IT WAS INEVITABLE: Speech control moves from the campus to the workplace

It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
I'm thinking they don't have to listen in, they can just analyze existing email and other content (Skype, Lync, MS Teams, Zoom, etc.) Preferably with the communication participants' permission however since it's their machines (the company's) and they are only to be used to perform the tasks that their employer needs (the reason(s) for which they were hired) AND depending on if they have a warning when the user logs into their machine indicating that all computer activity may be monitored, they may not even need permission.

A lot can be determined and revealed by examining a person's email communications, including whether there are indicators that show a propensity for discrimination and/or bias.

Well, your comment sounds like you side with the corporations. Like personal expression isn't important to you. I will never agree with that. I don't care who you are.
I don't know why you all always assume I'm the bad guy in these scenarios. You can't defend yourself or your rights if you don't know what's being done to you.

So let's try this. I give you a laptop and a cell phone when you sign on to do work for me which you take with you. You think I'm not within my rights as your employer or the person who pays your invoices to track my electronic devices should anything go wrong? Or to know how you're utilizing my devices particularly if you have to acknowledge by signing a contract that your devices have tracking and activity logging software of them.

I don't monitor the activity as my nightly entertainment, but the data is gathered in the event that either I, my company or any of my people get arrested, investigated or sued.

No one has complained yet.
The Trumpsters bitch about me personally, even in threads they'd otherwise support. Ya gotta love this place. Always fascinating.
Something to motivate you comrade...long live the people's revolution!
Let's review!

I start a thread that is critical of the Regressive Left, and through the logical and thoughtful application of your powerful critical thinking skills, you determine that I'm a communist.

The world's first communist financial advisor.

Well, I think you've really nailed this one, Sherlock. Your prodigious intellect really sniffed out Da Troof post haste here, you betcha.

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The Trumpsters bitch about me personally, even in threads they'd otherwise support. Ya gotta love this place. Always fascinating.
Something to motivate you comrade...long live the people's revolution!
Let's review!

I start a thread that is critical of the Regressive Left, and through the logical and thoughtful application of your powerful critical thinking skills, you determine that I'm a communist.

The world's first communist financial advisor.

Well, I think you've really nailed this one, Sherlock. Your prodigious intellect really sniffed out Da Troof post haste here, you betcha.

You start a thread that is half-heartedly critical of your leftist friends....then you proceed to respond to every comment by so-called rightwing Trumpsters with insults and condescension.

Every response that doesn't fall within your narrow viewpoint is labeled stupid and then you point out how much smarter than them you think you are.

Just plain boring.

If I didn't know better I would think that you're one of those non-governmental plants Cass Sustein spoke of that Progressives in government use to ridicule people on social media forums, to undermine rumors and false information.
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I'm more in awe of the power of ideology every day

I bet you are. I bet you can quote long excerpts from Das Kapital...comrade.
I don't know why you all always assume I'm the bad guy in these scenarios. You can't defend yourself or your rights if you don't know what's being done to you.

We really aren't familiar with one another, so I don't understand the logic. I simply don't agree with your comment. Nothing more.

So let's try this. I give you a laptop and a cell phone when you sign on to do work for me which you take with you. You think I'm not within my rights as your employer or the person who pays your invoices to track my electronic devices should anything go wrong?

You can do what you want. I'm an employer too. You seem to believe that providing your employees the infrastructure to do business (laptop, phone) gives you a right to monitor their digital footprints. They essentially trade away their privacy and free expression for a paycheck, correct?
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
What did you expect? The anti-American social justice warriors have moved out of the Universities and are now filling the corporation HR departments as gatekeepers to jobs and wealth.

I actually caught a Rubin report interview that discussed this very thing, but I don't remember which guest it was that was speaking about it.
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
What did you expect? The anti-American social justice warriors have moved out of the Universities and are now filling the corporation HR departments as gatekeepers to jobs and wealth.

I actually caught a Rubin report interview that discussed this very thing, but I don't remember which guest it was that was speaking about it.
There's a new form of discrimination.

As long as you spout the Party Lines you get a job.

If you're a free-thinker.....NO JOB FOR YOU!!!
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
What did you expect? The anti-American social justice warriors have moved out of the Universities and are now filling the corporation HR departments as gatekeepers to jobs and wealth.

I actually caught a Rubin report interview that discussed this very thing, but I don't remember which guest it was that was speaking about it.
It's certainly been happening for a while now, so I can't say I'm surprised to see (a) this kind of thing, or (b) the Regressive Lefties spinning for it.
The Trumpsters bitch about me personally, even in threads they'd otherwise support. Ya gotta love this place. Always fascinating.
Something to motivate you comrade...long live the people's revolution!
Let's review!

I start a thread that is critical of the Regressive Left, and through the logical and thoughtful application of your powerful critical thinking skills, you determine that I'm a communist.

The world's first communist financial advisor.

Well, I think you've really nailed this one, Sherlock. Your prodigious intellect really sniffed out Da Troof post haste here, you betcha.


I honestly don't see much difference between what you deem 'regressive left' and Cult45 these days. Neither can seem to mind their own business to save their lives.

Businesses don't have ideologies. They have one goal, and that is to make money. Corporate loyalty is a thing of the past (if it ever even existed) and when we realize we're all expendable then there might be avenues to change the paradigm. The continuing Orwellian monitoring of employees is now commonplace as a giant CYA in an overly litigious, sensitive and politically polarized society.
The Trumpsters bitch about me personally, even in threads they'd otherwise support. Ya gotta love this place. Always fascinating.
Something to motivate you comrade...long live the people's revolution!
Let's review!

I start a thread that is critical of the Regressive Left, and through the logical and thoughtful application of your powerful critical thinking skills, you determine that I'm a communist.

The world's first communist financial advisor.

Well, I think you've really nailed this one, Sherlock. Your prodigious intellect really sniffed out Da Troof post haste here, you betcha.


I honestly don't see much difference between what you deem 'regressive left' and Cult45 these days. Neither can seem to mind their own business to save their lives.

Businesses don't have ideologies. They have one goal, and that is to make money. Corporate loyalty is a thing of the past (if it ever even existed) and when we realize we're all expendable then there might be avenues to change the paradigm. The continuing Orwellian monitoring of employees is now commonplace as a giant CYA in an overly litigious, sensitive and politically polarized society.
As I say all the time, the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors.

But I'm not even going as far as the companies themselves. I'm talking about this relentless drive to control, intimidate and punish communication on a macro scale. Political Correctness, Cancel Culture. This story is merely the latest drop in the hurricane.

I'm seeing this control being exerted more and more, and I'll fight it every step of the way. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all values, it's our most important right, and this shit sure as hell isn't liberal.
I honestly don't see much difference between what you deem 'regressive left' and Cult45 these days. Neither can seem to mind their own business to save their lives.

Businesses don't have ideologies. They have one goal, and that is to make money. Corporate loyalty is a thing of the past (if it ever even existed) and when we realize we're all expendable then there might be avenues to change the paradigm. The continuing Orwellian monitoring of employees is now commonplace as a giant CYA in an overly litigious, sensitive and politically polarized society.

Really? One side runs on enmity towards every Other they can find, and on "government is the problem" as well as corporate subservience. The other runs on finding remedies to the exploding inequality brought about by political decisions since the 1980s, on countering the twin scourges of misogyny and racism, and on the notion that government has a useful role to play solving the major problems facing modern societies. All told, I am having difficulties finding any similarities between the two groups.

As to business's ideologies, where the heck have you been through the last decades? Ranging from pretend-Christians interfering into their employees' reproductive health to Big Oil peddling climate change denialingdong lies, not to mention promulgating supply-side bullshit, businesses very much do have ideologies, along with big megaphones and truckloads of cash to bribe legislatures to go along with them.
The Trumpsters bitch about me personally, even in threads they'd otherwise support. Ya gotta love this place. Always fascinating.
Something to motivate you comrade...long live the people's revolution!
Let's review!

I start a thread that is critical of the Regressive Left, and through the logical and thoughtful application of your powerful critical thinking skills, you determine that I'm a communist.

The world's first communist financial advisor.

Well, I think you've really nailed this one, Sherlock. Your prodigious intellect really sniffed out Da Troof post haste here, you betcha.


I honestly don't see much difference between what you deem 'regressive left' and Cult45 these days. Neither can seem to mind their own business to save their lives.

Businesses don't have ideologies. They have one goal, and that is to make money. Corporate loyalty is a thing of the past (if it ever even existed) and when we realize we're all expendable then there might be avenues to change the paradigm. The continuing Orwellian monitoring of employees is now commonplace as a giant CYA in an overly litigious, sensitive and politically polarized society.
As I say all the time, the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors.

But I'm not even going as far as the companies themselves. I'm talking about this relentless drive to control, intimidate and punish communication on a macro scale. Political Correctness, Cancel Culture. This story is merely the latest drop in the hurricane.

I'm seeing this control being exerted more and more, and I'll fight it every step of the way. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all values, it's our most important right, and this shit sure as hell isn't liberal.

Again, one has never had or rarely ever had freedom of expression in a place of work.
I'm talking about this relentless drive to control, intimidate and punish communication on a macro scale. Political Correctness, Cancel Culture. This story is merely the latest drop in the hurricane.

Society evolves for better or worse, my friend. To me, some of this is outrage by design, driven by traditional media. Some of it is society rejecting traditional models of authority. Some of it is an ever widening divide of economic classes. I believe society does better in a meritocracy, whereas others might believe in mob rule. The Internet was built as a superhighway of free expression where the kooks have the same voice as the reasonable. We are beginning to see the darker side where the modulation of the voices being unregulated is starting to cause problems.

I think social media is slowly killing our critical thought, thus killing our society. I find staying away from it keeps me balanced, whereas some of my friends and family are addicted to their bullhorns of anonymity. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should.

I'm seeing this control being exerted more and more, and I'll fight it every step of the way. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all values, it's our most important right, and this shit sure as hell isn't liberal.

Agreed, but I've pretty much given up on people being accountable for their actions anymore. That's why I live far from the city. Fight the good fight.
The Trumpsters bitch about me personally, even in threads they'd otherwise support. Ya gotta love this place. Always fascinating.
Something to motivate you comrade...long live the people's revolution!
Let's review!

I start a thread that is critical of the Regressive Left, and through the logical and thoughtful application of your powerful critical thinking skills, you determine that I'm a communist.

The world's first communist financial advisor.

Well, I think you've really nailed this one, Sherlock. Your prodigious intellect really sniffed out Da Troof post haste here, you betcha.


I honestly don't see much difference between what you deem 'regressive left' and Cult45 these days. Neither can seem to mind their own business to save their lives.

Businesses don't have ideologies. They have one goal, and that is to make money. Corporate loyalty is a thing of the past (if it ever even existed) and when we realize we're all expendable then there might be avenues to change the paradigm. The continuing Orwellian monitoring of employees is now commonplace as a giant CYA in an overly litigious, sensitive and politically polarized society.
As I say all the time, the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors.

But I'm not even going as far as the companies themselves. I'm talking about this relentless drive to control, intimidate and punish communication on a macro scale. Political Correctness, Cancel Culture. This story is merely the latest drop in the hurricane.

I'm seeing this control being exerted more and more, and I'll fight it every step of the way. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all values, it's our most important right, and this shit sure as hell isn't liberal.

Again, one has never had or rarely ever had freedom of expression in a place of work.
Again, freedom of expression, like most things, exists on a continuum.

Monitoring and enforcing words used in business meetings for "fairness" or "inclusion" is a clear step in the wrong direction, at least for those of us who are serious about maintaining as much freedom of expression as possible.
I'm talking about this relentless drive to control, intimidate and punish communication on a macro scale. Political Correctness, Cancel Culture. This story is merely the latest drop in the hurricane.

Society evolves for better or worse, my friend. To me, some of this is outrage by design, driven by traditional media. Some of it is society rejecting traditional models of authority. Some of it is an ever widening divide of economic classes. I believe society does better in a meritocracy, whereas others might believe in mob rule. The Internet was built as a superhighway of free expression where the kooks have the same voice as the reasonable. We are beginning to see the darker side where the modulation of the voices being unregulated is starting to cause problems.

I think social media is slowly killing our critical thought, thus killing our society. I find staying away from it keeps me balanced, whereas some of my friends and family are addicted to their bullhorns of anonymity. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should.

I'm seeing this control being exerted more and more, and I'll fight it every step of the way. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all values, it's our most important right, and this shit sure as hell isn't liberal.

Agreed, but I've pretty much given up on people being accountable for their actions anymore. That's why I live far from the city. Fight the good fight.
I certainly don't see anything stopping this authoritarian, illiberal direction, but I'll sure as hell keep screaming at it!


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