It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

And choke down that booze to forget how willfully ignorant you are about Trump.
Did Trump give us the highest median wage in US history ?

Did Trump give us the lowest black unemployment in US history ?

Did Trump give us the lowest Hispanic unemployment in US history ?

Did Trump give us the lowest disabled unemployment in US history ?

Did Trump raise Obama's 2016 SINKING GDP (1.8%) to 4.2% ?

Maybe since you're so knowledgable about Trump, you can answer these questions for us, you think ?
Trump is the only president to not have quarterly GDP above 3.5%. Ain'tcha proud?
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.

Trump’s ‘wall’ serves only to pander to his supporters’ fear, bigotry, and hate.

Indian Border Security Force soldiers patrol in the early morning fog along a barbed wire fence along the India Bangladesh border in Jaipur village near Agartala, capital of India's northeastern state Tripura. (Photo: RAMAKANTA DEY, AP)

India and Bangladesh share a 2,500-mile border, and India is nearing completion of a 1,700-mile barbed wire fence to curb immigration and smuggling. The fence is to block migrants from low-lying Bangladesh who want a better life in India. India also has a 450-mile barrier with Pakistan — a militarized "line of control" to keep out militants because of ongoing tensions between the neighboring nations.
The Demon-crats think that everyone coming here are somehow just good, and that is just unexceptable. Not only that, but we can't afford an unrestricted border. My taxes being taken from my income as is for millions of American's is just unexceptable because of how much we all are paying in now. Unreal is what it all is, and most think that enough of this bullcrap already.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.

Trump’s ‘wall’ serves only to pander to his supporters’ fear, bigotry, and hate.
Bullcrap and you know it.... Keep on running on that poltical note, and you will see that it is a bad note to run on.
Demon-crats pursuing impeachment is purely political, and the nation will respond to it in a negative way come 2020 or before then. To resist everything Trump is doing reeps of political bias and posturing at the nations expense. The taxpayers will make the crats pay for their bullcrap again. The landslide is coming unless the Democrats got some extreme corruption up their sleeves, and even that won't work anymore.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Ranchers along the border would like to see the wall built
Their property is destroyed, livestock slaughtered, some of them have had home invasions and lost their lives
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.

Ohio alone has spent over 400 Million on freeway and highway sound walls. Don't know how much the rest of the country has spent, but I bet its a lot.
You think that has a never ending maintenance cost? seems you just want to break down and cry over something.
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% of illegals overstay their visas. And they'll figure it out. Most nowadays are seeking asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes...

The only solution is an ID card like other countries have with this problem. The GOP won't allow anything like that. It's communist you know LOL. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor, brainwashed functional morons.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% of illegals overstay their visas. And they'll figure it out. Most nowadays are seeking asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes...

The only solution is an ID card like other countries have with this problem. The GOP won't allow anything like that. It's communist you know LOL. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor, brainwashed functional morons.
and those 58% would be deported if you leftist would allow ICE to do it's damn job
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
Eventual voters by head count is what it is... It's the way they are looking at it. I mean they attempt to exploit every issue or people to work their magic for eternal or extended power. They fear greatly a loss of to much power in the country, so they will try anything.

The problem, is that their policies fail after a while, and they can't defend it when it happens. But if they had a subservient voter base that is loyal no matter what, then their policy failures are minimized. It is why they always tout open borders, and free, free, free, free stuff in order to wooooo and secure those people's loyalty's until they (the inbound immigrants) are able to vote later on or if American's they will buy into the free stuff now.
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% of illegals overstay their visas. And they'll figure it out. Most nowadays are seeking asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes...

The only solution is an ID card like other countries have with this problem. The GOP won't allow anything like that. It's communist you know LOL. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor, brainwashed functional morons.
and those 58% would be deported if you leftist would allow ICE to do it's damn job
Pass a goddamn work ID and enforce it. end of story. You can't throw out 11 million people who work hard pay taxes and have been here for years. Pass the damn ID card and end this GOP scam.
As long as what he's doing triggers you I'm good.

The wall's going up and nothing you can do about it now the SCOTUS has ruled Trump can use defense money for the wall.

Trump hoodwinked Pelosi into this new spending bill and will transfer some of the defense budget to get the wall built.

Give my regards to Pelosi.

Trump nulled and voided the DOA Congress.

Harsh times call for harsh measures....thank you SCOTUS.
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% of illegals overstay their visas. And they'll figure it out. Most nowadays are seeking asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes...

The only solution is an ID card like other countries have with this problem. The GOP won't allow anything like that. It's communist you know LOL. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor, brainwashed functional morons.
and those 58% would be deported if you leftist would allow ICE to do it's damn job
Pass a goddamn work ID and enforce it. end of story. You can't throw out 11 million people who work hard pay taxes and have been here for years. Pass the damn ID card and end this GOP scam.
Why are we at this point now anyway ??

We should have never reached this point, so an investigation as to all the ways and reasons we got here must be looked at or we are destined to go down the same road again and again. We had a work program forever, but somehow that program got broken. What broke it, who benefitted, and how is it being politically exploited by those who never let a good crisis go to waste ?
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% of illegals overstay their visas. And they'll figure it out. Most nowadays are seeking asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes...

The only solution is an ID card like other countries have with this problem. The GOP won't allow anything like that. It's communist you know LOL. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor, brainwashed functional morons.

If I had to choose between Illegals who overstayed their visas and Illegals who cross the border illegally, I'd pick choice A. At least we know who they are and most likely there was a background check.
The ones who are crossing the border are the ones most likely to contain smugglers, human traffickers, a higher percentage of criminals and the more uneducated, as well as people coming from who knows where else in the world. So yes the wall will work in conjunction with other efforts.
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% of illegals overstay their visas. And they'll figure it out. Most nowadays are seeking asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes...

The only solution is an ID card like other countries have with this problem. The GOP won't allow anything like that. It's communist you know LOL. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor, brainwashed functional morons.
and those 58% would be deported if you leftist would allow ICE to do it's damn job
Pass a goddamn work ID and enforce it. end of story. You can't throw out 11 million people who work hard pay taxes and have been here for years. Pass the damn ID card and end this GOP scam.
Nope collect and release behind the newly built border wall
Have fun amegos
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% of illegals overstay their visas. And they'll figure it out. Most nowadays are seeking asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes...

The only solution is an ID card like other countries have with this problem. The GOP won't allow anything like that. It's communist you know LOL. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor, brainwashed functional morons.
and those 58% would be deported if you leftist would allow ICE to do it's damn job
Pass a goddamn work ID and enforce it. end of story. You can't throw out 11 million people who work hard pay taxes and have been here for years. Pass the damn ID card and end this GOP scam.
Why in the world are American lefties so determined to have open borders? Is it part of TDS?
Eventual voters by head count is what it is... It's the way they are looking at it. I mean they attempt to exploit every issue or people to work their magic for eternal or extended power. They fear greatly a loss of to much power in the country, so they will try anything.

The problem, is that their policies fail after a while, and they can't defend it when it happens. But if they had a subservient voter base that is loyal no matter what, then their policy failures are minimized. It is why they always tout open borders, and free, free, free, free stuff in order to wooooo and secure those people's loyalty's until they (the inbound immigrants) are able to vote later on or if American's they will buy into the free stuff now.
Of course you dupes are Totally misinformed. Pass the Damned ID card like other modern countries have and end the GOP scam. The wall is stupid and won't work.

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