It's about time, folks....

It seems those who make their millions in America are the ones who trash the country the most

No. He has made his pile. He loves his country. He can see the idiots running it have trashed it. He won't put party and leader above national interest.

Iaccoca - true patriot.
No. He has made his pile. He loves his country. He can see the idiots running it have trashed it. He won't put party and leader above national interest.

Iaccoca - true patriot.

If America is so rotten why do these people still live here?
If America is so rotten why do these people still live here?

America is not rotten...America could be better...America has always been about getting better. When the man driving the bus is leading us in the wrong direction, complaining about it does not mean that we want to get off the bus.
America is not rotten...America could be better...America has always been about getting better. When the man driving the bus is leading us in the wrong direction, complaining about it does not mean that we want to get off the bus.

MM just solved the illegal problem

We send MM and his liberal buds to Mexico - they tell everyone what a rotten country Amercia is - and nobody will want to come here anymore
MM just solved the illegal problem

We send MM and his liberal buds to Mexico - they tell everyone what a rotten country Amercia is - and nobody will want to come here anymore

why can't you debate me with any degree of intelligence and honor? I said that complaining about the direction Bush is leading us is not synonymous with saying that AMERICA is rotten...only expressing our opinion that our president is not leading us in the right direction.
why can't you debate me with any degree of intelligence and honor? I said that complaining about the direction Bush is leading us is not synonymous with saying that AMERICA is rotten...only expressing our opinion that our president is not leading us in the right direction.

It seems libs are the ones trashing the country - no matter who is in office
what the fuck does that mean? besides the fact that you refuse to debate me, that is...
Libs have this guilt complex that Amercia is so great and better then other nations

we ARE great and we ARE better than other nations. I do not feel guilty about that in the least and nothing I have ever written here or anywhere else would suggest otherwise.
we ARE great and we ARE better than other nations. I do not feel guilty about that in the least and nothing I have ever written here or anywhere else would suggest otherwise.

Other then supporting a poltical party that smears the troops, wants to surrender to terrorists, and remove all references of God from the public view - you have been tolerable
Other then supporting a poltical party that smears the troops, wants to surrender to terrorists, and remove all references of God from the public view - you have been tolerable

as opposed to YOU, who place party and president above party and are absolutely incapable of expressing yourself or standing by your assertions.....
and when someone disagrees with MM - this is as nice as the posts get

I am not here simply to be NICE...but to debate things with people who can express themselves. You fail miserably at that. I am sorry if the truth about your intellectual deficit is not "nice". Maybe you could try writing something on your own for a change.
I am not here simply to be NICE...but to debate things with people who can express themselves. You fail miserably at that. I am sorry if the truth about your intellectual deficit is not "nice". Maybe you could try writing something on your own for a change.

Libs are seldom nice to anyone who disagrees with them
Libs are seldom nice to anyone who disagrees with them

I am seldom nice to morons who cannot carry on a conversation. I lose patience with idiots and at some point decide that life is too short to continue to waste my time punching moronic tarbabies.
I am seldom nice to morons who cannot carry on a conversation. I lose patience with idiots and at some point decide that life is too short to continue to waste my time punching moronic tarbabies.

It is part of the arrogrance of libs that make them lash out at those who disagree with them
I have repeatedly asked you to answer questions raised by your own statements. you refuse to stand by your own words.

I have shown very well how the left is pushing for surrender and and the terrorists support the Dems

Great way to help lose the war for Amercia
I have shown very well how the left is pushing for surrender and and the terrorists support the Dems

Great way to help lose the war for Amercia

that is not true.

have you shown very well that American casualties are down by 60%

have you shown where Iran is supporting Al Qaeda?
that is not true.

have you shown very well that American casualties are down by 60%

have you shown where Iran is supporting Al Qaeda?

As the troops try to kill the enemy and win the war - Dems stick the knife in their backs and push for surrender

Love that support Dems show the troops

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