It takes a set of culyones to face the hostile babes of "the View"


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Ben Carson rose a notch in my personal view when he faced and took questions from the most hostile liberal anti GOP bunch of women in the entire freaking media who call themselves "the View". When he was challenged about his personal view of human life, Carson even brought up the dreaded issue of abortion in front of half a dozen angry abortion proponents and a freaking audience full of abortion fans. Carson beat the View babes and even earned applause from the audience. He showed a personal integrity and education and skillfully articulated his view of human rights in front of a panel and audience of ignorant pro abortion activists. I'm impressed.
What the heck are "culyones"?

And how did they keep him from nodding off?

I suspect you meant cojones. Ben Carson sure had some of those those when he said he would get others to stand with him against a shooter but he left them at home when he told a gunman to go shoot the guy behind the counter.

IOW, he's all show and no go. Talks a good game but doesn't deliver.

Best to just leave him to his nap.
The View's ratings have been on an MSNBC trajectory.

Guess folks have tired of the morbidly obese Whoopi's lefty crap along with that of the other two fatso lib slobs.
Megan Kelly - Fox News.

One woman ( adversary ) that is hard to debate with.

Shadow 355
I thought it was "cojones", it's pronounced cahones though.

It's a good thing Carson didn't let them make huevos rancheros out of his cojones.
The View should have been dumped long ago. Bunch of cackling hens.
The View should have been dumped long ago. Bunch of cackling hens.
Interesting thought: chickens, ducks, and turkeys will peck the guts out of others of their type. Just saying...these hens are capable of figuratively pecking the shit out of each other...

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