It is time to repeal an obsolete constitutional amendment

Hey old white guys, remember when hamburger only cost 25 cents.....minorities knew their place, women were playthings and white guys could only play sports...

Yup, the young today will never know the good olde days when a white guy didn't have to complete anything more than high school to feel superior...

And maybe never know what it was like to go to school without metal detectors and armed guards. Or the girls to go to school without worry about some flake in a dress ready to go to the showers with them.

Sure, those old days didn't have 100's of millions of military weapons on the streets (gun owners primarily used guns to hunt) and culture which glorifies their use.

Nobody showers at school anymore ray.

BTW most girls then and now just want to use the bathroom and NOT be harassed by the good olde boys club who wait for them outside the restroom.

Well I was part of the good ole days, and I don't remember anybody waiting outside a girls restroom for anything. If any guy did that, we would beat the hell out of them for being a weirdo.

Guns were around my entire life, but back then, males were raised to be men. If you got out of hand with a teacher, he would take a board and beat the hell out of you right in front of your classmates. If you did poorly in school, they gave you an F for failure--not an E for Effort. If you went out with your parents and got out of hand, they would whack you on the ass in front of strangers and you just cried in front of them. In short, we were raised dealing with negative emotions, and that's why we didn't grab a gun and try to kill everybody if a girl giggled when we asked them out, or a school trowing us out because of our behavior.

Liberals destroyed our country and culture, and blame Republicans for it because we support a constitutional right, as if we never had it before. Believe it or not, back in the good ole days, we only had two genders in this country. Imagine that!!!

Sorry ray

Putting your girls on pedestals just means they're possessions and acting like a conformist thug makes you weak.

Teachers beating kids up will help them?
Your father beating your ass will help you?
BTW schools still give out Fs

YOU as a trump apologist want to talk about dealing with negative emotions? Your leader is just like all your white snowflake babies. Bitching about everything not from old white school.

And if you know of the third gender, can you post what its called?
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?

Ever consider that maybe the reason why 18 to 20 year olds still act like kids is because we still treat them like kids?
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?

previous generations had wars to fight that weren't for no reason.

do you know what the 25th amendment is?

Deflection noted.
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?

they should raise the age of adulthood to 21
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?

Ever consider that maybe the reason why 18 to 20 year olds still act like kids is because we still treat them like kids?

Hard to say. Kids in my day learned that there were consequences for their actions: If your did something good, you were rewarded. If you did something bad, you were punished.

There don't seem to be any consequences for one's actions any more. Everyone gets a participation trophy but parental punishment for bad behavior is considered "cruel" or at worst, illegal.
Hey old white guys, remember when hamburger only cost 25 cents.....minorities knew their place, women were playthings and white guys could only play sports...

Yup, the young today will never know the good olde days when a white guy didn't have to complete anything more than high school to feel superior...

And maybe never know what it was like to go to school without metal detectors and armed guards. Or the girls to go to school without worry about some flake in a dress ready to go to the showers with them.

Sure, those old days didn't have 100's of millions of military weapons on the streets (gun owners primarily used guns to hunt) and culture which glorifies their use.

Nobody showers at school anymore ray.

BTW most girls then and now just want to use the bathroom and NOT be harassed by the good olde boys club who wait for them outside the restroom.

Nobody showers at school because of the rampant homophobia ingrained in kids by forcing them to shower with perverts.
Kick up the driving age to 25, Statistically under 25 are involved with a lot more crashes and death.

The voting age should be 25 also, they are not clear thinkers under the age of 25.

Alcohol, the same 25, irresponsible children should not be allowed to consume alcohol.

Smoking, they should execute them as they will be a health burden because of all the associated diseases, just a waste of insurance dollars.

Setting a 9 pm curfew for those under 25 would also drop the crime rate dramatically.
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?

Ever consider that maybe the reason why 18 to 20 year olds still act like kids is because we still treat them like kids?

Hard to say. Kids in my day learned that there were consequences for their actions: If your did something good, you were rewarded. If you did something bad, you were punished.

There don't seem to be any consequences for one's actions any more. Everyone gets a participation trophy but parental punishment for bad behavior is considered "cruel" or at worst, illegal.

that may have been part of the problem with this last shooter

Parkland shooter always in trouble, never expelled. Could school system have done more?
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?
Threatened by 18 yr olds?

Actually I feel far more threatened by 18 year old kids who are too ignorant to vote responsibly, than I am by those who own firearms. I know 18 year old kids who actually own firearms, but they have enough common sense not to vote for people who want to take them away from them.
So, only 18 yr olds who vote how you like should keep the right to vote, while 18 yr olds who don’t support your ideals should have their right to vote taken away. How very American of you.
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?
Threatened by 18 yr olds?

Actually I feel far more threatened by 18 year old kids who are too ignorant to vote responsibly, than I am by those who own firearms. I know 18 year old kids who actually own firearms, but they have enough common sense not to vote for people who want to take them away from them.
So, only 18 yr olds who vote how you like should keep the right to vote, while 18 yr olds who don’t support your ideals should have their right to vote taken away. How very American of you.

mentally ill trumptards think that way.

it's sick.
So here's the question: If we Republicans agreed to an age increase for firearms, how much do you want to bet Democrats would never trade us for an increase in voting age?
Wow that’s some crazy fucking logic you have going on there. There is no right to own a weapon of war. But there is a right to vote at the age of 18. Thanks for showing your true colors, you unAmerican sack of shit
Young people these days are showing the highest level of immaturity than any previous generation. In previous times, children would become adults at the age of 18 or even earlier. Previous generations were full of young men who would lie about their age in order to enlist in the military and risk their lives while fighting wars in foreign lands. It also wasn't uncommon to see people getting married and starting families at those ages.

Since those times the societal norms have changed dramatically, and this is not the same country than it was then. Many younger people don't even leave the care of their fathers and mothers until they reach their mid 20's, or even later. Even health care laws allow them to depend on their parents to provide healthcare up to the age of 26.

I think it's time that we repeal the 26th amendment. We are hearing many suggestions that 18 is too young of an age to own a firearm. So why is it not too young to vote?

previous generations had wars to fight that weren't for no reason.

do you know what the 25th amendment is?

Deflection noted.

how was it a deflection? :cuckoo:

he clearly has no understanding of what it is.

why do you always defend morons? you know better than that.
When all else fails, repress the vote!

Page four of the Conservative Handbook
I wish Republicans had the balls to do something like that.

that's because you have the IQ of a field mouse

They are intelligent creatures.

Threatened by 18 yr olds?

18 year olds? pfffft. You lefties have created 10 and 12 year olds that carry guns and sell drugs. You must be proud.

Get back to us when a group of your upstanding 12 year old Democrats car jack you, cap a few into your ass and leaves you sprawled out in a pool of your blood on the street. We'll all show our concern. But don't worry....dressed like you are, they'll probably give you "special" treatment.

Happens all the time in your liberal cesspools.
:lol: Only in your feeble mind would you think that retort is anything more than you shitting out of your mouth.

First of all, and I know this is hard for you cons to understand, but that’s not me in my avatar anymore than you’re a cartoon dog in real life. But I’m guessing you’re only projecting your own self-hatred for being closeted and afraid to come out to your bigoted friends.

Second, I guarantee you inner city kids involved in gang violence are not Democrats.

And what do you care if they have guns? You people think everyone should be able to have any gun they wish.

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