'It just seems wrong.' GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people

'It just seems wrong.' GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
“It just seems wrong.” GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
Rep. Tom Cole knows the GOP tax scheme will hurt working Americans — but his colleagues told him to vote for it anyway. So he did.

There’s not much to like about the GOP tax scheme. The bill, drafted hurriedly and under the cover of darkness, is wildly unpopular among the American people and economists alike, with little to offer other than corporate giveaways and tax cuts for the rich.

But that didn’t stop Republicans like Rep. Tom Cole from voting for it — even though he admitted in a recent interview that “it just seems wrong” that the scam is, quite simply, a massive giveaway to the rich paid for by working class Americans.

Speaking with CNBC, Cole conceded that he’s not much of a “deep economic thinker” and didn’t pay much attention to those fancy tax analyses conducted by non-partisan agencies, almost all of which excoriated the bill for increasing the federal deficit without boosting economic growth.

“He doesn’t know what the models are,” CNBC noted, “but doesn’t worry much about that.”

Instead of turning to things like evidence and numbers, Cole relied on his GOP colleagues to tell him how to vote on the bill, which delivers massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans but offers little else for the rest of the population. Cole likes the way his colleagues think, and it was apparently easier to listen to their reassurances than to grapple with all those pesky facts and figures.

“In the end I’m going to trust the people who are philosophically aligned with me,” he told CNBC.

Idiocy is what this bill is.
But but but Trump said he’ll lose a lot of money with this tax bill.
How many trump whores have you heard call him out on this lie?
'It just seems wrong.' GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
“It just seems wrong.” GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
Rep. Tom Cole knows the GOP tax scheme will hurt working Americans — but his colleagues told him to vote for it anyway. So he did.

There’s not much to like about the GOP tax scheme. The bill, drafted hurriedly and under the cover of darkness, is wildly unpopular among the American people and economists alike, with little to offer other than corporate giveaways and tax cuts for the rich.

But that didn’t stop Republicans like Rep. Tom Cole from voting for it — even though he admitted in a recent interview that “it just seems wrong” that the scam is, quite simply, a massive giveaway to the rich paid for by working class Americans.

Speaking with CNBC, Cole conceded that he’s not much of a “deep economic thinker” and didn’t pay much attention to those fancy tax analyses conducted by non-partisan agencies, almost all of which excoriated the bill for increasing the federal deficit without boosting economic growth.

“He doesn’t know what the models are,” CNBC noted, “but doesn’t worry much about that.”

Instead of turning to things like evidence and numbers, Cole relied on his GOP colleagues to tell him how to vote on the bill, which delivers massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans but offers little else for the rest of the population. Cole likes the way his colleagues think, and it was apparently easier to listen to their reassurances than to grapple with all those pesky facts and figures.

“In the end I’m going to trust the people who are philosophically aligned with me,” he told CNBC.

Idiocy is what this bill is.
Is this what the media fed you today? Was it good?
This fraud believes the government’s take on this bill.
The federal government.
No really.
'It just seems wrong.' GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
“It just seems wrong.” GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
Rep. Tom Cole knows the GOP tax scheme will hurt working Americans — but his colleagues told him to vote for it anyway. So he did.

There’s not much to like about the GOP tax scheme. The bill, drafted hurriedly and under the cover of darkness, is wildly unpopular among the American people and economists alike, with little to offer other than corporate giveaways and tax cuts for the rich.

But that didn’t stop Republicans like Rep. Tom Cole from voting for it — even though he admitted in a recent interview that “it just seems wrong” that the scam is, quite simply, a massive giveaway to the rich paid for by working class Americans.

Speaking with CNBC, Cole conceded that he’s not much of a “deep economic thinker” and didn’t pay much attention to those fancy tax analyses conducted by non-partisan agencies, almost all of which excoriated the bill for increasing the federal deficit without boosting economic growth.

“He doesn’t know what the models are,” CNBC noted, “but doesn’t worry much about that.”

Instead of turning to things like evidence and numbers, Cole relied on his GOP colleagues to tell him how to vote on the bill, which delivers massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans but offers little else for the rest of the population. Cole likes the way his colleagues think, and it was apparently easier to listen to their reassurances than to grapple with all those pesky facts and figures.

“In the end I’m going to trust the people who are philosophically aligned with me,” he told CNBC.

Idiocy is what this bill is.

TRUE BLUE... Geroge Soros left wing propagandist site the sister of MSDNC, CNN, and Media SPLATTERS.... LOL...


Butt hurt libs crying about the healthcare bill being gutted and killed... WAAAAAAAaaaaaa thier taking away my free stuff..... WAAAaaaaaaaa...
Remember when the GOP called themselves the party of fiscal responsibility?
I know... that was a long time ago.
It’s now gimme gimme gimme... fuck everyone else.
Well...in the end..I think it is just old-fashioned greed...The fact that it is billed as a stimulus...by the same people who will tell about how this economy is the best in thirty+ years--is very telling---it is a fact, however..that most politicians in Congress..even the Democratic ones..will do very well indeed from this bill:

Opinion | Passing Through to Corruption

"Unless something drastic happens, this will be the week Republicans ram through a tax cut that adds more than a trillion dollars to federal debt while undermining health care for millions. They will do so by violating all previous norms for major legislation, having held not a single hearing and rushed to a vote before the new senator from Alabama could be seated.
The question is, why are they doing this? For this bill isn’t just a policy crime; it also seems to be a political mistake. It will, however, be good, one way or another, for the bank accounts of quite a few Republican members of Congress. Is that why it will pass?
About the politics: Normally, politicians willing to add a trillion dollars to the debt can hand out enough goodies to make their plans popular, at least for a while. The George W. Bush tax cuts heavily favored the rich over the middle class, but they contained enough clear middle-class tax cuts to have broad public approval, at least at first.
This bill, however, faces heavy disapproval. Ordinary voters may not be able to parse all the details, but they have figured out that this bill is a giveaway to corporations and the wealthy that will end up hurting most families. This negative view isn’t likely to change.
Nevertheless, Republicans have persisted. Why?

One answer may be that they really believe that tax cuts will unleash a huge economic boom. There’s almost complete consensus among experts that it will do no such thing — but the G.O.P. has been waging war on expertise in all fields. (Among the terms reportedly banned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are “evidence based” and “science based.”)

So you get people like the Republican congressman who told CNBC’s John Harwood that his colleagues told him there are models predicting huge gains (there aren’t), that he doesn’t know what those models are, but that he trusts his party’s line."

Raw bribery probably isn’t the issue, although insider trading based on close relationships with companies affected by legislation may be a much bigger deal than most realize. But the revolving door is an even bigger deal. When members of Congress leave their positions, voluntarily or not, their next jobs often involve lobbying of some kind. This gives them an incentive to keep the big-money guys happy, never mind what voters think.

One perverse effect of this incentive is that recent G.O.P. electoral losses may have strengthened the party’s determination to do unpopular things. Suppose you represent a mildly Republican-leaning district in, say, California or New York. Given what looks like a building Democratic wave, your odds of keeping that seat next year look low whatever you do — so it’s time to focus on pleasing your future employers on K Street.

And when it comes to the Senate, bear in mind that many senators are personally wealthy, meaning that they might be swayed by policies that enhance their personal fortunes. Which brings us to the “Corker kickback.”

Senator Bob Corker, citing concerns about the deficit, was the only Republican to vote against the Senate version of the tax bill. Now, however, he says he will vote for a final version that is no better when it comes to fiscal probity. What changed?

Well, one thing that changed was the insertion of a provision that wasn’t in the Senate bill: Real estate companies were added to the list of “pass-through” businesses whose owners will get sharply lower tax rates. These pass-through provisions are arguably the worst feature of the bill. They will open the tax system to a huge amount of gaming, of exploiting legal loopholes to avoid tax."


'It just seems wrong.' GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
“It just seems wrong.” GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
Rep. Tom Cole knows the GOP tax scheme will hurt working Americans — but his colleagues told him to vote for it anyway. So he did.

There’s not much to like about the GOP tax scheme. The bill, drafted hurriedly and under the cover of darkness, is wildly unpopular among the American people and economists alike, with little to offer other than corporate giveaways and tax cuts for the rich.

But that didn’t stop Republicans like Rep. Tom Cole from voting for it — even though he admitted in a recent interview that “it just seems wrong” that the scam is, quite simply, a massive giveaway to the rich paid for by working class Americans.

Speaking with CNBC, Cole conceded that he’s not much of a “deep economic thinker” and didn’t pay much attention to those fancy tax analyses conducted by non-partisan agencies, almost all of which excoriated the bill for increasing the federal deficit without boosting economic growth.

“He doesn’t know what the models are,” CNBC noted, “but doesn’t worry much about that.”

Instead of turning to things like evidence and numbers, Cole relied on his GOP colleagues to tell him how to vote on the bill, which delivers massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans but offers little else for the rest of the population. Cole likes the way his colleagues think, and it was apparently easier to listen to their reassurances than to grapple with all those pesky facts and figures.

“In the end I’m going to trust the people who are philosophically aligned with me,” he told CNBC.

Idiocy is what this bill is.

TRUE BLUE... Geroge Soros left wing propagandist site the sister of MSDNC, CNN, and Media SPLATTERS.... LOL...


Butt hurt libs crying about the healthcare bill being gutted and killed... WAAAAAAAaaaaaa thier taking away my free stuff..... WAAAaaaaaaaa...
Remember when the GOP called themselves the party of fiscal responsibility?
I know... that was a long time ago.
It’s now gimme gimme gimme... fuck everyone else.

They have always been the party of the rich and corporations. They supported the outsourcing and offshoring all along as they ripped down the unions.

Now they're no longer happy with corporations going to other countries...They want to turn the goddamn peasants into serfs right here at home.
Well Washington is north of Oregon

Have you not figured out yet that a large number of posters here are paid Canadians?

Lets run with Washington State.

While it's true that Washingtonians pay no personal State income taxes, BUT, they do pay the sixth largest amount in sales taxes. Under Trumps plan to make the rich (me) richer,Washingtonians will no longer be able to deduct the sales tax reducing their federal tax. But wait, there's more! No personal exemption!
How many poor and middle income people itemize their sales taxes.......almost zero
they don't have the time to do it or the money to hire people to.....so I doubt they'll see any increase
and if they do, well then they get to pay their fair share....so according to the left they should feel exciting and patriotic. Gawker a very leftwing site...oops was a leftwing site, says that dodging taxes is unpatriotic....so deductions must be horrible.

Biden calls paying higher taxes a patriotic act

Paying Taxes Is Patriotic. Dodging Taxes Is Unpatriotic.

How many poor and middle income people itemize their sales taxes.......almost zero

Thank you. That proves my point that American workers don't make enough money.
Thank you for agreeing that all this tax write off bullshit is just that...bullshit....it's not going to change their tax bill, the rate reductions and tax credits will lower it.

but what should workers make? Who determines it?

So it's your belief that tax deductions don't reduce your taxable income?
Only if you itemize, which you agreed that poor and middle income people don't do it. too much time and money to do all that. the less deductions the better, if we have a tax rate, we should pay the rate......stop with all the loopholes and bullshit
'It just seems wrong.' GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
“It just seems wrong.” GOP rep admits tax scam he voted for rips off working people
Rep. Tom Cole knows the GOP tax scheme will hurt working Americans — but his colleagues told him to vote for it anyway. So he did.

There’s not much to like about the GOP tax scheme. The bill, drafted hurriedly and under the cover of darkness, is wildly unpopular among the American people and economists alike, with little to offer other than corporate giveaways and tax cuts for the rich.

But that didn’t stop Republicans like Rep. Tom Cole from voting for it — even though he admitted in a recent interview that “it just seems wrong” that the scam is, quite simply, a massive giveaway to the rich paid for by working class Americans.

Speaking with CNBC, Cole conceded that he’s not much of a “deep economic thinker” and didn’t pay much attention to those fancy tax analyses conducted by non-partisan agencies, almost all of which excoriated the bill for increasing the federal deficit without boosting economic growth.

“He doesn’t know what the models are,” CNBC noted, “but doesn’t worry much about that.”

Instead of turning to things like evidence and numbers, Cole relied on his GOP colleagues to tell him how to vote on the bill, which delivers massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans but offers little else for the rest of the population. Cole likes the way his colleagues think, and it was apparently easier to listen to their reassurances than to grapple with all those pesky facts and figures.

“In the end I’m going to trust the people who are philosophically aligned with me,” he told CNBC.

Idiocy is what this bill is.

TRUE BLUE... Geroge Soros left wing propagandist site the sister of MSDNC, CNN, and Media SPLATTERS.... LOL...


Butt hurt libs crying about the healthcare bill being gutted and killed... WAAAAAAAaaaaaa thier taking away my free stuff..... WAAAaaaaaaaa...
Remember when the GOP called themselves the party of fiscal responsibility?
I know... that was a long time ago.
It’s now gimme gimme gimme... fuck everyone else.

They have always been the party of the rich and corporations. They supported the outsourcing and offshoring all along as they ripped down the unions.

Now they're no longer happy with corporations going to other countries...They want to turn the goddamn peasants into serfs right here at home.
wrong, we hated unions because they were lazy entitled people who didn't want to work.
As for the offshore shit, that's your global new world order and free trade, that the republicans and democrats made happen.
We said nope, we tried it, it failed.......thank you for backing the Trumpster
Under this tax reform bill over 90% of filers will claim the standard deduction which was increased to a whopping $12,000 for singles and $24,000 for married couples. The losers will be high earners in high tax blue states with high state income/property taxes. They will finally have to pay their fair share of Federal income taxes, no more local state/tax loopholes for those people.

In Nevada, 99.6% of those making 645K or more receive a tax cut, and 82% of those making 50K or less receive a tax cut.

"Those people" after January 1, 2018, create a corporation that buys their house. They pay the corporation rent, making them eligible for renters credit in California.

Pay is handled by filing as independent contractors.
So you admit you're taking out your ass.....

You wrote: "I did some basic figures for mine and I'll get back more also, if it becomes law."

So, how much money do you get back?
Retard, it hasn't became law yet and I won't know how much until I file. You are attacking me over something that hasn't even happened yet, but if it does, I'll get more back, how much is no concern of yours, but it probably won't be a big amount.

But you wrote; "I did some basic figures for mine and I'll get back more also, if it becomes law."

I'm asking how much?
It's non of your fucking business, troll!

You're backing a tax plan and don't know if it's a benefit to you? That sir, is Texas stupid in the worst way.

And you applauded a healthcare bill you knew far less about, so what is your point-)

The issue is the Republican tax plan.
Have you not figured out yet that a large number of posters here are paid Canadians?

Lets run with Washington State.

While it's true that Washingtonians pay no personal State income taxes, BUT, they do pay the sixth largest amount in sales taxes. Under Trumps plan to make the rich (me) richer,Washingtonians will no longer be able to deduct the sales tax reducing their federal tax. But wait, there's more! No personal exemption!
How many poor and middle income people itemize their sales taxes.......almost zero
they don't have the time to do it or the money to hire people to.....so I doubt they'll see any increase
and if they do, well then they get to pay their fair share....so according to the left they should feel exciting and patriotic. Gawker a very leftwing site...oops was a leftwing site, says that dodging taxes is unpatriotic....so deductions must be horrible.

Biden calls paying higher taxes a patriotic act

Paying Taxes Is Patriotic. Dodging Taxes Is Unpatriotic.

How many poor and middle income people itemize their sales taxes.......almost zero

Thank you. That proves my point that American workers don't make enough money.
Thank you for agreeing that all this tax write off bullshit is just that...bullshit....it's not going to change their tax bill, the rate reductions and tax credits will lower it.

but what should workers make? Who determines it?

So it's your belief that tax deductions don't reduce your taxable income?
Only if you itemize, which you agreed that poor and middle income people don't do it. too much time and money to do all that. the less deductions the better, if we have a tax rate, we should pay the rate......stop with all the loopholes and bullshit

Thank you. That proves my point that American workers don't make enough money.
Retard, it hasn't became law yet and I won't know how much until I file. You are attacking me over something that hasn't even happened yet, but if it does, I'll get more back, how much is no concern of yours, but it probably won't be a big amount.

But you wrote; "I did some basic figures for mine and I'll get back more also, if it becomes law."

I'm asking how much?
It's non of your fucking business, troll!

You're backing a tax plan and don't know if it's a benefit to you? That sir, is Texas stupid in the worst way.

And you applauded a healthcare bill you knew far less about, so what is your point-)

The issue is the Republican tax plan.

Yep, and we got a twofer------------->a tax plan, AND repeal of the incompetent mandate at one time. Efficiency, efficiency-) Wait until we get the wall, AND the elimination of chain migration at the same time, lol. Most of the leftists will need digitalis to wake up the next morning!

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