It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Perhaps if Obama had looked a more pictures of he horrors his policies created he wouldn't have been so indifferent to the devastation he caused in Iraq and Syria. Anything that makes world leaders more sensitive to the impact of their policies has to be considered a good thing.
sorry toomuch but dump is just building on Obamas and our military successes just like he's trying to build on Obamas and Yellins good work with our markets Funny how the orange anus takes credit for others work
You are confused. President Trump is trying to undo what you consider Obama's good works, such as creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and aiding ISIS by ignoring what was going on in Syria until he was panned in the media for doing nothing.
ISIS was created when GWB disbanded the Iraqui army
When Obama took office the Islamic terrorists who became known as ISIS held no territory no longer had any following among the Iraqi Sunni and there were no terror attacks around the world because of ISIS. But when Obama made the decision to withdraw US troops after being warned by the Pentagon that it would send Iraq up in flames because he believed it would help him win a second term, it reignited the Shia Sunni conflict and that created the opportunity for this terror group to become all it is tody and do all the horrible things it does today.

Sadam did horrible things to hold on to power and Assad is doing horrible things to hold on to power, and clearly, Obama did horrible things to hold on to power.
And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.
'It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard'

...and yet he still beat the Democrats' 'best' candidate.


Yes, Trump is still a retard

A retard who was able to find people even more retarded to believe the crap he was telling them

Most Americans did not believe the crap he was spouting...but thank god we have red states
You also forgot, UNLIKE HILLARY, he is PRESIDENT! :p
I love it when the right says "well hes a millionaire and you're not"
Guess what guys! If i was born a millionaire, I'd be a millionaire too!

Trump did nothing to earn his money. Nothing.
In fact, if he had kept all the money his father gave him back in the day and just NOT touched it- he'd be worth twice as much as he is now.
That's what being a failed business person does!
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Perhaps if Obama had looked a more pictures of he horrors his policies created he wouldn't have been so indifferent to the devastation he caused in Iraq and Syria. Anything that makes world leaders more sensitive to the impact of their policies has to be considered a good thing.
sorry toomuch but dump is just building on Obamas and our military successes just like he's trying to build on Obamas and Yellins good work with our markets Funny how the orange anus takes credit for others work
You are confused. President Trump is trying to undo what you consider Obama's good works, such as creating ISIS by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and aiding ISIS by ignoring what was going on in Syria until he was panned in the media for doing nothing.

ISIS was formed in 2005 after W fired Saddam's army and let them keep their weapons. W was warned that taking out Saddam would destabilize the region, but Cheney wanted the Iraqi oil and would not be deterred. It's no accident that Saddam's men torched the oil fields before they left.

ISIS didn't just suddently appear after Obama withdrew the troops from Iraq (in accordance with the Status of Forces Agreement which Bush signed with the Iraqi government in November of 2008). They were there all along. ISIS was involved in the almost daily fighting from the time the US took control of Iraq until the day they left.
All bullshit. By 2007 The group which became known as ISIS held no territory, had no following among the Sunni and no one was committing terror attacks around the world in the name of ISIS. All of this came about as a result of Obama's cynical political decision to allow Iraq to go up in flames because he though it would help him win a second term.

The argument that he was forced to withdraw is complete bullshit. We now have thousands of US troops in Iraq under the same status of forces agreement Obamabots whine about. The Iraqi government asked for US air cover to help them fight ISIS but stipulated no US troops were to be stationed in Iraq, but this time Obama made conditions for US help that included an active role for US ground troops in Iraq and deep reforms in the Iraqi government and military. He could have done the same thing back in 2011 but it would not have played well in the election.
And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.

Who is President again?


You people have lost your minds.
And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.

Yet Trump is President. Romney, McCain and/or Hillary are not....go figure.
And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.

Yet Trump is President. Romney, McCain and/or Hillary are not....go figure.
thanks daddy vlad!
And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.

Yet Trump is President. Romney, McCain and/or Hillary are not....go figure.
thanks daddy vlad!

Anything to help educate you loons.
The "Great Negotiator" is proving to be a sham

He does not seem capable of negotiating anything where he does not hold all the cards. The Trumpcare fiasco where he was incapable of even negotiating with his own party showed him for what he is

The fact is Trump is either lazy, stupid or just doesn't care. He shows no interest in doing his homework, making informed decisions or developing consensus. All that takes work
Trump just does not care
And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.

Yet Trump is President. Romney, McCain and/or Hillary are not....go figure.
thanks daddy vlad!

Anything to help educate you loons.
trump is suppose to do that?
Mr. "who knew healthcare could be so complicated"
"its freezing and snowing in NY- we need global warming"
"part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich"
"You can never be too greedy"
"global warming is a chinese hoax"
"I have never seen a slim person drinking a diet coke"
“He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”
“I have a great temperament. My temperament is very good, very calm.”
“I believe in clean air. Immaculate air. … But I don’t believe in climate change.”
“I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.”
"I love the poorly educated"
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
“Don’t believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”
“Putin called me a genius, I like him so far, I have to tell you.”
“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”

is this who is suppose to educate us?

The "Great Negotiator" is proving to be a sham

He does not seem capable of negotiating anything where he does not hold all the cards. The Trumpcare fiasco where he was incapable of even negotiating with his own party showed him for what he is

The fact is Trump is either lazy, stupid or just doesn't care. He shows no interest in doing his homework, making informed decisions or developing consensus. All that takes work
Trump just does not care
he just likes the rallies.
So what your saying is a retard is wiping the floor with you politically. I'm surprised you are willing to admit being more mentally challenged than a "retard"
So what your saying is a retard is wiping the floor with you politically. I'm surprised you are willing to admit being more mentally challenged than a "retard"

Actually, the retard is confirming everything we suspected

A man totally unqualified for the position in both intellect and temperament
Trump appears to have an academic skillset on par with Sarah Palin
eNeither is capable of understanding complex issues and needs them boiled down to bumper sticker slogans

Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me whyt mess.itmo is still open and business is as usual.
We expect something! He's had an extremely ineffective start.

Maybe because he inherited an extremely difficult mess.

And a faction of childish trouble makers in his own party.

Not to mention a hostile press.

Does anyone believe Trump has the patience or skills to write a book like this?

Or even to read it cover to cover?
So what your saying is a retard is wiping the floor with you politically. I'm surprised you are willing to admit being more mentally challenged than a "retard"

No, he's not wiping the floor with anyone, politically. He conned enough people into voting for him (by lying and using Russian propaganda methods), to get himself elected President. He is neither smart enough nor intellectually mature enough to execute the job.

He's not enough a good enough politically to get his own party to pass his healthcare bill. He's not good enough politically to get his own Allies to support his foreign policy, other than with lip service. His first 100 days has been a litany of missteps, failures and West Wing in-fighting. And when all else failed and his ratings tanked, he started bombing Third World Countries.
Trump appears to have an academic skillset on par with Sarah Palin
eNeither is capable of understanding complex issues and needs them boiled down to bumper sticker slogans

Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me whyt mess.itmo is still open and business is as usual.
We expect something! He's had an extremely ineffective start.

Maybe because he inherited an extremely difficult mess.

And a faction of childish trouble makers in his own party.

Not to mention a hostile press.
Whose mess to clean up was worse ?Obama's or Trumps ?? in my estimation Trump was handed an up and rising economy ,no major wars , etc etc Obama was handed a plate of sheet by the last repub president and recovery would have been faster if repub congress thought about country over party for once in their lives
So what your saying is a retard is wiping the floor with you politically. I'm surprised you are willing to admit being more mentally challenged than a "retard"

No, he's not wiping the floor with anyone, politically. He conned enough people into voting for him (by lying and using Russian propaganda methods), to get himself elected President. He is neither smart enough nor intellectually mature enough to execute the job.

He's not enough a good enough politically to get his own party to pass his healthcare bill. He's not good enough politically to get his own Allies to support his foreign policy, other than with lip service. His first 100 days has been a litany of missteps, failures and West Wing in-fighting. And when all else failed and his ratings tanked, he started bombing Third World Countries.

Trump has confirmed he is exactly what was predicted of him

A man unsuited to be President

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