It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Use as needed... but don't use too much, you might come to your senses and become an actual thinking, logical, American patriot...

You mean the one that started growing under Obama?

Again, the job growth was already happening under Obama.

Yep, same answer.

Obama inherited the biggest recession since WWII. The GDP growth wasn’t great, but from June of 2009 we have had the longest stretch of job growth IN HISTORY.
No, I mean the one that was SINKING in 2016, under Obama >> 2.3 to 1.8

For the 200th time in this forum, Obama did nothing to get credit. Severe recessions typically undergo a long recoil period of 5 years or more, which happen no matter who is president. Giving Obama credit for 2009-2015 is absurd.

The only year that can be attributable to Obama economically, is his last year (2016), which had a terrible sinking GDP (2.3 to 1.8)

Posts like this are the reason why nobody takes LEFT wingers seriously about economics.

So now that your DODGING is done, can you answer my questions ? from Post # 22
And yet your dumbass can’t explain how any of the economic news under Trump is related to his policies. What’s also fucking retarded is how you claim all the economic gains under Obama had nothing to do with him yet the shrinkage of GDP in 2016 is his fault.

See, I can actually tell you what REVERSED the recession in mid 2009. It was Obama’s stimulus package which, according the CBO, created or saved 3 million private jobs.
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The Great wall of China, Fail
Hadrian's wall, Fail
Berlin wall, fail

I guess that we can maintain that the Korean wall is a success, mostly because it is surrounded by a million or so land mines, and North Korean guards with orders to shoot to kill.
  • 636606317909640250-IrelandPeaceWall02.JPG

    A Tour guide shows tourists a peace wall in north Belfast on Jan. 23, 2017. (Photo: Paul Faith, AFP/Getty Images)

    The "peace walls" in Belfast, Northern Ireland, grew from barricades erected by local communities because of sectarian rioting in 1969 between Catholic Irish nationalists, who favored unification with the Irish Republic to the south, and Loyalist Protestant Paramilitaries, who backed continued British rule. The brick-and-wire boundaries still dot the city's landscape. As relations improve, there are plans to demolish all of it by 2023.

    Other notable examples:
    • Finland: About 450 miles of barbed wire fencing prevent reindeer from wandering across the border into Russia.
    • France: The mile-long wall at Calais was funded by the United Kingdom to prevent migrants from accessing the Channel Tunnel that connects Britain to continental Europe.
    • Morocco: A 1,700-mile sand wall fortified and surrounded by millions of land mines was built by Morocco in 1975 along disputed, ungoverned territory on its border with Western Sahara.
  • Spain: More than two decades ago, the Spanish government built 20-foot concrete barriers to wall off Melilla and Ceuta, Spanish-administered enclaves in Morocco since the 15th century, to increase border security against African migrants.
  • Saudi Arabia: In 2014, Saudi Arabia built a 550-mile-long wall with Iraq, a response to the rise of the Islamic State militants sweeping across parts of that country.
  • Turkey: A buffer zone splits the island of Cyprus and its capital Nicosia between Turkey and Greece. Nicosia is arguably the last city in the world physically separated by a wall.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Use as needed... but don't use too much, you might come to your senses and become an actual thinking, logical, American patriot...

I would come to my republican senses by receiving anal sex?
And yet your dumbass can’t explain how any of the economic news under Trump is related to his policies. What’s also fucking retarded is how you claim all the economic gains under Obama had nothing to do with him yet the shrinkage of GDP in 2016 is his fault.

See, I can actually tell you what REVERSED the recession in mid 2009. It was Obama’s stimulus package which, according the CBO, created over saved 3 million private jobs.
Why wouldn't I be able to "explain how any of the economic news under Trump is related to his policies", when it's common knowledge in America, and I've posted it in USMB 100 times ?

1. His large reduction of the corporate tax.

2. His elimination of scores of business regulations.

3. His appointment of over 100 conservative judges.

4. His tariffs discouraging foreign investment and encouraging domestic investment.

5. His creation of a more positive business environment.

The economic gains of 2009-2015 were simply, post recession recoil that would have happened if Justin Beiber were POTUS. By 2016, this recoil had run its course, leaving Obama with the task of governing the nation's economy in 2016. He failed, with a sinking GDP growth. I've also posted this any times before. Ho hum.
You mean the one that started growing under Obama?

Again, the job growth was already happening under Obama.

Yep, same answer.

Obama inherited the biggest recession since WWII. The GDP growth wasn’t great, but from June of 2009 we have had the longest stretch of job growth IN HISTORY.
No, I mean the one that was SINKING in 2016, under Obama >> 2.3 to 1.8

For the 200th time in this forum, Obama did nothing to get credit. Severe recessions typically undergo a long recoil period of 5 years or more, which happen no matter who is president. Giving Obama credit for 2009-2015 is absurd.

The only year that can be attributable to Obama economically, is his last year (2016), which had a terrible sinking GDP (2.3 to 1.8)

Posts like this are the reason why nobody takes LEFT wingers seriously about economics.

So now that your DODGING is done, can you answer my questions ? from Post # 22
And yet your dumbass can’t explain how any of the economic news under Trump is related to his policies. What’s also fucking retarded is how you claim all the economic gains under Obama had nothing to do with him yet the shrinkage of GDP in 2016 is his fault.

See, I can actually tell you what REVERSED the recession in mid 2009. It was Obama’s stimulus package which, according the CBO, created over saved 3 million private jobs.
Why wouldn't I be able to "explain how any of the economic news under Trump is related to his policies", when it's common knowledge in America, and I've posted it in USMB 100 times ?

1. His large reduction of the corporate tax.

2. His elimination of scores of business regulations.

3. His appointment of over 100 conservative judges.

4. His tariffs discouraging foreign investment and encouraging domestic investment.

5. His creation of a more positive business environment.

The economic gains of 2009-2015 were simply, post recession recoil that would have happened if Justin Beiber were POTUS. By 2016, this recoil had run its course, leaving Obama with the task of governing the nation's economy in 2016. He failed, with a sinking GDP growth. I've also posted this any times before. Ho hum.
1) His dumbass had nothing to do with the tax bill. He just signed off on it. Either way, moron, the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate has always been low at 11%. You’re a moron if you think the “official” rate matters. The amount of loopholes and deductions that corporations take advantage of render it obsolete. In fact, 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal effective taxes.

2) The actual labor statistics prove that regulations have little to do with actual job loss. The biggest cost to jobs in the market is simply a lack of demand and you can blame that on the GOP for keeping wages way behind on the rate of inflation.

3) Oh right because those morons just wave their magic wands and create wealth huh? Idiot.

4) Oh that’s adorable. You mean the tariffs the American people are paying for?

5) Lol what the fuck ever. You’ll say anything.

Again you’re just making shit up. If Obama’s policies were that toxic, the recession wouldn’t have ended 6 months into this Presidency.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Use as needed... but don't use too much, you might come to your senses and become an actual thinking, logical, American patriot...

I would come to my republican senses by receiving anal sex?
You said it, not me.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Use as needed... but don't use too much, you might come to your senses and become an actual thinking, logical, American patriot...

I would come to my republican senses by receiving anal sex?
You said it, not me.
You must be getting that shit on the daily.
1) His dumbass had nothing to do with the tax bill. He just signed off on it. Either way, moron, the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate has always been low at 11%. You’re a moron if you think the “official” rate matters. The amount of loopholes and deductions that corporations take advantage of render it obsolete. In fact, 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal effective taxes.

2) The actual labor statistics prove that regulations have little to do with actual job loss. The biggest cost to jobs in the market is simply a lack of demand and you can blame that on the GOP for keeping wages way behind on the rate of inflation.

3) Oh right because those morons just wave their magic wands and create wealth huh? Idiot.

4) Oh that’s adorable. You mean the tariffs the American people are paying for?

5) Lol what the fuck ever. You’ll say anything.

Again you’re just making shit up. If Obama’s policies were that toxic, the recession wouldn’t have ended 6 months into this Presidency.

What a :lame2:brain pile of common, leftist gobbledygook.

1. "EFFECTIVE" my ass. The corporate tax reduction was 100% Trump's idea, it was HIS all the way, and yes it spurred on business investment like never before. Did you see the corporate tax go down like this, under any of the previous presidents ? No.

2. Well, we can see they've got YOU prodrammed. I didn't say anything about "jobs" in relation to regulation reduction. Trump reduced regulations massively and that also massively increased business investment. What kind of jibberish are you spouting ? So this is the trash they're feeding you at CNN, huh ? There hasn't been job loss, there's been job GAINS. More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
More people working last 3 years than EVER before. And now you claim wages are down ? Pheeew! High pitched whistle.
EARTH TO 000: Median wage is the highest ($61,400/year) it's EVER been in Us history.

3. Got no idea what your babbling about regarding "magic wands" More CNN jibberish ?

4. HA HA. so you're suckered into that too, huh ? Not surprised.
EARTH TO 000: American people are not paying more of anything because of tariffs. And your economic recipe ? To continue the policies of 2 president idiots who gave China unrestricted access to our largest and most valuable MARKET in the world, so they could flood our stores with THEIR manufactured goods ? Oh, yeah, that really did wonders for our economy didn't it > you imbecile.

5) Well I said Trump has the creation of a more positive business environment. to his credit. That's right. Inspired businesses to invest, who don't have to worry that some goofball regulation is going to stop their progress. Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). These are the kinds of things that leftist loons spending their time courting blacks, Muslims, and foreign migrant invaders, are clueless about.
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1) His dumbass had nothing to do with the tax bill. He just signed off on it. Either way, moron, the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate has always been low at 11%. You’re a moron if you think the “official” rate matters. The amount of loopholes and deductions that corporations take advantage of render it obsolete. In fact, 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal effective taxes.

2) The actual labor statistics prove that regulations have little to do with actual job loss. The biggest cost to jobs in the market is simply a lack of demand and you can blame that on the GOP for keeping wages way behind on the rate of inflation.

3) Oh right because those morons just wave their magic wands and create wealth huh? Idiot.

4) Oh that’s adorable. You mean the tariffs the American people are paying for?

5) Lol what the fuck ever. You’ll say anything.

Again you’re just making shit up. If Obama’s policies were that toxic, the recession wouldn’t have ended 6 months into this Presidency.

What a :lame2:brain pile of common, leftist gobbledygook.

1. "EFFECTIVE" my ass. The corporate tax reduction was 100% Trump's idea, it was HIS all the way, and yes it spurred on business investment like never before. Did you see the corporate tax go down like this, under any of the previous presidents ? No.

2. I didn't say anything about "jobs" in relation to regulation reduction. Trump reduced regulations massively and that also massively increased business investment. What kind of jibberish are you spouting ? So this is the trash they're feeding you at CNN, huh ? There hasn't been job loss, there's been job GAINS. More people working last 3 years than EVER before. And now you claim wages are down ? Pheeew! High pitched whistle.
EARTH TO 000: Median wage is the highest ($61,400/year) it's EVER been in Us history.

3. Got no idea what your babbling about regarding "magic wands" More CNN jibberish ?

4. HA HA. so you're suckered into that too, huh ? Not surprised.
EARTH TO 000: American people are not paying more of anything because of tariffs. And your economic recipe ? To continue the policies of 2 president idiots who gave China unrestricted access to our largest and most valuable MARKET in the world, so they could flood our stores with THEIR manufactured goods ? Oh, yeah, that really did wonders for our economy didn't it > you imbecile.
1) It doesn’t matter who did what. The official corporate tax rate has always been bullshit because the tax code is rigged in the wealthy classes’ favor. Any economist will tell you that.

2) Dude this isn’t hard to figure out. If regulations don’t actually kill jobs, eliminating them won’t create more. You do get that right? Oh and again, the economy was already in a state of job growth EVER SINCE 2009.

3) No just your usual bullshit. I don’t care what you think of CNN, but if you get your facts from a moron like Trump or from Fox News then you are even dumber than he is.

4) See there’s a reason why most modern presidents agree tariff wars don’t work. Yes idiot, the American people pay MORE for the cost of the goods effected.
1) It doesn’t matter who did what. The official corporate tax rate has always been bullshit because the tax code is rigged in the wealthy classes’ favor. Any economist will tell you that.

2) Dude this isn’t hard to figure out. If regulations don’t actually kill jobs, eliminating them won’t create more. You do get that right? Oh and again, the economy was already in a state of job growth EVER SINCE 2009.

3) No just your usual bullshit. I don’t care what you think of CNN, but if you get your facts from a moron like Trump or from Fox News then you are even dumber than he is.

4) See there’s a reason why most modern presidents agree tariff wars don’t work. Yes idiot, the American people pay MORE for the cost of the goods effected.
1) Any liberal economist will tell us that. I taught economics in college for 4 years. I met many of them personally. Sure they all say that, And I can tell you what books and studies they cite too. ho hum.

2) Let's just conclude that I don't "get" anything you say, because you're a brainwashed robot of leftist OMISSION media, who has no idea how much you don't know, and how misinformed you are.
Of course regulations kill jobs. Depending on the type of regulations, and how much expense they are to the firm, there will be a direct proportion to job loss, or you could say an indirect proportion to the number of jobs
As for the economy, all economies grow after severe recessions, but in 2016, Obama's flunk year the economy sank, and Trump pulled it back up again. (1.8 GDP to 4.2)

3) If you get your "facts" from CNN, MSNBC, PBS, et al liberal OMISSION media, you'll never know how much you don't know. But you're speaking their line quite eloquently.

4) The American people DO NOT pay MORE for the cost of the goods effected by tariffs. Oh sure , the internet is filled with websites claiming that Americans will pay more. And you can be suckered into believing that, or you can not be suckered.
This the same argument pertaining to raising the minimum wage. A firm incurs highers costs, so it then will pass these costs on to the consumer in higher prices, right ? WRONG. And very stupid as well. Firms sell the goods at a MARKET PRICE established through trial and error. To go any higher, results in less income, due to sales reductions That is what creates the price. What did you think it was ? Somebody's lucky number ?.
The 'wall' around HRC/Nancy's/Maxine's/Nadler's/Shits/et al's mansions is keeping the riff-raff out.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.

If some moron, wants his personal property to be the one place that illegals can get though, fine.

We set up agents all around his property, and let his home be the battle ground.
Sure bud, just like tax cuts pay for themselves. Your math is based on fairies and unicorns.
So you deny that illegal aliens are costing the US more than $30 Billion ? Is that what you're saying ? :laugh:
...yeah. it is right wing bigotry that is costing us that much. there is no immigration clause and we should be Making money not Losing money on border policy.

this is a fake and artificial problem Created through right wing incompetence.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Fences keep prisoners in prison. A border fence will keep Mexicans on their side of the border.

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