It just cost me $150 to fill my pickup

What does that have to do with the discussion?

I have one on there because I support Ukraine in their fight against a foreign invader.
It has something to do with the discussion, because:
1. One poster mentioned this issue in his post and you replied to that.

2. (Most important) The policy of confronting Russia and helping Ukraine may have oil, oil products, and natural gas prices going even higher. Because one of the aspects of this policy is oil and gas embargo against Russia to undermine their budget and military spending.
It has something to do with the discussion, because:
1. One poster mentioned this issue in his post and you replied to that.

2. (Most important) The policy of confronting Russia and helping Ukraine may have oil, oil products, and natural gas prices going even higher. Because one of the aspects of this policy is oil and gas embargo against Russia to undermine their budget and military spending.
And what's mostly driving our prices up isn't the war, it's the policies this administration put in place shortly after taking office to strangle our own petroleum industry.

Gas was already up by more than a dollar before Putin even started the buildup along the border.
Speaking of groceries….wife and I went to WallyWorld last week to buy groceries. Now we did buy about $100 of non grocery items, but the total bill was $400… FOR two people!

This is insane.
And what's mostly driving our prices up isn't the war, it's the policies this administration put in place shortly after taking office to strangle our own petroleum industry.

Gas was already up by more than a dollar before Putin even started the buildup along the border.
Of course, the war isn't and wasn't the main cause of rising the prices. My point is that expected embargo definitely will be one of the drivers raising the costs even higher.

I am far from being an expert in oil or energy sector. And I can't discuss meaningfully what can be done in the US 'internally' to stimulate oil and gas production.

Of course, the first conclusion coming to a mind is preferences being given to American energy sector and backtracking on some 'green policy' initiatives, at least for some limited period of time.

Also, as I can feel it, there is a need to let some big international player, which is excluded right now, in an international oil market.

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