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Israelis, Palestinians Retreating From Hardline Stances

Hehe, sounds like you pushed the guy over the edge, Jose. :splat:

I'm glad to have someone from Brazil contributing here and hope to see you broaden your debate to other topics as well. You're right that we've spent FAR too much time on the Isreali/Palestine debate!
José said:
WHOA Avenger....

Even if you searched the entire ME, you probably wouldn’t find a single arab named José.

You’re gonna find a alot of Yussefs but definitely no José, so don’t assume I’m one of them.

If it walks like a duck....
Posted by Jose

"These are the facts...from the very start...it is indisputable, there is no argument against it, none, zero, zip. For the last 20 years the so-called “new Israeli historians” have extensively documented the colonial-settler nature of the Zionist enterprise, an enterprise which from the very beginning envisioned Palestine with no Arabs"

Arguing with you is like arguing with a wall minus 20 inteligence quotiant points. There is an argument for Israel declaring exactly what they declared. First off the Arabs where a minority in quite a few areas. The Jews of the fist wave of "aliyah", coming back to Israel, where there by the very very early 1900's and they wheren't the first Jews in Israel by a mile ... THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN JEWS IN PALESTINE ... ALWAYS !!! The diaspora did not relocate every Jew in Israel. Most yes, but by no means all.

Lets face a bit of reality here. Fatah and the greatfully dead Mr Arafat (at least I'm greatful .. I wonder how many virgins you get for sending other people to kill the innocent ?!?) where killing Jewish children long before Israel was officially a state. This hatred of the Jews .. not just Israelis .. is the one idea here that is as old as Mohamed. Do you want the good people of this board to believe that if Israel had just done this or that, that Muslems would have let Jews live in Israel in any way other than under Muslim rule ? It's against the Quoran !!!!!

Long story short, you have never visited a Hospital after a bus attack. I have. You see a 7 year old girl who is never going to walk or see again and I know that I felt like planting some bombs in Palestinian markets. Be glad that Israel controls itself better than I do or else there would be no more argument. More importantly, you would like to shame NATO Air into feeling bad for the Palestinians. Shame on YOU dipshit. The fact taht you are so historically off is amusingly sad. I would hardly mention a word in this forum again really. You do more good for me than for your dear Palestinians.
I was reading an interesting story in this weeks US World & News Report. No one is more tired of the intifada then the Palestinians themselves. While Israel is busteling, economy improving, more secure feeling, the Palestinians are openly complaining that the intifada was an enormous waste of time and that it has in fact set the people back 50 years (that's a quote). Of course it has !!! What did you think Israel would do ?! Collapse under the terrorism ?! NEVER !!! Unlike the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, this is the Jewish home ... Israel isn't going anywhere !!! So while the Palestinian leaders pointed at Israel while stuffing their pockets, Israel was developing a vibrant infrastructure (yes .. for Jews). And when Israel was sufficiently certain that the Palestinians had no intention of living in peaceful co-acceptance, it was/is time for seperation. Palestinians very much brought the wall upon themselves. I understand that many will agree that the wall is necessary but diagree vehemently about it's rout. I can appreciate that and we will agree to disagree. I firmly believe that Israel should not give back every single square inch to some imaginary line drawn by the Limeys seconds befor exiting stage left, which the Arabs (yes, the Palestinians are Arabs) never gave a crap about until military victory no longer seemed feasable. Believe me, the Jews of Israel would get no such deal from the Arabs had they suceeded with the uterly cowardly (shows just how Arabs and muslems respect other's beliefs) attack on Yom Kippur.

This may actually be good news. Palestinians finally coming to their senses and Israel withdrawing from the territories. Amen :)
Oh please come back .. or are you prancing on the beaches in a Speedo to the sounds of metal drums playing The girl from Iponima ?
DaTroof said:
Believe me, the Jews of Israel would get no such deal from the Arabs had they suceeded with the uterly cowardly (shows just how Arabs and muslems respect other's beliefs) attack on Yom Kippur.
This is the part that bugs me the most. If the Arabs had succeeded just once out of the many times they attacked Israel, we wouldn't be sitting here talking about a Jewish refugee problem... the Arabs wouldn't have left a single Jew alive in the middle east to be a refugee. The global community would say "Bad Arabs, you shouldn't kill the Jews!" but year after year, the condemnations would subside until the memory of a Jewish presence in the middle east was left to rot in last year's history books. Then Iraq (one of the countries that has attacked Israel on several occasions on behalf of the poor Palestinians) would invade Palestine in the same way they invaded Kuwait and next thing you know, the Palestinians would be refugees again, only this time to Iraqi invaders. Oh, wait, that wouldn't happen since Iraq would likely gas all the Palestinians, again leaving no refugee problem.

This may actually be good news. Palestinians finally coming to their senses and Israel withdrawing from the territories. Amen :)
That's just it. The Arabs are happy to torture and kill each other from dawn till dusk, but the second a Jew tries to defend him/herself and kills an Arab, it's the end of the world. Only Arabs are allowed to kill Arabs. I am so tired of taking into account "Arab pride" ... shove it !! What about American pride ?!? These guys are burning the Stars & tripes in the streets in full support of the governments. So how about if we don't mention American pride and we will comletely ignore the societal position that the Arabs/Muslems believe they are owed.
José said:
When I return, be smart like Zhukov and avoid direct confrontations with José.

Who the hell is this guy?

I don't think I've ever even read a post by this guy, let alone responded to one, and it looks like he's mentioned me about a thousand times.

Too funny.

Guess I should do searchs on my name more often and see who else is talking about me....
Well....I was going to read through this thread and see if any sort of response was needed, but after seeing a few things this individual wrote (particularly the comment concerning NATO), coupled with the fact that he no longer graces us with his inestimable wit, I see no reason to comment further at all, except...

...I think he himself said it best...

José said:
I have already talked too much anyway.

Too right you are, Señor.
Anyone who thinks NATO is a traitor in any way shape or form needs to have his head examined. I am glad he is gone.

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