It was a democratic congressional staffer

I hope those republicans felt some semblance of the fear that prevents so many rape victims from speaking out.

If this really happened, all the Dims did was victimize her further by forcing her to come all the way to Capital Hill to testify, something that was not required of her. She would have done it at home.

Happy? No, you wanted the circus.
Kavanaugh tried to rape her.
How do you know this? Are you and Frankenstein lovers? Did she whisper these facts to you in the heat of the moment?
A criminal threat can be either a felony or a misdemeanor charge. As a misdemeanor charge, the sentence is up to one year in a county jail. As a felony charge, it's up to three years in a state prison
I hope those republicans felt some semblance of the fear that prevents so many rape victims from speaking out.

If this really happened, all the Dims did was victimize her further by forcing her to come all the way to Capital Hill to testify, something that was not required of her. She would have done it at home.

Happy? No, you wanted the circus.
Kavanaugh tried to rape her. She could have chosen not to testify. She was brave. Now you and your fellow perverts try to destroy her so Kavanaugh can get an undeserved job promotion.

Prove it.
Also, I was told you raped someone in High School, prove you didn't do it?
I wasn't a black out drunk womanizer in high school and college. So good luck finding an accuser.
Thats not up to him to prove.. Thats up to YOU to prove.. Your the idiots who changed who has the duty to provide evidence..
The Capitol police have arrested the staffer who made the addresses of Republicans on the judiciary committee public.

Impressive list of charges there.
/——/ Sheila Jackson Lee will of course play stupid
A Democratic congressional staffer was arrested Wednesday and accused of posting the personal information of at least one Republican senator during last week's hearing about sexual assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, authorities said.

Play stupid?
The Capitol police have arrested the staffer who made the addresses of Republicans on the judiciary committee public.

Impressive list of charges there.
/——/ Sheila Jackson Lee will of course play stupid
A Democratic congressional staffer was arrested Wednesday and accused of posting the personal information of at least one Republican senator during last week's hearing about sexual assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, authorities said.
Who's staffer was it?
Who here would want some of the nutjobs on this board to know where you live?

For the most part I wouldnt be too worried.
They'd have to come up with the bus fare first and the taxi money since metro doesnt run where I live....thank God.
Then they'd have to get past the gates,the alarm,the cameras the .45,the 12 gauge and the AR....oh and the Wife.

I'd just be called in to drag the bodies back inside.
How was posting somebody’s address a crime? It’s not exactly classified information

Included a lot of personal information from Capitol Hill that never should be outed by an opposing PARTY member with the purpose of harassing fellow members. It's actually an impressive list of crimes and "data mining" of Congressional sources.

Hey y'all. Catch me up here. Has even ONE lefty leaning TDSyndrome sufferer said "this is wrong" yet?

I doubt it. Personal destruction is the main campaign platform now of the Dem party..
What's doxing, why is it called that?
They call it doxing because it involves getting documentation, via subterfuge, that the mark wants to keep private for a variety of reasons.

For instance, the competitors of the Trump Organization would love to get a hold of Donald Trump's tax returns because they could use those documents to help them reverse engineer the Trump Organization's successful business practices, and then use those practices themselves. Or since jealousy fosters hate, perhaps political opponents could use them just to make people jealous of Trump. eg. "Those Trump people found this loophole in the tax laws that my people missed. AAAARG I hate that Trump genius!!!! I'm going to fund all of his political opponents!"

So if someone at the IRS illegally released DT's tax returns to one of the TO's competitors or the public at large, they would be "doxing" him.

The words "doxx" and "doxing" are derived from the word "document".


Or in a much wider use of the term outside of intelligence and law enforcement circles that has been in use lately, it could simply be legally releasing private information about someone that they would not want to be released. Perfectly legal, but immoral and assholeish doxxing. Such as someone releasing Kavanaugh's phone no. and address in social media in hopes that a bunch of other deranged assholes would illegally harass and threaten and his wife and young children.
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How was posting somebody’s address a crime? It’s not exactly classified information

Included a lot of personal information from Capitol Hill that never should be outed by an opposing PARTY member with the purpose of harassing fellow members. It's actually an impressive list of crimes and "data mining" of Congressional sources.

Hey y'all. Catch me up here. Has even ONE lefty leaning TDSyndrome sufferer said "this is wrong" yet?

I doubt it. Personal destruction is the main campaign platform now of the Dem party..
Nope, Not one yet.
I hope those republicans felt some semblance of the fear that prevents so many rape victims from speaking out.

If this really happened, all the Dims did was victimize her further by forcing her to come all the way to Capital Hill to testify, something that was not required of her. She would have done it at home.

Happy? No, you wanted the circus.
Kavanaugh tried to rape her. She could have chosen not to testify. She was brave. Now you and your fellow perverts try to destroy her so Kavanaugh can get an undeserved job promotion.

There is no evidence to support the charge. How others may or may not feel about the outcome is utterly irrelevant.

You do not crucify someone because it would make other people FEEL better.
How was posting somebody’s address a crime? It’s not exactly classified information

Included a lot of personal information from Capitol Hill that never should be outed by an opposing PARTY member with the purpose of harassing fellow members. It's actually an impressive list of crimes and "data mining" of Congressional sources.

Hey y'all. Catch me up here. Has even ONE lefty leaning TDSyndrome sufferer said "this is wrong" yet?

I doubt it. Personal destruction is the main campaign platform now of the Dem party..
Nope, Not one yet.

Thanks for update. LOL... Please alert me if you see one admit --- this is wrong..

Wanna thank them..
He's a Democratic UNPAID INTERN,

NOT a person working for the US Government in any permanent, paid job, like ''A staffer''.... the Fox headline title is misleading, at Best....

I hope those republicans felt some semblance of the fear that prevents so many rape victims from speaking out.

If this really happened, all the Dims did was victimize her further by forcing her to come all the way to Capital Hill to testify, something that was not required of her. She would have done it at home.

Happy? No, you wanted the circus.
Kavanaugh tried to rape her. She could have chosen not to testify. She was brave. Now you and your fellow perverts try to destroy her so Kavanaugh can get an undeserved job promotion.

Prove it.
Also, I was told you raped someone in High School, prove you didn't do it?
I wasn't a black out drunk womanizer in high school and college. So good luck finding an accuser.
Neither was Kav.

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