It just cost me $150 to fill my pickup

Considering what it has to go through to become gasoline, and how important it is, and how useless your giant fuckyoumobile is without it, we should be thankful it doesn’t cost a whole lot more than it does.
Freak out? I just destroyed your argument with answers you cannot provide. You are the one who should be freaking out, because you have a room temp IQ and cannot seem to fix the problem.

whatever helps you sleep at night little buddy! All that seems to matter to you is being able to claim victory on an online forum.

That says a lot about you and how much your life sucks.

Hmmm and just how is that electricity produced, from a windmill or magic fairy dust?
Anywhere from hydro, to wind, solar, nuclear, coal, oil. It all depends where you live, how much of it is renewable.

Considering what it has to go through to become gasoline, and how important it is, and how useless your giant fuckyoumobile is without it, we should be thankful it doesn’t cost a whole lot more than it does.
You be thankful.....I will be when a sane president allows us to produce our own again.
With the supposed efficiencies of what that proposal represents to the economy as a whole in the short term, one must accept the inefficiencies of the command economy it imposes and acknowledge the question and implications in the long-run for what it means. Would you trust Democrats with that power, or republican supposed conservatives, for that matter? We don't have a big track record in this country in the past century of looking down the road at the mess we make of things, for short term benefit.
The benefits of energy independence require government control what the oil companies can do.
The alternative is free market capitalism, that doesn't produce any economic benefits from energy independence.
If you want energy independence to have any meaning, the government has to step in and tell the oil companies they have to drill, not just sell leases and let them just sit on them, and also keep oil from being shipped out of the country. Basically force the oil companies to produce more oil that can only be sold in the US.
The benefits of energy independence require government control what the oil companies can do.
The alternative is free market capitalism, that doesn't produce any economic benefits from energy independence.
If you want energy independence to have any meaning, the government has to step in and tell the oil companies they have to drill, not just sell leases and let them just sit on them, and also keep oil from being shipped out of the country. Basically force the oil companies to produce more oil that can only be sold in the US.

You realize that is a contradiction in terms. You cannot sell a lease.
You be thankful.....I will be when a sane president allows us to produce our own again.
And even if US oil companies produced more, where would all that oil go? We are capitalists, so they sell it to the highest bidder, which means selling it at the world price, whether domestically or internationally.
Unlike what happens in Vegas, oil in the US doesn't have to stay in the US.
You infest this message board. I could put you on ignore but that gives you free reign to spread stupidity as you do on almost every post.

So you confirm you do not have to do anything and freely choose to do it...and then whine like a 3 year old when you do it.

Thanks for proving my point about your life sucking.

You are far too easy
Give details to prove it.

Truck, engine
Gas tank quantity.
Cost of fuel.

$150, that seems like a lie.

Prove it by posting the data.
You know, data, real life stats.

not a lie, I just received a text from a nephew who just posted a similar 140 dollars to fill his truck. A truck he uses for his job. so fk off loser.
Longer than that. You'd have to go back to the very beginning of 2017. Or, if you didn't like Obama, you'd have to go back to early 2009.

I would say back at least to Slick Willy, if not before.
Considering what it has to go through to become gasoline, and how important it is, and how useless your giant fuckyoumobile is without it, we should be thankful it doesn’t cost a whole lot more than it does.

"how useless your giant fuckyoumobile is without it"? Pretty much every vehicle but EVs are useless without gas. But most people I know who drive something large do it for a reason. And the reason is not "fuck you".

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