Italy wants to fine citizens for not speaking in Italian.

One moment please: We are older than the Romans and we are still here. And if you take a look all around then I guess you will see much more useful invenstions from Germans than from anyone else. Do you wear trousers for example? Why not a tunic? ... By the way: Also Romans are our ancestors - they continue to live in us.
(Mel Brooks Himself) "Don't Be Stupid, Be a Smarty. Come and Join the Nazi Party"

Deutschland is happy and gay
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out,
Here comes
The Master Race

Come on, Germans
Go into your dance
Goosestep's the new step today
This latest Italian gesture is in mimesis of Ukrainian nazis against the Russian language since at least 2014.

Do suicide, Russian. that's the best what you are able to do in the current situation of world politics - also cold "stone age" in Russia. Less bloody solution: Start to think and leave the Ukraine and Belarus with all of your morituri - ah sorry "soldiers" - and let the people there live in freedom, peace and wealth.

Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”
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(Mel Brooks Himself) "Don't Be Stupid, Be a Smarty. Come and Join the Nazi Party"

Deutschland is happy and gay
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out,
Here comes
The Master Race

Come on, Germans
Go into your dance
Goosestep's the new step today

Racist: In the blind eyes of Nazis I am Jew. Now feel well with your own blind anti-Semitism and your hate on Jews. Or much better: Forget your unmotivated stupid and destructive educated fake-hate which makes you, your family and all other people in your nation to members of a minor race.

And a tipp for Mel Brooks: Dear Mel Brooks - do not forget that Hitler had been an artist on his own and how - not only German - comedians and cartoonists defamed Jews.
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Honestly I really wish we could do this in America where if you're an American citizen you have to speak English. I truly and honestly would support this 100%. America was founded by English speakers and bits the dominant language, if you want to live here you should have to be able to speak it and write it fluently.

That's a problem with our society. We have so many people from so many foriegn nations with so many different languages, cultures and sub cultures and groups and sub groups and beliefs and religions. But none of them want to conform to America, they want America to conform to them.

That's why partially Switzerland has such a content and successful society. You can't become a citizen unless you fluently speak the language. They all understand each other and have a sense of familiarity and commonality.

We need to standardized our language also.
Which language? In Switzerland they speak French, Italian, German and Romanche.

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