It just cost me $150 to fill my pickup

"how useless your giant fuckyoumobile is without it"? Pretty much every vehicle but EVs are useless without gas. But most people I know who drive something large do it for a reason. And the reason is not "fuck you".
you know EV's are useless with electricity right? Are you ok? You have truly severe TDS symptoms going right now. The fact you like 4.50 a gallon gas for your fellow american makes you a stellar american. Pat on the back asshole.

This is an actual image of a fill-up last month when diesel was $4.99 in Missouri.

Today it is $5.28... which would increase that total by $40.

That 145 gallons of roughly a day and a halfs worth of fuel for a semi.
Maybe not, but it is definitely a big step toward a centralized command economy instead of a capitalist free market. Pretty slippery slope. What do you propose, declare all leases void or voidable, order immediate drilling at the oil companies expense, order increased pumping of existing wells, and all outputs subject to direct control of the Government, and initiate price controls and profit margins of what used to be the private industries involve. Lay it out for me and tell me the difference in (whatever that is).
What do "capitalist free markets" have to do with it? We're talking about the U.S.
If the price of gas is your sole measure of a president you have a pretty narrow view.,
oh fk no,

interest rates doubled
gas prices doubled
Inflation highest in 40 years
20% money down on a new house purchase 50% more than one year ago.
Supply chain shortages every fking where
People leaving jobs at an alarming rate

What a guy you got there. That you want that success for your fellow american is truly fked. Pat yourself on the back asshole.
You are wrong. Government control of an oil company is the definition of communism where the state controls company's means of production.

"The definition of communism is a system where all property is public and people work and are given things by the government according to their needs. An example of communism is the governing system in Cuba where the government controls everything and doles out benefits such as money, health care and food."
"Everything" isn't the issue, just this one sector that entails so much of the economy and national security.
Longer than that. You'd have to go back to the very beginning of 2017. Or, if you didn't like Obama, you'd have to go back to early 2009.
"If" I didn't like Obammy? That's funny.
I am happy with a president who challenges the corruption on both sides and stands up for real Americans and our values. Should see that again in a couple of years when voting is done with an ID and not forged mailins.
you know EV's are useless with electricity right? Are you ok? You have truly severe TDS symptoms going right now. The fact you like 4.50 a gallon gas for your fellow american makes you a stellar american. Pat on the back asshole.

I didn't say anything positive about EVs. Just that they are the exception in the "useless without gasoline" category.

And I drive one of those "giant fuckyoumobiles" that the twit was posting about. I was taking exception to the bullshit remark about big vehicles.

No, I am not a fan of $4.50 a gallon gas. Perhaps reading comprehension is not your strong suite. And I don't have TDS. I simply see the reality of his presidency. "TDS" was invented to counter any criticisms of President Trump, regardless of their accuracy.
If the price of gas is your sole measure of a president you have a pretty narrow view.,
Remember $2.21 a gallon gas was because unemployment hit 10.3%.
Supply and demand. And they couldn't cut supply faster than the cut in demand. There was one month where oil futures actually went negative.
I didn't say anything positive about EVs. Just that they are the exception in the "useless without gasoline" category.

And I drive one of those "giant fuckyoumobiles" that the twit was posting about. I was taking exception to the bullshit remark about big vehicles.

No, I am not a fan of $4.50 a gallon gas. Perhaps reading comprehension is not your strong suite. And I don't have TDS. I simply see the reality of his presidency. "TDS" was invented to counter any criticisms of President Trump, regardless of their accuracy.
trying to skate backwards are you? too fking funny, fk you asshole, your comments were your comments and you implied something that you now can't seem to live with. tough shit asshole.
Demofk rule has gotten the country

interest rates doubled
gas prices doubled
Inflation highest in 40 years
20% money down on a new house purchase 50% more than one year ago.
Supply chain shortages every fking where
People leaving jobs at an alarming rate

And, the demofks in here love this! That is the true insanity.

baffles my mind.
trying to skate backwards are you? too fking funny, fk you asshole, your comments were your comments and you implied something that you now can't seem to live with. tough shit asshole.

I am not responsible for your misinterpretation of what I actually said.

Fuck you, asshole. If I meant to praise EVs I would have done so.
I am not responsible for your misinterpretation of what I actually said.

Fuck you, asshole. If I meant to praise EVs I would have done so.
your responsible for what you posted and I nailed the response to it.

interest rates doubled
gas prices doubled
Inflation highest in 40 years
20% money down on a new house purchase 50% more than one year ago.
Supply chain shortages every fking where
People leaving jobs at an alarming rate
The benefits of energy independence require government control what the oil companies can do.
The alternative is free market capitalism, that doesn't produce any economic benefits from energy independence.
If you want energy independence to have any meaning, the government has to step in and tell the oil companies they have to drill, not just sell leases and let them just sit on them, and also keep oil from being shipped out of the country. Basically force the oil companies to produce more oil that can only be sold in the US.
While overdependence on foreign oil should be avoided, I am not terrorized by domestic companies buying or selling oil on the world economy. Nationalizing resources owned and controlled by government instead of the people does not hold much allure to me.
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With the national fuel consumption rate only about half what it should be it isn't surprising fuel is twice what it should be.

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