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Israelis, Palestinians Retreating From Hardline Stances

José said:
I second that.

What can one say about Comrade?

Amazing debating skills... Comrade is a real PRO.

The guy is so good that I ALMOST refused to defeat him during the discussion we had in the thread “Where did anti-semitism originate from?” long time ago.

You might have defeated my patience, but I doubt anyone really ‘wins’ these debates. The only victory that counts is to change someone’s perspective.

And even when I finally concluded that the imposture perpetrated by Comrade had gone too far and decided to go for the kill by creating and posting devastating messages like “The inner war”, I did so with tears in my eyes knowing full well that I was crushing a first class opponent.... lol

This is the first time I’ve had a chance to read and comment on it.

What part about equating Jews with Nazis am I supposed to understand?

“Israeli Zionism is a mirror image of Nazism:

Germany for aryans.

Israel for jews.”

Somehow the democratically and equally elected legislature by all Jews and gentiles within the state of Israel choosing to limit immigration equates burning Muslims in ovens to you? You certainly don’t have the same problem with Saudi Arabia policy of evicting all non-Muslims from it’s countryside. And you certainly have yet to deal with the PLO charter supported by the regions vast Muslim majority and how it illustrates the policy of genocide as a legal and just measure for rectification.

And you lead up to the claim that:
“If you hold the truth that all men are created equal to be self-evident, you have a moral duty to stand up for your belief in Palestine and say no to the racist, obscene ideology of supremacist Zionism.”
You have a moral duty to recognize the urging of such solutions through this diatribe is exactly how Jews were made subject of mass murder in our grandfathers’ lifetimes. Your argument is quite shortsighted and morally questionable.

Now seriously.

Comrade is indeed a fantastic debater.

It was a delight to see him and Zhukov discuss the Soviet system with that poster named Wade.

That poster’s stubborn refusal to explicitly recognise that during WWII and the Cold War the US faced and helped rid the world of evil, totalitarian ideologies that glorified race and the state, respectively, was revolting, TO SAY THE LEAST.

I was so outraged by this that I almost joined the fray, but I could see he was already receiving a well-deserved spanking, so there was no need to add insult to injury.

I also fully agree with them, when they refute those bozos who keep saying over and over that the war in Iraq is about oil.

(For those interested in my opinion:

The war in Iraq is about spreading democracy in the Middle East starting in the wrong place: Iraq instead of Palestine.

It’s almost unbelievable to see the way people discuss the war in Iraq here, as if Palestine didn’t exist. While they discuss the war, they completely ignore what’s going on in Palestine as if there was no connection at all between the two conflicts. They are completly isolated inside their american cocoon totally ignorant about what’s going on inside the mind of an average arab.

The posters of the US MESSAGE BOARD are totally unable to grasp the HUGE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE the palestinian cause has in the Middle East.

Take it from someone who spent 5 years of his life in the Middle East:

The arab people will never accept the West’s plan:

That’s their right to think that way, but it doesn’t mean I would give them domain over Isreal and expect that pattern of behavior to change.

What happens when we grant the Islamic movement sovereignty to establish Islamic law in Kashmir, Chechnya, vast disputed regions in Africa, or even Iraq. Will it ever stop there? Is the demand from this out of control monster for Spain then something we
should ‘seriously consider’ as important?

Of course not, as this pattern of thinking is simply a reincarnation of the same appeasement ghost that led to the destruction of WWII.

Democracy for arabs living in Iraq and jewish racism for arabs living in Palestine.

Are you advocating the invasion of and overthrow of Israel in order to eliminate ‘racism’ in Isreal? I suppose Hussein was simply the second choice behind Sharon the ‘mass murdering tyrant’!

And why do you keep confusing race and religion? Not all Semites are Jewish nor all of Jewish faith Semites.

You’ve made no argument for Isreal’s Democracy as racist other than the fact that it restricts its immigration to favor Jews. Do I want to see Isreals borders opened to all comers, the vast majority of those being Jew hating muslims? Certainly they don’t. And it’s their right as a free nation to choose their legislature to enact restrictions according to their wishes. That’s the way Democracy works in this world of sovereign nations. Why don’t you advocate the overthrow of all Muslim nations because they in turn don’t allow the immigration of Jews or Christians to their nations? Obviously not because its part of this ‘moral immigration policy’ of yours, but because nobody wants to live there.

But plenty of impoverished Arabs would LOVE to immigrate into Isreal and topple the Liberal Democracy into another Islamic state through numbers alone.

I think you fail to look at this likely end result of what you advocate as a ‘solution’ to this issue.

To make a long story short:

Spread democracy in the Middle East = good.

Start in Iraq instead of Palestine = poor choice.)

Why isn’t the fall of Saddam, who was one of the main supporters of Palestinian terrorists, a figurehead for militantcy for the greater Arab state, and an oppressor of millions and a danger to our security in his own right, why wasn't he the BEST place to start.

American troops in Palestine??? Can you imagine the uproar from the ENTIRE WORLD over this? And the terrorist backlash would be in full swing. And to what end? Immigration rights to Isreal for a few million?

I don't think it would accomplish anything more than the destruction of the state of Israel, and of course the eventual backlash from that state which would leave the region in smoking nuclear ruins.

And the American people wouldn’t have any of it. They know more than you assume.

OK, now back to Comrade : )

The only thing that prevents Comrade and Zhukov from becoming serious political thinkers is their super patriotism that is completly out of control.

This moronic super patriotism is not worth of their intellect and manifests itself mainly, by their misguided support for the israeli jewish theocracy among other (in my opinion) less important things.

You just can’t type political messages with one hand while waving the american flag with the other and still expect to be regarded as a serious political thinker by posters from other countries or even american posters who managed to get a hold of their own patriotism.

If you come into a political message board with a “I’m for my country and its allies right or wrong” attitude, chances are you’re not gonna be regarded any more seriously than people who blame the US or Israel for the chinese cultural revolution.

Since I do not advocate the toppling of Isreal and enforcement of some kind of ‘racial equality’ in the region via American troops, I am a right wing flag pumper?

Then again, how does being a so called supporter of Zionism make me a ‘moronic super patriot’? You also realize that’s a contraction in terms, as I’m an American gentile.

Serious political analysis and blind patriotism just don’t mix well.

The business of Comrade and Zhukov is the glorification of the american state, they remember the values of liberal democracy only when it suits their ultra nationalist agenda.

In this regard, Comrade and Zhukov are just the mirror image of Wade and the other bozos they solidly refute, which is a pity, considering their encyclopedic knowledge and tremendous debating skills.

The basic premise that your making about me is wrong. I am not a blind patriot by rejecting your argument. I reject your argument out of basic principle. The priciples of individual liberty are best served by NOT overthrowing a functioning liberal Democracy in a region devoid of all such, but by going after the true tyrants who work to destroy all such vestiges in their own region. Afganistan and soon Iraq are examples from which more countries in the region will hopefully follow, until the ‘question’ of Democray in Isreal is no longer relevant… those ‘oppressed’ as you say, can vote with their feet and truly live in freedom and equality in the neighboring nations which you functionally disregard when discussing the situation of freedom in the entire region.

But I’m highly doubtful these Arab nations, most 99%+ Muslim and strongly so, will ever truly understand the concept of equality, liberty, and tolerance to the extent that liberal western nations, including Israel, have attained. And even when they do understand what our type of society entails, many reject it in practice, in favour of their traditional ways. And they'll continue to do so unless their society undergoes a sea change in their way of life, and prodded into it with the help of the West in providing security for at least a full new generation of people within them. We can only provide security from the re-establishment of tyranny and hope their traditional way do not ursurp their own movement into Global modernization, but in the end its really up to themselves to advance.

But to do so in an area which will remain fundamentally conflicted by tension between the modern and Islamic world, that is, the less than 1% fraction of their world which lies in the borders of Democratic Isreal, I rightly fear you kind of solution would cause more problems than it solved.

Do I support helping them in any way we can…? Most certainly. That’s part of the reason we have invaded Iraq. But any fool will tell you we chose Iraq for other various reasons that are in our own benefit as well, and rightly so. To accuse me of supra-nationalistic motives for not having opposed this and instead have chosen Palestinian ‘intervention’ is not rational whatsoever. Your argument advancing this as a ‘solution’ is not only self-defeating for our purposes of spreading Democracy among tyrannical states, but ultimately at odds with the freedom of those living among them.
Ah Jose,

"As an agnostic I can’t invoke God’s help, so I call upon the forces of nature to give me patience to deal with Comrade and DaTroof : )


Of course it's only for the Jews. There are how many Arab Muslems in the area and how many Jews ?!? I told you earlier in many a post to quit with the one state 2 people solution. NEVER GONNA %^$#IN HAPPEN !!! Israel is the size of a quarter on a carpet when compared to the Arab lands .. all of which are Muslem theocrasies you jackass !!! Do you not see the irony in pointing the finger at Israel for not being a democracy and for killing Arabs when that is what the Arab nations are doing on a wholesale level ?!?

See Jose ... you are not crushing anyone. It's your Arab pride talking when you say that you are crushing Mr Comrade. It's the same Arab pride that makes you blind to the fact that Israel could go in tomorrow and kill every last "Palestinian", and call it a day. It's this pride that keeps you from saying "thank you Israel for not treating me as I would treat you". You are so far out of you league on this subject. So don't ask God for patience ... hit me with your best shot. I lived in Jerusalem for 12 years and still go back often. I also lived in NY and my parents still live in Manhattan. I guarantee you that your article was not the talk of NY. I smell so much bullshit eminating from your articles. I'm a Cohen .. a Jewish priest, and I am Eastern European. So here I am, Eastern European decent and can trace my roots directly to Aron, Moses' brother. Please stay away from genetics. The only clear thing is that "Palestinians" are actually Arabs just like all the neighbors .. and that's where they can live .. amongst their Arab bretheren in non-democratic Muslem theocracies. No wonder they're willing to blow themselves up. I would too.

Lets see how much faith you really have in the Palestinian people. Israel gives back every inch to the 67 borders ... but for every projectile that comes over the wall I get to kick you in the nuts and kill a family member of yours ... Would you do it ?!? Hope you've already had children.
Kicking nuts is not civil ? OK .. maybe I can take it down a notch. It's just that Jose is so asking for a nut kicking. I'll be good though.
DaTroof said:
Kicking nuts is not civil ? OK .. maybe I can take it down a notch. It's just that Jose is so asking for a nut kicking. I'll be good though.

Jose has to first try to respond to my questions... a nut-kicking at this moment would just be overkill. :flameth: :banana:
José said:
The peaceful end of Israel will be the most important event of the century.

no that would be one of those things known as an impossibility. the only end of israel would be a nuclear-accented one, sent over from Iran or from Al-Queda itself. And in any war w/o nukes, the Israeli people (both far left and far right and all in between) will rise up and defend their nation at all costs.

José said:
BRAVE ISRAELI JEWS who courageously opposed the twisted version of Zionism Israel stood for, will be there to hug and cry together with them. They will sob words like this: “Forgive us for what our people did to you.”

And then the Syrian or Iranian soldiers will slaughter them, and any other Israeli/Jew they can find. The only forgiveness requested at this point in time in the real world from the Palestinians should be an apology ahead of time for the IDF doing nothing as the Palestinians fight their own brutal civil war for the future of their people. Sad to say, but its more than likely coming, especially with Hamas winning local elections and bound to kill Abbas and anyone else who gets in their way.

José said:
After Nazi Germany and South Africa, mankind will celebrate the victory over another racist political entity. From that moment on, all men will not only be CREATED equal, they will also be TREATED as equals in Palestine.

The only racist political entities in Israel/Palestinian areas are the extremist Israeli settlements and the terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
In the middle east, where could I begin with racist political entities? Iran's mullahs, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, etc etc
DaTroof said:
No .. it's Al Tikriti
As in Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti? Yeah, that makes sense. I doubt that either Padilla or al Tikriti have access to computers.

Originally posted by onedomino
Jose? Is your last name Padilla?


OYE CABRON, no latino bashing here, OK?

Otherwise, we’re gonna have to activate our Little Havana Martyrs Brigade and start a wave of suicide bombings...
This message board is full of russians desperatly trying to prove they have become real americans by showing support for Israel:

“Hey, I support Israel...

Would you, please, stop calling me a russian, damnit!!!”

If only they could realise that by supporting Israel they become more russians and less americans...
NATO, you are always posting articles about american soldiers like Pablo Paredes (Paulo Paredes in Portuguese, Paul Walls in English... some name he has there...LOL) who betrayed their country but I seriously advise you to look at your own belly nato:

Vietnam deserters and Pablo Paredes look like american national heroes when compared to you.

You are the biggest traitor in the history of the american nation, NATO.

Vietnam deserters and Paredes only betrayed America the Tribe, that is, the american government/army, an american administration, while you are betraying America the Idea, the principles of freedom and racial equality upon which America was founded.

And I don’t say these words to insult you, I say it to give you a shake so I can remove you from this fantasy land you are living in. To tell you the truth, I even admire many of your posts. You, AT LEAST, show some compassion for the native arab population of Palestine which is more than I can say about 95% of the posters here. So I would never insult you for the sake of insulting.

Look, you didn’t desert to North Korea, you didn’t sell american military secrets to China. Your treason is not irreversible, the only thing you have to do to stop betraying America the Idea is say no to Israel now.

You are a traitor now, but you don’t have to be a traitor tomorrow. In fact, you can stop betraying the ideals of America right now NATO, by courageously opposing this big land grab, this big monument to legalised racism called Israel and supporting its peaceful replacement by a democratic state. I have good news for you: your treason is the easiest to correct.

When you support Israel you sound like someone who’s feeling guilty about it, NATO.

You say things like “the israelis are in total control of the situation so I make a choice to side with the palestinians” (in other words, they are imposing ethnic supremacism on the arab population so I side with the oppressed.)

When you say things like these, you sound like someone who deep in his heart is ashamed of defending Israel.

There’s nothing sadder than someone who is ashamed of his own opinions, NATO.

When you said on the thread “Should Israel have been created” that it shouldn’t, your short answer was worth a million words.

You are haunted by the feeling that you are supporting in Palestine the very same thing you oppose in Kosovo and Sudan: ethnic cleansing, legalised racism etc etc

There is an inner voice whispering in your ear: “José is right, NATO.”

You can deny there is such a voice in front of the other members of the US Message Board but you, in the loneliness of your own personal self, knows this voice is really telling you I’m right.

I urge you to let this voice take you over, NATO, because this voice is nothing but America the Idea speaking to you.

José is nothing but its messenger.

Where does your ultimate loyalty reside NATO?

Originally posted by NATO AIR
And then the Syrian or Iranian soldiers will slaughter them, and any other Israeli/Jew they can find.

I see.

The good old “they’re gonna kill us all” pseudo argument.

The last refuge for bigots who want to support a racist country but are too ashamed to do so openly.

This is the way you rationalise your approval of ethnic cleansing of western Palestine, you, the great defender of all displaced people in the world.

Shame on you.

Originally posted by NATO AIR
The only forgiveness requested at this point in time in the real world from the Palestinians should be an apology ahead of time for the IDF doing nothing as the Palestinians fight their own brutal civil war for the future of their people.

You say palestinians have nothing to forgive Israel for? What parallel universe are you living in NATO?

Israel as a whole is nothing but a huge land grab. Israelis sleep in houses built on ancient palestinian villages, they grow food on land that belonged to arab palestinians, they work in offices and factories built on palestinian land, they have fun on discos and restaurants built on palestinian land.

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either.

There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."

Moshe Dayan, April 4, 1969.
So the only thing a government has to do to get away with ethnic cleansing is wait until the displacement is 50 or 60 years old. Then the land grab is legitimised.

Where is your outrage towards the forced displacement of the arabs communities of Western Palestine, NATO?

Do you only oppose ethnic cleansing that were not sanctioned by the West, like Kosovo and Darfur?

Ethnic cleansings “approved” by your government are OK to you?

Are you sure you do feel compassion for those victims in Kosovo and Darfur or you just use their plight as a pretext to advance the interests of your country?

Forgive me if I’m wrong but this is what your selective compassion leads me to conclude.

And one more thing NATO, the phrase “ethnic cleansing” is far more applicable to Israeli actions than to those of the Serbs in Kosovo. The brutal Serb mistreatment of Kosovo Albanians was a feature of an ongoing civil war, and the killings and large scale expulsions during the Nato bombing were war-related actions; they were not part of a long-term project to “redeem the land” from non-Serbs. Albanians in Belgrade have not been limited in property ownership as Arabs are in Israel and the occupied territories, and Kosovo Albanian homes were not demolished for the purpose of providing space for Serbs.
Originally posted by Comrade
The basic premise that your making about me is wrong. I am not a blind patriot by rejecting your argument. I reject your argument out of basic principle. The priciples of individual liberty are best served by NOT overthrowing a functioning liberal Democracy in a region devoid of all such, but by going after the true tyrants who work to destroy all such vestiges in their own region. Afganistan and soon Iraq are examples from which more countries in the region will hopefully follow, until the ‘question’ of Democray in Isreal is no longer relevant… those ‘oppressed’ as you say, can vote with their feet and truly live in freedom and equality in the neighboring nations which you functionally disregard when discussing the situation of freedom in the entire region.

But I’m highly doubtful these Arab nations, most 99%+ Muslim and strongly so, will ever truly understand the concept of equality, liberty, and tolerance to the extent that liberal western nations, including Israel, have attained. And even when they do understand what our type of society entails, many reject it in practice, in favour of their traditional ways. And they'll continue to do so unless their society undergoes a sea change in their way of life, and prodded into it with the help of the West in providing security for at least a full new generation of people within them. We can only provide security from the re-establishment of tyranny and hope their traditional way do not ursurp their own movement into Global modernization, but in the end its really up to themselves to advance.

But to do so in an area which will remain fundamentally conflicted by tension between the modern and Islamic world, that is, the less than 1% fraction of their world which lies in the borders of Democratic Isreal, I rightly fear you kind of solution would cause more problems than it solved.

Do I support helping them in any way we can…? Most certainly. That’s part of the reason we have invaded Iraq. But any fool will tell you we chose Iraq for other various reasons that are in our own benefit as well, and rightly so. To accuse me of supra-nationalistic motives for not having opposed this and instead have chosen Palestinian ‘intervention’ is not rational whatsoever. Your argument advancing this as a ‘solution’ is not only self-defeating for our purposes of spreading Democracy among tyrannical states, but ultimately at odds with the freedom of those living among them.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

If the West was really commited to introducing democracy in the entire ME (including Palestine) it would have started its democratization plan dismantling its own client state (this does not require military actions just international isolation just like in South Africa.)

But what the West really want from the arab world is docility towards the jewish racial dictatorship and consequently towards itself and don’t think for a second arabs haven’t already realised this. According to NYT columnist Thomas Friedman, american soldiers are being called “the jews” on the streets of Bhagdad.

If this is not enough to make people understand that the arab people will never accept the western plan “democracy for arabs in Iraq and jewish racism for arabs in Palestine”, nothing will.

So the West’s plan for the Middle East brings the seeds of its own demise. And this logical inconsistency: “democracy for all but not for our satellite state” will most likely doom the whole democratic experiment.
Originally posted by Comrade
The priciples of individual liberty are best served by NOT overthrowing a functioning liberal Democracy in a region devoid of all such

I always enter Saudi chatlines where I bash Saudi Arabia’s theocratic monarchy to my heart’s content.

One of the less offensive things I say there is that travelling to Saudi is the closest experience one can get of living in a medieval feud without building a time machine.

Now ask yourself this:

Does the fact that the arab world is dominated by dictatorships somehow justifies the existance of a jewish racial dictatorship in the Middle East that denies citizenship and the right to rebuild their original communities to millions of displaced arabs?

Does the fact that Africa is dominated by dictatorships somehow justified the existance of a boer racial dictatorship in the southern part of that continent that denied citizenship to millions of displaced black africans kept herded against their will in impoverished, overcrowded pseudo-republics called Bantustans?

How can a racial dictatorship be “legitimised” by a ‘standard’ dictatorship?

What kind of twisted logic is that?

Originally posted by Comrade
In fact, I still take this liberal democracy and compare it to any of the other despotic fundamentalism nations, including the PLO and it's state apparatus, and realize I have to actually make a choice.

I believe that Aristotle’s work, “Sophistic Refutations” should be mandatory reading for anyone who wants to participate in any kind of debate, real world or online.

When I see “arguments” like that quoted above I sadly lose my faith on my species' ability to think properly.

When you choose between a jewish ethnocracy like Israel, and a dictatorship like Syria, you are not choosing between a democracy and a dictatorship.

You are choosing between two kinds of dictatorships:

A racial dictatorship that denies civil rights to millions of displaced people whose only crime is to belong to the “unofficial ethnicity”.

And a dictatorship that denies civil rights to all its population.

And this is in fact a logical fallacy known as false dichotomy.

You don’t have “to make a choice” between Israel and Syria, you can and must oppose both dictatorships.

You also imply that the fact that the lybian government denies many civil rights to its population somehow justifies the fact that Israel denies civil rights to millions of arab refugees.


Bad behaviour does not justify bad behaviour and arab dictatorships do not justify jewish racial dictatorships.

If you want to come into a message board and be taken seriously you have to present valid arguments, not flagrant logical fallacies.
Originally posted by Comrade
You might have defeated my patience, but I doubt anyone really ‘wins’ these debates. The only victory that counts is to change someone’s perspective.

Comrade, the first thing you said here was that you might regret stepping in here and I’m afraid this is about to happen, because I can prove to all the member of the US Message Board that I did change your perspective on Israel.

I’m gonna quote a post by me and your answer to that post during the epic battle we waged on the thread “Where did anti-semitism originate from?”.

For those who can’t be bothered to read my long message, here’s what it says in a nutshell:

My plan to turn Palestine from a jewish ethnocracy into a real democratic state, involves basically two steps:

1 – Both communities must be bombarded by a massive, and I mean massive concientization campaign, emphasizing racial harmony and civic values. The intensity and duration of this campaign should put South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commision to shame. This huge propaganda campaign should serve as a preparation for the return of the displaced arab communities of western Palestine and also, a preparation for the day in which the jewish enclaves in eastern Palestine could live and flourish without being protected by half the israeli army.

2 - The zionist army that is currently the enforcer of jewish ethnic supremacism in Palestine must be dismantled, stripped of the racist ideology that give it its name and reconstituted as a force capable of providing security for both communities.

Originally posted by José
What really lacks as far as the peaceful dismantlement of Israel is concerned is political will in the West.

The absolute priority in the process of dismantlement of Israel would be the safety of the jewish population.

Ajpws, I guarantee you that absolutely nothing would change in the routine of the jewish population of Israel.

Israel would continue to be the economic powerhouse it is...

The jewish people would continue to be the entrepreneurial people they have always been

They would continue to enjoy one the highest standards of living in the world.

Almost nothing would change in their lives after the peaceful dismantlement of Israel...the only visible difference would be a greater number of arabs on the streets of some israeli cities...

Look aj... the peaceful dismantlement of Israel would mobilize the entire world...I believe that the zionist army of Israel is more than enough to provide security for both communities...but if the jewish leaders deem it insufficient US, Russia and other countries would be more than happy to provide peace keepers to temporarily oversee the creation of a multi ethnic state in Israel...

The return of the arab population would take several years, because THE WHOLE WORLD wants an orderly migration to avoid ethnic strife.... the returnees would be interviewed by psychologists, screened and able to enter Israel only after aproval...All palestinians would be get jobs so they can live in cities since most of their land is now occupied.

THE SECURITY OF THE JEWISH POPULATION WOULD BE AN OVERRIDING PRIORITY.... At any sign of problems the return would be interrupted until conditions improved...

The arabs wouldn’t be allowed to bear arms in any circumstance...there would be so many security officers on the streets that the arabs couldn’t fart without being noticed.

Movements of (bi) national reconciation would be implemented along the lines of the Truth and Reconciliation Comitee in SA. The spread of hateful propaganda against any ethnic group would be prohibited

The arab population could be subjected to birth control programs in order to keep the populational balance of Israel.

They could elect an arab and a jewish prime minister who could not decide things alone. There would be a series of checks and balances regarding the military and other security forces and all three branches of the government so they could protect both communities

The jewish leaders of Israel need to stop their campaign of psychological terrorism on the jewish population of Israel and the world. “the sky is falling...the arabs want to eat us alive”.

Many jews, both in America and Israel, seem to be infatuated with the notion of jews being always victims, somehow being always oppressed by mindless and heartless societies that they always seem to accidentally find themselves suddenly appearing within and being trapped inside, etc. This "perpetual victim status" security blanket suddenly loses its merit and validity in today's world. As this "perpetual victim status" is so deeply engrained in the self-identity of some jews, this explains their defensiveness and hostile responses to any proposal of a multi ethnic Israel.

Research has also shown return to be feasible and not a threat to order. If 1.2 million Palestinians (currently citizens of Israel) can remain peaceful and obeying the law (for the majority) while being abused and treated as 4th class citizens, imagine how they and their relatives and other returnees would behave in a state that treated them fairly and decently and removed the biggest complaint they have (exile).

I say, the loss of a single jewish life would be entirely unacceptable during the process of peaceful dismantlement of Israel and if the whole world help, as I’m sure it will, we can achieve the blodless creation of a civic state in Palestine. The safety of the jewish people would be EVERYBODY’S PRIORITY myself included.

Originally posted by José
How many times will I have to repeat that the details of the peaceful dismantlement of Israel would have nothing to do with the details of the dimantlement of South Africa under white rule?

I don’t want the IMPLEMENTATION of the dismantlement of Israel to have nothing to do with that of South Africa, BECAUSE I CARE FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE, and don’t want to see them being victims of any increase in the crime rate like in SA.

The dismantlement of Israel would have NOTHING to do with majority rule. Both communities would elect a prime minister, WHO WOULD NOT HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE DECISIONS ALONE AND WOULD HAVE NO DIRECT CONTROL OVER THE MILITARY.

There would be so many checks and balances separating the executive branch from the military that would be absolutely impossible to deploy those forces against any ethnic group.

The arab population would be subjected to birth control until there was populational balance between the two communities. Then the population would be kept 50/50.

No civilian would have access to firearms and the borders would be controlled in a draconian way to prevent smuggling. The arabs inside Israel would find themselves much more defenceless than they are now living in the arab Bantustans. Today they have access to automatic weapons, rockets etc etc. Once in Israel, they wouldn’t be allowed to bear not even knives.

Fundamentalist political parties would be totally banned. Only secular parties with a platform stressing religious and racial tolerance.

The arab community would be massively bombarded by a propaganda campaing through the schools, media and associations emphasising racial harmony and civic values.

The REFORMULATED zionist army of Israel would be more than enough to provide security for both communities. But nothing would prevent the presence of hundreds of thousands of US, Russian and European troops to provide security during the first phases of the transformation of Israel in a civic state comprising the entire area of Palestine.

The whole world would pour millions of dollars to help the resetlement of the arab population. New villages and cities could be created just like they are now in the WB and Gaza.

The international community would make clear to all the neighboring countries that any kind of intervention in the internal affairs of the new country would not be tolerated and armed aggressions would be met with massive retaliation.

If the majority rule in SA, caused only marginal increase in crimes against whites, there can be no doubt that the jewish people will be totally protected in Israel/Palestine, once all these measures are implemented.

The only people, outside the arab world, who propose this simple form of majority rule are supporters of Israel themselves, because they are more than willing to turn the proposal of the peaceful dismantlement of Israel into a bloodbath.

This was Comrade’s answer:

“Well, you dodged me on my lenghtly responses, and I'm rather cynical about such a reality coming to fruition, but I'm quite content to let this stand as the ideal resolution on the subject. Here's to that thought.”


It appears to me that Comrade, deep inside his heart, is not so sure that Israel is a liberal democracy as he tries to make us think he is.

Look, members of the US Message Board, there is no doubt in our mind that Comrade is trying to convince us all that Israel is a liberal democracy.

But after reading his message I reproduced above, it would be fair to ask ourselves:



It’s hard to convince others that Israel is a democratic state, when you still haven’t even managed to convince YOURSELF.
So, ONCE AGAIN, Comrade lies on the floor of the US Message Board, semi-concious, mumbling words with blood slowly dripping from his mouth and nose while jimnyc counts to ten before raising José’s arm.

Another desvastating and humiliating knockout by José, the undisputed heavyweight champion of the Israel/Palestine section of the US Message Board.

: )
José said:
So, ONCE AGAIN, Comrade lies on the floor of the US Message Board, semi-concious, mumbling words with blood slowly dripping from his mouth and nose while jimnyc counts to ten before raising José’s arm.

Another desvastating and humiliating knockout by José, the undisputed heavyweight champion of the Israel/Palestine section of the US Message Board.

: )

Not at all. We've all just realized that you're beyond logic due to your pathetic addiction to the death cult you call a religion.
Wow !!! That's all I can say Jose. Well, maybe I can say a little more :bangheads

First off I have got to agree 100% with rtwngAvngr and his latest post. You truely are an idiot and a boon to my cause. Instead of sticking to historicaly relevant issues and actually logically dismateling the acusations braught against the Palestinains, Arabs, and Muslem peoples, you simply rant !! You go boy !! I have been fighting an uphill battle to convince many in this forum that in fact the Palestinians are insanely difficult to work with, irrational in demands, and altogether not really interested in peace and as a result, the wall and other actions are an unfortunate necessity of a situation that is largely the palestinians own fault. Over the past month or so, you have made my job that much easier. I just wanted to thank you :) !!!
You quote me responding to the wrong post, Jose. I can't imagine why you'd do this on purpose other than to decieve others here.

José said:
Research has also shown return to be feasible and not a threat to order. If 1.2 million Palestinians (currently citizens of Israel) can remain peaceful and obeying the law (for the majority) while being abused and treated as 4th class citizens, imagine how they and their relatives and other returnees would behave in a state that treated them fairly and decently and removed the biggest complaint they have (exile).

I say, the loss of a single jewish life would be entirely unacceptable during the process of peaceful dismantlement of Israel and if the whole world help, as I’m sure it will, we can achieve the blodless creation of a civic state in Palestine. The safety of the jewish people would be EVERYBODY’S PRIORITY myself included.

In this message, I tried to build a bridge, I extended an olive branch to ajpws, comrade and all the others who support Israel. I don’t know if they will finish the bridge I started building or blow it up with accusations of al taquiyya etc etc but, at least, no one can say I didn’t try.

This was Comrade’s answer:

“Well, you dodged me on my lenghtly responses, and I'm rather cynical about such a reality coming to fruition, but I'm quite content to let this stand as the ideal resolution on the subject. Here's to that thought.”


Do you understand Jose, how you misrepresent me?

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