It is actually a "good thing" that Trump pardoned Arpaio

racist remarks?

Dog whistles work on dogs........

In other words you have nothing.

You're right it is a struggle to defend non existent racist statements.

Also the sheriffs conviction has nothing to do with race. There is no evidence he is racist any more than Trump is.

Btw isn't it interesting that only leftists are hearing these "dog whistles"? After all dog whistles only work on dogs.
Trump is as bold and as brazen with his bigotry and racism as are his idiotic supporters and most others on the right.

With this reprehensible, unwarranted pardon Trump has sanctioned hatred and animus toward Hispanic immigrants and other minorities, and once again confirmed his contempt for the rule of law – the same contempt Arpaio demonstrated for the rule of law.

Illegal immigrants, glad I could help, you left out illegals!

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Trump is as bold and as brazen with his bigotry and racism as are his idiotic supporters and most others on the right.

With this reprehensible, unwarranted pardon Trump has sanctioned hatred and animus toward Hispanic immigrants and other minorities, and once again confirmed his contempt for the rule of law – the same contempt Arpaio demonstrated for the rule of law.

Illegal immigrants, glad I could help, you left out illegals!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They always seem to forget that important part of the equation.
Trump should go for broke and pardon the guy who ran people over and killed the girl. WTH, why wait.

Doing so would make his KKK base even happier.
Do you raise a stink when Palestinian terrorists are paid? You are dealing with the tail-end of Obama's DOJ. Trump will negate much of what Obama did. The sheriff is a fine start.
Trump should go for broke and pardon the guy who ran people over and killed the girl. WTH, why wait.

Doing so would make his KKK base even happier.
Do you raise a stink when Palestinian terrorists are paid? You are dealing with the tail-end of Obama's DOJ. Trump will negate much of what Obama did. The sheriff is a fine start.
I don't like following the law either.....I'm with ya...
Right now they seem to have you worried. But guess what they are not all racists or at least they weren't when they voted Democratic.

As soon as I can find my Moron-to-English dictionary, I'll try to respond to the above crap....hang in there.
Right now they seem to have you worried. But guess what they are not all racists or at least they weren't when they voted Democratic.

As soon as I can find my Moron-to-English dictionary, I'll try to respond to the above crap....hang in there.
It is a fact you can't handle and you are calling former Democrats racist. Not a good way to get those voters back, douchebag.
Love how you continue to rely on lies to build a scenario that doesn't exist in reality.

Like trumps inauguration having better attendance than Obama's?

No one but you and your butthurt Trumper comrades believe any of that. the rest of the country views you and your ilk as the problem,

There are people who are honestly ignorant. There's nothing wrong with that, we are all ignorant of somethings at one time or another, then there are those like you who are stubbornly ignorant, who refuse to learn anything at all. Those people are just plain old stupid and that's you to a tee. Sucks to be you.

I'm sure that Radical is "devastated" that a moron like you thinks so poorly of him...........LOL

Whatever man, it surely must suck to be stubbornly and unapologetically stupid.
So....the same week Trump defends Nazis and KKK as....some are good people

He pardons a birther Sheriff engaging in profiling Mexicans.......Show me you papers Pedro!

He wasn't profiling Mexicans.
There was never any creditable sources that they could get over the 22 years.
He defied a court order.
It was a 22 year witch hunt of charges never proven.
So stop talking like he was.
You could say what you said if he had actually been arrested for racial profiling.
He wasn't.. because he was not racial profiling. That was made up by the left because they did not like his conservative views or tactics, which worked, by the way.
You are spreading lies for all who call him a racial profiler.
Yes, he was profiling

Pulling over drivers who appeared to be Mexican, holding suspects without charges while checking immigration status

Great way for Republicans to secure the Hispanic vote
God brought down the Hurricane to cover up Trumps pardon.

Actually, moron......its the other way around.........Trump, the chicken shot, issued the pardon when it could be "buried" during Harvey AND the Friday night coverage.....

Ask yourself this simple question:

Why didn't the orange clown announce the pardon during his Phoenix campaign rally???

Go on, I'll wait for your response........LOL
He kinda did.
So....the same week Trump defends Nazis and KKK as....some are good people

He pardons a birther Sheriff engaging in profiling Mexicans.......Show me you papers Pedro!

He wasn't profiling Mexicans.
There was never any creditable sources that they could get over the 22 years.
He defied a court order.
It was a 22 year witch hunt of charges never proven.
So stop talking like he was.
You could say what you said if he had actually been arrested for racial profiling.
He wasn't.. because he was not racial profiling. That was made up by the left because they did not like his conservative views or tactics, which worked, by the way.
You are spreading lies for all who call him a racial profiler.
Yes, he was profiling

Pulling over drivers who appeared to be Mexican, holding suspects without charges while checking immigration status

Great way for Republicans to secure the Hispanic vote
If he was looking for undocumented Germans he'd pull over occupants who looked German. I don't see the problem.
So....the same week Trump defends Nazis and KKK as....some are good people

He pardons a birther Sheriff engaging in profiling Mexicans.......Show me you papers Pedro!

He wasn't profiling Mexicans.
There was never any creditable sources that they could get over the 22 years.
He defied a court order.
It was a 22 year witch hunt of charges never proven.
So stop talking like he was.
You could say what you said if he had actually been arrested for racial profiling.
He wasn't.. because he was not racial profiling. That was made up by the left because they did not like his conservative views or tactics, which worked, by the way.
You are spreading lies for all who call him a racial profiler.
Yes, he was profiling

Pulling over drivers who appeared to be Mexican, holding suspects without charges while checking immigration status

Great way for Republicans to secure the Hispanic vote

Who is the majority crossing illegally, Mexicans and South Americans.
So you going to pull over a blond blue eyed person?
Scores of Scandinavians aren't crossing the boarder illegally. Latinos are.
That's enforcing the border laws, not racial profiling.
The man is not racist, nor was he ever.
He has arrested KKK before as well as the white supremacists.
They have violence as well as LaRaza and Antifa, all have violent rioters in their group.
If your violent and break the law in maricopa county you got arrested and prosecuted under Joe it didn't matter what color you are.
He got great results and turned many young teens away from a life of crime with his tent and pink underwear.
Many young teens that stayed there talked about how their lives were changed and are doing very well as young adults now.
But they don't want to talk about the good things.
So....the same week Trump defends Nazis and KKK as....some are good people

He pardons a birther Sheriff engaging in profiling Mexicans.......Show me you papers Pedro!

He wasn't profiling Mexicans.
There was never any creditable sources that they could get over the 22 years.
He defied a court order.
It was a 22 year witch hunt of charges never proven.
So stop talking like he was.
You could say what you said if he had actually been arrested for racial profiling.
He wasn't.. because he was not racial profiling. That was made up by the left because they did not like his conservative views or tactics, which worked, by the way.
You are spreading lies for all who call him a racial profiler.
Yes, he was profiling

Pulling over drivers who appeared to be Mexican, holding suspects without charges while checking immigration status

Great way for Republicans to secure the Hispanic vote
If he was looking for undocumented Germans he'd pull over occupants who looked German. I don't see the problem.

Funny, the racists - as exposed by their own emails, continue to call others 'racists'.

Clinton pardoned American-murdering terrorists so his wife would be elected to the Senate.

Obama 'pardoned' terrorists, drug dealers, and Hillary....

Trump pardoned a criminally over-zealous law enforcer.

Clinton and Obama both committed Contemp to Court yet were never charged / sentenced to prison time for their crimes as Arpaio was.

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