It's a Matter of Honor - the 8/28 Rally at the Lincoln Memorial

You probably don't see the total irony of this statement at all.... but I do.

Beck is who Beck is. You don't get to decide what he is or is not. Nor does anyone else. You get to form and hold your own opinion of him. Just like everyone else. To think otherwise is simply moronic.

When it comes to statements of absolute fact (i.e. Beck being a former addict), then it's not a matter of "me deciding".

That's why absolute fact is the only legal defense against slander. If anyone went on the radio and stated "Glen Beck is a former druggie and addict", Beck could never sue them as he has acknowledged this and indeed used it to build up his fan base (everyone loves a reformed whore, especially fundies).

When it comes to my opinion (Beck is a demagogue) you are right, but your statement applies to every statement of opinion on a message board that exists for people to give their opinion and I've never claimed otherwise. So my natural response is:

So fucking what?

Glad to see you and your amazing powers of logic have decided to re-grace us with your presence.

Thank you Captain State-The-Fucking-Obvious.

If you had bothered to look what I was responding to, perhaps you would get my point but, as per usual... you're too keen to whine at the poster. Fucking idiot.
When it comes to statements of absolute fact (i.e. Beck being a former addict), then it's not a matter of "me deciding".

That's why absolute fact is the only legal defense against slander. If anyone went on the radio and stated "Glen Beck is a former druggie and addict", Beck could never sue them as he has acknowledged this and indeed used it to build up his fan base (everyone loves a reformed whore, especially fundies).

When it comes to my opinion (Beck is a demagogue) you are right, but your statement applies to every statement of opinion on a message board that exists for people to give their opinion and I've never claimed otherwise. So my natural response is:

So fucking what?

Glad to see you and your amazing powers of logic have decided to re-grace us with your presence.

I personally don't think that his motive was to build up his fan base. Are you as honest as Glenn, in relation to publicly acknowledging your faults??? Most of us are not. Get a clue.

Well, I've never had a problem with substance abuse. Other than that, your question has no point. Why would I feel the need to disclose my personal faults? I am not a public persona.

I'm sure you haven't had 99% of the illnesses or conditions that a medical professional has to deal with. But to understand and have compassion, understanding, even appreciation, for the truly heroic effort required to overcome a debilitating and often deadly addiction should be high on the list of those things a medical professional should understand and know about. And also why certain substances should not be prescribed so as not to regenerate the dependency.

My previous comment about hoping you flunk out of medical school when you describe Beck's addiction as you did was only due to my belief that given epidemic proportions of addictions these days, any medical professional who does not understand that will not be able to either diagnose nor effectively treat his patients.

And one should know the definitions of the words used before using them to sanctimoniously slander somebody:

Definition of DEMAGOGUE
1: a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power

My comment: This absolutely does NOT in any way describe what Glenn Beck does.

2: a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times.

My comment: Nor does this one though Beck does use a lot of history to make his points.

Finally, will one describe all those hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens who went to the rally, most of them people just trying to lead a decent life and support themselves and their families as demogogues? People who do understand unalienable rights, who do love their country, and who do want to restore traditional values and virtues that made it the country it is? Do you honestly think they are demogogues?

If not, why would you describe the person who speaks their language, who inspires them, and encourages them as a demogogue?
You probably don't see the total irony of this statement at all.... but I do.

Beck is who Beck is. You don't get to decide what he is or is not. Nor does anyone else. You get to form and hold your own opinion of him. Just like everyone else. To think otherwise is simply moronic.

When it comes to statements of absolute fact (i.e. Beck being a former addict), then it's not a matter of "me deciding".

That's why absolute fact is the only legal defense against slander. If anyone went on the radio and stated "Glen Beck is a former druggie and addict", Beck could never sue them as he has acknowledged this and indeed used it to build up his fan base (everyone loves a reformed whore, especially fundies).

When it comes to my opinion (Beck is a demagogue) you are right, but your statement applies to every statement of opinion on a message board that exists for people to give their opinion and I've never claimed otherwise. So my natural response is:

So fucking what?

Glad to see you and your amazing powers of logic have decided to re-grace us with your presence.

Thank you Captain State-The-Fucking-Obvious.

If you had bothered to look what I was responding to, perhaps you would get my point but, as per usual... you're too keen to whine at the poster. Fucking idiot.

Like I said:

I am so glad you decided to come back and grace us with your wit and wisdom.

Instead of throwing a fit about how I missed your point, why not respond with something that is above the emotional maturity level of an 11 year old?
I'm sure you haven't had 99% of the illnesses or conditions that a medical professional has to deal with. But to understand and have compassion, understanding, even appreciation, for the truly heroic effort required to overcome a debilitating and often deadly addiction should be high on the list of those things a medical professional should understand and know about. And also why certain substances should not be prescribed so as not to regenerate the dependency.

Blah, blah, blah. Spare me the medical ethics lecture, especially after telling me that you hoped I failed out of medical school because I dared speak out against Baby Huey.

You don't have to tell me about addiction.

I know it's a sad disease, and I am glad for anyone that is in recovery for it.

Regardless of if an addict gets the help they receive or don't, they are always an addict and that fact speaks to a lack of willpower, discipline, and a personal shortcoming that calls into question their "fitness" to be a leader. Lest you think that is harsh, the military has the exact same opinion.

It also calls into question the person's neurophysiology and how much permanent damage has been done to it and how that effects their ability to reason and handle stress and emotion.

When Beck cries like a little baby on T.V., I think he is sincere. I just think he is behaving in a manner he would not have had he not fried a significant number of neurons in his frontal and temporal lobe.

My previous comment about hoping you flunk out of medical school when you describe Beck's addiction as you did was only due to my belief that given epidemic proportions of addictions these days, any medical professional who does not understand that will not be able to either diagnose nor effectively treat his patients.

Here's a news flash for you: I am at a state medical school. My hospital serves an urban under-served population that is entirely on medicaid. We don't fucking treat the Glen Beck's of the world here who can afford to go to designer rehab programs. These are the very same people Beck, and his like-minded nitwits want to ensure have no or inadequate coverage. I could regale you with the multitude of patient's who are addicts I've dealt with in my very short time as a medical student, but I'll spare you. On the same note, you can spare me the notion that you really give a damn about these people. I could have gone to medical school elsewhere. I chose to come here to work with this patient base.

And one should know the definitions of the words used before using them to sanctimoniously slander somebody:

And you should learn the definition of slander.

Definition of DEMAGOGUE
1: a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power

Yep. That sounds like Beck.

My comment: This absolutely does NOT in any way describe what Glenn Beck does.

Great. You have your opinion, and I have mine. I don't wish personal ill on you for a differing opinion.

2: a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times.

My comment: Nor does this one though Beck does use a lot of history to make his points.

And this is clearly not the context of the word that I was using to describe Beck.

Finally, will one describe all those hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens who went to the rally, most of them people just trying to lead a decent life and support themselves and their families as demogogues? People who do understand unalienable rights, who do love their country, and who do want to restore traditional values and virtues that made it the country it is? Do you honestly think they are demogogues?

Are you dense? No, I don't think they are demagogues. Did I say they were demagogues? I said they were being led by the nose by a demagogue. Reading comprehension is your friend.

If not, why would you describe the person who speaks their language, who inspires them, and encourages them as a demogogue?

Because he is a classic demAgogue.
Let's distinguish between the point and your failure to recognize it from your false assumption. Public admission is not about what one does for a living Sparky. It's a step in the program. I am so glad that you are so perfect a being. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am far from perfect. Again, I am also not a public persona.

So, again, I fail to see your point.

Finally, if you think Beck isn't pimping his past and subsequent conversation to Christianity to pad his wallet, then you should smoke some of whatever it is he was smoking back in his drug days.
I'm sure you haven't had 99% of the illnesses or conditions that a medical professional has to deal with. But to understand and have compassion, understanding, even appreciation, for the truly heroic effort required to overcome a debilitating and often deadly addiction should be high on the list of those things a medical professional should understand and know about. And also why certain substances should not be prescribed so as not to regenerate the dependency.

Blah, blah, blah. Spare me the medical ethics lecture, especially after telling me that you hoped I failed out of medical school because I dared speak out against Baby Huey.

You don't have to tell me about addiction.

I know it's a sad disease, and I am glad for anyone that is in recovery for it.

Regardless of if an addict gets the help they receive or don't, they are always an addict and that fact speaks to a lack of willpower, discipline, and a personal shortcoming that calls into question their "fitness" to be a leader. Lest you think that is harsh, the military has the exact same opinion.

It also calls into question the person's neurophysiology and how much permanent damage has been done to it and how that effects their ability to reason and handle stress and emotion.

When Beck cries like a little baby on T.V., I think he is sincere. I just think he is behaving in a manner he would not have had he not fried a significant number of neurons in his frontal and temporal lobe.

My previous comment about hoping you flunk out of medical school when you describe Beck's addiction as you did was only due to my belief that given epidemic proportions of addictions these days, any medical professional who does not understand that will not be able to either diagnose nor effectively treat his patients.

Here's a news flash for you: I am at a state medical school. My hospital serves an urban under-served population that is entirely on medicaid. We don't fucking treat the Glen Beck's of the world here who can afford to go to designer rehab programs. These are the very same people Beck, and his like-minded nitwits want to ensure have no or inadequate coverage. I could regale you with the multitude of patient's who are addicts I've dealt with in my very short time as a medical student, but I'll spare you. On the same note, you can spare me the notion that you really give a damn about these people. I could have gone to medical school elsewhere. I chose to come here to work with this patient base.

And you should learn the definition of slander.

Yep. That sounds like Beck.

Great. You have your opinion, and I have mine. I don't wish personal ill on you for a differing opinion.

And this is clearly not the context of the word that I was using to describe Beck.

Finally, will one describe all those hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens who went to the rally, most of them people just trying to lead a decent life and support themselves and their families as demogogues? People who do understand unalienable rights, who do love their country, and who do want to restore traditional values and virtues that made it the country it is? Do you honestly think they are demogogues?

Are you dense? No, I don't think they are demagogues. Did I say they were demagogues? I said they were being led by the nose by a demagogue. Reading comprehension is your friend.

If not, why would you describe the person who speaks their language, who inspires them, and encourages them as a demogogue?

Because he is a classic demAgogue.

I am beginning to think you aren't a medical student at all. I just don't see that kind of focus and discipline in your posts. As far as definitions go, I think I am on more secure ground than you are.

As for me wanting you to flunk out of medical school, I suggest you go back and re-read that. It had nothing to do with your criticism of Beck. It did include a very explicit condition of a mindset that should disqualify a physician from being licensed however.

My purpose here is not to take you on GTH, nor do I have any desire or intention of getting in a food fight with you. The only reason I didn't just ignore and scroll past your initial hateful comments was because I did hold you in higher esteem than the trolls. At least at the time.
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I am beginning to think you aren't a medical student at all. I just don't see that kind of focus and discipline in your posts. As far as definitions go, I think I am on more secure ground than you are.

I don't care what you think or want. It's irrelevant to where I am, and what I am doing.

As for me wanting you to flunk out of medical school, I suggest you go back and re-read that. It had nothing to do with your criticism of Beck. It did include a very explicit condition of a mindset that should disqualify a physician from being licensed however.

I got your point, it was just moronic. You were offended that I dared to point out that Beck is a former addict and then decided to use that as a commentary on my fitness to be a physician.

I am beginning to think you aren't a medical student at all. I just don't see that kind of focus and discipline in your posts. As far as definitions go, I think I am on more secure ground than you are.

I don't care what you think or want. It's irrelevant to where I am, and what I am doing.

As for me wanting you to flunk out of medical school, I suggest you go back and re-read that. It had nothing to do with your criticism of Beck. It did include a very explicit condition of a mindset that should disqualify a physician from being licensed however.

I got your point, it was just moronic. You were offended that I dared to point out that Beck is a former addict and then decided to use that as a commentary on my fitness to be a physician.


No. HE points out he is a former addict. Why should I object to somebody else noting that as well?

It was that you characterized that as an unacceptable and degenerate condition.

You should apologize for that.
No. HE points out he is a former addict. Why should I object to somebody else noting that as well?

I have no idea.

It was that you characterized that as an unacceptable and degenerate condition.

I did? Where did I do that? I only pointed out that Beck's lack of willpower speaks to his fitness to be the ideological leader for a movement that seeks to "restore honor" to this country.

You should apologize for that.

Okay. I apologize for failing to care that you are so enamored with Beck that you have developed pathetically thin skin and flip out when anyone dares to point out his obvious flaws and feel the need to attack said person like a rabid chihuahua.


No. HE points out he is a former addict. Why should I object to somebody else noting that as well?

I have no idea.

It was that you characterized that as an unacceptable and degenerate condition.

I did? Where did I do that? I only pointed out that Beck's lack of willpower speaks to his fitness to be the ideological leader for a movement that seeks to "restore honor" to this country.

You should apologize for that.

Okay. I apologize for failing to care that you are so enamored with Beck that you have developed pathetically thin skin and flip out when anyone dares to point out his obvious flaws and feel the need to attack said person like a rabid chihuahua.



And I apologize for thinking you were somebody that would be pretty neat to get to know. Oh well. That just speaks to my lack of judgment I guess. Cest la vie.
I'm sure you haven't had 99% of the illnesses or conditions that a medical professional has to deal with. But to understand and have compassion, understanding, even appreciation, for the truly heroic effort required to overcome a debilitating and often deadly addiction should be high on the list of those things a medical professional should understand and know about. And also why certain substances should not be prescribed so as not to regenerate the dependency.

Blah, blah, blah. Spare me the medical ethics lecture, especially after telling me that you hoped I failed out of medical school because I dared speak out against Baby Huey.

You don't have to tell me about addiction.

I know it's a sad disease, and I am glad for anyone that is in recovery for it.

Regardless of if an addict gets the help they receive or don't, they are always an addict and that fact speaks to a lack of willpower, discipline, and a personal shortcoming that calls into question their "fitness" to be a leader. Lest you think that is harsh, the military has the exact same opinion.

It also calls into question the person's neurophysiology and how much permanent damage has been done to it and how that effects their ability to reason and handle stress and emotion.

When Beck cries like a little baby on T.V., I think he is sincere. I just think he is behaving in a manner he would not have had he not fried a significant number of neurons in his frontal and temporal lobe.

My previous comment about hoping you flunk out of medical school when you describe Beck's addiction as you did was only due to my belief that given epidemic proportions of addictions these days, any medical professional who does not understand that will not be able to either diagnose nor effectively treat his patients.

Here's a news flash for you: I am at a state medical school. My hospital serves an urban under-served population that is entirely on medicaid. We don't fucking treat the Glen Beck's of the world here who can afford to go to designer rehab programs. These are the very same people Beck, and his like-minded nitwits want to ensure have no or inadequate coverage. I could regale you with the multitude of patient's who are addicts I've dealt with in my very short time as a medical student, but I'll spare you. On the same note, you can spare me the notion that you really give a damn about these people. I could have gone to medical school elsewhere. I chose to come here to work with this patient base.

And you should learn the definition of slander.

Yep. That sounds like Beck.

Great. You have your opinion, and I have mine. I don't wish personal ill on you for a differing opinion.

And this is clearly not the context of the word that I was using to describe Beck.

Finally, will one describe all those hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens who went to the rally, most of them people just trying to lead a decent life and support themselves and their families as demogogues? People who do understand unalienable rights, who do love their country, and who do want to restore traditional values and virtues that made it the country it is? Do you honestly think they are demogogues?

Are you dense? No, I don't think they are demagogues. Did I say they were demagogues? I said they were being led by the nose by a demagogue. Reading comprehension is your friend.

If not, why would you describe the person who speaks their language, who inspires them, and encourages them as a demogogue?

Because he is a classic demAgogue.

He is a Fucking Talk Show Host, Shit for brain's, not a Government Leader. With your bedside manner you should stick to changing bed pan's retard. How about you work on that personality disorder. For a pompous silver spooned horses ass, you are alright. ;)
You inexperienced, misguided sack of shit.
He is a Fucking Talk Show Host, Shit for brain's, not a Government Leader.

He's a "Fucking Talk Show Host" who desires to be so much more. Beck's narcissism to hold a "Restore Honor" rally on the same day and sight of MLK is grandiosity to the extreme.

With your bedside manner you should stick to changing bed pan's retard.

"Bedside manner"? What the fuck are you talking about? Are we in a hospital right now and I didn't know it? Is this like the time you improperly used the term "prognosis" and looked stupid for doing so?

Or are you just trying to come up with clever insults?

Either way, you look stupid. But, let's face it, that's situation normal for you.

How about you work on that personality disorder.

Oh. This is always fun. You are going to play Shithouse Psychiatrist.

What personality disorder do I have and why?

For a pompous silver spooned horses ass, you are alright. ;)

I'll take pompous. But "silver-spooned"? You clearly know nothing about me. I don't really expect you too. However, if you want to try to make a relevant personal jab at me, you missed on that one.

You inexperienced, misguided sack of shit.

You second hand douche bag laying under the mattress of a $5 French whore!

Wow! This is fun!

BTW, what is your level of "experience"?
He is a Fucking Talk Show Host, Shit for brain's, not a Government Leader.

He's a "Fucking Talk Show Host" who desires to be so much more. Beck's narcissism to hold a "Restore Honor" rally on the same day and sight of MLK is grandiosity to the extreme.

With your bedside manner you should stick to changing bed pan's retard.

"Bedside manner"? What the fuck are you talking about? Are we in a hospital right now and I didn't know it? Is this like the time you improperly used the term "prognosis" and looked stupid for doing so?

Or are you just trying to come up with clever insults?

Either way, you look stupid. But, let's face it, that's situation normal for you.

Oh. This is always fun. You are going to play Shithouse Psychiatrist.

What personality disorder do I have and why?

For a pompous silver spooned horses ass, you are alright. ;)

I'll take pompous. But "silver-spooned"? You clearly know nothing about me. I don't really expect you too. However, if you want to try to make a relevant personal jab at me, you missed on that one.

You inexperienced, misguided sack of shit.

You second hand douche bag laying under the mattress of a $5 French whore!

Wow! This is fun!

BTW, what is your level of "experience"?

Piss ant, What the fuck is it to you what day the Rally was held on. Fuck You. MLK's speech was meant for everyone except Conservatives??? Is that it, you ignorant Fuck. Glenn claimed in choosing that date, at first, he did not know the significance, he had other things on his mind. I believe him, and find no problem with what both MLK or Beck set out to do on that date, or where. I know that you are too retarded to understand, not being able to form an original thought without first phoning home. Still, you have no excuse. Beck hit a Grand Slam Saturday, and that is what you have a problem with. That, and most anyone that refuses to think like you. My problem is with your attitude, more than your politics. You are in the wrong profession, if you deal with people in any way. You just don't have the skills.

Ask yourself why you are so bitter, Jerk off, why you are so biased about what you have not even begun to comprehend. What is your disorder??? The next time you find yourself knocked on your ass, I want you to contemplate that. So you are not silver spooned, just an essentialist. There is nothing received that was not first given or taken from another. There is no free lunch. Somebody always pays, one way or another.
Piss ant, What the fuck is it to you what day the Rally was held on. Fuck You. MLK's speech was meant for everyone except Conservatives??? Is that it, you ignorant Fuck. Glenn claimed in choosing that date, at first, he did not know the significance, he had other things on his mind. I believe him, and find no problem with what both MLK or Beck set out to do on that date, or where. I know that you are too retarded to understand, not being able to form an original thought without first phoning home. Still, you have no excuse. Beck hit a Grand Slam Saturday, and that is what you have a problem with. That, and most anyone that refuses to think like you. My problem is with your attitude, more than your politics. You are in the wrong profession, if you deal with people in any way. You just don't have the skills.

Ask yourself why you are so bitter, Jerk off, why you are so biased about what you have not even begun to comprehend. What is your disorder??? The next time you find yourself knocked on your ass, I want you to contemplate that. So you are not silver spooned, just an essentialist. There is nothing received that was not first given or taken from another. There is no free lunch. Somebody always pays, one way or another.

Oh! Look children! A rage-a-haulic!

Watch as his dances too and fro!

Your post along with your impotent jabs at me is profoundly hilarious when read aloud. I recommend it to anyone on this thread.

Again, like your friends, your opinion on my current situation is entirely irrelevant to me.

If you are too stupid to grasp the basic ideal that a message board is not real life, then you have bigger problems than me.

Don't forget to take your heart meds tonight. Wouldn't want you to stroke out in a fit of hypertension.
Piss ant, What the fuck is it to you what day the Rally was held on. Fuck You. MLK's speech was meant for everyone except Conservatives??? Is that it, you ignorant Fuck. Glenn claimed in choosing that date, at first, he did not know the significance, he had other things on his mind. I believe him, and find no problem with what both MLK or Beck set out to do on that date, or where. I know that you are too retarded to understand, not being able to form an original thought without first phoning home. Still, you have no excuse. Beck hit a Grand Slam Saturday, and that is what you have a problem with. That, and most anyone that refuses to think like you. My problem is with your attitude, more than your politics. You are in the wrong profession, if you deal with people in any way. You just don't have the skills.

Ask yourself why you are so bitter, Jerk off, why you are so biased about what you have not even begun to comprehend. What is your disorder??? The next time you find yourself knocked on your ass, I want you to contemplate that. So you are not silver spooned, just an essentialist. There is nothing received that was not first given or taken from another. There is no free lunch. Somebody always pays, one way or another.

Oh! Look children! A rage-a-haulic!

Watch as his dances too and fro!

Your post along with your impotent jabs at me is profoundly hilarious when read aloud. I recommend it to anyone on this thread.

Again, like your friends, your opinion on my current situation is entirely irrelevant to me.

If you are too stupid to grasp the basic ideal that a message board is not real life, then you have bigger problems than me.

Don't forget to take your heart meds tonight. Wouldn't want you to stroke out in a fit of hypertension.

LOL!!! The little turd has something to say. How nice. Winston Smith, Mr. Hanky, what ever your name is, Piss off. I'm not the one that lost it over the Restoring Honor Rally, you are. I'm not the one relating disrespectfully to women on this board, you are. Spin away Candy Ass! My heart, which is not on any medication, is doing fine, and so is my temper. Run along now and play in traffic. See how many headlights you can catch. Wait, ...I hesitate... should anything happen, would you give road kill a bad name??? Never mind. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Piss ant, What the fuck is it to you what day the Rally was held on. Fuck You. MLK's speech was meant for everyone except Conservatives??? Is that it, you ignorant Fuck. Glenn claimed in choosing that date, at first, he did not know the significance, he had other things on his mind. I believe him, and find no problem with what both MLK or Beck set out to do on that date, or where. I know that you are too retarded to understand, not being able to form an original thought without first phoning home. Still, you have no excuse. Beck hit a Grand Slam Saturday, and that is what you have a problem with. That, and most anyone that refuses to think like you. My problem is with your attitude, more than your politics. You are in the wrong profession, if you deal with people in any way. You just don't have the skills.

Ask yourself why you are so bitter, Jerk off, why you are so biased about what you have not even begun to comprehend. What is your disorder??? The next time you find yourself knocked on your ass, I want you to contemplate that. So you are not silver spooned, just an essentialist. There is nothing received that was not first given or taken from another. There is no free lunch. Somebody always pays, one way or another.

Oh! Look children! A rage-a-haulic!

Watch as his dances too and fro!

Your post along with your impotent jabs at me is profoundly hilarious when read aloud. I recommend it to anyone on this thread.

Again, like your friends, your opinion on my current situation is entirely irrelevant to me.

If you are too stupid to grasp the basic ideal that a message board is not real life, then you have bigger problems than me.

Don't forget to take your heart meds tonight. Wouldn't want you to stroke out in a fit of hypertension.

LOL!!! The little turd has something to say. How nice. Winston Smith, Mr. Hanky, what ever your name is, Piss off. I'm not the one that lost it over the Restoring Honor Rally, you are. I'm not the one relating disrespectfully to women on this board, you are. Spin away Candy Ass! My heart, which is not on any medication, is doing fine, and so is my temper. Run along now and play in traffic. See how many headlights you can catch. Wait, ...I hesitate... should anything happen, would you give road kill a bad name??? Never mind. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are right. In no way to your posts at all convey that you have "lost it" or have been at all unhinged by our interaction.

You stand as the very gold standard for logical and rational debate in an otherwise crazy world.

I am so glad I got to make your acquaintance!
Some of us on message boards are real people who are the people we say we are. We participate on a message board with other people who are who they say they are and we do it for entertainment, to test ideas, theories, perhaps sometimes to persuade, and sometimes to see if our own point of view can stand up and be defended against opposing points of view.

I'm guessing that there are some here who are genuine who would oppose a rally like the Restore Honor rally because they are so emeshed in their own ideology and partisanship they are unwilling or unable to understand what that rally was all about. I think there are some here who are not who they claim to be but who use a venue like this to demonstrate rage or frustrations that they don't dare demonstrate in real life.

I am convinced that the large huge majority of all those hundreds of thousands of people who attended the Restore Honor rally are who they say they are. They are real people with real lives that include real problems and who know things could be better if this country would return to a few core principles and values that made it what it once was.
Oh! Look children! A rage-a-haulic!

Watch as his dances too and fro!

Your post along with your impotent jabs at me is profoundly hilarious when read aloud. I recommend it to anyone on this thread.

Again, like your friends, your opinion on my current situation is entirely irrelevant to me.

If you are too stupid to grasp the basic ideal that a message board is not real life, then you have bigger problems than me.

Don't forget to take your heart meds tonight. Wouldn't want you to stroke out in a fit of hypertension.

LOL!!! The little turd has something to say. How nice. Winston Smith, Mr. Hanky, what ever your name is, Piss off. I'm not the one that lost it over the Restoring Honor Rally, you are. I'm not the one relating disrespectfully to women on this board, you are. Spin away Candy Ass! My heart, which is not on any medication, is doing fine, and so is my temper. Run along now and play in traffic. See how many headlights you can catch. Wait, ...I hesitate... should anything happen, would you give road kill a bad name??? Never mind. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are right. In no way to your posts at all convey that you have "lost it" or have been at all unhinged by our interaction.

You stand as the very gold standard for logical and rational debate in an otherwise crazy world.

I am so glad I got to make your acquaintance!

WTF is with you??? Oh... you took your medications??? That explains it. ??? Na... You are just too tricky sometimes!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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