, which includes 3 Palestinian children and 52 Gazans have been injured.

The Gaza terrorists have launched over 100 rockets into Israel and was only by cheer luck that women and children were not killed, which is obviously the aim of the terrorists.

I suppose you expect that Israel should just sit back and enjoy the experience!

The old mantra about Israel killing children in Gaza is by large pure propaganda, if innocent civilians were wounded in Gaza it certainly was not intentional and was only as a result of terrorists hiding in civilian homes and areas.

Your piece of despicable trash propaganda argument is no longer accepted by Americans.

Quit fooling yourself.
Angel about Sherri:

Amazing! She has such little courage in her convictions she has to use JC in such a shameful way!

your beloved Hollie caust is also a coward or so it seems

twice now I have challenged her on different threads or him and no reply yet............
Angelica, what's wrong with it if someone says they don't like Jews?

Are you trying to say Jews deserve higher rights and you demand people shut up about Israel and Zionists?

In America you're allowed to "hate" Jews.

Jews aren't any more special, you keep trying to indicate its a terrible thing and crime to hate Jews, yet all your other Pro Israel friends on this board despise Muslims and are Muslim haters, with vile and filthy islamophobia. Hypocrite

The fact that you are so dumb as to admit you think its AOK to 'hate Jews' shows you for the ignorant stupid racist you are. The fact that Sherri applauds you for that shows her for the ignorant stupid racist she is. Normally, anti-semitic scum are a little cleverer than either of you and say they hate zionists or Israeli's.
I despise islam, I hate radical, extremist and terrorist muslims. Are you capable of discerning the difference between our views yet?

Bwahahahhahaahahahaha :lol::lol::lol:

Meltdown of the year :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Angelica is a Muslim hating Super Jew.

Dear me. You are such a blithering idiot.
I'm not Jewish, let alone Super Jewish, as I've told you countless times now. Why do you think its an insult to refer to someone as a Jew or a 'Super Jew', btw? (Rhet - ie don't bother attempting to answer).
Anjelica, she doesn't need your Jewish opinion on how to use JC. You don't believe in a JC like she does. Neither do I. But your stance is not a reality.

Its good to see you admit that, Bcoz, only two weeks ago you were waxing mendaciously that Isa and JC were one and the same :lol:. If you are going to lie in writing on a public message board you'd do well to at least remember your falacious drivel.
That aside, no, I certainly don't 'believe in a JC like she does'. How observant of you :eusa_clap:
Angel about Sherri:

Amazing! She has such little courage in her convictions she has to use JC in such a shameful way!

your beloved Hollie caust is also a coward or so it seems

twice now I have challenged her on different threads or him and no reply yet............

Oh dear. Kvetchie, sweetie, I don't know Hollie from Adam, and now I'm her agent or something?
Israel continues its attacks on Gaza, injuring and killing civilians, committing war crimes in its unlawful attacks on the civilian population of Gaza, in clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. So, far, 7 have been murdered by the IDF terrorists, which includes 3 Palestinian children and 52 Gazans have been injured.

The Gaza terrorists have launched over 100 rockets into Israel and was only by cheer luck that women and children were not killed, which is obviously the aim of the terrorists.

I suppose you expect that Israel should just sit back and enjoy the experience!

The old mantra about Israel killing children in Gaza is by large pure propaganda, if innocent civilians were wounded in Gaza it certainly was not intentional and was only as a result of terrorists hiding in civilian homes and areas.

bogstandard zionut bullshit you is talkin.......mindless drivel that fools no one intelligent since cast lead, anyway when 300 palestinian kids were killed and nothing whatsoever has changed as a result

israel should withdraw from the land they stole from the gazans eg ashkelon and ashdod

israel is to blame for their sadistic cruelty to gazans for 60 years

of course i dont support gazan terror either bur there are reasons for it
Kvetchie----you want to talk about PHARISEE vs SADDUCEE theology----ok but lets ask SHERRI along----she likes theology------some posts suggests that she is both a lawyer and a sunday school teacher (ugh---I am retching) she would LOVE to join this theological discussion ------she can represent Jesus---the PHARISEE RABBI
Angelica is a Muslim hating Super Jew.

Dear me. You are such a blithering idiot.
I'm not Jewish, let alone Super Jewish, as I've told you countless times now. Why do you think its an insult to refer to someone as a Jew or a 'Super Jew', btw? (Rhet - ie don't bother attempting to answer).

And I have a bridge to sell you. :lol::lol::lol:

Well lets hope you are better at selling bridges than you are at selling your other garbage.
Israel continues its attacks on Gaza, injuring and killing civilians, committing war crimes in its unlawful attacks on the civilian population of Gaza, in clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. So, far, 7 have been murdered by the IDF terrorists, which includes 3 Palestinian children and 52 Gazans have been injured.

The Gaza terrorists have launched over 100 rockets into Israel and was only by cheer luck that women and children were not killed, which is obviously the aim of the terrorists.

I suppose you expect that Israel should just sit back and enjoy the experience!

The old mantra about Israel killing children in Gaza is by large pure propaganda, if innocent civilians were wounded in Gaza it certainly was not intentional and was only as a result of terrorists hiding in civilian homes and areas.

bogstandard zionut bullshit you is talkin.......mindless drivel that fools no one intelligent since cast lead, anyway when 300 palestinian kids were killed and nothing whatsoever has changed as a result

israel should withdraw from the land they stole from the gazans eg ashkelon and ashdod

israel is to blame for their sadistic cruelty to gazans for 60 years

of course i dont support gazan terror either bur there are reasons for it

There are 'reasons' for more or less everything.
Poor show, Kvetch.

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