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It only matters to the GOP if Kav's accusations are true

as most Dems and I believe most Dems in the Senate have already made up their minds before this drinking and allegations of sexual assaults came out.

I myself hope they are true, and he knows for sure, and to think he put his wife and kids though this for his bloated ego, its a disgrace he did not want to clear his name, for he didn't instruct the FBI turn over every stone, to prove I never did what they say I did.

I mean its obvious he was a drunk and probably still a drunk by the way he talked.

We have made up our minds before any of this came out, for several reasons but this takes the cake if true, you can say its the icing on the cake.
You’re pretty twisted. You just stated that you hoped that she had been sexually assaulted. As opposed to not having been sexually assaulted....
This! Ladies and gentlemen is just how fucked in the head your average Leftist is.

The board appreciates your candor.

Well she has healed herself and the truth needs to be known, and he knew it and to put his wife and kids thought this, he deserves whatever he gets. Yes I do hope its true, and I do believe Dr Ford. She did her civic duty and at the same time showed him as the arrogant self righteous slob he is.
No one knows the truth, No-Proofer, let alone you or your herd of fascists.
What’s more....! No one on the right is “hoping” this woman had been the victim of an attempted rape!!!
This demented kunt is the first person on this board; to make my “never bother to respond list”.
Eat shit. Die slow. And may you repeatedly share the fate, of that which you have hoped for this woman....
You absolutely deserve it.

Oh Good God, 1 in 5 women are raped or attempted to be raped and many are unreported. We certainty do not need a sexual assaulter on the SC even though we have a predator as Potus, no fault of mine own.

Christ almighty its the modern day version of the Salem Witch trials, just point and accuse, then burn the accused at the stake. :huh1:
as most Dems and I believe most Dems in the Senate have already made up their minds before this drinking and allegations of sexual assaults came out.

I myself hope they are true, and he knows for sure, and to think he put his wife and kids though this for his bloated ego, its a disgrace he did not want to clear his name, for he didn't instruct the FBI turn over every stone, to prove I never did what they say I did.

I mean its obvious he was a drunk and probably still a drunk by the way he talked.

We have made up our minds before any of this came out, for several reasons but this takes the cake if true, you can say its the icing on the cake.
You’re pretty twisted. You just stated that you hoped that she had been sexually assaulted. As opposed to not having been sexually assaulted....
This! Ladies and gentlemen is just how fucked in the head your average Leftist is.

The board appreciates your candor.

Well she has healed herself and the truth needs to be known, and he knew it and to put his wife and kids thought this, he deserves whatever he gets. Yes I do hope its true, and I do believe Dr Ford. She did her civic duty and at the same time showed him as the arrogant self righteous slob he is.
You filth are the ones putting his wife and kids through this. You NO-PROOFERS!
The OP is a falling down drunk....I've made the allegation and it's true!!!!!

Anyone else agreeing with her is guilty of sexual assault, it's true, I have made the allegation and don't need to have factual proof, I just need to say it

That is how this nonsense works and it's wrong, you do not destroy someone over fact less allegations.

Stop people

Well this is why there is an FBI investigation, not that he wanted one. Au contraire , he didn't, why not, he was afraid of what they'd find out.

Sorry you outed yourself and no longer have any credibility, here's your quote, "I myself hope they are true"

Yes since she accused him and you will then want to lynch her up. She will be shit on a stick if they can't prove her allegations, and I myself believed her as well as most of the Cons did as well.

Whatever, you said what you said just admit it. Hell be proud, this is who the left are ^^^.
Be careful, 15 years from now she'll claim you tried to rape her over the internet.

That would not surprise me.
as most Dems and I believe most Dems in the Senate have already made up their minds before this drinking and allegations of sexual assaults came out.

I myself hope they are true, and he knows for sure, and to think he put his wife and kids though this for his bloated ego, its a disgrace he did not want to clear his name, for he didn't instruct the FBI turn over every stone, to prove I never did what they say I did.

I mean its obvious he was a drunk and probably still a drunk by the way he talked.

We have made up our minds before any of this came out, for several reasons but this takes the cake if true, you can say its the icing on the cake.
...EXACTLY like the Demnazi election crap!!!!--they won't accept a fair/legal/American election
..JUST like the nazi stormtroopers SA that disrupted rival political meetings--just what the anti-Trumpers did
NOW--like the nazis--people are guilty--NO MATTER WHAT --with ZERO evidence
fantastic!! nice--how American and civilized
I hope Kav does get dumped. Since he is a Bushy, that alone should disqualify him.

Why Trump put up a Bushy, when he and the Bushies hate each other, is yet another inconsistency.
He thought it would help him get confirmed. It never pays to make concessions to the left. They should have rammed the most hardened right winger they could find down their throats.
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as most Dems and I believe most Dems in the Senate have already made up their minds before this drinking and allegations of sexual assaults came out.

I myself hope they are true, and he knows for sure, and to think he put his wife and kids though this for his bloated ego, its a disgrace he did not want to clear his name, for he didn't instruct the FBI turn over every stone, to prove I never did what they say I did.

I mean its obvious he was a drunk and probably still a drunk by the way he talked.

We have made up our minds before any of this came out, for several reasons but this takes the cake if true, you can say its the icing on the cake.
You’re pretty twisted. You just stated that you hoped that she had been sexually assaulted. As opposed to not having been sexually assaulted....
This! Ladies and gentlemen is just how fucked in the head your average Leftist is.

The board appreciates your candor.

Well she has healed herself and the truth needs to be known, and he knew it and to put his wife and kids thought this, he deserves whatever he gets. Yes I do hope its true, and I do believe Dr Ford. She did her civic duty and at the same time showed him as the arrogant self righteous slob he is.

Healed people aren’t fearful and whimpering decades after the fact. They don’t need to seek revenge. They don’t come off as frightened school girls but as adults.

No. If she was violated she isn’t healed
All of you right wing nuts who dragged her threw the mud already, and put him on a pedestal, you depend on this investigation more than the Dems. I have read all your remarks about her already.
If he was guilty of anything claimed, something would have turned up in the last 36 years. Someone would have seen him drunk. He would have made a sloppy pass at some woman. But nothing. Not a single instance.

Listening to that ugly travesty one was given the impression that Kavanaugh went straight from high school graduation to that senate chamber with no life lived in between.

That is why he is completely innocent and why he should be confirmed.
All of you right wing nuts who dragged her threw the mud already, and put him on a pedestal, you depend on this investigation more than the Dems. I have read all your remarks about her already.

That would be "through" genius.
You sound about as smart as the professor who didnt know what exculpatory meant.
Ok let's get this straight here:

The Dems have wanted Kavanaugh so badly not nominated, so they incited a circus in the first hearing. I am sure we all remember Cory Booker's not-so infamous "Farticus" moment; and Kamala Harris discourse when they were up to question Kavanaugh. Then the Dems pleaded over and over to delay even further on the nomination for another week; so they can get Dr. Christine Ford to testify before the Senate panel. In which Feinstein already destroyed Kavanaugh's character by keeping the email (letter) confidential. Even though Ford really didn't want to testify.

Then let's fast-forward to yesterday. Jeff Flake (aka Mr. Snowflake) nearly railed Kavanaugh by postponing the nomination count; by declaring "another FBI investigation" (when there was already 6 FBI investigations).
We already knew what their goals (the Dems) were - it was to delay, delay and delay until after the midterms. And possibly until Kavanaugh vows to fold on them (which he said he would fight no matter what).

Not only has the Dems "already made up their minds". But they have truly made an ass out of themselves and to the American people. It truly goes to show how shallow they will go to stop at nothing, to make sure Kavanaugh doesn't get on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Meanwhile, Putin is probably having a field day with this. Seeing how truly American politics work.

You can't make this crap up! No matter how anyone tries to.

Kavanugh should have been nominated and rail right through the Democrats. Who cares what they say or think. They don't certainly think for the American people. At least, not for me.
All of you right wing nuts who dragged her threw the mud already, and put him on a pedestal, you depend on this investigation more than the Dems. I have read all your remarks about her already.
I don't put anyone who is an enemy of the 4th and 5th Amendments on a pedestal...It's idiotic crackpots like you, who abandon civil liberties in favor of character assassination, who are the big problem.

Your freakish unhinged OP just underscores how morally and intellectually bankrupt you and your ideological fellow travelers are.
as most Dems and I believe most Dems in the Senate have already made up their minds before this drinking and allegations of sexual assaults came out.

I myself hope they are true, and he knows for sure, and to think he put his wife and kids though this for his bloated ego, its a disgrace he did not want to clear his name, for he didn't instruct the FBI turn over every stone, to prove I never did what they say I did.

I mean its obvious he was a drunk and probably still a drunk by the way he talked.

We have made up our minds before any of this came out, for several reasons but this takes the cake if true, you can say its the icing on the cake.

You and Ass Leper are disgusting individuals.
Hoping a girl got raped to advance your political agenda is sickening.

Actually he is the disgusting person, isn't he, do not put this on me.

You are hoping a girl was sexually assaulted so you can play politics. It’s all on you
If he does not get seated and the Dems lose seats in the Senate, you will be looking back on this going...damn we fucked that up, wishing it was Kav and not one of the others from Trump's list

Exactly right.

If Kav isn't confirmed by Election Day, President Trump will withdraw his name and nominate hardliners if the GOP gains seats.

Someone not as polite as Judge Kavanaugh, someone who will tell leftists on the Judiciary Committee to "zip it" if they are disrespectful
:boohoo:I'm done, now you are dragging me though the mud, as I didn't want him even before and I admit it, I think he was a drunken fool who tried to have his way with her, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::th_beback:
You'd know all about drunken fools, wouldn't ya?
I laugh of the right wing tries their best to make me feel guilty as I do hope she is truthful as I found her to be. Just know its the GOP that will be the ones that this matters to most and if you put him on the bench if the allegation are true, watch out.
if it turns out he was never there and is innocent.....would you apologize?.......just asking....
I watched them both testify. I found her more credible .

Thy aside , I thought Kav was a d bag in general and not SC material . Especially after that “Clinton conspiracy “ line .
as most Dems and I believe most Dems in the Senate have already made up their minds before this drinking and allegations of sexual assaults came out.

I myself hope they are true, and he knows for sure, and to think he put his wife and kids though this for his bloated ego, its a disgrace he did not want to clear his name, for he didn't instruct the FBI turn over every stone, to prove I never did what they say I did.

I mean its obvious he was a drunk and probably still a drunk by the way he talked.

We have made up our minds before any of this came out, for several reasons but this takes the cake if true, you can say its the icing on the cake.
You’re pretty twisted. You just stated that you hoped that she had been sexually assaulted. As opposed to not having been sexually assaulted....
This! Ladies and gentlemen is just how fucked in the head your average Leftist is.

The board appreciates your candor.

Well she has healed herself and the truth needs to be known, and he knew it and to put his wife and kids thought this, he deserves whatever he gets. Yes I do hope its true, and I do believe Dr Ford. She did her civic duty and at the same time showed him as the arrogant self righteous slob he is.
No one knows the truth, No-Proofer, let alone you or your herd of fascists.
What’s more....! No one on the right is “hoping” this woman had been the victim of an attempted rape!!!
This demented kunt is the first person on this board; to make my “never bother to respond list”.
Eat shit. Die slow. And may you repeatedly share the fate, of that which you have hoped for this woman....
You absolutely deserve it.

Oh Good God, 1 in 5 women are raped or attempted to be raped and many are unreported. We certainty do not need a sexual assaulter on the SC even though we have a predator as Potus, no fault of mine own.

Bill Clinton isn’t president anymore

And we won’t have an assaulter on the court unless you know something about Ginsburg that the rest of us don’t
I watched them both testify. I found her more credible .

Thy aside , I thought Kav was a d bag in general and not SC material . Especially after that “Clinton conspiracy “ line .

So you really believe that Mr. Kavanaugh and his friend Mr. Judge had alcohol and drug fueled Rape Train parties as teenagers in the suburbs?

The allegations against the man were quite specific, it wasn't that he was "a d bag in general"
:boohoo:I'm done, now you are dragging me though the mud, as I didn't want him even before and I admit it, I think he was a drunken fool who tried to have his way with her, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::th_beback:

Don’t accuse others of dragging you through the mud when you lay down and roll in it.

You were the one who said you hoped she was sexually assaulted because you don’t like his politics. You are the one trying to destroy a man with vile nonsense without a scintilla of evidence
Ok let's get this straight here:

The Dems have wanted Kavanaugh so badly not nominated, so they incited a circus in the first hearing. I am sure we all remember Cory Booker's not-so infamous "Farticus" moment; and Kamala Harris discourse when they were up to question Kavanaugh. Then the Dems pleaded over and over to delay even further on the nomination for another week; so they can get Dr. Christine Ford to testify before the Senate panel. In which Feinstein already destroyed Kavanaugh's character by keeping the email (letter) confidential. Even though Ford really didn't want to testify.

Then let's fast-forward to yesterday. Jeff Flake (aka Mr. Snowflake) nearly railed Kavanaugh by postponing the nomination count; by declaring "another FBI investigation" (when there was already 6 FBI investigations).
We already knew what their goals (the Dems) were - it was to delay, delay and delay until after the midterms. And possibly until Kavanaugh vows to fold on them (which he said he would fight no matter what).

Not only has the Dems "already made up their minds". But they have truly made an ass out of themselves and to the American people. It truly goes to show how shallow they will go to stop at nothing, to make sure Kavanaugh doesn't get on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Meanwhile, Putin is probably having a field day with this. Seeing how truly American politics work.

You can't make this crap up! No matter how anyone tries to.

Kavanugh should have been nominated and rail right through the Democrats. Who cares what they say or think. They don't certainly think for the American people. At least, not for me.

Putin’s biggest allies in America are stupid democrats

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