It Gets Even More Remarkable!

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Jews aren't a religion.

In fact many juden are not religious.

Anyway I highly respect the religion of Judaism and the Torah.

Always have and always will. ...... :cool:

Ha ha ha ha! I bet you have a used car for sale as well, right?

Nobody takes you seriously here, clown, the only thing you are accomplishing is further cementing all the negative views people have of Muslims and Islam.

But, please be my guest and continue doing exactly what you have.
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So you want all the Jews in one place for Jesus' sake? You're a peach, Sunni.
And all this time I thought you meant it would be easier for you Muslims to eradicate them like Hitler tried to do during the holocaust.
We muslims also believe in the return of Jesus during the End Times, the Battle of Armageddon, and the defeat of the Antichrist. ...... :cool:

Which is why you blocked the gateway into Jerusalem that he is supposed to enter by. Isn't that right TROLL
Yeah, I know. You corrupted the King of Kings and turned him into a murdering Muslim. Jesus, the Jewish Rabbi will reign and rule from Jerusalem. And Israel will exist for eternity.
And you have fooled no one. Get rid of the hate you harbor and let the Jews live in peace. God will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them. Your curse is the hatred that consumes you. Hate is an acid that eats away at the vessel it's in. Bless Israel. You'll feel so much better...
Reading your seem to be the person who is full of hate. ...... :cool:

Everyone I know hates the hateful muslims, they have no good words for them at all, now why do you suppose that is ?
Everyone I know hates the hateful muslims, they have no good words for them at all, now why do you suppose that is ?
It's because you only hang around hateful idiots like yourself. ...... :cool:

Nope not of them is a muslim so they cant be. Many are disgruntled British people sick of islamonazi terrorism and demands and now we have rid ourselves of the muslims protectors we can start acting against the muslims legally
I never suggested putting a group of people in one spot so I can kill them more easily. That's your gig. Prove it's not, by blessing Israel right here, right now, for all the Muslims in the world to see. Bless Israel and it's Jewish inhabitants to show your support, and condemn the Muslim blood lust.
There is no such thing as muslim blood lust.

But the jewish "blood libel" on christian people for centuries is very well documented. .... :cool:

Yes there are stories, lies, to defame the jews. Documented lies. Inciteful lies. Hateful lies. Lies that contributed to the genocide. But that is just it, they were lies no matter how well 'documented' they are.

No matter how many people say or 'document' in some way that the moon is made of cream cheese it does not make it so.....and we have yet to find little green men on mars
You supported ISIS because you are a radical Muslim, and ISIS is clearly within the realms of your ideology.
Sorry, but I don't buy into your juden nonsense.

ISIS belongs to you and your zionist cabal friends. ..... :cool:

Last I checked they called themselves Islamic State, and they were waving the Koran, moron. In fact all those barbarian animals like al Shabab, al Queda, etc. call themselves Islamic. Are they also Zionist controlled? No, you're just a fuckin' neanderthal not to be taken in seriously, that's all.

One day we'll see a picture of some bearded Islamic asshole known as Sunniman being arrested on the news, and we'll all be laughing our asses off. On the bright side, you'll join your brethern in jail. But I'll have to admit, your stupidity and insanity will be missed.

WOW! If jews could actually control so many, why would they no control them to make peace and leave Israel alone? To cure poverty? The eliminate famine? To find solutions for energy and water shortages for the whole world? To cure disease (jews have brought about many advances to cure cancer)?
To make everyone happy (oh, wait, there is a god made plant that we can eat or smoke to give us that)
Why would anyone but the devil want to prevent the jews from 'control' that would bring these about?
If jews are so powerful, maybe we should figure out how and learn from them to make the world a better place for everyone. Maybe they should be thanked
That is why I used the "word" thousand and not the number 1000.

Anyone with common sense would realize the difference and not multiply.

Sorry that you became confused. ...... :cool:

1 hundred = 100
1 thousand = 1000
100 thousand = 100,000
1,000 thousand = 1,000,000
100,000 thousand = 100,000,000
1 million = 1,000,000
100 million = 100,000,000
1 K = 1000
100 K = 100,000
1,000 K = 1,000,000
100,000 K = 100,000,000

Not confused at all. You obviously are, but that is not new
I never suggested putting a group of people in one spot so I can kill them more easily. That's your gig. Prove it's not, by blessing Israel right here, right now, for all the Muslims in the world to see. Bless Israel and it's Jewish inhabitants to show your support, and condemn the Muslim blood lust.
There is no such thing as muslim blood lust.

But the jewish "blood libel" on christian people for centuries is very well documented. .... :cool:

Yes there are stories, lies, to defame the jews. Documented lies. Inciteful lies. Hateful lies. Lies that contributed to the genocide. But that is just it, they were lies no matter how well 'documented' they are.

No matter how many people say or 'document' in some way that the moon is made of cream cheese it does not make it so.....and we have yet to find little green men on mars

Any criticism of Jews, however true, is considered antisemitism. Any criticism Muslims or Christians, however false, is considered free speech. Pleas go back into to your hole Aris.
Everyone I know hates the hateful muslims, they have no good words for them at all, now why do you suppose that is ?
It's because you only hang around hateful idiots like yourself. ...... :cool:
And who do you hang around, you enemy within ISIS lover? Other ISIS loving mosquitos in your mosque who are also Holocaust deniers and happy that the Jews have gathered in Israel? :cuckoo:
Aris2chat is just another one of those people who worships Jews and thinks that their shit doesn't stink. ....... :cuckoo:
Said the convert to Islam who worships Islamic terrorists and wants filthy Shariah law to replace the U.S. Constitution.
I never suggested putting a group of people in one spot so I can kill them more easily. That's your gig. Prove it's not, by blessing Israel right here, right now, for all the Muslims in the world to see. Bless Israel and it's Jewish inhabitants to show your support, and condemn the Muslim blood lust.
There is no such thing as muslim blood lust.

But the jewish "blood libel" on christian people for centuries is very well documented. .... :cool:

Yes there are stories, lies, to defame the jews. Documented lies. Inciteful lies. Hateful lies. Lies that contributed to the genocide. But that is just it, they were lies no matter how well 'documented' they are.

No matter how many people say or 'document' in some way that the moon is made of cream cheese it does not make it so.....and we have yet to find little green men on mars

Any criticism of Jews, however true, is considered antisemitism. Any criticism Muslims or Christians, however false, is considered free speech. Pleas go back into to your hole Aris.

Look, we get it, you hate Jews and you think your religion sanctions it.

You aren't fooling anybody.
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Other ISIS loving mosquitos in your mosque who are also Holocaust deniers and happy that the Jews have gathered in Israel?
Why do the Juden always have to reference the Holohoax myth into every conversation.

When are they going to realize that people are growing sick and tired of hearing that fake fairy tale? ..... :cuckoo:
Other ISIS loving mosquitos in your mosque who are also Holocaust deniers and happy that the Jews have gathered in Israel?
Why do the Juden always have to work the Holohoax myth into every conversation.

When are they going to realize that people are growing sick and tired of hearing that fake fantasy story? ..... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Is that like a topic of conversation at your mosque? I bet Sunnis mosque is already under FBI surveillance. :clap2:
I bet Sunnis mosque is already under FBI surveillance.
Our mosque has an excellent working relationship with all federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. .... :thup:

Exactly, those are the ones that usually get busted for terrorism ties. The ones FBI is working very closely with.

Its good the FBI is keeping an eye on your mosque, considering it harbors potential ISIS cells like you. :clap2:
And that's why mosques and Muslim communities are being closely monitored by law enforcement, right? :cuckoo:
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