It is Time to Acknowledge that Obama is an Evil Man, isn't that right?


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
1. He has not been Honest with the American People. Education, Background, et al.

2. His outright hatred for the men and women in the Military and his refusal to acknowledge their sacrifice except for PR dog and pony shows.

3. His inability to balance a budget. He has never learned that you cannot spend your way out of debt.

4. His clear hatred of Judo-Christian Morality, Ethics, and Separation of Powers.

5. His total dislike for privacy and personal property.

6. His refusal to acknowledge the miscarriage of Justice in the DoJ planned and failed Fast and Furious.

7. His gloating and cover story for the 4 US Citizens who were murder in Libya.

8. His Hatred of the State of Israel. His secret dealings with Russia and the Muslim Brotherhood.

9. His lack of a work ethics and his refusal to accept responsibility for his record or lack there
The real problem was not Obama. He is what he is.

The real problem was and remains the people who bought the media-constructed messiah facade and put him in office in the first place.
I don't believe Obama is evil in the sense that Kim Jung Un or many of the Middle Eastern or African leaders are evil. He definitely is the consummate con man and used his charm and a complicit media to great advantage. His upbringing in the homes and churches of anti Americans came through loud and clear in his policies, and his Racially divisive speeches.
Liberals swallowed the Obama bait hook, line and sinker. So yes they ignored all the warning signs and put him in office twice.
he is completely evil. He looks like every drawing and painting of Baron Samedi ever made. obama is the very personification of evil.

When that group of people made the TV show "The Bible" they did not intend to make satan look like obama, yet there it was, a likeness so good it might have been planned.

It was since obama cursed the nation that we have seen the rise of satan worship, the importation of the followers of Santa Muerte, and sacrificial killings. He brought this here, because it is part of what his spiritual masters directed him to do.
1. He has not been Honest with the American People. Education, Background, et al.

2. His outright hatred for the men and women in the Military and his refusal to acknowledge their sacrifice except for PR dog and pony shows.

3. His inability to balance a budget. He has never learned that you cannot spend your way out of debt.

4. His clear hatred of Judo-Christian Morality, Ethics, and Separation of Powers.

5. His total dislike for privacy and personal property.

6. His refusal to acknowledge the miscarriage of Justice in the DoJ planned and failed Fast and Furious.

7. His gloating and cover story for the 4 US Citizens who were murder in Libya.

8. His Hatred of the State of Israel. His secret dealings with Russia and the Muslim Brotherhood.

9. His lack of a work ethics and his refusal to accept responsibility for his record or lack there

I have heard Rev. Jesse Peterson say many times since Obama was elected in 2008 that he (Obama) is an evil person and for 8 years he repeated and warned America time and time again of what Obama would do. He was 100% right and nobody took heed.

This link is filled with many Youtube videos of Rev. Peterson's predictions and warnings.

jesse peterson youtube - AOL Video Search Results
The real problem was not Obama. He is what he is.

The real problem was and remains the people who bought the media-constructed messiah facade and put him in office in the first place.

one example of the brainwashed and programmed.I was once the same way,i also once believed we what out corrupt schools teach us that we elected our presidents and put them in office but now I am awake to the truth that we dont elect these people and put them in office,the establishment SELECTS them and puts whoever they want in to be their puppet master so americans can have a FACE to blame.:lmao:
1. He has not been Honest with the American People. Education, Background, et al.

2. His outright hatred for the men and women in the Military and his refusal to acknowledge their sacrifice except for PR dog and pony shows.

3. His inability to balance a budget. He has never learned that you cannot spend your way out of debt.

4. His clear hatred of Judo-Christian Morality, Ethics, and Separation of Powers.

5. His total dislike for privacy and personal property.

6. His refusal to acknowledge the miscarriage of Justice in the DoJ planned and failed Fast and Furious.

7. His gloating and cover story for the 4 US Citizens who were murder in Libya.

8. His Hatred of the State of Israel. His secret dealings with Russia and the Muslim Brotherhood.

9. His lack of a work ethics and his refusal to accept responsibility for his record or lack there

Kinda like how every President since Reagan has been as well.:lmao: what else is now?:lol:

Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america-a fact the reagan apologists are in denial about. He got the balll rolling "which is why the lamestream media worships him" which every president since then has continued and expanded on. sure hope trump reverses that.
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Evil, no. Misguided, selfish, arrogant, and narcissistic, yes. I blame his Marxist upbringing and his association with known terrorists like Bill Ayers, and the fact that he was raised by his white hippie mom who liked black dick and posed for nudie pictures.

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