It just cost me $150 to fill my pickup

Biden also predicted the war in Ukraine.
But Biden didn't create Putins illegal invasion.
he pushed for that war. The fact you don't know that is hilarious. He needed it to take focus off of

interest rates doubled
gas prices doubled
Inflation highest in 40 years
20% money down on a new house purchase 50% more than one year ago.
Supply chain shortages every fking where
People leaving jobs at an alarming rate
So why is that a problem? All the right wingers tells me in other threads is all you have do is get a marketable skill and get two more jobs if you can't afford stuff. So why all of sudden are they all crying about gas? It's still half of its dollar equivalent in 1970 or so. Let me know when it tops $7 a gallon, then I can laugh some more at you lazy poor people.
20% money down on a new house purchase 50% more than one year ago.

why would you put less than 20% down anyhow? Then you are just paying PMI for no good reason and stuck with a higher rate.
So why is that a problem? All the right wingers tells me in other threads is all you have do is get a marketable skill and get two more jobs if you can't afford stuff. So why all of sudden are they all crying about gas? It's still half of its dollar equivalent in 1970 or so. Let me know when it tops $7 a gallon, then I can laugh some more at you lazy poor people.
Because you green freaks caused this. You are Locusts
While overdependence on foreign oil should be avoided, I am not terrorized by domestic companies buying or selling oil on the world economy. Nationalizing resources owned and controlled by people instead of government does not hold much allure to me.
Nationalizing isn't for me either. But that means if you want capitalism you have to suffer the fate of capitalism.
Capitalism produces the best of times, it produces the worst of times. It has it's ups and downs. And people complain when capitalism produces higher prices, and blame it on government. But when capitalism produces lower prices, laude private industry.
your responsible for what you posted and I nailed the response to it.

interest rates doubled
gas prices doubled
Inflation highest in 40 years
20% money down on a new house purchase 50% more than one year ago.
Supply chain shortages every fking where
People leaving jobs at an alarming rate

And none of that has anything to do with what I posted.

I could have said "any car is worthless without gas", but of course some nimrod would have said "But Tesla...!".

You nailed nothing. In fact, all you did was hit your thumb with the hammer.
And none of that has anything to do with what I posted.

I could have said "any car is worthless without gas", but of course some nimrod would have said "But Tesla...!".

You nailed nothing. In fact, all you did was hit your thumb with the hammer.
naw you insulted everyone, your way, you hate americans
Democracies don't "push for war". That was Putin thinking he could take all of Ukraine in 2-3 days, a week tops. And that the invading russian troops would be treated like liberators.

Pretty much. But the Town Squallers and Creepy Republic shills have all suddenly become Abbie Hoffman worshipers and peace lovers. Like their left wing drones they just parrot what ever they're told to; they greatly fear getting tossed out of the club treehouse .
They sell those types in Asia, two cycles, too. That's what we need to be selling here, since both Parties are striving to turn the U.S. into a 3rd World country; time to adapt to real life.
America is in love with vehicles that get lower milleage than in the 1970's.
naw you insulted everyone, your way, you hate americans

Fuck you. I am a proud, patriotic American. I said what I said and it did not demean any American. It was a post to call out that bullshit about bigger vehicles simply being about egos. And you have tried to make a whole "gotcha" about it. You didn't get or nail anything.

Now how about getting back on topic?
None of them have any interest at all in drilling new wells, as long as the prices hold at current levels. Their stockholders want big dividend checks.
If they flooded the market with oil, it would drive down profits. Do you remember Enron? They did the same to the electric market, creating artificial shortages, and blaming it on government,.

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