IT WAS INEVITABLE: Speech control moves from the campus to the workplace

Not difficult to imagine future conversations with the Human Resource department:

HR: We notice that in your meeting yesterday on distribution from our Newark hub, you only allowed Tammy to speak for 7 total minutes, while Dave was allowed to speak for 10 total minutes.

Manager: Well yes, Dave has a bit more experience with Newark, and had more valuable and pertinent input.

HR: From now on, we want you to make sure that Tammy gets equal time in all meetings regarding distribution from our Newark hub. We do not want her feeling that her opinions are of less importance than other meeting participants.

Manager: This is ridiculous. I'm not going to hold a stopwatch to people when they're speaking just to please Alexa. I run my meetings in a way that I know is most effective and most efficient. I'm trying to run my department here.

HR: If you don't allow proper time for Tammy, you will written up. Three write-ups are cause for immediate termination.

You think I'm kidding, gang?

Gee, too bad we got rid of unions to protect workers rights.

Do you know the kinds of silly shit I've seen people fired for or have been fired for myself... I just can't get worked up. If they are really going to use this as a criteria, FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE TO WORK.
A satanist may have the above problem and confuse having to act professionally with corporate cancer. Others can tell the difference plain and clear.

Uh, the problem is, they are using analytics to help managers do their job better.

Maybe someone is legitimately ignoring the contributions of the female or minority members of the team. I've seen all sorts of discrimination based on age, race, gender, etc. in the 30 years I've been in the workplace.

The Alexa program described above sounds like a tool. Tools like that are used all the time, but they are at the end of the day tools.

For those playing along at home, I write resumes professionally. I know that before a human being sees a resume, it's screened by something called "Applicant Tracking Software". Probably a lot of really good workers get rejected because they didn't use the right keywords or the person programming the computer didn't enter the right keywords. Stuff happens.
You don't think I took a position in the OP? Or on this thread?

Are you serious? Do I have to make things even SIMPLER?

Yes, it was your usual crazy hysterics...

So let's look at what is being proposed. Using Alexa software to measure employee engagement during meetings. I'd personally want to know why Bob is letting Sam have the floor while Mary is being ignored or cut off. I know a few managers I would love to have seen have Alexa evaluate how they conduct meetings.
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
I blame YOU, among others.
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
I'm thinking they don't have to listen in, they can just analyze existing email and other content (Skype, Lync, MS Teams, Zoom, etc.) Preferably with the communication participants' permission however since it's their machines (the company's) and they are only to be used to perform the tasks that their employer needs (the reason(s) for which they were hired) AND depending on if they have a warning when the user logs into their machine indicating that all computer activity may be monitored, they may not even need permission.

A lot can be determined and revealed by examining a person's email communications, including whether there are indicators that show a propensity for discrimination and/or bias.
I believe in freedom of expression.

Clearly that right is in decay.
What we need is more government.
I believe in freedom of expression.
Clearly that right is in decay.
What we need is more government.
Aren't you the guy who keeps posting everyone's 'racist quotes' in the discussion board? I would think a jerkoff like you would applaud something like this.
You would think that because you have a very simplistic, shallow and tribal mentality.

Not everyone is an obedient winger like you. True story!
. didn't produce your list Comrade Stalin. Why not? Don't you want the rest of the proletarians to 'struggle' against me?

he is a right winger....that means that he believes that if you are not 100% pro conservative then you are obviously a leftist commie.

He can't conceive of people being sane and the middle.....
Said the Communist...
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
I'm thinking they don't have to listen in, they can just analyze existing email and other content (Skype, Lync, MS Teams, Zoom, etc.) Preferably with the communication participants' permission however since it's their machines (the company's) and they are only to be used to perform the tasks that their employer needs (the reason(s) for which they were hired) AND depending on if they have a warning when the user logs into their machine indicating that all computer activity may be monitored, they may not even need permission.

A lot can be determined and revealed by examining a person's email communications, including whether there are indicators that show a propensity for discrimination and/or bias.

Well, your comment sounds like you side with the corporations. Like personal expression isn't important to you. I will never agree with that. I don't care who you are. why I never say "kikes" in the's always shekel clutchers or heebs...same goes with "******" never, it's gums...moon crickets...or the Spanish..."Yanta".

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You're an idiot.
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You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not gay. Thanks for the invite, but no thanks. why I never say "kikes" in the's always shekel clutchers or heebs...same goes with "******" never, it's gums...moon crickets...or the Spanish..."Yanta".

View attachment 310445

You're an idiot.
View attachment 310586
View attachment 310587
View attachment 310588

You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not gay. Thanks for the invite, but no thanks.

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