It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Art of the Deal ass!

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Trump appeared to have convinced himself that he had written the book. Schwartz recalls thinking, “If he could lie about that on Day One—when it was so easily refuted—he is likely to lie about anything.”

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Art of the Deal ass!

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Trump appeared to have convinced himself that he had written the book. Schwartz recalls thinking, “If he could lie about that on Day One—when it was so easily refuted—he is likely to lie about anything.”
LOL Books he wasn't capable of writing with his name on them just like the buildings he didn't build but use his name for $$
Trump appears to have an academic skillset on par with Sarah Palin
eNeither is capable of understanding complex issues and needs them boiled down to bumper sticker slogans

Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me whyt mess.itmo is still open and business is as usual.
We expect something! He's had an extremely ineffective start.

Maybe because he inherited an extremely difficult mess.

And a faction of childish trouble makers in his own party.

Not to mention a hostile press.

He inherited a difficult mess????

He inherited an unemployment rate below 5%, an economy which was been adding 200,000 jobs per months for the past 5 1/2 years, a strong and vibrant housing market, a stock market which was at it's highest level ever and making record gains, and no major active wars.

He didn't not inherit a the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression, an economy shedding 500,000 jobs per month, the complete collapse of the housing market, two major wars, the meltdown of the entire global economy, or the bankruptcy of the American auto industry. Thank you President Obama.
Art of the Deal ass!

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Trump appeared to have convinced himself that he had written the book. Schwartz recalls thinking, “If he could lie about that on Day One—when it was so easily refuted—he is likely to lie about anything.”
LOL Books he wasn't capable of writing with his name on them just like the buildings he didn't build but use his name for $$

All anyone has to do is read a few paragraphs out of "The Art of the Deal"
None of it sounds like how Trump speaks or how he writes
Trump does not have that good of a vocabulary.....He has the best words
And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.

Yet Trump is President. Romney, McCain and/or Hillary are not....go figure.
thanks daddy vlad!

Anything to help educate you loons.
trump is suppose to do that?
Mr. "who knew healthcare could be so complicated"
"its freezing and snowing in NY- we need global warming"
"part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich"
"You can never be too greedy"
"global warming is a chinese hoax"
"I have never seen a slim person drinking a diet coke"
“He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”
“I have a great temperament. My temperament is very good, very calm.”
“I believe in clean air. Immaculate air. … But I don’t believe in climate change.”
“I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.”
"I love the poorly educated"
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
“Don’t believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”
“Putin called me a genius, I like him so far, I have to tell you.”
“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”

is this who is suppose to educate us?

Don't forget...

"I moved in her like a bitch"
View attachment 121689

Does anyone believe Trump has the patience or skills to write a book like this?

Or even to read it cover to cover?
Whenever I see his signature, it looks like the sound one makes whilst gargling.

His signature looks like a Lie Detector to me


And yet Trump kicked the shit out of Hillary, Dem's, and their pals in the liberal media. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

No he didn't. He barely squeaked in, and only with the help of the Russian propaganda machine hacking the DNC, and controlling a steady stream of damaging leaks and lies about Clinton.

He had fewer votes than Romney or McCain, and they both lost. Kicking the shit out of someone isn't losing the popular vote.

Ahahaha lib denial, Trump crushed you against all odds, he wiped you off the map winning 30 states. Tissue? :laugh:
Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Sarah Palin was the successful governor of Alaska and a Vice Presidential candidate.

You? Not so much. You are like a gnat's fart in a hurricane.
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me whyt mess.itmo is still open and business is as usual.
We expect something! He's had an extremely ineffective start.

Maybe because he inherited an extremely difficult mess.

And a faction of childish trouble makers in his own party.

Not to mention a hostile press.

He inherited a difficult mess????

He inherited an unemployment rate below 5%, an economy which was been adding 200,000 jobs per months for the past 5 1/2 years, a strong and vibrant housing market, a stock market which was at it's highest level ever and making record gains, and no major active wars.

He didn't not inherit a the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression, an economy shedding 500,000 jobs per month, the complete collapse of the housing market, two major wars, the meltdown of the entire global economy, or the bankruptcy of the American auto industry. Thank you President Obama.

I see...that must explain why welfare spending went through the roof with Obama.
I try to judge Trump on what he does, every time he plans some thing I think may be going in the right way he changes it. over all things are not going well. it is not draining the swamp, just put one more wall street guy in charge. aren't those the people who caused most of the mess?
dump is also duly elected as the worst rated president of all time ,,as of now ...and palin nothing but a shrill idiot

President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me whyt mess.itmo is still open and business is as usual.
We expect something! He's had an extremely ineffective start.

Maybe because he inherited an extremely difficult mess.

And a faction of childish trouble makers in his own party.

Not to mention a hostile press.

He inherited a difficult mess????

He inherited an unemployment rate below 5%, an economy which was been adding 200,000 jobs per months for the past 5 1/2 years, a strong and vibrant housing market, a stock market which was at it's highest level ever and making record gains, and no major active wars.

He didn't not inherit a the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression, an economy shedding 500,000 jobs per month, the complete collapse of the housing market, two major wars, the meltdown of the entire global economy, or the bankruptcy of the American auto industry. Thank you President Obama.

I see...that must explain why welfare spending went through the roof with Obama.
MAYBE the 8 million or so that lost jobs in bushes last year had something to do with it??
President Trump has served not even 100 days of his first of two terms.

If you expect miracles, maybe you can tell me whyt mess.itmo is still open and business is as usual.
We expect something! He's had an extremely ineffective start.

Maybe because he inherited an extremely difficult mess.

And a faction of childish trouble makers in his own party.

Not to mention a hostile press.

He inherited a difficult mess????

He inherited an unemployment rate below 5%, an economy which was been adding 200,000 jobs per months for the past 5 1/2 years, a strong and vibrant housing market, a stock market which was at it's highest level ever and making record gains, and no major active wars.

He didn't not inherit a the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression, an economy shedding 500,000 jobs per month, the complete collapse of the housing market, two major wars, the meltdown of the entire global economy, or the bankruptcy of the American auto industry. Thank you President Obama.

I see...that must explain why welfare spending went through the roof with Obama.
MAYBE the 8 million or so that lost jobs in bushes last year had something to do with it??
Seems as though many Republicans have an elementary understanding of economics. Probably why our economy suffers so badly under their leadership.
Art of the Deal ass!

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Trump appeared to have convinced himself that he had written the book. Schwartz recalls thinking, “If he could lie about that on Day One—when it was so easily refuted—he is likely to lie about anything.”

He can't even read a one page intelligence briefing, he didn't write any book.
Bush was another dummy that couldn't read Damn! Don't republicans have any smart candidates ?
Art of the Deal ass!

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Trump appeared to have convinced himself that he had written the book. Schwartz recalls thinking, “If he could lie about that on Day One—when it was so easily refuted—he is likely to lie about anything.”

He can't even read a one page intelligence briefing, he didn't write any book.
Bush was another dummy that couldn't read Damn! Don't republicans have any smart candidates ?
I've been asking that for decades..
Art of the Deal ass!

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Trump appeared to have convinced himself that he had written the book. Schwartz recalls thinking, “If he could lie about that on Day One—when it was so easily refuted—he is likely to lie about anything.”

He can't even read a one page intelligence briefing, he didn't write any book.
Bush was another dummy that couldn't read Damn! Don't republicans have any smart candidates ?
I've been asking that for decades..
Bet even predfan could help them out He's good with Capitals periods commas etc etc Politics ?? not so much
He's not a retard, and Reagan was the king of just wanting the bottom line, although he was more intellectually inclined that people gave him credit for being. The same may be true of Trump. Reagan was very skilled in reaching his philosophy of society and explaining it. He wasn't a very good actor, or union leader, and while he was a successful governor he never served in the legislature. Trump probably understands financing debt very well.

But Beck is right when he says Trump has no center. He wants to give speeches and 'win." But he doesn't appear to care what he wins. What would be in tax overhaul would be less important to him tan saying he got a tax overhaul.

And people were told that before the election. And to those who think "well he's better than Hillary." Maybe not. Because Hillary could have gotten a tax deal. Whatever else she is, she understands gummt and can work with gopers who aren't ideologically dead set to kill her even if that means they so fuck themselves over to get nothing else.

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