Israel Requests 50% Increase in U.S. Military Aid, Up to $4.5B


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Israel Requests 50 Increase in U.S. Military Aid Up to 4.5B Democracy Now
Are we going to give more money to Israel to provide Israelis better security? I think it's our duty to help them since we betrayed Israel by singing Iran nuclear deal. Though we surely spend enough of money for supporting our allies abroad I think we should keep better relations with Israel and forget about our jihadist 'allies'. Israel surely deserved it, Jewish people suffered a lot.
Israel Requests 50 Increase in U.S. Military Aid Up to 4.5B Democracy Now
Are we going to give more money to Israel to provide Israelis better security? I think it's our duty to help them since we betrayed Israel by singing Iran nuclear deal. Though we surely spend enough of money for supporting our allies abroad I think we should keep better relations with Israel and forget about our jihadist 'allies'. Israel surely deserved it, Jewish people suffered a lot.

Israel currently receives $3 billion from the U.S. An increase to $4.5 billion is not a 50% increase. The White House made an offer to Israel to increase their defense funding on Tuesday, but Bibi Nutandyahoo wouldn't discuss it.White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal Fox News
Israel Requests 50 Increase in U.S. Military Aid Up to 4.5B Democracy Now
Are we going to give more money to Israel to provide Israelis better security? I think it's our duty to help them since we betrayed Israel by singing Iran nuclear deal. Though we surely spend enough of money for supporting our allies abroad I think we should keep better relations with Israel and forget about our jihadist 'allies'. Israel surely deserved it, Jewish people suffered a lot.

Israel currently receives $3 billion from the U.S. An increase to $4.5 billion is not a 50% increase. The White House made an offer to Israel to increase their defense funding on Tuesday, but Bibi Nutandyahoo wouldn't discuss it.White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal Fox News

Check your math, bro.
They had better start kissing some major ass then. It's like the mooch sleeping on your love seat demanding a full size sofa.
Israel Requests 50 Increase in U.S. Military Aid Up to 4.5B Democracy Now
Are we going to give more money to Israel to provide Israelis better security? I think it's our duty to help them since we betrayed Israel by singing Iran nuclear deal. Though we surely spend enough of money for supporting our allies abroad I think we should keep better relations with Israel and forget about our jihadist 'allies'. Israel surely deserved it, Jewish people suffered a lot.

Israel currently receives $3 billion from the U.S. An increase to $4.5 billion is not a 50% increase. The White House made an offer to Israel to increase their defense funding on Tuesday, but Bibi Nutandyahoo wouldn't discuss it.White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal Fox News

Check your math, bro.
Oh, forgive me. I didn't notice they were asking for a 10 year deal of $42-45 billion dollars.
Israel is not our 51st state and there is nothing in the US Constitution about defending it.

The zionist who rule Israel need to pay for their own national security.

And quit begging the American tax payer to shower them with money. ...... :cool:
Israel is not our 51st state and there is nothing in the US Constitution about defending it.

The zionist who rule Israel need to pay for their own national security.

And quit begging the American tax payer to shower them with money. ...... :cool:

I agree with you, but there is a good reason to continue paying Israel and that is to keep them from selling advanced electronics and weaponry to countries we do not consider friendly. Once countries like Russia and China are given advanced systems all it takes is a short time to reverse engineer and build even more capable weaponry.
Israel Requests 50 Increase in U.S. Military Aid Up to 4.5B Democracy Now
Are we going to give more money to Israel to provide Israelis better security? I think it's our duty to help them since we betrayed Israel by singing Iran nuclear deal. Though we surely spend enough of money for supporting our allies abroad I think we should keep better relations with Israel and forget about our jihadist 'allies'. Israel surely deserved it, Jewish people suffered a lot.

Israel already receives almost $4 billion in yearly U.S. aid.
I agree with you, but there is a good reason to continue paying Israel and that is to keep them from selling advanced electronics and weaponry to countries we do not consider friendly. Once countries like Russia and China are given advanced systems all it takes is a short time to reverse engineer and build even more capable weaponry.
So basically you are saying that we have to bribe our close ally Israel not to stab us in the back?

With friends like that.......who needs enemies. .... :cuckoo:
Not if they don't show common sense.

If they attack Iraq, the whole ME could go up in flames.

Let them work with SA for a bit.

So no to
Israel Requests 50% Increase in U.S. Military Aid, Up to $4.5B

There would be NO NEED to increase the aid if:
1) There were NO Iran agreement which
2) means $150 billion available to Iran to attack Israel.

That's the f...king idiocy of this agreement!
Instead of being Neville Chamberlain,
Obama could have been Reagan at Reagan at Reykjavik: Forty-Eight Hours That Ended the Cold War Reagan at Reykjavik Forty-Eight Hours That Ended the Cold War 9780062310194 Ken Adelman Books

The USA had NOTHING to lose by tightening the sanctions which were the reasons Iran was at the table in the first place!
But by giving in and freeing up the $150B Obama has sold the Israelis, the US, the entire world out to another nuclear arms race!
HOW come Obama was so stupid?
I agree with you, but there is a good reason to continue paying Israel and that is to keep them from selling advanced electronics and weaponry to countries we do not consider friendly. Once countries like Russia and China are given advanced systems all it takes is a short time to reverse engineer and build even more capable weaponry.
So basically you are saying is that we have to bribe our close ally Israel not to stab us in the back?

With friends like that.......who needs enemies. .... :cuckoo:
It always has been a delicate arrangement. But they have the same need for income that we do and if China offers them billions for a weapon system there isn't much we can do to stop it. So we pay them bribery.
We should give them a 100 of our most advanced bunker busting bombs and let them go to town. :)

I will gladly pay
Israel continues to blackmail the US government with false security issues.

And the chumps in Congress fall for it every time. ...... :cool:
Israel continues to blackmail the US government with false security issues.

And the chumps in Congress fall for it every time. ...... :cool:

The chumps in congress fall for it because they are scared to death of AIPAC and what they can do to an election.
Israel Requests 50 Increase in U.S. Military Aid Up to 4.5B Democracy Now
Are we going to give more money to Israel to provide Israelis better security? I think it's our duty to help them since we betrayed Israel by singing Iran nuclear deal. Though we surely spend enough of money for supporting our allies abroad I think we should keep better relations with Israel and forget about our jihadist 'allies'. Israel surely deserved it, Jewish people suffered a lot.

Israel has nukes; Iran doesn't.

What more security do they need?
Israel Requests 50 Increase in U.S. Military Aid Up to 4.5B Democracy Now
Are we going to give more money to Israel to provide Israelis better security? I think it's our duty to help them since we betrayed Israel by singing Iran nuclear deal. Though we surely spend enough of money for supporting our allies abroad I think we should keep better relations with Israel and forget about our jihadist 'allies'. Israel surely deserved it, Jewish people suffered a lot.

Israel has nukes; Iran doesn't.

What more security do they need?

With Iran supporting the Hamas,etc.
Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 11,000 rockets into Israel. Over 5 million Israelis are currently living under threat of rocket attacks. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel.
Rocket Attacks on Israel From Gaza IDF Blog The Official Blog of the Israel Defense ForcesIDF Blog The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

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