It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

President Obama was a voracious reader and had an obvious grasp of complex issues that he studied

Trump relies on coloring books

Then why were his policies so FUBARED! Grasp of complex issues? Obama created the worst refugee crisis in hundreds of years because he didn't have a clue that a premature withdrawal of US troops from Iraq would embolden ISIS into taking over huge swaths of the Middle East! The decisions that Obama made to make himself look better for re-election cost the lives of hundreds of thousands and caused millions to flee for their lives. THAT is his "legacy" in the Middle East!

President Obama worked closely with our allies to develop strategies and implement policy. Trump sits back, lets his aides fight it out and then declares a winner......Its the fucking Apprentice

President Obama "led from behind", Winger...which is to say he didn't lead at all! His "strategy" for foreign policy was to do things that would ingratiate him with the left in the US and if that left millions in the Middle East to have to run for their lives from ISIS...Barry either didn't care or wasn't smart enough to see it coming!
With Trump as your choice of president , you have the nerve to bring up lying?
I think oldstyle forgets who put us in Iraq in the 1st place Another republican idiot
Thank you Bill Clinton for having Jamie Gorelick put up a wall between the CIA and FBI so those two agencies couldn't put the dots together, and over 3,000 innocent people were killed on 9/11. Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.

Donald Trump doesn’t read books.

Donald Trump doesn’t read much. Being president probably wouldn’t change that.

He has no time to read, he said: “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”

Trump’s desk is piled high with magazines, nearly all of them with himself on their covers, and each morning, he reviews a pile of printouts of news articles about himself that his secretary delivers to his desk. But there are no shelves of books in his office, no computer on his desk.

Presidents have different ways of preparing to make decisions. Some read deeply, some prefer to review short memos that condense difficult issues into bite-size summaries, ideally with check-boxes at the bottom of the page. But Trump, poised to become the first major-party presidential nominee since Dwight Eisenhower who had not previously held elected office, appears to have an unusually light appetite for reading.
Then why were his policies so FUBARED! Grasp of complex issues? Obama created the worst refugee crisis in hundreds of years because he didn't have a clue that a premature withdrawal of US troops from Iraq would embolden ISIS into taking over huge swaths of the Middle East! The decisions that Obama made to make himself look better for re-election cost the lives of hundreds of thousands and caused millions to flee for their lives. THAT is his "legacy" in the Middle East!

President Obama worked closely with our allies to develop strategies and implement policy. Trump sits back, lets his aides fight it out and then declares a winner......Its the fucking Apprentice

President Obama "led from behind", Winger...which is to say he didn't lead at all! His "strategy" for foreign policy was to do things that would ingratiate him with the left in the US and if that left millions in the Middle East to have to run for their lives from ISIS...Barry either didn't care or wasn't smart enough to see it coming!
With Trump as your choice of president , you have the nerve to bring up lying?
I think oldstyle forgets who put us in Iraq in the 1st place Another republican idiot
Thank you Bill Clinton for having Jamie Gorelick put up a wall between the CIA and FBI so those two agencies couldn't put the dots together, and over 3,000 innocent people were killed on 9/11. Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.

see what the CIA director said about trump favorite Wikki Leaks ? Sorta makes trump look like the ah he is
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Yes please lock Obama up for being the traitor to his country and the war crimes he committed by droning innocent people in other countries and droning on to US citizens in this country. After the first month everytime the he started stuttering like porky pig, I would turn off the TV.

Donald Trump doesn’t read books.

Donald Trump doesn’t read much. Being president probably wouldn’t change that.

He has no time to read, he said: “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”

Trump’s desk is piled high with magazines, nearly all of them with himself on their covers, and each morning, he reviews a pile of printouts of news articles about himself that his secretary delivers to his desk. But there are no shelves of books in his office, no computer on his desk.

Presidents have different ways of preparing to make decisions. Some read deeply, some prefer to review short memos that condense difficult issues into bite-size summaries, ideally with check-boxes at the bottom of the page. But Trump, poised to become the first major-party presidential nominee since Dwight Eisenhower who had not previously held elected office, appears to have an unusually light appetite for reading.
in other words we have a moron in our WH
he reads opinions of idiots and maniacs, reads fake news from breitbart, and formulates his world view from watching TV.

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

“I have known Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway both for many years,”‘ Trump said at the time. “They are extremely capable, highly qualified people who love to win and know how to win.”

BUSTED: Trump caught blatantly lying about whether he knew Steve Bannon before the 2016 campaign
The personal and flame attacks merely affirm the OP is on the right track.
he reads opinions of idiots and maniacs, reads fake news from breitbart, and formulates his world view from watching TV.

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

“I have known Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway both for many years,”‘ Trump said at the time. “They are extremely capable, highly qualified people who love to win and know how to win.”

BUSTED: Trump caught blatantly lying about whether he knew Steve Bannon before the 2016 campaign
this pos in our wh doesn't know if hes coming or going Our only hope is impeachment and that doesn't look good
trump just couldn't wait to indiscriminately BOMB THE SHIT OUT teh evil.

takes big balls to risk the lives of others. :uhoh3:
he reads opinions of idiots and maniacs, reads fake news from breitbart, and formulates his world view from watching TV.

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

“I have known Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway both for many years,”‘ Trump said at the time. “They are extremely capable, highly qualified people who love to win and know how to win.”

BUSTED: Trump caught blatantly lying about whether he knew Steve Bannon before the 2016 campaign
this pos in our wh doesn't know if hes coming or going Our only hope is impeachment and that doesn't look good
It's like Trump shits in a hat and republicans wear it
trump recently broke up with his boyfriends putin..or they just needed to take a break. :uhoh3:

how conveeenient for the pending case of treason against his administrations for their illicit collusion.
trump recently broke up with his boyfriends putin..or they just needed to take a break. :uhoh3:

how conveeenient for the pending case of treason against his administrations for their illicit collusion.
Read about the British spies passing info to us about trumps people colluding with Russia? Poland and Australia were very concerned too
Then why were his policies so FUBARED! Grasp of complex issues? Obama created the worst refugee crisis in hundreds of years because he didn't have a clue that a premature withdrawal of US troops from Iraq would embolden ISIS into taking over huge swaths of the Middle East! The decisions that Obama made to make himself look better for re-election cost the lives of hundreds of thousands and caused millions to flee for their lives. THAT is his "legacy" in the Middle East!

President Obama worked closely with our allies to develop strategies and implement policy. Trump sits back, lets his aides fight it out and then declares a winner......Its the fucking Apprentice

President Obama "led from behind", Winger...which is to say he didn't lead at all! His "strategy" for foreign policy was to do things that would ingratiate him with the left in the US and if that left millions in the Middle East to have to run for their lives from ISIS...Barry either didn't care or wasn't smart enough to see it coming!
With Trump as your choice of president , you have the nerve to bring up lying?
I think oldstyle forgets who put us in Iraq in the 1st place Another republican idiot
Thank you Bill Clinton for having Jamie Gorelick put up a wall between the CIA and FBI so those two agencies couldn't put the dots together, and over 3,000 innocent people were killed on 9/11. Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.


Enough dots were put together so that the intelligence community was able to send a warning of an imminent threat of an al Qaeda attack to the National Security Advisor. It was ignored. Clinton made attempts to kill Bin Laden and disrupt al Qaeda with cruise missile strikes. Bush dropped the ball.
'It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard'

...and yet he still beat the Democrats' 'best' candidate.

The personal and flame attacks merely affirm the OP is on the right track.
He's not, actually. I have no idea how smart Trump is, but having a short attention span is something he's learned to work around with shorter chunks of information. Being a visual and auditory learner doesn't mean you're dumb and it has no impact on how deeply or critically a person can think. Deep analysis and critical thinking requires knowing quite a lot about the subject, so he will be better at that with economic/financial topics than with foreign relations, which he has had little background in.
But the OP's slam is leading you all astray if you think his learning styles indicate he's stupid. Judge him on his decisions instead.
President Obama worked closely with our allies to develop strategies and implement policy. Trump sits back, lets his aides fight it out and then declares a winner......Its the fucking Apprentice

President Obama "led from behind", Winger...which is to say he didn't lead at all! His "strategy" for foreign policy was to do things that would ingratiate him with the left in the US and if that left millions in the Middle East to have to run for their lives from ISIS...Barry either didn't care or wasn't smart enough to see it coming!
With Trump as your choice of president , you have the nerve to bring up lying?
I think oldstyle forgets who put us in Iraq in the 1st place Another republican idiot
Thank you Bill Clinton for having Jamie Gorelick put up a wall between the CIA and FBI so those two agencies couldn't put the dots together, and over 3,000 innocent people were killed on 9/11. Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.


Enough dots were put together so that the intelligence community was able to send a warning of an imminent threat of an al Qaeda attack to the National Security Advisor. It was ignored. Clinton made attempts to kill Bin Laden and disrupt al Qaeda with cruise missile strikes. Bush dropped the ball.
yeah and all the patriots lol could say was wag the dog

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