Italy wants to fine citizens for not speaking in Italian.

Honestly I really wish we could do this in America where if you're an American citizen you have to speak English. I truly and honestly would support this 100%. America was founded by English speakers and bits the dominant language, if you want to live here you should have to be able to speak it and write it fluently.

That's a problem with our society. We have so many people from so many foriegn nations with so many different languages, cultures and sub cultures and groups and sub groups and beliefs and religions. But none of them want to conform to America, they want America to conform to them.

That's why partially Switzerland has such a content and successful society. You can't become a citizen unless you fluently speak the language. They all understand each other and have a sense of familiarity and commonality.

We need to standardized our language also.
This would be thrown out of court in a heartbeat...

While you would have to be able to speak Italian as a national language and they can ask that you speak other languages too...
They can't stop people speaking what language they want between each other.
I work in IT and we have general rule of politeness to speak English as it is the business language of IT... But if two German people want to talk German it is OK but they would be excluding me from their conversation.
It's always amusing to see some pucker-faced loser scowling at anyone in a grocery store (or the like) committing the grave offense of speaking a language other than English in public. Even funnier when they try to catch my eye as if assuming I'll sympathize with their bullshit attitude.
Yeah, yeah, everybody knows the story, professor. :rolleyes:
It's always amusing to see some pucker-faced loser scowling at anyone in a grocery store (or the like) committing the grave offense of speaking a language other than English in public. Even funnier when they try to catch my eye as if assuming I'll sympathize with their bullshit attitude.
Have a nice time in your jail, American.
America is a continent. What you call "America" is only a short form of the expression "United States of America" - so you explain exactly nothing with this word, except an empty form of a blind, senseless and extremely arrogant nationalism.
Quibbling Over a Speck When #StupidSpeak Is a Monolith

It's in the English language. To the English people, "America" was what is now the USA. Most of the rest was Spanish, the mortal enemies of the English.
America is a continent. What you call "America" is US-America. I do not see how the panamerican Monroe doctrine produced anyting else than a weird brutal anti-American nationalism of the part of America called "USA". Sure would it be for Europe more comfortable if we could exclude you from the community of values "Europe" because you are the basic culture of America - but that's impossible. Some of your people are still civilized.

By the way: The Monroe dcotrine "Americas for the Americans" includes on moral and logic reasons´normally also other doctrines like for example "Europe for the Europeans" - so you never had been - if you ever had really followed really this fake-doctrine - to be a part of world war 1 (fighting for money and nationalism and colonialism against multi-national empires). But you really never thought in such a way. You always only thought "America for the USA". And you are one of the sad results of such mind manipulations on reason of a weird "We"-identity which meanhwile leads to the situation that who shares not the own opinion is not seen to be an "American" any longer. In your "America" live only about 150 million "right-wing" people - all others are less than nothing for you - because you are supermighty "great again" and superintellligent (Donald - the "Genius" - rump) - like a jellyfish with burning nettles.
Unless a Little Country Becomes a Garrison State, It Has No Right to Exist

Every great nation (such as Russia) needs and deserves a Monroe Doctrine. Actually, President Monroe wanted to take the whole Caribbean (which would have prevented the Civil War) and ordered Andrew Jackson to get started on that. But the anti-growth Northeastern plutocracy (future Republicans) blocked that, so his Doctrine was a weak compromise but all he could get.
As long as it is their native language which is spoken in kindergarten and school, I guess. In Manhattan this could be Lenape for example - but exists something like an indigen Manhattan population? And what to speak in Queens? Queens English, Queens Dutch or Queens Pocahontas?

Pussy-Whipped Politics
AMERICAN culture is dynamic, multifaceted, and powerfully assimilating.
If you're going to communicate in English learn the language, fool.
Diplomas Made Out of Teflon

The same must be said to those who use the ignorant English imposed on us by college graduates, such as "they" with a singular antecedent and a whole gabble of other stupidities. In the make-believe world we're made to believe in, college graduates should know better.
Pinko Sox, Salt Licks, Brooney Tunes, and Unpatriotics

The original patriots were from Boston, you idiot. Where do you think the revolution began? What a dunce.

Go back to school, and take the gibberish-spewing eurotrash who can't understand AMERICA with you.
What the hell are you talking about now, head case?

What a strangen "question". Exists anyone on our panet who has not the feeling it is only a waste of time to try to speak with you? A continent never will become a country - also not when everyone is using the same word for both totally different structures in your language "jail". And your contempt and insults for every other human being lets me not think you use a social adapted and accepted behavior in the real world all around you. So "jail" seems to be also a real perspective for your future. My hypothese in this context: Your jail language will bring you into jail. I have by the way in many cases not any problem to be wrong. Sometimes it makes me even happy to be wrong. But I fear you will not try to make me happy.
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Quibbling Over a Speck When #StupidSpeak Is a Monolith

It's in the English language. To the English people, "America" was what is now the USA.

No. America is a continent. And the USA is a country - the United States of America. You are not the United States of the United States or the America of America. When you use the word "America" for the USA then you use just simple a short cut for [the United States of] America. I use in thsi case the expression US-America instead of America because of my German "genes". It's more precise to do so.

Most of the rest was Spanish, the mortal enemies of the English.

The what? You are an idiot.


By the way. The expression Indo-European is a racist expression because in Europe exist also languages which are not Indo-European. The old expression Indo-Germanic is still much more better than the new expression Indo-European. "Indo" = "South East" and "Germanic"="North-West" of the area where [also] Indo-Germanic languages are spoken.

If you like to know more about the relation "Spanish" and "English" then eliminate all words in an English text which have roots in the Latin language. =>
=> If you like to know more about the "Spanish" and "English" then all words in an English which have roots in the.
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Used to Be
Unless a Little Country Becomes a Garrison State, It Has No Right to Exist

Every great nation (such as Russia)

You call Russia a great nation? I call them "big" - that's all. Switzerland is for me for example a great nation.

needs and deserves a Monroe Doctrine.


Actually, President Monroe wanted to take the whole Caribbean (which would have prevented the Civil War) and ordered Andrew Jackson to get started on that.

On what reason did he like conquer the Caribean countries?

But the anti-growth Northeastern plutocracy (future Republicans) blocked that, so his Doctrine was a weak compromise but all he could get.

And this doctrine made in the last 200 years a paradise out of America - specially out of South-America - so you do not have any need to discuss about an iron curtain now between South- and North-America?
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