It's a Matter of Honor - the 8/28 Rally at the Lincoln Memorial

I was going to go to the Restoring Honor Rally but my fiance had to work. Very disappointed I missed it. It was a historical event. Most estimates put the crowd at 300,000 to half a million people (probably closer to half a million). They said it was the 6th largest crowd ever at the mall.

Here's an interesting thing that happened at the rally. Glenn Beck had been trying to get the military to do a flyover as the rally began. Because of air restrictions over DC this was not possible. Just as the music started commencing the rally a flock of geese flew over the crowd in formation. It was pretty cool.
Maybe patriots wave flags, oh but that pisses commies off, if you don't like flag waving, leave my country please. Oh by the way I am wearing my flag with the ten commandments on it t-shirt, that probably pisses you off to.

And yet with all your childish retort, you have NOT answered the question.....WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE BECK RALLY? WHAT EXACT POINT WAS ALL THE FLAG WAVING AND PSEUDO-EVANGELISM ABOUT?

I mean, if you want to pay money and take time to travel across the country to wave a flag for the hell of it, that's your business. You want to wear the Ten Commandments on a T-shirt, I really could care less if you did or didn't. But if some self-promoting yahoo along with a politician's front organization organize and promote a nationwide rally, WHAT EXACTLY ARE THEY RALLYING ABOUT, AND DID THE RALLY FOLLOW THE STATED THEME/TITLE?

To date, a lot of jingoistic noise and excuses, but no answers from Beck's idiot (his description, not mine) supporters.

There is a really really simple answer to that question.

THROUGHOUT history America has seen many great leaders and
noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and
by their example that we can live as a free country. On August 28th, come
celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.
Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin
and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s
service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s
founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.
Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values
that founded this great nation. Come join us on August 28th in our pledge to
restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
at the steps of the
August 28, 2010
10:00 AM
-No tickets required-
Appearances from Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Jo Dee Messina & More!
The Restoring Honor Rally is a non-political and non-partisan event. All proceeds will go
to the 501 (c)3 charity The Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF).
1) Who are the speakers?
The speakers include Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Marcus Luttrell. Jo Dee Messina will be
performing as well.
2) Is this a 9/12 or Tea Party rally?
No. The Restoring Honor Rally is neither a 9/12 nor a Tea Party rally. There will be absolutely no
politics involved. This rally will honor the troops, unite the American people under the principles of
integrity and truth, and make a pledge to restore honor within ourselves and our country.
4) What can I bring?
You can bring small umbrellas, bottled water, bag lunches, snacks, lawn chairs, cameras, blankets,
small coolers, backpacks, and flags.
5) What CAN’T I bring?
Please no helium balloons, pets, alcohol, fireworks, or glass containers. Please refrain from bringing
signs (political or otherwise) as they may deter from the peaceful message we are bringing to
6) What is the best way to get to Washington D.C.?
Parking is very difficult to find in DC. Therefore, we suggest traveling with a group from your area.
You can reserve or register a bus on our website. Please find bus registration info by visiting
Restoring Honor - 8.28.10
6) How should I dress?
Remember, it gets very hot and humid in Washington, D.C. late August, so be sure to wear
comfortable and lightweight clothes. Rain is also unpredictable that time of year, so keep your fingers
crossed, but pack an umbrella!
7) Can I camp out at the Lincoln Memorial site?
Due to NPS laws, no one is allowed to camp out overnight at the Lincoln Memorial site.
8) How can I volunteer?
The best way to help us is to spread the word about the rally. Please hand this flyer out to your family
and friends, and make sure your community is aware—whether that’s your neighborhood, church,
school, office, etc.
Page 1 4/13/2010
Special Operations Warrior Foundation
Talking Points
Mission: For 30 years, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a nonprofit
501 (c) (3) organization, has provided college educations to the
surviving children of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special
operations personnel killed in combat or training. Additionally, the Warrior
Foundation provides immediate financial assistance to special operations
personnel severely wounded so their loved ones can be bedside during their
Programs: The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides college
scholarship grants, not loans, to surviving children of special operations
personnel killed in combat or training missions.
Scholarships (tuition, books, fees, supplies, expenses, room and
board, plus computer and printer) cover the full cost of a college
education at post-secondary institutes across the nation, including
state and community colleges, vocational-technical training and
career institutes.
Family Service: From the initial contact with the family through
college education, children of fallen special operations warriors and/or
their guardians receive assistance and support from the Foundation’s
family advisor.
Wounded Special Operations Forces Support: The Warrior
Foundation provides $2,000 to cover immediate financial needs for
Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special operations personnel
severely wounded in operations.
Overhead: The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is proud of its low
overhead. In 2009, the administrative overhead was 7.7 percent.
Awards: The SOWF was awarded its fourth consecutive 4-star rating for its
financial efficiency by a charity watchdog group, Charity Navigator. Less
than 7 percent of the 5,300 charities rated by Charity Navigator receive this
exceptional rating.
The SOWF is the proud recipient of the Best in America seal of excellence
awarded by the Independent Charities of America as well as the Better
Business Bureau Accredited Charity Seal for meeting all of their stringent
Page 2 4/13/2010
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation currently has 133
students enrolled in colleges and universities across the country.
Last year, the Foundation provided $2.7 million in scholarship
grants, academic, financial aid, and family support to our families.
In 2009, the Foundation provided $311,000 in financial assistance
to severely wounded (hospitalized) special operations
personnel so their families could be bedside. To date, we have
provided over One Million Dollars to wounded Special
Operations warriors.
Total number of Special Operations Forces (SOF) casualties since
1980: 721
Total number of children in our program since 1980: 836
Total number of SOF casualties since 9/11/2001: 388
Total number of children left behind from SOF casualties
since 9/11: 441
Total number of SOWF college graduates: 158
Last year, America lost 46 Special Operations personnel… compared
to an average of 15 SOF casualties prior to Sept. 2001.

Funny how throughout the ENTIRE hoopla (damn near 6 months promotion on FOX TV and radio) leading up to this BS, this Special Operations Warrior Foundation WAS NOT at the forefront of the promotion....Period.

In fact, throughout the entire "sermon" that Beck gave, or the parrot squawk of Palin, or any other of the speakers at the Beck BS, SOWF was NOT the main focus!

Instead, we got a lot of generalized BS about returning honor to the country (and just exactly what was going on that made Beck and his idiots feel dishonorable? I note that they don't DARE point to the Shrub's bogus war in Iraq that killed over 4 thousand troops and maimed, wounded 30,000 more). And then an Elmer Gantry/Lonesome Rhodes impersonation by Beck.

So once again...BECK PLAYED YOU FOR A CHUMP! He could have had numerous fund raisers prior to this BS shindig of his.....but instead he plays on the bigotry and misguided frustrations of teabaggers and the like. And Beck gets to justify his salary to his sponsors, and cement his inflated ego onto the minds of his idiots (his words, not mine), while making himself a person of note for GOP politicians who may need a boost in a campaign.

But as Beck himself stated, he couldn't give a damn about politics...with him it's all about the Benjamins!
You still don't get it. The message of the Rally is greater than Beck. You could destroy Beck. You could kill him. You could make him completely irrelevant. Lock him in prison. Lock him in an insane assylum. The message of Faith, Hope, Charity, and honor would still go strong. Its not about Glenn.

You don't understand the message. So you attack the messenger. It scares you, but it shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with being an honorable person. There is nothing wrong with Faith, Hope, Charity. These are principles that have been preached from the beginning.

Try as you might, you can't defeat them.

You sound like some zealot Taliban or Al Qaeda member, you know. A lot of empty rhetoric and mantras to mask your misguided fears, frustration and hate.

Wake the hell up can't praise Beck and then disown him at the same time. And you sure as hell can't blather on about some message when you can't even explain/describe it in the simplest terms here. I'm asking YOU to explain it....and all you've given is a lot of smoke!

Beck is playing you for a chump...and your stubborn pride prevents you from admitting such. Beck himself has stated for posterity that folk like you are idiots, and that he doesn't give a rat's ass about him it's a business that's about self promotion and the MONEY! Becks words, not mine.

Was there faith, hope and charity missing from the DECADES of celebrations of the King Washington, DC? Is that what you're saying? Because if so, then you are severely ignorant as to what King stated in that speech or what people who've celebrated it since have done.

Get real, man.
What is pathetic is what is in the white house. A pathetic excuse for a president. Glenn Beck is more honest and has more character than those idiots.

:eek: Beck is calling YOU an idiot, don't cha know? He's just taking cues from "Elmer Gantry" and "Lonesome Rhodes"...and idiots like you (Beck's words, not mine) are lapping it up and putting bucks in his pocket. BECK DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU OR YOUR POLITICS, AND HE'S STATED JUST THAT. DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK HONESTLY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.....STOP BEING A CHUMP FOR BECK. WAKE UP!
You've been banging on your pots again, haven't you Ruprecht?

[ame=]YouTube - Steve Martin - Ruprecht[/ame]

And obviously you can't handle the truth....Beck calls YOU and idiot for supporting his dog & pony show and you react with childish insults directed at the people who point this out to you.

Don't shoot the messenger, bunky.
Some of us on message boards are real people who are the people we say we are. We participate on a message board with other people who are who they say they are and we do it for entertainment, to test ideas, theories, perhaps sometimes to persuade, and sometimes to see if our own point of view can stand up and be defended against opposing points of view.

I'm guessing that there are some here who are genuine who would oppose a rally like the Restore Honor rally because they are so emeshed in their own ideology and partisanship they are unwilling or unable to understand what that rally was all about. I think there are some here who are not who they claim to be but who use a venue like this to demonstrate rage or frustrations that they don't dare demonstrate in real life.

I am convinced that the large huge majority of all those hundreds of thousands of people who attended the Restore Honor rally are who they say they are. They are real people with real lives that include real problems and who know things could be better if this country would return to a few core principles and values that made it what it once was.

Please explain exactly what honor was lost, how it was lost and by whom? So far, all you've accomplished is parroting a lot of empty rhetoric.

Beck called YOU an idiot, and has stated for him it's not about politics, but about business (aka the Benjamins!). YOU are being played for a chump.
You sound like some zealot Taliban or Al Qaeda member, you know. A lot of empty rhetoric and mantras to mask your misguided fears, frustration and hate.

Wake the hell up can't praise Beck and then disown him at the same time. And you sure as hell can't blather on about some message when you can't even explain/describe it in the simplest terms here. I'm asking YOU to explain it....and all you've given is a lot of smoke!

Beck is playing you for a chump...and your stubborn pride prevents you from admitting such. Beck himself has stated for posterity that folk like you are idiots, and that he doesn't give a rat's ass about him it's a business that's about self promotion and the MONEY! Becks words, not mine.

Was there faith, hope and charity missing from the DECADES of celebrations of the King Washington, DC? Is that what you're saying? Because if so, then you are severely ignorant as to what King stated in that speech or what people who've celebrated it since have done.

Get real, man.

lol. There is no empty rhetoric here. I'm not afraid. I certainly don't hate anyone. And honestly, I am not frustrated in the least. Why should I be?

The message was pretty simple. As I've explained to you. Turn to God. Be honest. Have faith in God, Have hope. Be charitable.

Empty rhetoric? There is nothing empty about it. Individuals living those principles can change the country, they can change the world.

That's the beauty of America. It's about the Individual. It's what the individual can do. The power of one person. And when that one person puts His trust in God, nothing is impossible.

Glenn didn't make money on the Rally. Heck, he spent quite a bit of his own money for it. But you don't get that Glenn doesn't matter. Let him make whatever money he can by his labors. Whether he has billions of dollars or zero, the message is the same. Faith, Hope, Charity. Individual empowerment. This message is greater than any one person.

A man named Lee called Glenn this morning. The transcript is here. This man took Glenn's 40 day and 40 night challenge in preparation for the Rally. It changed his life. He turned back to God. He started going to Church again. He started being honest with himself and with others. He has been reparing his relationship with his wife. He stopped looking at pornography. This is real change, dare I say it Fundamental change.

This is just one person's life. But I'm willing to bet that he isn't the only one who did this and changed his life.

You think this is all about money? Then you've missed the point completely.
I was going to go to the Restoring Honor Rally but my fiance had to work. Very disappointed I missed it. It was a historical event. Most estimates put the crowd at 300,000 to half a million people (probably closer to half a million). They said it was the 6th largest crowd ever at the mall.

Here's an interesting thing that happened at the rally. Glenn Beck had been trying to get the military to do a flyover as the rally began. Because of air restrictions over DC this was not possible. Just as the music started commencing the rally a flock of geese flew over the crowd in formation. It was pretty cool.

Reality check: SLATED for about 300, estimate was 87,000. This was with MONTHS of organization and promotion from FreedomWorks and Fox News.

Beck stated that anyone who takes him seriously is an idiot, and he couldn't give a damn about politics because its all about the business of radio jock promotion for him.

You're being played for a fool, my man.
Reality check: SLATED for about 300, estimate was 87,000.

87,000 was a false number CBS put out. Most sources have it as I stated, 300K - 500K. You can look at the aerial photos and clearly see it wasn't 87K. The area around the reflecting pool alone holds about 200K.

It was probably closer to the half a million mark.

I hope people that look at the photos of the rally and believe the bogus 87K number never do intelligence trying to estimate troop numbers from aerial photographs. You'll get a lot of people killed.
You sound like some zealot Taliban or Al Qaeda member, you know. A lot of empty rhetoric and mantras to mask your misguided fears, frustration and hate.

Wake the hell up can't praise Beck and then disown him at the same time. And you sure as hell can't blather on about some message when you can't even explain/describe it in the simplest terms here. I'm asking YOU to explain it....and all you've given is a lot of smoke!

Beck is playing you for a chump...and your stubborn pride prevents you from admitting such. Beck himself has stated for posterity that folk like you are idiots, and that he doesn't give a rat's ass about him it's a business that's about self promotion and the MONEY! Becks words, not mine.

Was there faith, hope and charity missing from the DECADES of celebrations of the King Washington, DC? Is that what you're saying? Because if so, then you are severely ignorant as to what King stated in that speech or what people who've celebrated it since have done.

Get real, man.

lol. There is no empty rhetoric here. I'm not afraid. I certainly don't hate anyone. And honestly, I am not frustrated in the least. Why should I be?

Well chuckles, if there is no frustration or hate, then why support a "rally" that acts as if something has been taken from America and we have to fight to get it back? Get it back from who? Restore honor to what? From what? The empty rhetoric of Beck & Palin massages the frustrations of teabaggers, birthers, wingnuts and like, but to date neither they or you can give just keep blowing smoke.

The message was pretty simple. As I've explained to you. Turn to God. Be honest. Have faith in God, Have hope. Be charitable.

And it took Beck's bullshit do this for you? Or were you NOT aware that the King was a REVEREND, and his basis for spearheading the March on Washington WAS DEEPLY ROOTED IN HIS RELIGIOUS FAITH. Evidently, you are painfully ignorant on the subject....or maybe you should re-read the speech and get a clue before you babble on:

The I Have a Dream Speech - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Empty rhetoric? There is nothing empty about it. Individuals living those principles can change the country, they can change the world.

No shit sherlock?!?! They did just that in 1963, and have been persevering in that venue ever since. Where were all Beck's idiots over the years when the ANNUAL celebrations of the March on Washington were taking place? The invitation was open....but it seems neocons, teabaggers, birthers and wingnuts need to define themselves separate from Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement legacy. Why is that? Is Becks pseudo-evangelism more closer to God for his idiots?

That's the beauty of America. It's about the Individual. It's what the individual can do. The power of one person. And when that one person puts His trust in God, nothing is impossible.

Spar me a regurgitation of Becks empty evangelism.....Burt Lancaster and Andy Griffith did it much better. To date, YOU STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS....what are we returning America to, and since when has America lost it's honor? What was the purpose of this rally beyond putting future sponsor and advertising revenue in Beck's pocket, and having that fuzzbrain Palin garner political powerbroker points with the fringe element of the conservative element?

Glenn didn't make money on the Rally. Heck, he spent quite a bit of his own money for it. But you don't get that Glenn doesn't matter. Let him make whatever money he can by his labors. Whether he has billions of dollars or zero, the message is the same. Faith, Hope, Charity. Individual empowerment. This message is greater than any one person.

You keep kissing Becks ass and defending him with all sort of supposition and conjecture. Think, genius, THINK! How do you suppose Beck amassed his millionaire status? It's by being able to garner advertising revenue from politicians and commercial sales. His rally was seriously advertised by FreedomWorks and where do you prove that Beck ponied up bucks for this? People were paying bus fares organized through FreedomWork to get to the affair. And you can repeat your religious mantra all day and night, but I already deconstructed that nonsense above, and I doubt you'll either have the courage or the smarts to address it properly.

A man named Lee called Glenn this morning. The transcript is here. This man took Glenn's 40 day and 40 night challenge in preparation for the Rally. It changed his life. He turned back to God. He started going to Church again. He started being honest with himself and with others. He has been reparing his relationship with his wife. He stopped looking at pornography. This is real change, dare I say it Fundamental change.

This is just one person's life. But I'm willing to bet that he isn't the only one who did this and changed his life.

You think this is all about money? Then you've missed the point completely.

Are you for real? Do you actually BELIEVE this crap? And if, God forbid, it has an ounce of truth in fucking pathetic is this joker that for YEARS he ignored established organized religions and various evangelicals until a lying SOS like Beck, who admits anyone who follows him is an idiot and that he's all about the business of radio jock promotion and not politics, tells him to do so! Good Lord man, if Beck told this jackass to jump, he'd say how high! Beck is living the wet dream of becoming a mixture of Elmer Gantry and Lonesome Rhodes...and folk like you are his willing chumps (or "idiots", as he likes to call you).

Remember bunky, Beck said it was all about the money, and you're an idiot to take him seriously....not me.
And obviously you can't handle the truth....Beck calls YOU and idiot for supporting his dog & pony show and you react with childish insults directed at the people who point this out to you.

Don't shoot the messenger, bunky.

Unlike you, I don't have problems with context, logic and adult conversation. I know what he means when he says those things. The fact you are "insulted" by me not being "insulted" is the height of lunacy, Ruprecht.

You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the Truth! BAAAHHHH No truth handler you! I deride your truth handling ability!

Reality check: SLATED for about 300, estimate was 87,000.

87,000 was a false number CBS put out. Most sources have it as I stated, 300K - 500K. You can look at the aerial photos and clearly see it wasn't 87K. The area around the reflecting pool alone holds about 200K.

It was probably closer to the half a million mark.

I hope people that look at the photos of the rally and believe the bogus 87K number never do intelligence trying to estimate troop numbers from aerial photographs. You'll get a lot of people killed.

So CBS puts out a number that you don't like, and it's automatically false?

What were your sources for the 300-500k count? Beck? Bachman? Hell, at least CBS poll says there's a 9,000 margin of error either way. And I've got news for you....on this board it was demonstrated how an aerial photo of a few thousand folk can seem like millions when taken at the right angle. In fact, the famous photo from 1963 for the original March on Washington gives the impression of a hell of a lot more people than there actually were.

Given the documented lies and exaggerations of Beck and Bachman, I wouldn't put much stock in there estimates.
And obviously you can't handle the truth....Beck calls YOU and idiot for supporting his dog & pony show and you react with childish insults directed at the people who point this out to you.

Don't shoot the messenger, bunky.

Unlike you, I don't have problems with context, logic and adult conversation. I know what he means when he says those things. The fact you are "insulted" by me not being "insulted" is the height of lunacy, Ruprecht.

You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the Truth! BAAAHHHH No truth handler you! I deride your truth handling ability!


You're still blowing smoke, Foxy...and that's about all you've got...because BECK'S OWN WORDS MAKE YOU OUT TO BE THE FOOL. But rather than deal with the reality, you invent some "special" interpretation or "newspeak" to try and mask your much more to pity you, Foxy.

Unlike you, I can admit to error....YOU seem incapable of dealing with context, logic or rational discussion, you resort to silly little comic excerpts from movies and such that have no real relation to the discussion at hand.

Enjoy being one of Beck's idiot's, Foxy (his words, not mine). I'll just watch you create your own little fantasy despite no support from the chronology of the posts. Carry on.
So CBS puts out a number that you don't like, and it's automatically false?

Who said I didn't like the number? Personally I don't care if there were half a million people or 2. Makes no difference to me. I call it like it is. The aerial photographs and many sources clearly show the crowd at 300-500K. Anyone can see that.
And obviously you can't handle the truth....Beck calls YOU and idiot for supporting his dog & pony show and you react with childish insults directed at the people who point this out to you.

Don't shoot the messenger, bunky.

Unlike you, I don't have problems with context, logic and adult conversation. I know what he means when he says those things. The fact you are "insulted" by me not being "insulted" is the height of lunacy, Ruprecht.

You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the Truth! BAAAHHHH No truth handler you! I deride your truth handling ability!


You're still blowing smoke, Foxy...and that's about all you've got...because BECK'S OWN WORDS MAKE YOU OUT TO BE THE FOOL. But rather than deal with the reality, you invent some "special" interpretation or "newspeak" to try and mask your much more to pity you, Foxy.

Unlike you, I can admit to error....YOU seem incapable of dealing with context, logic or rational discussion, you resort to silly little comic excerpts from movies and such that have no real relation to the discussion at hand.

Enjoy being one of Beck's idiot's, Foxy (his words, not mine). I'll just watch you create your own little fantasy despite no support from the chronology of the posts. Carry on.

I have no idea what you're talking about Tai. But I don't really care either, so it's all good. Rave on if it makes you feel better.
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?

The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.
If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor
By Alveda King / August 26, 2010
New York

n front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.

Symbols of liberty
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true. . . .
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -
Didn't realize I'd lost mine
So CBS puts out a number that you don't like, and it's automatically false?

Who said I didn't like the number? Personally I don't care if there were half a million people or 2. Makes no difference to me. I call it like it is. The aerial photographs and many sources clearly show the crowd at 300-500K. Anyone can see that.

What were your sources for the 300-500k count? Beck? Bachman? Hell, at least CBS poll says there's a 9,000 margin of error either way. And I've got news for you....on this board it was demonstrated how an aerial photo of a few thousand folk can seem like millions when taken at the right angle. In fact, the famous photo from 1963 for the original March on Washington gives the impression of a hell of a lot more people than there actually were.

Given the documented lies and exaggerations of Beck and Bachman, I wouldn't put much stock in there estimates.
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?

The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.
If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor
By Alveda King / August 26, 2010
New York

n front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.

Symbols of liberty
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true. . . .
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -
Didn't realize I'd lost mine

Well, I guess if you had listened in on the rally you would know.
Unlike you, I don't have problems with context, logic and adult conversation. I know what he means when he says those things. The fact you are "insulted" by me not being "insulted" is the height of lunacy, Ruprecht.

You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the Truth! BAAAHHHH No truth handler you! I deride your truth handling ability!


You're still blowing smoke, Foxy...and that's about all you've got...because BECK'S OWN WORDS MAKE YOU OUT TO BE THE FOOL. But rather than deal with the reality, you invent some "special" interpretation or "newspeak" to try and mask your much more to pity you, Foxy.

Unlike you, I can admit to error....YOU seem incapable of dealing with context, logic or rational discussion, you resort to silly little comic excerpts from movies and such that have no real relation to the discussion at hand.

Enjoy being one of Beck's idiot's, Foxy (his words, not mine). I'll just watch you create your own little fantasy despite no support from the chronology of the posts. Carry on.

I have no idea what you're talking about Tai. But I don't really care either, so it's all good. Rave on if it makes you feel better.

My error, it's was Fitz I was responding Beck idiots are so similar I sometimes get you mixed up.

So continue to comment on things that you claim you don't care about. :cuckoo:
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?

The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.
Didn't realize I'd lost mine

Well, I guess if you had listened in on the rally you would know.

So you need BECK to tell you about your personal honor and religion?!??!:eek:

Damn, Beck's idiots are MORE F***ed up than I realized!
Reality check: SLATED for about 300, estimate was 87,000.

87,000 was a false number CBS put out. Most sources have it as I stated, 300K - 500K. You can look at the aerial photos and clearly see it wasn't 87K. The area around the reflecting pool alone holds about 200K.

It was probably closer to the half a million mark.

I hope people that look at the photos of the rally and believe the bogus 87K number never do intelligence trying to estimate troop numbers from aerial photographs. You'll get a lot of people killed.

So CBS puts out a number that you don't like, and it's automatically false?

What were your sources for the 300-500k count? Beck? Bachman? Hell, at least CBS poll says there's a 9,000 margin of error either way. And I've got news for you....on this board it was demonstrated how an aerial photo of a few thousand folk can seem like millions when taken at the right angle. In fact, the famous photo from 1963 for the original March on Washington gives the impression of a hell of a lot more people than there actually were.

Given the documented lies and exaggerations of Beck and Bachman, I wouldn't put much stock in there estimates.

Why do you insist on only looking at CBS estimates and ignoring estimates done by multiple other sources that clearly show CBS is full of shit.

But hell if you had ever been to DC which I have several times, all you would need is to see the pictures to have a good idea that it was A hell of a lot more than 87,000.

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