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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

Some Christians don't officially believe that anymore. Some do. Ask them.

You brought up the discussion on Jesus and tried to explain it from a Islamic POV and used it to discredit Sherri for using the Bible to justify her statements.

I corrected you. Since you didn't understand your POV you presented for a religion you don't belong to was not true and kept using it as a means to pitch her against Muslims, I did the same and looked at from the Christian POV.

You started it. Don't start again if you're gonna whine about it.

Stop being silly, Bcoz. As you well know, it was Sherri who brought religion into this thread, as she does with just about every single thread she posts on, and she was the one who raised the issue of Jesus and Isa too, which I addressed, and which you very kindly corroborated, even though you seemed to believe you were doing the opposite. Whats up with that? Lol.
Anyway, thanks again for that, Bcoz :eusa_angel:
Now, I'm spending way too much time on here and I have things I need to do. Maybe catch you all later, if not, have a lovely evening and try not to be too cruel to each other :lol:
G-d Bless.

And several people where debating the religious aspect, there was no need to draw Islam in.

Can you show me where she spoke of Isa and Jesus?

No, Bcoz, I'm not going to spoon feed you. You know its just a few pages back as it wasn't long before you very kindly jumped in and confirmed my post.
TTFN :eusa_angel:
Stop being silly, Bcoz. As you well know, it was Sherri who brought religion into this thread, as she does with just about every single thread she posts on, and she was the one who raised the issue of Jesus and Isa too, which I addressed, and which you very kindly corroborated, even though you seemed to believe you were doing the opposite. Whats up with that? Lol.
Anyway, thanks again for that, Bcoz :eusa_angel:
Now, I'm spending way too much time on here and I have things I need to do. Maybe catch you all later, if not, have a lovely evening and try not to be too cruel to each other :lol:
G-d Bless.

And several people where debating the religious aspect, there was no need to draw Islam in.

Can you show me where she spoke of Isa and Jesus?

No, Bcoz, I'm not going to spoon feed you. You know its just a few pages back as it wasn't long before you very kindly jumped in and confirmed my post.
TTFN :eusa_angel:

Nope. It had nothing to do with your projecting.

Sorry. Deal with it. :lol:
anyone interested-----should actually READ the bible Jesus was NOT convicted by the Sanhedrin of any crime He was convicted of SEDITION AGAINST ROME for claiming to be the KING OF ISRAEL by the ROMAN PRELATE PONTIUS PILATE and condemned to death for that CRIME AGAINST ROME as "SAINT PONTIUS" had convicted an estimated 20,000 other jews. The really hilarious position of ISLAMO NAZI pigs that PONTIUS---a man even rome considered too BARBARIC for his position---somehow had to be CONVINCED to execute jesus Jews UNIVERSALLY hated both CAIAPHAS AND PILATE---------especially the Pharisee friends of Jesus Interestingly enough ----the sherris of the world call Caiaphas "a rabbi" and PILATE----murderer of at least 20,000 jews A SAINT something on the level of SAINT ADOLF ABU ALI
for the record-----affluent indians do wear knickers as to the dhoti-----as one of my best indian brahman friend once said "IT MAKES PEOPLE LAZY" -----too damned comfy and you spend half your time RE ADJUSTING IT
i never wore dhotis or lungis...sarongs....they fall off!

i learned to wear nothing but shalwar khameez as worn by all in pakistan and afghanistan and increasingly in india too by men and women alike

pakistan's one of two great contributions to civilisation tho its centuries old.
the other is qawali sufi music which is just like jewish klezmer which i also deeply love

dance your way to god and go crazy with it

yes, stoopid rich indian women are infested with knickers and all the worst of the west

the first thing india did when they got their independence was to forbid all civil govt workers from wearing indian dress as the brits allowed
and forced them to wear western dress which for young men is now everywhere

sweaty tight unsuitable for hot climates and totally stoopid and very expensive too

so so sooooooo sad india is copying all the worst of western culture and losing the best of its own traditions very fast indeed!!
"Israel has violated more UN Resolutions than any country that has ever existed since the beginning of time."

It just makes me giggle no end when she resorts to such palable fabrication and idiocy as the above.

If her 'cause' were one she had any faith in, why would she indulge in such unprofessional and puerile insanity to 'support' it?

Why do you make me prove this is true again? We have been over this so many times before.

Study: Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions

NEW YORK - Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.

By Shlomo Shamir | Oct.10, 2002 | 12:00 AM

NEW YORK - Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.

Study: Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Following is a list of United Nations Security Council resolutions directly critical of Israel for violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions, the U.N. Charter, the Geneva Conventions, international terrorism, or other violations of international law.

Res. 57 (Sep. 18, 1948) – Expresses deep shock at the assassination of the U.N. Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, by Zionist terrorists.

Res. 89 (Nov. 17, 1950) – Requests that attention be given to the expulsion of “thousands of Palestine Arabs” and calls upon concerned governments to take no further action “involving the transfer of persons across international frontiers or armistice lines”, and notes that Israel announced that it would withdraw to the armistice lines.

Res. 93 (May 18, 1951) – Finds that Israeli airstrikes on Syria on April 5, 1951 constitutes “a violation of the cease-fire”, and decides that Arab civilians expelled from the demilitarized zone by Israel should be allowed to return.

Res. 100 (Oct. 27, 1953) – Notes that Israel had said it would stop work it started in the demilitarized zone on September 2, 1953.

Res. 101 (Nov. 24, 1953) – Finds Israel’s attack on Qibya, Jordan on October 14-15, 1953 to be a violation of the cease-fire and “Expresses the strongest censure of that action”.

Res. 106 (Mar. 29, 1955) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip on February 28, 1955.

Rogue State: Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions | Foreign Policy Journal


Only the first few paragraphs of a linked article or study are to be copied in a post. Newby

Other UN Resolutions identified in that article that address violations of UN Resolutions and other violations of intl law include Resolutions 111 (condemns Israel's attack on Syria on 12/11/55), 119 (addresses a grave situation caused by Israel's attack against Egypt in 1956), 171 (finds Israel's attack on Syria in March of 1962 violates Resolution 111), 228 (condemns attacks in the southern Hebron area on November 13, 1966 that took lives and damaged property, that the UN calls a violation of the UN Charter) , 237 (calls on Israel to allow refugees who fled their homes in 1967 fighting during the war launched by Israel on June 5, 1967, to be allowed to return to their homes), 242, 248, 250, 251, 252, 256,259, 262, 265, 267, 270, 271, 279, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 317, 332, 337, 347, 425, 427, 446, 450, 452, 465, 467, 468, 469, 471, 476, 478, 484, 487, 497, 501, 509, 515, 517, 518, 520, 521, 573, 592, 605, 607, 608, 611, 536, 641, 672, 673, 681, 694, 726, 799, 904, 1073, 1322, 1402, 1403, 1405, 1435, 1544, 1701, and 1860.

Rogue State: Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions | Foreign Policy Journal

Full text of each Resolution identified above that addresses Israel's violations of intl law can be accessed and the entire text of each resolution can be read from the UN website below.

Welcome to the United Nations: It's Your World


Irrefutable proof of what former US Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick noted:
“I think the Holocaust is possible again. I didn’t think so before I came to the United Nations, but I think so now.”

“Diplomacy regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict at the U.N. has nothing to do with peace, but is quite simply a continuation of war against Israel by other means.”

United States Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick was the most dedicated champion of Israel to serve in the U.N. From the moment she was appointed in 1981 by then-President Ronald Reagan as America’s permanent representative, her chief objective became to fight against “the obsessive vilification of Israel” at the U.N. She found that hatred of Israel affected all aspects of U.N. operations. She was appalled by the blatant effort to turn the narrative of the Holocaust against Israel through the rebranding of the Palestinians as “the victimized Jews” and the Israelis as “Nazis.” She pointed out that “by claiming that Israel was guilty of genocide, any attack against the state and the people of Israel was justified,” including terrorism. Ambassador Kirkpatrick believed that “to defend Israel was to defend America and western civilization itself.” :D

.....where I think the bolding gives her a thrill.

As Sayit has discussed - I don't see any 'hating Christ' in any of Kvetchie's posts, although there's lots I disagree with.

The 'Christ-haters' here are pretty obvious like EOTS and IMA - but I will bet real US dollars that Sherri won't be making any negative comments about any of their posts.

Why? Because those two demonize not just Zionists but Jews per se - and that fits tidily into Sherri's *agenda*.
for sherri-----an interesting factoid----of the two muslims who invited me to the mosque----one was a psychiatrist------working in the same hospital in which I worked He was a bit embarassed by the sermon-----but the other jerk-----a SURGEON-----was indignant when I objected to the hatred of christians expressed by the Imam He was more like your colleague NIDAL MALIK HASAN-----and always seemed SURPRISED when I expressed a bit of shock at his hatred of CHRISTIANITY and his EXPRESSED INSISTENCE that the new testament is 100% fraud. In fact he could not understand why his statement "ONE DAY WE WILL DRINK THEIR BLOOD" -----"their" being HINDUS-----bothered me at all. He seemed to believe that as a jew I should hate hindus as IDOLATORS --- and appreciate his hatred of christians. See? I understand you very well
there was a time ----I think in MOROCCO----when jews and sufis were really cozy with each other

I made a statement about UN Resolutions, and then I provided a link to two separate articles , of two entirely different and independent sources, proving it was true. The first article was an article in Haaretz, the second was an article specifically addressing Resolutions Israel has violated and Resolutions addressing Israeli violations of intl law. That second article is also addressing generally Israel's violation of intl law, a matter that goes beyond the simple act of Israel not abiding by UN Resolutions.

you do realize that unless the resolution is passed by the security council, it is a non-binding recommendation without the enforcibility of law, right? So one cannot "violate" that which is non-binding.

non-binding recommendations. Can't be violated. Can be ignored, especially as they are politically motivated.

so you can quote skewed facts and statistics because the apparent end justifies your means? that's not intellectually honest. Well, coming after claims of "violation" when the non-binding recommendations can't be violated...
If you haven't seen any proof of disproportionate attention, then you haven't been looking. I found a number of websites which give statistics about it. Of course, you would disagree with them even though they document their claims (Israel and the UN - An Uneasy Relationship
UN, Israel & Anti-Semitism - UN Watch
List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Wishing to be recognized by the international community as a state is not the same as subsuming all rights as a sovereign state. That's why membership does not bind member states to non-binding resolutions. Are you saying that all of the countries ignoring the many UN resolutions against "defamation" of religion should not have joined the UN? Or maybe, when they joined, those resolutions weren't what they bargained for? Or, as at least one security council member nation has stated, those resolutions will actually cause more sectarian violence than they resolve. What about resolutions calling for an end of rockets aimed at Israel from Gaza? Does this mean that Gaza will not want membership in the UN as a sovereign state because it doesn't abide by resolutions?

so the UN has no authority. Got it.
If Israel does not to desire to abide by intl law and her intl obligations under intl laws like The UN Charter (membership in the UN itself is a Treaty obligation, and the rules to follow are those set forth in the uN Charter) and The Fourth Geneva Convention, perhaps Israel should withdraw from the UN and look into other ways to limit her obligations owed to others under intl law.
if you wish to discuss international law, then we can, but UN resolutions are not law. Under international law, the "occupied" territory is not even occupied. It was not taken in war from a recognized and sovereign state. It is, at best, disputed. Thus, legally, Israel is not an occupier, and force used in resistance to a non-occupier is purely terroristic. But hey, that's just law. We can go back to non-binding resolutions if you'd like.


The fact is that the UN Resolutions identified in the articles I provided links to list grave violations of intl law by Israel, many of which are continuing and ongoing, many dating back for decades.

No it doesn't.
It lists mostly non-binding UN Gen Ass resolutions passed by the once noble international body which has been reduced to a shrill, anti-Israel cabal by the 56 member nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation and their 3rd World (read: anti-US) lackeys who throw Israel under the bus to satisfy their oil suppliers.
While I find your allegiance to their braying to be pathetic, I find their actions to be deplorable.
"The United Nations hasn't really improved much in the years since I was there, and it hasn't really improved much at all with respect to Israel," said Kirkpatrick. She said that when she first began attending Security Council and General Assembly sessions
as America's ambassador, "I was very deeply shocked by the simple anti-Semitism that pervaded the place." The anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment she was exposed to at the world body was "mysterious," and "very, very strange," - Former US Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick

You just keep on judging all of us here, that is your kvetch thing, obviously.

I think I already addressed what Jesus had to say about judging others, that is in Matthew 7, I will not restate it again here. If you or anyone else is interested, they can look it up for themselves.

You call yourself a Christ loving adversary? You just called the Apostle Paul a woman hater. And you called the Christian Scriptures Biblical drivel. Do you really call that loving Christ?

Do us all a favor, but most of all do it for YOU, for yourself, look at yourself in a mirror, read the words Christ actually said, deal with your own hate.

I will end by agreeing with one comment you just made, about the real Christ, that He is love personified. And God is Love, I add to that.


Kvetch is quite right, Saul was a misogynist. And most of the books that could have, and some might argue, should have been included in the bible aren't there, and as such it is an almost arbitrary collection which could have been very different today if the councils such as Nicea hadn't happened, or had they had another agenda, or had they included the more gnostically inclined scriptures, for example. I think Kvetch is acknowledging these issues and therefore suggesting that your apparent obsessive reliance on what we today refer to as the bible is a little bit silly. I think Kvetch is an equal opportunities relgion basher so you need not feel singled out.
However, you are the only person on this particular forum who is regularly torturing its inhabitants with your constant abuse of scripture and shoving your opportunistic interpretations down our throats.
Oh and you clearly don't know what JC meant by love, He loved the Jews and everyone else. You hate His people and support terrorism against them. Your love Isa, not Jesus, but that is not really surprising, is it?

I think right now, the Catholickers, the Orthodox and the prostitutes, sorry, Protestants all have different bibles.

Yes, equal opportunity hate and lie basher I try to be.

But it's all to easy to mash up that anti-christ jew hatin sherri and then think you have won the arguments about Gaza which you have definitely not.

Not with tinnie and not with me either.

the ghetto that is Gaza was created by Israel in 1948 to 1956 long before Hamas the PLO or any violent Jewicides ever happened....plenty of Israeli Palicides along that vicious way and little if any resistance from Gazans or Pals.

Gaza was administered by Egypt from 1948 until 1967. Please explain how Israel created what you call a ghetto there. :D
If Israelis were defending theirselves in the 67 war, I'm sure Israelis agree that Palestinians are defending themselves in Gaza. Right?

Not when they are firing rockets and mortars into Israel. Their is nothing defensive about that. Israel is, however, defending herself when she responds to those attacks. :D
We're talking about blockades. Gaza was blockaded near the elections. So Palestinians have every right to war against Israel, right?

correct habibi A "STATE OF WAR" is a mutual condition----I agree that a "STATE OF WAR" exists between Gaza and Israel which makes LEGAL any attack on Gaza that Israel wishes to make, HOWEVER----jihadista sluts with bombs on the whorish asses is a violation of "THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT" and the dogs who slit the throats of infant for the glory of lump of shit "allah" are also in VIOLATION

No, any attack on Israel is LEGAL because Israel blockades the Gaza Strip. You're on the wrong side.

No, you are wrong. It is Gaza's brotherly Muslim neighbor, Egypt, which has the power to end the blockade by opening their 7 mile long border they share. Egypt chooses not to. :D
oh!!!! that "SAUL" I was trying to remember the mysogyny of KING SAUL ------ok ----now I understand Paul was a greek-----he is thought to have been a recent convert to Judaism Anyone interested in the greek view of women-----be prepared ----its not pretty. Interestingly enough----besides being expected to spend most of life indoors----a GREEK WOMAN was expected to COVER HER HEAD WITH VEILS whenever out of home of in the presence of men. If men entered the house she was expected to HIDE ----elsewhere and ------spin wool and knead bread dough. As to sexuality------men could do the homosexual or the heterosexual thing-----women were expected to be UTTERLY ---chaste and husband oriented only Lesbianism was ABHORRENT then she was to die annonymously. Paul virtually invented christianity but I am sure he was a nice guy
Kvetch is quite right, Saul was a misogynist. And most of the books that could have, and some might argue, should have been included in the bible aren't there, and as such it is an almost arbitrary collection which could have been very different today if the councils such as Nicea hadn't happened, or had they had another agenda, or had they included the more gnostically inclined scriptures, for example. I think Kvetch is acknowledging these issues and therefore suggesting that your apparent obsessive reliance on what we today refer to as the bible is a little bit silly. I think Kvetch is an equal opportunities relgion basher so you need not feel singled out.
However, you are the only person on this particular forum who is regularly torturing its inhabitants with your constant abuse of scripture and shoving your opportunistic interpretations down our throats.
Oh and you clearly don't know what JC meant by love, He loved the Jews and everyone else. You hate His people and support terrorism against them. Your love Isa, not Jesus, but that is not really surprising, is it?

I think right now, the Catholickers, the Orthodox and the prostitutes, sorry, Protestants all have different bibles.

Yes, equal opportunity hate and lie basher I try to be.

But it's all to easy to mash up that anti-christ jew hatin sherri and then think you have won the arguments about Gaza which you have definitely not.

Not with tinnie and not with me either.

the ghetto that is Gaza was created by Israel in 1948 to 1956 long before Hamas the PLO or any violent Jewicides ever happened....plenty of Israeli Palicides along that vicious way and little if any resistance from Gazans or Pals.

Gaza was administered by Egypt from 1948 until 1967. Please explain how Israel created what you call a ghetto there. :D

Sure, in a matter of months the population tripled. Two thirds of the people were homeless and unemployed refugees.
correct habibi A "STATE OF WAR" is a mutual condition----I agree that a "STATE OF WAR" exists between Gaza and Israel which makes LEGAL any attack on Gaza that Israel wishes to make, HOWEVER----jihadista sluts with bombs on the whorish asses is a violation of "THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT" and the dogs who slit the throats of infant for the glory of lump of shit "allah" are also in VIOLATION

No, any attack on Israel is LEGAL because Israel blockades the Gaza Strip. You're on the wrong side.

No, you are wrong. It is Gaza's brotherly Muslim neighbor, Egypt, which has the power to end the blockade by opening their 7 mile long border they share. Egypt chooses not to. :D

Egypts open. The other 26 miles are closed off from Israel and the Sea is blockaded 20 nautical miles still.
ONLY if they war against Egypt - which also blockaded Gaza.

Otherwise, it's obviously about something other than the blockade.

Obviously you're a fool, Gaza found ways to transport through Egypt, and Mubarak the dictator was the one who shut the border down on American and Israeli orders.

Israel blockades Gaza and controls 7 of the crucial borders.

Take the blame, Israel is to blame you coward.

You should look up the word "border." Gaza shares one border with Israel and one 7 mile long border with Egypt. Israel has no reason to allow traffic across their border with Gaza and every right to keep it closed. Take your whining to "brotherly" Egypt. :D
correct habibi A "STATE OF WAR" is a mutual condition----I agree that a "STATE OF WAR" exists between Gaza and Israel which makes LEGAL any attack on Gaza that Israel wishes to make, HOWEVER----jihadista sluts with bombs on the whorish asses is a violation of "THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT" and the dogs who slit the throats of infant for the glory of lump of shit "allah" are also in VIOLATION

No, any attack on Israel is LEGAL because Israel blockades the Gaza Strip. You're on the wrong side.

No, you are wrong. It is Gaza's brotherly Muslim neighbor, Egypt, which has the power to end the blockade by opening their 7 mile long border they share. Egypt chooses not to. :D

When Mubarak was in charge he kept the border closed on order from the US. Since then the siege has eased. However, Rafah is a pedestrian crossing. There are no facilities for commercial traffic.
No, any attack on Israel is LEGAL because Israel blockades the Gaza Strip. You're on the wrong side.

No, you are wrong. It is Gaza's brotherly Muslim neighbor, Egypt, which has the power to end the blockade by opening their 7 mile long border they share. Egypt chooses not to. :D

Egypts open. The other 26 miles are closed off from Israel and the Sea is blockaded 20 nautical miles still.

Good 'because' so you admit that GAZA is not blockaded A country has a right to close ITS OWN BORDER -----for example-----I cannot enter the birth place of the filthy and disgusting rapist pig. referring to Gaza as a Prison or a Concentration camp is ----as you admit-----a filthy meccaist lie. Auschwitz did not leave one side of the compound OPENED
ONLY if they war against Egypt - which also blockaded Gaza.

Otherwise, it's obviously about something other than the blockade.

Obviously you're a fool, Gaza found ways to transport through Egypt, and Mubarak the dictator was the one who shut the border down on American and Israeli orders.

Israel blockades Gaza and controls 7 of the crucial borders.

Take the blame, Israel is to blame you coward.

You should look up the word "border." Gaza shares one border with Israel and one 7 mile long border with Egypt. Israel has no reason to allow traffic across their border with Gaza and every right to keep it closed. Take your whining to "brotherly" Egypt. :D

Bullcrap. It's 7 miles long, not at the border crossing, which is is no where near that. The Israeli Gaza border is 26 miles long, and Israel controls the crucial borders that Palestinians need to trade to the West Bank.

And they blockade the Sea, by 20 nautical miles, it's not Israel's right.

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