It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Yet, Trump is a billionare president and the posters here are not.

This statement is meaningless. Trump is a lying sack of shit, and some of the posters here are not.

You think that being a billionaire makes Trump better than the rest of you? It doesn't. Not under the Constitution, not under the law (supposedly), and not under God.
Yet, Trump is a billionare president and the posters here are not.
born on 3rd base ,,or did you forget ,,,or did you forget about all the people he screwed to make money?
So when Obama vetoed the Keystone pipeline that the EPA said wasn't an environmental problem, Warren Buffet made billions of dollars with his railroads , and the poor union workers were kept from working because of it. As long as it is a liberal fucking the US citizens, then it is okay, but if there is a Republican the liberals think are doing the same, then that guy is evil as shit. Stop being a stupid fuck, and bring up shit you know nothing about.

Buffett’s $15 Billion From BNSF Show Railroad Came Cheap
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

If Trump is a retard, what does that make the Bi-Racial, Homosexual, Muslim lover of a ex-president who lead from behind and most of his cabinet choices were crooks or Commies? Hate to say it, (not really) but you cant get more stupid than a liberal. Even a box of rocks has more intelligence.

Daschle Ends Bid for Post; Obama Concedes Mistake
Obama's Communist Czars - Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd - CommieBlaster
The real reason Valerie Jarrett is the most hated person in Washington
Poison Pero is RIGHT!: Cass Sunstein (Obama Regulatory/'Manipulatory' Czar)

President Obama was a voracious reader and had an obvious grasp of complex issues that he studied

Trump relies on coloring books
I have heard rumors that trump is able to read, he just prefers not to... still no evidence of such ability.
Yet, Trump is a billionare president and the posters here are not.
born on 3rd base ,,or did you forget ,,,or did you forget about all the people he screwed to make money?
So when Obama vetoed the Keystone pipeline that the EPA said wasn't an environmental problem, Warren Buffet made billions of dollars with his railroads , and the poor union workers were kept from working because of it. As long as it is a liberal fucking the US citizens, then it is okay, but if there is a Republican the liberals think are doing the same, then that guy is evil as shit. Stop being a stupid fuck, and bring up shit you know nothing about.

Buffett’s $15 Billion From BNSF Show Railroad Came Cheap

The creation of any pipeline is an environmental hazzard. No pipeline is spill proof, and everyone knows it.

The EPA Report on the environmental impact of Keystone was more concerned about the greenhouse gases created in the extraction process of mining the tar sands oil. It concluded that since the extraction process would continue unabated whether or not the pipeline was built, construction of Keystone would have no impact on the creation of those greenhouse gases.

As for jobs, the pipeline would create fewer than 4000 jobs for one year, or fewer than 2000 jobs if construction is completed over a two year period. So much for the 28,000 jobs Trump claimed it would create. Trump initially said that only US steel would used, but Trans Canada, the company which is building Keystone, has already purchased foreign made pipe so another promise broken.

State Department releases Keystone XL final environmental impact statement

As for Warren Buffet, I fail to see why these things are related. I thought you guys were all for making money.
Trump appears to have an academic skillset on par with Sarah Palin
eNeither is capable of understanding complex issues and needs them boiled down to bumper sticker slogans

Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me why Gitmo is still open and business is as usual.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

If Trump is a retard, what does that make the Bi-Racial, Homosexual, Muslim lover of a ex-president who lead from behind and most of his cabinet choices were crooks or Commies? Hate to say it, (not really) but you cant get more stupid than a liberal. Even a box of rocks has more intelligence.

Daschle Ends Bid for Post; Obama Concedes Mistake
Obama's Communist Czars - Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd - CommieBlaster
The real reason Valerie Jarrett is the most hated person in Washington
Poison Pero is RIGHT!: Cass Sunstein (Obama Regulatory/'Manipulatory' Czar)

President Obama was a voracious reader and had an obvious grasp of complex issues that he studied

Trump relies on coloring books
I have heard rumors that trump is able to read, he just prefers not to... still no evidence of such ability.

Most people have SOMETHING that fascinates them, something they want to find out more about, something they enjoy

Trump seems indifferent to knowledge, that may be why he has no interest in facts
Yet, Trump is a billionare president and the posters here are not.
born on 3rd base ,,or did you forget ,,,or did you forget about all the people he screwed to make money?
So when Obama vetoed the Keystone pipeline that the EPA said wasn't an environmental problem, Warren Buffet made billions of dollars with his railroads , and the poor union workers were kept from working because of it. As long as it is a liberal fucking the US citizens, then it is okay, but if there is a Republican the liberals think are doing the same, then that guy is evil as shit. Stop being a stupid fuck, and bring up shit you know nothing about.

Buffett’s $15 Billion From BNSF Show Railroad Came Cheap

The creation of any pipeline is an environmental hazzard. No pipeline is spill proof, and everyone knows it.

The EPA Report on the environmental impact of Keystone was more concerned about the greenhouse gases created in the extraction process of mining the tar sands oil. It concluded that since the extraction process would continue unabated whether or not the pipeline was built, construction of Keystone would have no impact on the creation of those greenhouse gases.

As for jobs, the pipeline would create fewer than 4000 jobs for one year, or fewer than 2000 jobs if construction is completed over a two year period. So much for the 28,000 jobs Trump claimed it would create. Trump initially said that only US steel would used, but Trans Canada, the company which is building Keystone, has already purchased foreign made pipe so another promise broken.

State Department releases Keystone XL final environmental impact statement

As for Warren Buffet, I fail to see why these things are related. I thought you guys were all for making money.

No it was political theater by the left like we don't have a single pipeline in America

Trump appears to have an academic skillset on par with Sarah Palin
eNeither is capable of understanding complex issues and needs them boiled down to bumper sticker slogans

Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me why Gitmo is still open and business is as usual.

The Republican Congress refused to pass the legislation necessary to close it.

Trump is a Republican and Republicans hold the House and Senate. The Republican Party, having spent the last 8 years as the Party of No, is still refusing to pass the President's agenda (see health care). Trump is now demanding that Democrats help him get his agenda passed. Good luck with that.
Yet, Trump is a billionare president and the posters here are not.
born on 3rd base ,,or did you forget ,,,or did you forget about all the people he screwed to make money?
So when Obama vetoed the Keystone pipeline that the EPA said wasn't an environmental problem, Warren Buffet made billions of dollars with his railroads , and the poor union workers were kept from working because of it. As long as it is a liberal fucking the US citizens, then it is okay, but if there is a Republican the liberals think are doing the same, then that guy is evil as shit. Stop being a stupid fuck, and bring up shit you know nothing about.

Buffett’s $15 Billion From BNSF Show Railroad Came Cheap

when was buffet president of the united states?
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Perhaps if Obama had looked a more pictures of he horrors his policies created he wouldn't have been so indifferent to the devastation he caused in Iraq and Syria. Anything that makes world leaders more sensitive to the impact of their policies has to be considered a good thing.
sorry toomuch but dump is just building on Obamas and our military successes just like he's trying to build on Obamas and Yellins good work with our markets Funny how the orange anus takes credit for others work
You are confused. President Trump is trying to undo what you consider Obama's good works, such as creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and aiding ISIS by ignoring what was going on in Syria until he was panned in the media for doing nothing.
Trump appears to have an academic skillset on par with Sarah Palin
eNeither is capable of understanding complex issues and needs them boiled down to bumper sticker slogans

Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me why Gitmo is still open and business is as usual.
yes the first 100 have been a disaster for him and republicans Can you imagine another close to 4 years more of this idiot?
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Perhaps if Obama had looked a more pictures of he horrors his policies created he wouldn't have been so indifferent to the devastation he caused in Iraq and Syria. Anything that makes world leaders more sensitive to the impact of their policies has to be considered a good thing.
sorry toomuch but dump is just building on Obamas and our military successes just like he's trying to build on Obamas and Yellins good work with our markets Funny how the orange anus takes credit for others work
You are confused. President Trump is trying to undo what you consider Obama's good works, such as creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and aiding ISIS by ignoring what was going on in Syria until he was panned in the media for doing nothing.
ISIS was created when GWB disbanded the Iraqui army
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Perhaps if Obama had looked a more pictures of he horrors his policies created he wouldn't have been so indifferent to the devastation he caused in Iraq and Syria. Anything that makes world leaders more sensitive to the impact of their policies has to be considered a good thing.
sorry toomuch but dump is just building on Obamas and our military successes just like he's trying to build on Obamas and Yellins good work with our markets Funny how the orange anus takes credit for others work
You are confused. President Trump is trying to undo what you consider Obama's good works, such as creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and aiding ISIS by ignoring what was going on in Syria until he was panned in the media for doing nothing.

ISIS was formed in 2005 after W fired Saddam's army and let them keep their weapons. W was warned that taking out Saddam would destabilize the region, but Cheney wanted the Iraqi oil and would not be deterred. It's no accident that Saddam's men torched the oil fields before they left.

ISIS didn't just suddently appear after Obama withdrew the troops from Iraq (in accordance with the Status of Forces Agreement which Bush signed with the Iraqi government in November of 2008). They were there all along. ISIS was involved in the almost daily fighting from the time the US took control of Iraq until the day they left.
Trump appears to have an academic skillset on par with Sarah Palin
eNeither is capable of understanding complex issues and needs them boiled down to bumper sticker slogans

Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me why Gitmo is still open and business is as usual.
We expect something! He's had an extremely ineffective start.
'It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard'

...and yet he still beat the Democrats' 'best' candidate.


Yes, Trump is still a retard

A retard who was able to find people even more retarded to believe the crap he was telling them

Most Americans did not believe the crap he was spouting...but thank god we have red states
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


Stop insulting goldfish.....

I'm reading Matt Taibbi's new book about the 2016 campaign, and he makes a great case for how Trump connected to his audience and created a massive following: he gets all of his news from TV too, just like them. So he was on their level when he talked to them at his rallies.

No, Trump is not a scholar, or anything remotely academic in his approach to gathering information and making judgements and decisions. He just goes by the headlines.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Perhaps if Obama had looked a more pictures of he horrors his policies created he wouldn't have been so indifferent to the devastation he caused in Iraq and Syria. Anything that makes world leaders more sensitive to the impact of their policies has to be considered a good thing.
sorry toomuch but dump is just building on Obamas and our military successes just like he's trying to build on Obamas and Yellins good work with our markets Funny how the orange anus takes credit for others work
You are confused. President Trump is trying to undo what you consider Obama's good works, such as creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and aiding ISIS by ignoring what was going on in Syria until he was panned in the media for doing nothing.
ISIS was created when GWB disbanded the Iraqui army

What's an Iraqui army?
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Nah the only risk is to those where that bomb is dropped.
if Trump is a retard, then what is Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren?

They both know how to read

So does Trump. I'm sure he reads quite well probably better than you.

If you read the OP you can see that obviously he doesn't. Even his staff covers for him. Trump has a short attention span and has poor academic skills

Anyone who has seen him speak or read his tweets can see he operates at a fourth grade level

If you say so. LOL
'It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard'

...and yet he still beat the Democrats' 'best' candidate.


Yes, Trump is still a retard

A retard who was able to find people even more retarded to believe the crap he was telling them

Most Americans did not believe the crap he was spouting...but thank god we have red states

Define most. As near as I can tell most means less than 5% more of the voting public. Hardly the definition of most. More like half.

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