It just cost me $150 to fill my pickup

FYI: Generally, the trucks that feed your worthless lying mouth have 2 tanks. Each with a capacity of around 125 to 150 gallons.
Filled up yesterday, 143 gallons $800. Those costs are passed along.

Did you ask this same question when Trump signed more than 100 EOs while the Repubs held the House and the Senate?
Did you ask this same question when Trump signed more than 100 EOs while the Repubs held the House and the Senate?
Nope. He got rid of Obama's BS ones..........Like BAN ON FRACKING..........hmmm

Obama got credit for some increases in drilling because oil companies SUED HIS ASS...........Joe is even worse....

Permits were being approved for drilling under Trump in days.

Own what you are LEFTIST.
Yes drill again and keep every last drop for the people of THIS nation. And double the wages of the people doing the work while the execs take a pay cut
Nope. He got rid of Obama's BS ones..........Like BAN ON FRACKING..........hmmm

Obama got credit for some increases in drilling because oil companies SUED HIS ASS...........Joe is even worse....

Permits were being approved for drilling under Trump in days.

Own what you are LEFTIST.

WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

“Biden’s runaway drilling approvals are a spectacular failure of climate leadership,” said Taylor McKinnon at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Avoiding catastrophic climate change requires ending new fossil fuel extraction, but Biden is racing in the opposite direction.”
$150.00 would get about 39 gallons here. Of course, we shop at kroger and acrue fuel points quickly and get and extra 50 point for taking the servey, so I invariable pay .35 to .50 off, below std pump prices. So, today, your $150.00 would have gotten me 45 gallons.
Pick a reasonable place to live, learn how to shop, do the best you can, like everybody else.
Basically, do as Biden said: “ Americans need to lower their expectations.” And the worse he and the Left make this country, the lower our expectations need to be.
The writing has been on the wall since even before the oil events of the 70s; find alternatives to using so much and find alternatives to using any. Instead, people launched into buying ever bigger and heavier petroleum using vehicles. Today's expensive fuel prices are self inflicted.
Basically, do as Biden said: “ Americans need to lower their expectations.” And the worse he and the Left make this country, the lower our expectations need to be.
I don't lower mine, but I deal with reality better than many.
Yes drill again and keep every last drop for the people of THIS nation. And double the wages of the people doing the work while the execs take a pay cut
Thank you Comrade! Oil companies run oil all over the world. Ever fill up at Citgo, BP, or Shell? Those are all foreign oil companies. Unless you want to nationalize the American oil companies, the status quo will remain. I don't think you want to go communist, do you?
I don't lower mine, but I deal with reality better than many.
Reality is Joe is Obama 2.0 and attacked fossil fuels like the other Green Freaks and then says it wasn't me afterwards.

Why I call people like him Locusts.........But hey that's just me being nice.

WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

“Biden’s runaway drilling approvals are a spectacular failure of climate leadership,” said Taylor McKinnon at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Avoiding catastrophic climate change requires ending new fossil fuel extraction, but Biden is racing in the opposite direction.”
What is missing is all the permits for right of ways to the drill site so the equipment can be moved in, plus all of the ridiculous EPA requirements. That is why no companies are drilling.
Thank you Comrade! Oil companies run oil all over the world. Ever fill up at Citgo, BP, or Shell? Those are all foreign oil companies. Unless you want to nationalize the American oil companies, the status quo will remain. I don't think you want to go communist, do you?
I think that is exactly what many think is possible, even people that favor (on the surface) free market capitalism. Many, just don't get it.
For $150 you would have owned a foldable Rockpals portable 60W solar panel. Duh
$150.00 would get about 39 gallons here. Of course, we shop at kroger and acrue fuel points quickly and get and extra 50 point for taking the servey, so I invariable pay .35 to .50 off, below std pump prices. So, today, your $150.00 would have gotten me 45 gallons.
Pick a reasonable place to live, learn how to shop, do the best you can, like everybody else.
Quite being an Eco Whore and everybody wins, except you. You will always be a loser.
I think that is exactly what many think is possible, even people that favor (on the surface) free market capitalism. Many, just don't get it.
There is no definite reason that taking charge of something in the national interest would be the same as adopting "communism" (whatever that is).
What is missing is all the permits for right of ways to the drill site so the equipment can be moved in, plus all of the ridiculous EPA requirements. That is why no companies are drilling.

Yet for some odd reason the number of active wells in the US has gone up 82% since Jan of 2021.

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